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~ About Taboo Tarot Reader ~
Creator of the
Taboo Tarot Deck; Author of "Astrology For Divination"


What are the hidden connections between the Tarot, Astrology & Yoga?

in 2019 i had the privilege to complete the 200hr yoga teacher training in rishikesh, india. This deepened my personal practice as an astrologer for i learned in yoga school that there are intricate interconnections between yoga, vedic astrology, & ayurveda. Yoga opens up your Chakras*, which connect to the different planets' spheres of influence within your psyche, which then further connect to the different doshas & gunas. In the Ancient Cultures which developed the Sacred Science of Astrology ~ in order to practice Divination in the temples ~ spiritual initiates had to devote to the Practice to purify their Mind, Body, & Soul. Over time once the Chakras reached alignment, the human body could attune to Subtle Energies and become a true Cosmic Channel to the Divine. The lines on the palm of your hand are a cosmic imprint of your Natal Chart: the blueprint at the moment of your birth which reflects the basic Subconcious Impulses, Desires, & Spiritual Lessons encoded in your Fate & Destiny. 


For example in a Spiritual Path Reading we are attempting to identify:


"What are the


requirements in your

current incarnation's

Soul Contract


This practice has been inspired by the Collective Healing Journey beginning with this core question.


Everything is energy.

To truly experience your Body, Mind & Soul as energy - you must be willing to deep dive into the mystery of the Subconscious. The ancients perceived any physical illness as the "surface level" or conscious manifestation in the physical body of a subconscious energetic imbalance of Chi or Prana - the life force energy - in the "Subtle Body" or the Chakras.* 


Everything exists in the present moment.

Yoga as a practice is the gateway to becoming the Observer of what is manifesting both within you and around you in the greater energetic environment of your Story, your Fate, your Destiny as encoded in your Birth Chart. Again: Vedic Astrology stresses that in order to experience the greater Cosmos AKA Kala Purusha, one must become a Channel or Conduit to Subtle Energies via the practice of Yoga/Meditation and discover through personal/subjective experience each of the 12 core Zodiac Archetypes. Through this ancient Practice one can become objectively aware via subjective experience of the Subtle Energies which the physical Tarot cards represent as symbols.


Everything is interconnected.

There would be no Tarot without Astrology - and vice versa - for these two timeless wisdom systems are sister sciences. The Tarot represents a Mandala or roadmap for personal development of the Soul; working with the Archetypes - i.e. the subconscious Subtle Energies which affect the Collective unconscious of the human psyche across cultures, space & time - naturally leads one to the awareness of how the Planets' energetic fields affect life on Earth. Astrology could therefore be defined as the study of the correlations between Astronomy, Cosmology & the microcosm of human consciousness versus the macrocosm of the Solar System/Universe. These correlations can be observed at the personal level via life events, relationships, etc. and on the collective level via historical & current events. 


Everything is constantly evolving.

Now more than ever during this Great Shift on Planet Earth, understanding the way Subtle Energies affect consciousness is a collective leap in human evolution empowering every individual. Why? Perhaps because the awareness of Subtle Energies provides an interface for healing the deepest levels of our being. By sharing the sacred ancient sciences with every human being we can empower each other to be our own healers, our own gurus. The Collective healing process requires your personal participation on the Fool's journey back to Self - back to Source Consciousness - coming "back home".



~ Discover Your Destiny; the ultimate Taboo ~ 



* The Chakras can be perceived as 12 non-physical energy centers in the body that correspond to the processes of the physical glands - or mysterious Endocrine system - regulating libido, hormones + DMT production in the body




Taboo Tarot Reader

Proud Plutonian

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