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#DecolonizeYoga đŸ™đŸ•‰âœŠđŸŸDeconstructing Patriarchy, Privilege, & Energy Vampirism

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

An Exposé of the American Yoga Business Industry Plagued With Sexual Abuse

by @tabootarotreader

“Black and Third World people are expected to educate white people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate men. Lesbians and gay men are expected to educate the heterosexual world. The oppressors maintain their position and evade their responsibility for their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redefining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future.”

Sources of Inspiration:

Dearly Beloved,



Did you know that #Yoga wasn’t just present in Ancient India but also other non-European civilizations like Ancient Egypt & the Ancient Mayan civilizations? What are the implications of this within the #Decolonizeyoga online movement?


Perhaps a byproduct of #Colonization is the fragmentation/compartmentalization of our understanding of the true origins of human civilizations and the ancient Sacred Sciences from pre-colonized cultures. The Patriarchy clearly has enforced the tactic of Divide & Conquer in all levels of society in order to prevent us from connecting the dots and deconstructing the false narrative of the Patriarchal retelling of “his-story” #hexthepatriarchy Let’s be clear before anyone with a phallus begins deflecting & projecting: the Patriarchy evolved for thousands of years following the Great Deluge AKA The Great Flood AKA The End of the Younger Dryas Geological Period. Therefore Patriarchy is not some modern Scapegoat concept in a Feminist “victim” mentality: systems of Hierarchy, Control, & Dominance have been playing out in the human story for a hot minute. It is important to remember that both Men & Women of any Gender/Sexual Identity can be equally Patriarchal in attitudes, perceptions, & beliefs. Thus perhaps social media slogans like "The Future is Female" lean Exclusive; maybe the future is Inclusive, Androgynous, & Balanced? Maybe re-instating Matriarchy is actually all about equilibrium between the Masculine/Feminine polarities in the Human Psyche. It could be a safe assumption that most modern humans in Patriarchy- regardless of genitalia - are rarely balanced between the right & left hemispheres of their brains 

With all that being established, you may be wondering what does #Decolonization have to do with Yoga? In the eloquent words of Yoga Decolonization Activist Susanna Barkataki:

Though yoga has been practiced for thousands of years by People of Color, people, primarily from the Indian subcontinent, and also Africa, if you look around at any marketing for yoga classes, practices or clothing, you’ll primarily see thin, white, cisgender women. To the point that today, there are so many people who don’t know the origins of the practice ... As you’re reading this, you may be thinking “Yoga has done so much for me. I just want to share that with others." Or, "I don't discriminate, I think I do my best in creating a safe environment for my students.” These are common thoughts. I've heard them many times. But here's the thing - just because you've benefitted from something doesn't make it yours to do whatever you want with.

Indeed no one modern-day Patriarchal culture or modern Human Being is entitled to claim ownership of - nor profit in a self-serving way - off of the ancient Sacred Sciences like Yoga, Qigong, Reiki, Massage, Sound Healing, etc. Why?

I'll just come out swinging and make a very bold statement: because the average Human does not currently have the Spiritual Discipline to optimally practice nor truly benefit from Yoga in Modern Western Life, and "sharing Yoga with them" (i.e. selling it as a Spiritual commodity) is very dangerous.

First things first: the Western Yoga Industry has a BIG problem regarding sexual abuse. Ashtanga. Iyengar. Bikram. Kundalini. Osho. All these "Divine Masculine" Men (bless their hearts #discernment) behind popularizing various Indian Yoga styles in the West have been revealed to be dangerous Sexual Predators with zero Spiritual Discipline #metoo If their intentions with "Sharing Yoga" were corruptible, toxic, & self-serving then what makes a for-profit Western Yoga Business any less susceptible to corruption? Even though many Western Yoga Practitioners have "good intentions" with "sharing Yoga" (i.e. making it their own personal Spiritual business venture), some of the worst things imaginable done in human history were carried out and justified under "the best intentions". While these Wisdom Systems come from a Matriarchal pre-history that is so ancient, from so far back in antiquity, that they do remain a Universal inheritance - yes - in ancient life those select few who practiced Yoga were initiated into the Practice under proper guidance in an energetically-controlled environment in order to safely ground down the Subtle Energies which Yoga opens up in the Chakras. As flippantly as Western Yoga "Teachers" discuss opening up your Chakras in expensive workshops, this energetic process is actually very challenging & potentially painful for the average Modern Human to embark upon in the current density of Kali Yuga. Why is it potentially painful you may ask? Because opening up your Chakras also activates your Karma (which all of us Collectively are being invited to work through in Kali Yuga).

Without a self-sacrificing Spiritual Guide who actually has a theoretical & applicable knowledge of the intricate science that is the 72,000 Nadi Human Energy system, opening up your Chakras at the local 5 pm Power Vinyasa Yoga class can have long-term detrimental effects for your Karma as you have become Entangled in something very Karmic & very dark: the Cultural Appropriation of a profound Spiritual Wisdom System for short-sighted Profit.

Repeat: Yoga is a Sacred Science. So what does Sacred mean to you? Western understandings of the Chakra system lean Tamasic i.e. ignorant: when you actually study the Vedic Sciences this becomes painfully apparent. The Elevated Ancient Ancestors seemed to be very concerned with understanding two principles in their Sacred Sciences: Biology/Reproduction (i.e. how we incarnate here on Earth) & Cosmology/Cyclical Energies (how we leave this incarnation for the next). The Chakra system functions as the Interface between the Physical & Subtle. Thus the Chakras can be perceived as non-physical energy centers in the body that correspond to the processes of the physical glands - or mysterious Endocrine system - regulating libido, hormones + DMT production in the body. ​Are you going to learn about any of this information at your local Hot Yoga Studio?

Your local Power Vinyasa Yoga "Teacher" is not a conscious Spiritual Guide, they are an unconscious cultural Appropriator. These poor unfortunate Souls are unknowingly under "good intentions" making Students physically "feel better" in the short-term, but in the long-term may actually be spiritually sabotaging any Student's potential to Awaken. Soul growth is a longer Game, after all #reincarnation When undisciplined people are practicing "Power Vinyasa Yoga" unconsciously in Western Yoga Studios, this is like opening up a baby's Chakra systems and then pushing them off a cliff to see if they can fly on their own in the Secular world. Yoga Students frankly leave the Studio heading back into the Matrix totally unprepared, totally misguided, and ultimately totally ignorant of the implications of what they are unconsciously participating in.

Does your local Power Vinyasa Yoga "Teacher" ever once mention the Chakras during class? If not, they are a part of the Cultural Appropriation problem. Oh the Karma!

