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About "Astrology For Divination"


The "Astrology For Divination" Guidebook is a 444 page resource to deepen your Psychic Practice. It was written to accompany the Taboo Tarot Deck. I recommend to peruse this guidebook first in order to get a feel for the deck: it's not a traditional deck handbook offering only subjective & esoteric interpretations for each card's meaning. 


Rather "Astrology For Divination" offers:

- Objective & holistic Interpretation Insights regarding how to begin decoding your Astrological Birth Chart as a tool for personal development.

- Correspondences between different Tarot Cards, Planets, & Astrological Transits


- Modern & historical Astrological Transit Case Studies which help make the astrology more applicable 

This stand-alone guidebook was inspired by the intention to harmonize Ancient Egyptian, Vedic, & Mayan Astrology with Modern Western Astrology (an offshoot of Greek Hellenistic Astrology). The Tarot evolved out of Astrology, so in a way, the Tarot symbolism is a supporting tool to engender understanding of Astrological or Archetypal energies.

It is highly suggested to have simultaneous access to your Birth Chart as you read this guidebook in order to optimally use it as a Self-Study aide. The Birth Chart ultimately encodes your Soul Contract i.e. the Karmic Terms & Conditions surrounding your Destiny. By learning how to intuitively interpret your personal Planet Placements in relation to the Tarot's Universal symbolism, one can begin to truly decode their own Destiny. 

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About "Our Nonbinary Universe"

Queer Astrology Theory

@tabootarotreader is proud to present "Our Nonbinary Universe" a 244 page exploration of Queer Astrology Theory.


This e-book is a wonderful deep dive for anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community seeking to learn more about how Astrology can empower you on your Freedom Journey. My intention for writing this book is to synthesize Queer Theory frameworks with applicable Astrology concepts in an effort to make Astrology more engaging for a wider audience. Previous knowledge of Astrology is not necessary - but of course helpful - to walk away with valuable insights from this book.

You will learn about:

- Traditional Queer Astrology Theories regarding The Uranian Theory

- New Queer Astrology Theories regarding the relationship between Queerness and various different Planetary Energies

- How to deconstruct the Venus/Mars Gender Binary

- The Divine Androgyne Archetype & Third Gender/Two Spirit erasure

- Polyamory in relation to Astrology

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About "Queer Shadow Werk"


Building off the framework established in "Our Nonbinary Universe: Queer Astrology Theory", this sequel is a wonderful witchy addition to your (digital) book shelf. Part How-To Magykal Guidebook, part Queer Theory, part Memology, this 280 pg. e-book can empower anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community to liberate the repressed Shadow Self. 


In order to deconstruct Heteronormativity in your Magyk, you must become aware of the Queer Shadow as an aspect of Patriarchy's Collective Shadow. Carl Jung was the famous Archetypal Depth Psychologist who defined the Shadow Work as making the unconscious conscious. The Shadow has both personal & collective differences depending on your intersection of identity.


Why is Shadow Work so important now, more than ever, post-Internet? The political scapegoating, disinformation campaigns, & diabolical demonization of the LGBTQIA+ community require Queer Folk to dig deep, wise up, and do the Werk. "Queer Shadow Werk" connects the dots in your consciousness how modern Queerphobia, reactionary Racism, & historical Colonialism intersect #decolonize 

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About "Plant-Based Planet"


"Plant-based Planet" is a 1041 pg. exploration which utilizes Intersectionality as a key framework to weave together the history, philosophy, & theory of Eco-feminism. Feminism is not just a Cis Heterosexual White Womxn's issue. Feminism is not just a Human issue. Feminism is an ecological issue considering how the oppression of Womxn is intimately interconnected with the oppression of ""Nature" itself.


Divided into three parts, "Plant-based Planet" makes the argument that Feminism can only be truly intersectional if it takes into consideration the legal plight of Factory Farmed animals aka non-human persons in order to deconstruct all Patriarchal superiority complexes stemming from Speciesism, White Supremacy, Heteronormativity, Misogyny, & Ableism.  


By re-centering the voiceless victims of Capitalism's Ecocide, we can then perceive the Patriarchal programming and narcissistic self-centering inherent in White Feminism. White Feminism aka Barbiecore SWERF & TERF Feminism aka Patriarchy in Pink is clearly more concerned about Barbie getting snubbed at the Oscars versus Intersectional Issues. Eco-feminism empowers you to learn that there's a deep history of racism, queerphobia, & ableism which weaponized White Feminism into another Patriarchal control mechanism. 

While "Plant-based Planet" is intended to call all Plant-based People into Intersectional Eco-feminism, this book is not explicitly a Vegan food guide. On the contrary, this book takes a more nuanced approach to investigate:

- How and why Patriarchy defined what's "natural vs. unnatural" as a means of controlling human procreation 

- The history of White Feminism in relation to Eugenics 

- Pre-colonized plant-based philosophies of the ancient world and how Carnism was a product of Christian Colonization itself

Ultimately "Plant-based Planet" teaches that going "plant-based" is much deeper than food: it is an intellectual, emotional, & spiritual journey to reconnect with the Plants, the Natural World around us, and the very essence of what it means to be "Human".


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