Perhaps all of these ancient Wisdom Systems were gifted to modern humans by the Elevated Ancient Ancestors as a "lifeline" or Sacred Tools to navigate the Karmic Lessons of Kali Yuga - the age of War, Conflict, & Separation - according to the Yuga Cycles of the Vedas. If Yoga and so many other Sacred Sciences were documented in multiple pre-colonized Civilizations, perhaps then a logical deduction is that Yoga is more ancient than any of these legacy civilizations (i.e. India, Egypt, & Mexico) and has its origins in what we understand to be the “mythical” antediluvian Mother Culture #Atlantis or #Lemuria🗿Is it possible that each of these legacy civilizations inherited Yoga as a wisdom system and refined it throughout their cultural evolution? Anything is in the realm of possibility when discussing the ancient past, for none of us were personally there (at least in this lifetime) to Witness it. Regardless of who is offended or not by the objective anthropological truth that Yoga was documented to exist in multiple pre-colonized civilizations, let’s just allow these implications to sink & settle for a moment 

Many people obviously associate Yoga with India, and I am aware that some Indians may be very triggered by these implications I am drawing awareness to. However if we are to follow the objective evidence with an open mind, there are many connections and cultural claims to consider. E.g. some modern-day Mayan record keepers claim that the ancient Mayan ancestors brought Yoga to India. The Kemetic Yoga Tradition of Nubia/Egypt claims that their civilization and the Followers of Horus were the original creators of Yoga. So who is right and who is wrong? Regardless of the subjective answer to what is objective truth, this puzzle is inviting us to open up our minds to the true mystery of what Yoga was and now is 
 Perhaps rather than fight amongst ourselves as to who can lay claim to creating Yoga, maybe instead we can focus our energies as a Collective Human Race to continue to raise awareness about the importance of decolonization in a colonized world which separates human beings by Ego-constructs like countries, race, gender, etc. Modern genetics alone is turning the cultural construct of "race" upside down, and any human mutt who has gotten a DNA test can become conscious of this.

Our DNA's True Stories Have Been Colonized

Now before some BIPOC people scream with Divine Rage ... becoming conscious that "Race" is a reductive Cultural Construct with no basis in genetic information nor reflection of the mixed complexity of any one human's DNA tapestry IS NOT IMPLYING that "Race" isn't "real". "Race" as a Cultural Construct in its application does manifest tangible cause & effects like Privilege. Of course the Colonizer's Constructs of Race were benefiting to themselves and have had very real negative consequences on the lives of colonized peoples and their descendents. However moving forward into the Age of Aquarius we can and must evolve beyond the toxic & archaic Colonial Categories of "Race" in order to unite for the common good #onelove When we all unconsciously reduce humans to the Colonizer's Census Categories like "White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, etc." we are doing no one any favors in the Decolonization movement. These reductive "Race" boxes which we separate ourselves into greatly oversimplify an incredibly complex human genetic story. For example amongst Native Americans there were over 200 (documented at least) ethnic & linguistic groups who did not all look the same. Spanish Conquistadores documented tall natives, short natives, dark natives, light-skinned natives, black-haired natives, red-haired natives, brown-eyed natives, blue-eyed natives, and even natives with elongated skulls. The modern-day state of California alone had one of the most dense ratios of ethno-linguistic diversity pre-contact in which some neighboring Indigenous languages were mutually unintelligible despite close proximity.

Point being: the Ancestral Trauma, Anger, & Divine Rage that is often projected onto modern "White People" solves nothing. "Whiteness" is a cultural construct that does come with oppressive Privilege - of course -but I challenge you to find any one human's DNA that is purely "White". I am not advancing some QANON "Reverse Racism" argument here in order to deflect BIPOC experiences of systematic injustice in Racist Political Hierarchies, the for-profit Prison Industry, & Economic Systems of repression like the Reservation tragedy. What I am proposing is that Modern Genetics is revolutionizing our perceptions of Human "Race", and getting your DNA tested (with a trustworthy source not selling our information for profit *cough* *cough*) is an empowering step to begin your personal Decolonization journey. E.g. neighboring tribes in the same general area in Africa have been proven to be very distantly related to each other genetically, and these different African ethnic groups therefore are more closely genetically related to modern Europeans than to each other. Even though we would look at a Bushman or Tutu and casually categorize them as "Black African", their DNA doesn't lie and tells of a very complex human history involving migration, mixing, & incomprehensible diversity pre-Patriarchy.

Physical Phenotypes i.e. skin tone i .e. the physical layer are very deceiving, misleading, and ultimately not indicative of your complete ancestral bloodlines. Especially in nations of immigrants like the Americas, everybody is mixed whether they are aware of it or not. You may look at a dark-skinned African-American or "Black" person and assume their entire ancestral bloodline comes from Africa. However their DNA may tell a vastly different ancestral story. E.g. I personally once met a gorgeous dark-skinned "Black" woman when living in Mexico. All the local people assumed she was actually from Africa - not African-American. One day we were discussing these Race Issues together and she told me she learned she also had some European ancestry despite what people assumed by her dark complexion. The major walkaway lesson here is this: never judge a book by its cover.

In a Colonized World "Race" was used to separate, divide, & conquer. No one group of people understands this better than the diverse groups of people we know as Native Americans.

E.g. The Tsalagi Native Americans (aka Cherokee) have a fascinating story you will not read about in any modern standard American school book. The Tsalagi Spiritual Wisdom system is similar to the Vedic Chakra system and shows profound depth. So why are their origin stories still discredited and labeled "Myth" in the Colonizer's curriculum? Because it requires rewriting the whole Paradigm. In their own origin stories Tsalagi elders directly state their ancestors were a lost Hebrew tribe of Israel. Come again ... Jewish Native Americans? For many Patriarchal people that is a "racial" contradiction. The fact that Tsalagi elders had ancient artifacts like the Bat Creek Stone with proto-Hebrew writing on it still wasn't sufficient enough evidence for the Colonizers to change their textbooks and abandon the Bering Land Bridge theory of how the Americas were populated. Only once genetics could test modern day Tsalagi DNA has the matter finally been "solved". Tsalagi haplogroups confirm what they have been telling us all along: they have origins in the Middle East #justice

So what is Truth and what is "Myth" in a Colonized world? Having personally lived in indigenous communities in Mexico & Peru, just ask Native Americans if the Government is capable of lying to you ... the US Government alone broke multiple agreements with various Indigenous Nations called "The Trail of Broken Treaties" during the process of Colonization #karma

"The agenda of the Patriarchal retelling of history is to erase any evidence other than itself." ― Dr. Carmen Boulter, PHD; Linguist, Egyptologist, & Professor Qualitative and Quantitative Research, University of Calgary, RIP (Rest In Power)

The Tsalagi/Cherokee case study is the perfect example of how and why we should listen to indigenous people's histories instead of deflecting, devaluing, & discarding them. It is also the perfect example again of how the Patriarchal retelling of history in a Colonized world is a False Narrative projecting our own cultural biases onto a very complex ancient past. Ancient pre-colonized peoples were not "primitive" in any way, shape, or form. Fun challenge for American breeders: open any modern standard American history textbook that your kid brings home and count how many times the "P word" is used to describe indigenous peoples. The cognitive dissonance is truly stunning. Indigenous stories tell of a highly interconnected ancient world full of migrating peoples who were mixing, interacting, & trading via complex ocean trading routes. There was no separation in the ancient pre-colonized world. Separation is the greatest illusion sold in Patriarchy.

Now that we've deconstructed "Race", let's bring it back to Yoga folks .... #interconnectivity

Point being: all humans via the ancient Sacred Sciences are capable of transcending the traps of Ego, which seeks to separate Self from Other. Separation is the greatest illusion, after all. Thus we all must participate in the conversation of decolonization, for we all live in a modern Colonized world. Therefore this Decolonization movement is not exclusive to any one "Race" or group of people to dominate the discussion, nor create rules about who can or cannot enter what should be an inclusive conversation. Of course BIPOC Yoga practitioners can and should be the Facilitators leading these discussions if they so desire in Yoga communities. However when Ancestral Trauma is triggered and projected onto other groups of people seeking to decolonize their lives and bring awareness to this issue as well, the majority of these people are not cultural appropriators (as long as they aren't profiting off of Decolonization workshops/content) nor the enemy of the Decolonization movement. Yoga as a Practice is meant to be inclusive, not exclusive. E.g. in Patriarchal India only men were traditionally allowed to practice Yoga, meanwhile women were generally not allowed into the Ashrams. This fact is the complete opposite of many the average person’s perception - whom do not practice Yoga - in the West that “Yoga is just sweaty stretching designed for rich White women”. Do you see yet how much modern perceptions cloud our true understanding of the ancient Past?

So how do we truly begin to Decolonize the Sacred Science of Yoga (and the world at large) with this expanded awareness that Yoga was present in multiple ancient civilizations?

I can only offer my personal thoughts, opinions, and perceptions as one human mutt with a 200 hour certification in Ashtanga, Hatha, & Iyengar yoga from India and a 50 hour Yin Yoga certification from the West.

In my humble opinion the first step of Decolonizing our minds, hearts, curriculums, economies, institutions, everything, etc. is Acknowledgment.

Acknowledging that the Colonizer-centric “history” we were all taught in school is a false narrative - a Patriarchal projection onto an ancient, mysterious, Matriarchal past we really know very little about - is the major mental block for many humans in a Colonized world. This False Narrative - which glorifies rapists, murderers, and religious fanatics as heroes - has no basis in the ugly Truth which was colonization #truthhurts

Next, get to know any BIPOC + Queer Yoga Teachers in your community if you have the chance in order to bear witness to their stories of oppression via Active Listening. Sometimes it helps to say nothing and just listen in silence to the realities of Privilege. Thirdly, educate yourself about indigenous decolonization perspectives + indigenous histories as an act of deconstructing our privilege. By bearing witness to the inconvenient truths of the lived realities of modern day-descendants of colonized people & cultures from which Yoga comes from, we can begin the baby Karmic Steps of healing.

The opportunity in the 21st Century to finally acknowledge Ancestral Trauma is very difficult for Western minds to be receptive to.

Why? Because these Minds have frankly been brainwashed to deflect, devalue, & discard any information that makes us uncomfortable about the true historical process that was Colonization. Thus it also requires traveling to what we label “third world countries” in order to become aware that we still very much live in a colonized world founded on the Four Pillars of Violence, Theft, Rape, & Economic Pillage. Yoga as a Sacred Science is the Practice or the means to shift our Cultural Values away from Patriarchy’s Four Pillars to a new global civilization that values Peace, Consciousness, Interconnectivity, & Reciprocity instead of War, Short-term Profit, Separation, and Lies.

I personally have taught private, volunteer, & donation-based Yoga in multiple countries including: India, Nepal, Peru, Mexico, & the USA (my home state California to be exact - which is arguably the hub of the American Yoga Fitness Industry). Thus I am fully aware that I am generalizing when referring to “Western Yoga” based on my experiences in Babylon i.e. Southern California in order to make a point. I have as a Student also participated in countless Yoga Classes and Retreats in India, Nepal. Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, & Taiwan. I also participated in Yoga Studio communities when I went to University and lived in Washington, D.C. for 7 years. Finally I have also spent a great amount of time in Spiritual communities in Sedona, Arizona & Mount Shasta, Northern California (both growing hubs for Yoga & Wellness). With that being clarified, let's keep it moving onwards & upwards 

In the Capitalistic Yoga Fitness Industry, Cultural Appropriation is a very real Karmic Force (most likely governed by mysterious Rahu & Ketu AKA the North & South Lunar Nodes in Vedic Astrology) which must be acknowledged.

Business & Yoga mix like oil and water, I have observed. The Elevated Ancient Ancestors knew Yoga would eventually change & evolve via Ascended Masters who would diffuse the Sacred Sciences. It was an inevitable process that many great Sages embraced in order to spread the Sacred Sciences in the Western secular world, leading to various pop culture agents like the Beatles subtly spreading Vedic wisdom. With this implication being observed: what did the original Prototype Template of Yoga actually look like? If the Elevated Ancient Ancestors had foreknowledge that their Satya Golden Age Civilization would descend into the Kali Yuga, what would they leave behind for us Modern Humans to trigger our Subconscious memories - our Inner Knowing? What would a Matriarchal System actually look like?

So many Western Yoga "Teachers" have been trained in a distorted, profit-driven, Patriarchal perception drenched in what Psychology calls “Group Thought” (we will explore this phenomenon towards the end of this exposĂ©). Similar to a flock of sheep, many Western minds are actively sold Capitalism’s favorite lie:“You get what you pay for”. I.e. very expensive Western Yoga Teacher Trainings (referred to as YTTs from this point onwards) are touted as superior to less costly Indian schools or other Foreign options. I have personally heard many American Yoga “Teachers” uphold this Group Thought belief in addition to blatant ignorance of Yoga best practices (stay tuned). When Western people are trained by other Western people in a Sacred Science that comes from non-Western cultures, how can they truly know or understand what they are claiming to teach?

Perhaps if the Elevated Ancient Ancestors saw the distorted workout version of what Yoga has become nowadays - which is so disconnected from its Spiritual roots - they would surely have strong side-eye.

E.g. so many Non-Indian people in the Western Yoga Communities claim to be “Kirtan singers” and are culturally appropriating Sacred Songs called Mantras in order to make money at events, workshops, concerts, personal CD recordings, & annual Wellness Festivals (*cough* Bhakti Fest *cough*). Many of these "Kirtan sound healers" are dressed in elaborate traditional ethnic costumes at such festivals yet - shockingly (*sarcasm*) -remain most likely:

1) unconscious of where the festival profits are actually going to - is it helping the "third world" factory workers who made your pretty costume or just Festival organizers?

2) unaware of the lived realities of the people who created their costumes nor the economic disparities in India's caste system

3) not literate in the ancient Sanskrit language, history, or modern dialects. At all.

It is often (not always) painful to listen to Western Kirtan Singers in a sari and dreads butcher this beautiful language. They clearly do not understand the proper pronunciation of Sanskrit mantras - which are very important to get right - because they most likely have never traveled to India to study Sanskrit! Some hipster hippies may be asking, "Bro like what's the problem? Positive vibes only". The problem is you are addicted to the distorted vibes of culturally appropriated Mantras with no understanding of their original cultural context. This phenomenon is a dark manifestation of Tamas i.e. the Guna or Pattern of ignorance. Many a good witch would even call these Festivals “Black Magic”. Why? Because Mantras are a sacred vibrational sound technology. Ancient Sanskrit is a vibrational language. So if you are not pronouncing the syllables with the proper pronunciation nor conscious intention, the vibration easily can become distorted #badjuju Same logic applies to people who pay for a few Reiki certifications from some privileged lady who has never been to Japan, speaks no Japanese, and has the audacity to market themselves as “Reiki Masters”. Dearly beloved .... a true Zen Master will never claim to be a Master in their Instagram profile. How laughable/insane/infuriating is the assumption, spiritual ego & entitlement behind the belief that paying for a Western certification makes you “qualified” to profit off of ancient Sacred Sciences! #divinerage

Enter the Overlords of Certifications AKA the Yoga Alliance an American “non-profit” business based in Arlington, Virginia (oh the Karma!).

This very entitled organization - under the age old fear-mongering tactic of "safety protocols" - has created a Ponzi Certification Scheme to “standardize” i.e. prostitute the ancient, Sacred Science of Yoga for the almighty U.S. dollar. Having been trained in India personally, my Indian teachers were very open regarding how offensive it is to Indian Yoga schools that they have to go through an accreditation process with the American Yoga Alliance in order to offer Yoga to Westerners. Truly meditate about this power dynamic for just a moment 
 allow the cognitive dissonance of Colonization to dissolve. Put yourself in those Indian Yoga Ashram’s shoes for just a moment. Pause. Breathe in. Breathe out. Ahhhhhhhhh cognitive dissonance no longer serves you!

"With over 7,000 Registered Yoga Schools and over 100,000 Registered Yoga Teachers as of April 2020, I got to thinking. How much money are they generating?

I did some quick math, and if all of those people and schools registered for only one year, the Yoga Alliance would generate close to $16 million USD in a year. If all of those people and schools continued to renew annually and no one new joined, that would generate a minimum of $2 million USD each year.

In their latest financial report, the year 2016 brought in $7.1 million USD in revenue, with $1 million in surplus.

Why isn’t this money being used to audit yoga teachers and schools? There is clearly the money to do it, so what’s the issue?" via Nigel Walker

The bottom line for many Western Yoga Studios is this: in order to pay their rent + overhead costs yet still make a profit, most have no choice but to register their YTTs with the Yoga Alliance (for it is a registry business selling fancy seals of approval, not a regulatory board) averaging between $3-6k/slot. Thus YTTs are an essential cash cow/inelastic demand for any modern Yoga studio business model in the West.

YTT Certifications are certainly not about empowering all of Humanity with Yoga, they are about making a select few people a profit in order to meet the bottom line. Anyone who is intelligent can see right through the Yoga Alliance's Ponzi Scheme Scam. E.g. in order "To maintain your certification, you must pay a $65 annual membership fee to the Yoga Alliance. You also must complete continuing education courses to maintain your certification". Although the Yoga Alliance also contradicts itself by stating, "Your YTT certification technically never expires". So what's the "Standard" here? Follow the money, honey. To recapitulate: Western YTTs are about money, not Yoga. The total cost of my YA certified 200 hour YTT at Arohan Yoga in Rishikesh (which included room, board, plant-based food, reading materials, an Ayurvedic massage, an Ayurvedic medical consultation, & various cultural excursions) + plane tickets to India was roughly $1,500.

What are the ethical & karmic implications of Western Yoga “Teachers” (whom have maybe never traveled outside America) profiting off of other culture’s wisdom systems whilst building their Yoga branded & patented empires? What are the economic & class implications when Western Yoga "Teachers" (whom have maybe never been to India) wear traditional clothes like a Sari as a costume made by poor people in India with no access to Yoga? What are the race & power implications when Western Yoga "Teachers" may claim so nonchalantly that Western Yoga is superior to what could be learned in India or other “third world” countries? Does this reek yet of cultural & economic appropriation by the Colonizer Cultures?

When I was trained in India, I immediately became aware that fitness-based “Power Vinyasa Yoga” in the West as controlled by the Yoga Alliance is a painful (and possibly demonic) distortion which has nothing to do with what Yoga truly is; thus we could define it as an Illusion.

Most Western Yoga “Teachers” trained in Vinyasa may have zero clue about its origins in the Hatha Yoga tradition (which Jois later claimed to refine into the popular Ashtanga practice featuring multiple Primary Series that are very specific and very challenging). Ashtanga Primary Series will quickly humble any delusional Western person claiming to be a Power Vinyasa Yoga “Teacher” #lol With that being said of course no one Yoga practice is “right or wrong”. Diversity is beautiful. Yoga has many manifestations. So many ancient cultures including the Olmecs (the pre-Mayan Mesoamerican Civilization), the Egyptians, the Bon tradition of Tibet, the Inca, the Chinese, the Tsalagi, & the Hopi all had their own variations of the Chakra system. However there is a long-standing reason the Indian styles of Ashtanga, Hatha, & Iyengar yoga are taught in Indian Yoga Ashrams, despite the fact that their legacies have been tainted by Sexual Predators (please remember: none of those men really created the Yoga styles they sold/claimed to be the Founders of #discernment). Why? Because the more ancient forms of Yoga which belong to no modern Man simply “work”. Whatever the intangible “it” is, these Yoga traditions evolving out of Matriarchal cultures have "it" and can truly transform your personal Practice in a magical way. "You know what I mean?" Before my YTT in India, I certainly could not sit in Lotus Padmasana pose. After practicing Ashtanga + Hatha every day for a few weeks, I was ecstatically shocked at how my body transformed.

Of course no one modern day Patriarchal “country” is perfect i.e. imaginary borders on a 2d map representing real-time 3D physical space in 4D time manifesting in 5D infinity & beyond #mindfuck Nor is any one modern manifestation of Yoga perfect either. Before I went to India for the YTT a female Tamil Yoga Mentor bluntly shattered any romantic, spiritual illusions I had about Modern day India. I am eternally grateful to her, for she had the courage to give me some very valuable and very politically incorrect “Real talk” as they say (the type of Truth Saying which is clearly forbidden in the hilariously PC "Love & Light", Rose-colored Glasses, Toxic Feminine "Yoga" culture of California). This real talk was so helpful because it actually prepared me for the culture shock that Westerners experience when going to India. She brought my conscious awareness to the fact that the majority of Indians - who exist in the Untouchable caste - do not practice Yoga and have no access to it. The severe inequity and poverty of the de facto caste system still in place in India - despite it being de jure illegal - was certainly challenging to bear witness to.

However the most shocking thing my Tamil Mentor also brought my conscious awareness to was the severe gender violence, gang rape culture, & entrenched Patriarchal attitudes still playing out in many Northern Indian states.

Most of the popular Yoga Schools in India are located in the sacred Northern city of Rishikesh, India which traditionally didn’t allow meat or alcohol to be sold in the city parameters (post-colonization this tradition obviously changed). Despite this city still being an ancient energy oasis, Patriarchy is a virus that is difficult to eradicate in a Colonized World .. during my YTT, female students (not men) were told by our Ashram to be very careful about leaving the safety of the school. This advice - while seemingly strange and sexist at first - proved unfortunately solid as a couple weeks into our YTT a local young Untouchable girl was gang raped and murdered; her body discovered by the sacred Ganges river. This modern Indian reality came crashing into our little “spiritual” bubble in the Yoga Ashram to remind us Western students of the Privilege we have to even be practicing & studying Yoga in the first place.

Despite the realities of Modern-Day Patriarchal India’s gender issues, Guru corruption, etc. it is important to remember that India remains one of the most ethnically & linguistically diverse places on this planet. For example Southern Tamil cultures evolved from a completely different, Matriarchal, goddess-centered stream of ancient cultures and are noticeably more progressive than Northern Indian cultures. Point being it is difficult to generalize when discussing the great mosaic, the great cultural tapestry of multiple faiths & traditions that is the synthesis of modern day India. However with all this being said, I can confidently profess that the Yoga Schools in Rishikesh - while being businesses at the end of the day - still can offer us Westerners a window, a potent portal, a tangible glimpse into the beautifully refined Ancient 8 limb Patanjali Yoga system (which may actually came from the Matriarchal Tamil Nadu civilization paralleling the Mayan Yok-hah system & possibly the Egyptian Kemetic system).

"The connection between the Mayan Civilization is reconfirmed when one studies the Building of the Chichen Itza and the Temples of Tamilnadu in general and Chidambaram Temple of Lord Nataraja, a form of Lord Shiva, in particular. Nowadays, it is generally known that Columbus was not the first to discover America. In the course of centuries, almost every seafaring culture set out to the American continents. In the last few years, direct traces have been discovered which lead from India directly into the heart of the Maya Culture of Central America ... The term Maya itself may be from the word Maya, who is the sculptor illusionist of the Asuras. Considering so many similarities, it is hard to believe in accident as an explanation" via Raj Dharma The Connection Between The Mayan Civilization (CHILAMBALAM) and (CHIDHAMBARAM) Tamil Nadu, INDIA

The Tantric 8 limb Spiritual Wisdom system is a holistic energetic practice - not necessarily related to the more well known Kama Sutra - of which the physical poses AKA Asanas are but one limb of eight. Imagine teaching & doing Yoga on just one leg with all your other limbs cut off? “Let’s go to Power yoga y’all!” The YTT in India was a true cultural deep dive into all 8 limbs simultaneously: we learned sequences, poses, Sanskrit Mantras (as taught by people who know the proper pronunciation), Mudras i.e. Meditation Gestures, Yoga Philosophy, the Sutras, Pranayama, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques like Jala Neti, Ayurvedic Massage, & so many more intangibles. Amidst the backdrop of the beautiful chaos which is Mother India & her people - the aromas, the sounds, the constant energy of life happening all day, all night - there’s just a “vibe”, as they say, which is totally missing from the Western yoga studio experience.

Western yoga “Teachers” are taught in a very specific way that places most of the emphasis on a) the "Teacher" and how to immediately start their "Yoga Teaching Career" post-certification course b) the Physical Poses and c) how to actively not sell Yoga as a Spiritual practice in order to avoid triggering any religious clients.

I had multiple experiences in Southern California studios witnessing a dark force field that many a "good intentioned" Yoga Practitioner can come up against when attempting to share any of the authentic Spiritual Wisdom of Yoga. Many Yoga studio managers may say, “Hey we just can’t do Ohms in class because many of our clients are afraid that they will be worshipping a different religion” or “Please don’t chant to Ganesh anymore, I know people like elephants, but we had this one crazy Christian lady complain after class” or “I loved your class, it was like so Spiritual and woke in there, but we got some feedback from clients that there wasn’t as much of a workout as they would like, and we need them to come back, so 
 more Chatarangas please!“ How amusing 
 next thing you know the Studio Managers may be afraid of a client asking, “So tell me who’s that blue guy Shiva again and why is he blue?” If so many Western Yoga "Teachers" unconsciously close every class by saying Namaste (which is a Greeting in India, actually, while Namaskar is thank you) then why is there this general force field of fear surrounding incorporating any Sanskrit terminology, Mantras, or Spiritual Wisdom into class? How can anyone claiming to teach Yoga not honor the Non-Western world views inherent in this Practice?

This is what I hope any conscious Yogi will realize ASAP: many people in the West are claiming to be Yoga “Teachers”, while the majority of them are Spiritual Imposters manifesting Energy Vampirism on behalf of the Yoga Businesses they work for.

These poor unfortunate souls are afraid to acknowledge or honor the very culture they are appropriating. So let’s get one thing crystal quartz clear: many a Western person claiming to be a Yoga “Teacher” may approach guiding a Yoga class more like a performance. In this performance the only thing they are conscious of is that they are being constantly watched/judged by Students who could give feedback to studio managers (whom often maybe are not even trained in Yoga and come from a business background) for how well they can:

1) “control the class flow”

2) exhibit “time management” abilities and

3) remember to push upcoming Studio &/or personal workshop events post-class.

Many “Teachers” may walk & talk during class - not really flowing with the students - creating an instant hierarchy. By just giving verbal cues, this puts them on the all-knowing Guru pedestal. Most may not even personally practice Yoga any longer in their own time because they teach so many classes in order to make a living wage. Thus an actual Yogi who practices on their own could flow no problem with you for the majority of class that way they serve as a visual example; still just one person collectively experiencing the flow with everybody else versus a separate conductor, leader, guru, what have you. Of course any wise Facilitator should pause periodically to check in with beginner Students who may require some Asana adjustments in the pose. However actions speak louder than words. I have heard many a Western Yoga “Teacher” joke “Do as I say, not as I do” in reference to this verbal cue style of teaching being peddled in Western YTTs.

In the high level yoga classes I took in India there was no toxic, radio music being blasted and - once we were taught the Sequence - the main talking done was mostly in sacred Sanskrit to remember the pose names & the numbers within the sequence; manifesting the flow. Talking was merely functional. When a Western class is full of motivational, toxic positive verbal cues that your "Teacher" may scream at you to be heard over the loud music, this frankly is a distraction. In my humble opinion this unconscious, workout version of Yoga taught in America has corrupted the sacred Teacher/Student Archetypal relationship. If that sacred relationship has been undeniably distorted by the vibration & expectation of receiving money in exchange for "Teaching", then what are the Hidden / Shadow Power dynamics at play in the Energy Exchange present in most Western Yoga Studios? Enter the modern American Yoga "Teacher" AKA an Energetic Prostitute AKA An Energetic Vampire (and in some extreme cases even a Sexual Predator). Why and how is this possible when all of these people are operating under the self-delusional identity that they are a “Woke and Super Spiritual” person? One word: Kundalini.

Kundalini energy (AKA K'ulthanlilni in Mayan) is the mysterious life force energy that is activated once the Chakras are opened.

This metaphysical Subtle Energy has been symbolized as a great serpent across many ancient cultures (in ancient Mexico look to Quetzalcoatl AKA K'uk'ulkan - the Feathered Serpent as a parallel to the Indian coiled Serpent symbol). It is interesting to note that the Amazonian indigenous people who practice sacred Abuela Ayahuasca healing ceremonies symbolize this high DMT-producing Plant Medicine also as a Serpent. In Western Sickcare - i.e. the Medical Industries controlled by Big Pharma - this symbol has been appropriated by dark forces as the Caduceus sigil⚕Kundalini energy can therefore obviously very easily lean demonic if people are unconsciously cultivating it for self-serving purposes. How does Kundalini manifest in a “Power Vinyasa Yoga” workout class? Well Kundalini is said to be not only dualistic in nature, but also inherently sexual, so you do the math ....

Anyone who works in the Western Yoga fitness industry may observe and understand this sexual aspect to Kundalini. From my own personal experiences, the Yoga Fitness Industry that I witnessed in California felt like an incredibly incestuous work environment - just like a restaurant -where casual sex is a common and hidden Shadow dynamic between Teachers and/or Teachers and Students behind the scenes. Our popular culture even jokes about this Tantric aspect of Yoga with the "Sexy Yoga Teacher" Trope, yet in reality you may find a very sexually repressed energy pervading in many Western Yoga Studios where conversations about sexuality, Tantra, & Yoga remain largely taboo. We must get uncomfortable and discuss these themes like sexuality in our Yoga communities in order to understand Kundalini activation.

To recapitulate: your favorite “Sexy Yoga Teacher” at the local studio (whom you probably don’t really know outside of the mask they present to you in class) may actually function more like a toxic positive Energy Vampire .

Energy Vampires get high not only off the physical adrenaline of feeling “in control” of a fast-paced, "Power Vinyasa Yoga" class - which again has no resemblance whatsoever to the primary Ashtanga series from which Vinyasa is appropriated from - but they also get high off of the Kundalini subtle energy being harvested from Students. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself the question, “I wonder who my favorite Yoga teacher is when they go home? Do they consume alcohol? Do they eat meat? Do they watch pornography? Are they really this Enlightened being or are they addicted to junk food just like everyone else?” Let me tell you: it is very easy to get addicted to teaching fast-paced Vinyasa “Power Yoga” classes. When there is a packed room full of people following your commands, sweating, moving, and creating energy - that sense of power is intoxicating. In the words of the legendary High Priestess of Soul Nina Simone: “She got hooked into a thing and it wasn’t on drugs. She got hooked into a feeling, and she played to corpses! You know what I mean?”

The perfect case study to prove this is the hot mess express that became Bikram Hot Yoga.

So many Hot Yoga Studios have had to rebrand their studio names away from Bikram Choudhury because their founder turned out to be a Sexual Predator (watch the Netflix documentary, it is fantastic). In India they knew Bikram was a fraud for a long time. But when Bikram came to the Separated States of America in the 1980’s, obviously people in Los Angeles had no sense of discernment regarding this man’s incredible Spiritual Ego. Bikram stole the Yoga he taught from a long line of Sadhus in India and sold it as his own invention for what? Money, Fame, & Power in the Cult of Hollywood. If that sense of control - that energetic high one receives from teaching the Sacred Science of Yoga to a room full of naive & eager disciples - can destroy Bikram it can very easily destroy your local Yoga "Teacher" too.

If you are in doubt about Bikram being innocent or guilty, he has since fled the USA to Mexico in order to avoid going to trial over the sexual abuse “allegations” of multiple former female students and employees. He was offering YTTs in Acapulco, now reports say he is Canada still raping the Sacred Science of Yoga for those people whose Egos desire to tell their friends: “I was trained by Bikram. So 
 where did you do your 200 YTT again? Is that even Yoga Alliance certified?” Are you skeptical and convinced Bikram was just a one-off egomaniac? The same pattern of corruption happened to Yoga Titans Yogi Bhajan of Kundalini Sikh Yoga, Manouso Manos of Iyengar Yoga, & Krishna Pattabhi Jois of Ashtanga Yoga - all California celebrity favorites in the Cult of Hollywood. To make crystal quartz clear in case you already forgot: none of these men invented the styles of Yoga they sold - they co-opted them. While the legacies of these four styles of Yoga certainly have been tainted, they were ultimately abused & misused by these Patriarchal Pigs. We had here four different seemingly "Divine Masculine" men, but one common Toxic Masculine denominator: Sexual Abuse.

How can Kundalini energy have both a Light side which is so empowering and Dark side which is so destructive?

In the context of energy, everything is dualistic just like the Yin/Yang symbol â˜Żïž Western Yogis often only consciously focus on the Light aspects of Yoga, and ignore the Dark because they don't like to sit in that discomfort. All those Shadow Dynamics as a result become Subconscious or “Go Underground”. When the Chakras are being opened, this is a Spiritual/Energetic process which requires Guidance from someone who is conscious of what a Chakra is, its dualistic aspects, & the intricacies of the interrelationships between different poses and the specific Chakras they open. Otherwise the energy is “too hot to handle” (literally). Nature shows us there is a fine line between medicine and poison: the sacred Nectar in small micro-doses can be healing, but an overdose can be a lethal. This same principle of duality applies to Kundalini energy: just like any sacred Tool, the application of Yoga determines whether it is “positive or negative”, “good or bad”, etc. Intention is everything, and all the great Spiritual Wisdom Systems from the ancient world that we still have access to by some miracle stress this principle: intention.

So many Western Yoga "Teachers" are clearly driven by Capitalistic survival forces with the intention of making money. They all are collectively lying to themselves in order to justify the need to charge people money for Yoga class by repeating things like:"Money isn't good or bad, it's just a tool, and I deserve to have the Energetic Exchange honored. That's just reality". There are many "realities", and in all of them money is not a Sacred Tool for human empowerment: it is a means of Human Oppression in Patriarchy. In the ancient Matriarchal cultures from which Yoga comes from, they did not have money as we understand it. E.g. Ancient Egypt had a bartering system in place up until the Greek Ptolemaic Colonizer dynasty took over (of which Cleopatra comes from) and introduced currency. So the desire for money is also tainting the manifestation of Kundalini energy in Western Yoga Studio dynamics. Countless Western Yoga "Teachers" are frankly self-delusional and in self-denial of these Shadow dynamics, hence why they are subconscious usually. Many are now turning to "Corporate Yoga" business models in order to pay the bills. Corporate Yoga ... lol .... now that's a whole other exposé!

So many people online are making Youtube videos on “How to Activate Your Kundalini Today!" in order to get likes, subscribes, & pay their bills. What many of these people don’t talk about when it comes to “Getting Woke” is that you WILL eventually encounter dark Shadow Force Fields in the process of awakening your Kundalini. Why? Because Kundalini is inherently dualistic, again. This is something that Yoga literature discusses and why it is not to be activated flippantly or in a self-serving manner. To recapitulate: whether you like it or not, the Shadow aspects of Kundalini will eventually be reflected to your conscious awareness in people, places, & circumstances during your Spiritual Journey which greatly test your discernment, dedication to the Yoga practice, and the purity of your intentions. Maybe what these “Woke Spiritual Influencers” could also make some Youtube videos about is “How To Manage The Intensity of Kundalini Energy In A Colonized, Fucked Up, Capitalistic World That Will Call You Crazy/Manic/Bipolar” or “Why You Should Think Twice Before Activating Your Kundalini Upon Reentering Western Society Because Shadow Work Sucks!” or finally “I Activated My Kundalini And I Realized Tinder Was Sucking Me Dry Of It! 10 Dating Tips For the Chosen Ones in Narc Nation”

All jokes aside, Kundalini is a very serious and very high frequency of energy. How does one optimally manage this energy in a Colonized, Patriarchal, Capitalistic matrix?

Thankfully all the great Spiritual Traditions stress the importance of a plant-based diet that eliminates meat as a means to optimally ground down Kundalini energy. Why? Because the dense and ugly vibration of factory-farmed meat is in total dissonance with the lighter, less dense vibration necessary to actually work with the beneficial aspects of Subtle Energies like Kundalini which the Yoga practice opens up in the Chakras. Anyone who is truly “Woke” will understand the vibrational science and logic behind shifting to a Plant-based diet. No convincing Vegan talking points necessary here: either you get it, or you don't. Without a doubt in my humble opinion it is a non-negotiable condition to go plant-based if you are claiming to be a Yoga “Teacher” who honors the actual Practice of Yoga. The Yoga Sutras discuss a plant-based diet as an act of Ahimsa or non-violent compassion towards all other beings we share this planet with. Alas I challenge you dear reader to ask your favorite local Yoga “Teacher” what are the Yoga Sutras?

In my humble opinion, there is a very significant connection between Yoga “Teachers” who end up being sexual predators and a meat-eating diet.

I cannot prove if Bikram, Yogi Bhajan, or Jois eat/ate meat. However it would not shock me if they did/do. Factory farmed meat is produced in the vibration of violence, unimaginable horrors, & zero compassion. Real Yoga offers the vibration of Ahimsa - Peace, Empathy, & Non-violence. Therefore the meat-eating Yoga "Teacher" frankly is an oxymoron. It is common sense that the modern Macho Male ego is about as wrapped up in eating meat as they are in the size of their Hunting Spear. Toxic Masculinity + Yoga is a recipe for total energetic disaster. E.g. If you look on the website - a popular Workaway type of website for Yoga jobs and volunteer positions - there are many discriminatory job ads seeking “Female instructors only”. When I emailed the founders inquiring why and how are these job ads allowed to be posted in 2023, they explained to me because many of those Yoga Studios had negative experiences with Male Yoga "Teachers" preying sexually on Students.

This email exchange got me thinking a lot about Penis Privilege being a Queer Two Spirit person (pronouns: he/they) born in a Male body.

My Ego immediately got angry, thinking of all the Yoga Trade jobs I never heard back from possibly because I'm in a Male body. It was like reverse sex discrimination when applying for a Yoga job, which I thought was an ironic - yet Karmicly sound - joke the Universe was playing #karmasisabitchandweloveher Then I had to remind myself of the Privilege I carry walking around in a Male body in order to calm down my Divine Rage towards these destructive Sexual Predators masquerading as Yoga "Teachers". Then my Trauma was triggered as a Survivor. I am intimately aware as a Queer Male what Karmic forces control the Cage of Toxic Masculinity in which so many Heteronormative Cis Men exist. E.g. in Patriarchal Northern India, I had the Privilege to walk around freely without fear unlike Women who must be very Mindful, especially Foreign Women. I witnessed Indian men going up to Foreign Women and pulling out their penises in public spaces and on public transportation. I also heard many of my Cis Female Yoga School classmates tell of similar experiences during their travels in India. Our Yoga Coaches in the Ashram explained this dehumanizing behavior to us as being a result of the popular consumption of Western pornography in India which has instilled in Indian men a general perception of foreign women as "easy sluts". I say this without Ego and as objective observation: Indian men were very attracted to my Sacred Androgyny, as I was constantly being approached in Public Spaces being asked to take photos and offered free rides. I rarely paid for a taxi in India #itjustbelikethatsometimes

So while I was sitting pretty on the back of all these boys' motos, having delightful liaisons & cultural experiences being invited into their homes, I quickly realized that I was experiencing Penis Privilege in extremely Patriarchal North India. Furthermore I had multiple experiences in India & Nepal (sister countries with an open border) in which local Men whom existed in extreme Cognitive Dissonance unexpectedly pursued a sexual relation with me when we were seemingly alone. There was almost a Schizophrenic, "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" overtone in these severely repressed Queer Men's Covert Narcissist personality type. Most always they would ghost me after such experiences or deny that they were Queer #twofaced Whilst traveling I observed (more so in rural areas) the overt Gender Segregation socially enforced in India, the historical criminalization of the Third Gender Hijra tradition by the British Colonizers still playing out, & heavy Heteronormative pressure manifesting via Arranged Marriage expectations within traditional Indian families. All of this in my humble opinion has created a hyper-sexual "boiling point" in Patriarchal Indian culture observable in the Gang Rape phenomenon. Furthermore I felt that given the Gender Segregation in India, maybe many Young Men's first sexual experiences are with other Men. Male Queerness & Sexual Fluidity remain extremely taboo in Patriarchy, yet very common in the Shadows of Shame.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” ― Carl Gustav Jung #shadowwork

Given all of my travel experiences as a Queer person - not just in India but also 21 other countries - the sexual abuse scandal rocking the Yoga Industry does not surprise me one bit. Queer Folk in Patriarchy were for a very long time (due to archaic anti-Homosexuality laws) forced to exist in the Hidden Underworld of Human Society where all of Heteronormativity's dirty little secrets manifest: Sexual Abuse, Incest, Organized Crime, Drug/Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Sexual Fluidity, & The Facade of Monogamy. For whatever reason in Kali Yuga, Queer Folk have maybe been assigned the Karmic Duty to bear Witness to all the Subconscious Shadow Shit that Heteronormative Patriarchal People prefer to pretend doesn't exist #ignoranceisbliss The #metoo movement was the beginning of bringing to Light the systemic sexual abuse of Women & Young Girls in Patriarchy. The Narcissistic abuse inherent in the Toxic Masculine's control over the disempowered Toxic Feminine is reprehensible, and I am grateful for the #metoo movement and to all of my fellow Survivors whom have had the courage to speak our Truths. However I would like to deconstruct some Heteronormative Privilege inherent in the Survivor Stories which are gaining attention and the Survivor Stories which are not being given their due credit in my humble opinion.

Growing up Queer or Gender Non-Conforming in Patriarchy is dangerous. When Toxic Masculine Cis men rape and/or assault Queer Kids, Queer Men, Lesbians, & Trans Women (especially of Color) in the Shadows, they usually don't even bother to Love Bomb you like they KNOW THEY HAVE TO DO with Cis Heteronormative Women; they just go straight in for the kill. Why? Because Patriarchal Sexual Predators don't perceive Queer Folk (especially of Color) as Human Beings worthy of respect given the fact we don't conform to the Gender Cages they are trapped in. When they see a Queer person reflecting to them the non-conforming Sexual Freedom they (Subconsciously) wish they had, often their fragile Toxic Masculine Egos are triggered; they then feel justified/entitled in their violent behavior as upholding the Heteronormative social status quo to police Queerness in Public Space for the crimes of: "being a sissy", "being a faggot", "being an imposter/female impersonator trying to trick men and rape women in bathrooms", or "not wanting this big dick, you dyke". It is clear as day that Toxic Masculine Cis Men cannot handle seeing Gender Roles flipped, and certainly are Subconsciously jealous of Queer Freedom. Ergo: being Love Bombed is a Heteronormative Privilege.

Jealousy is a very basic and very common Narcissistic emotion to deconstruct in all humans claiming to be "emotionally mature adults ready to raise kids" #breeders The Toxic Masculine's extreme jealousy issues often manifest as violent sexual aggression towards whatever devalued object - whatever "sex toy' they find lying around on their phone, or maybe at home - mirroring or reflecting to them the Shadow Self they have repressed within their own Psyche. All humans who have been raised in Patriarchy have been subject to extreme Toxic Masculine emotional repression - regardless of Gender/Sexual Identity. This dark and oppressive Karmic Force often "rises to the surface, bubbling over" from the depths of the Subconscious via the Attraction/Repulsion principle. Repulsion is the Shadow of Attraction. So it's a safe bet that whenever someone consciously professes Repulsion towards someone or something, they are actually Subconsciously feeling Attraction which is in Cognitive Dissonance with their Conscious Ego Identity. Thus Sexual Predators often repress their true Desire - it "Goes Underground" i.e. Subconscious - and inevitably they WILL seek to fulfill that Shadow Desire via manipulation or force before re-entering unconscious Cognitive Dissonance like what? Like nothing ever happened #denytilltheydie

Queer Folk can intimately and often painfully become aware of this Attraction/Repulsion dynamic whilst surviving Patriarchy. Given how our Heteronormative Society so obviously devalues and scapegoats Queer Folk- Sexual Predators actively target Queer Folks (especially of Color) in the Shadows because:

1) they know you maybe won't report it to the corrupt Police (AKA "Protectors of the Peace") who historically have been Patriarchal Agents of Violence & Terror to BIPOC & Queer Communities #fuckthepopo

2) they perceive Queer Boys, Queer Men & Trans Women (especially of Color) as "weak", "repulsive", & less valuable than a Cis Woman and thus easier to abuse with zero empathy nor remorse

3) They perceive Lesbians and/or Butch Women as "Feminist man-haters" who "just haven't found the right dick yet"

So to all my Sacred Cis Sisters: before you deflect & project your fear of the Toxic Masculine's Sexual Shadow onto Queer Men and/or Trans Women, check your Heteronormative Privilege.

When you are privy to hearing how "Real Masculine Men" (aka Cowards) objectify Cis Women when around only other Cis Men (#twofaced), how they are competing with one another for hookups in a Game of numbers (#laid), all I can say to my fellow humans whom identify as Heterosexual Females is this: #discernment

It is laughable to me how the online "Twin Flame" phenomenon is normalizing Narcissistic abuse, toxic co-dependency, & archaic Gender Roles between Heteronormative people claiming to be in "Twin Flame connections" of the "Divine Masculine" & "Divine Feminine". For the record: the "Divine Feminine" & "Divine Masculine" Archetypal Energies HAVE NOTHING (REPEAT NOTHING)TO DO WITH PHYSICAL GENITALIA â˜Żïž

To believe that you are inherently lacking either the Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine Archetypes given your physical sex is the first major block when it comes to Spiritual Evolution and truly understanding these Subtle Energies. If you associate one energy outside of yourself, this will lead you to physically attach to another human who you believe embodies the perceived opposite energy you "lack" via a toxic co-dependent relationship in order to have 24/7 access to the source of energetic supply #lackmindset Rather than both parties co-regulating and balancing their Yin/Yang energies respectively, they end up Subconsciously feeding off of the other's energy in a constant Power struggle i.e. the Toxic Masculine actually steals the Divine Feminine energy from the disempowered Toxic Feminine and vice versa. Sex is the Illusion of Divine Union between the Feminine & Masculine perceived polarities. There is nothing Divine about toxic co-dependency in Heteronormative "Couple Goals" Culture. Why? Because they call it a "Twin Flame" for a reason: when you try to touch that Eternal Flame of Desire, you may just get burned. Remember that Kundalini energy is inherently sexual & dualistic. So maybe what we understand to be the "Twin Flame" experience is simply when someone activates your Kundalini in a moment of magnetic, sexual attraction between the perceived opposites. It is very easy to mis-identify a heart-based, "Like Attracts Like" Soulmate Connection with the true Twin Flame if sex is clouding your intuition. Furthermore it is very easy to be duped by a Covert and/or Overt Narcissist claiming to be your "Twin Flame" if the entire basis of the connection is passionate sex #incubus #succubus #energyvampires

Heteronormative Privilege is at the root of the assumption that the true Twin Flame experience is between a “Soft, Passive, Feminine, & Domestic Goddess/Caretaker/Mother” and a “Strong, Active, Masculine, & Hard-working Hunter/Provider/Father”.

These Patriarchal Power dynamics are clearly toxic, clearly outdated, and yet still very difficult for Baby Boomers & Generation X'ers to deconstruct. They separate the Cultural Constructs of Masculinity & Femininity into two distinct boxes - Blue & Pink - AKA The Gender Binary which has no basis in actual biology (e.g. sex chromosomes nor hormone ratios) and erases the existence of Intersex & Nonbinary people who are the living proof that both Sex & Gender Identity exist on a Natural Spectrum. Despite the continued existence of Intersex people & their plight for legal rights, the Patriarchy still socializes & segregates children from the very moment of birth into the Gender Binary. Such delusional phrases like "Women are from Venus, and Men are from Mars" saturate the Collective Unconscious and reinforce the Illusion that "Men and Women" are fundamentally different yet dependent on the other. For a very long time Patriarchy justified Women's enslavement in the Domestic sphere via Gender socialization methods so Women would have no economic autonomy: co-dependent on men for money. Meanwhile Men who existed in the Economic sphere were co-dependent on Women for food and basically everything else. Despite the entrance of Women into the workforce, these archaic False Beliefs reinforcing the Gender Binary still persist in 21st Century life and distort our understanding of the true Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Archetypes.

The Gender Binary i.e. Gender Segregation blocks the actual Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Archetypal Energies from manifesting in Co-presence.

Why? Because in the true Twin Flame journey there's always a period of Separation in which the perceived Polarity Energies - after coming into physical union - must not share space in order to re-build their energetic charge #magnets Thus toxic co-dependency is actually Spiritual Sabotage: it is impossible for these energies to Recharge & Rise if they are bound until "Death do us part" #marriagegoals Therefore anyone claiming to embody the Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine energies whom is married or in a toxic co-dependent relationship are self-delusional and ignorant of the true Science behind these Subtle Energies which Matriarchal cultures very much understood. Ancient Cultures with Priestly traditions were consciously working with Kundalini energy in their Sacred Tantric Rituals (AKA Sex Magic). The Priests and Priestesses actually lived separately and only came together at certain points in the Cycles to perform their Sacred Rituals. An innate & polyamorous Queerness therefore evolved in Priestly castes in Matriarchal Cultures. This taboo has certainly been erased from Patriarchy’s re-telling of History. E.g. in various Tantra Temples in India the Intersex Body AKA Third Gender AKA The “Hermaphrodite” is everywhere in Sacred Art as a symbol. Are there any other Taboo ways in which the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Archetypes can manifest beyond Cis Heterosexual Relationships? In my humble opinion, there are infinite possibilities of how these energies can manifest. E.g. they do not just require two Heteronormative people to “Ground down”, they can certainly manifest in Polyamorous situations involving three or more Human Beings embodying either/or (e.g. Three Men, Three Women, Two Women and One Man, Two Men and One Woman, etc).

Nonbinary people were considered to be a living embodiment of a Transcendental energy which manifested in the physical plane of Duality. Ergo: in ancient Matriarchal cultures, Queerness was not Taboo: it was Sacred #pride Many Heteronormative People are obviously going to deflect & reject this information. This is to be expected, because frankly Heteronormative people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Archetypes. Patriarchal programming is so heavy, so toxic, and so normalized they are often greatly blocked when it comes to deconstructing our own cultural lenses when imagining what could the Matriarchal past actually look like. In a nutshell: Gender is of no consequence to Energy. Only associating Femininity with Cis Women & Masculinity with Cis Men is misdirection: Cis Men can be Yin/Passive, and Cis Women can be Yang/Active. To truly identify the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Archetypal Energies within Karmic Connections (AKA Soul Contracts), one has to Shift out of Patriarchal Gender Scripts #flipthescript

When Navigating Karmic Connections: You may feel an intense, magnetic attraction to Energy Vampires because Society has programmed you to find Toxic qualities sexually attractive #lustatfirstsight

In my humble opinion it is a huge Test when Spiritually developing to learn how to discern who is the Toxic Masculine masquerading as the Divine Masculine and same vice versa for the Toxic Feminine masquerading as the Divine Feminine #aciddickattack #venusflytrap #couplegoals Why is Discernment so key? Because the Overt and/or Covert Narcissistic Personality types KNOW that in the Online Dating Game, it's all a matter of Word Play #wordsarespells #blackmagic #wakeupwitches

Any trifling, troglodyte, Tinder trick can tell you everything under the Sun your wounded Inner Child desires to hear in order to feel wanted and attractive i.e. approval #daddyissues Energy Vampires KNOW that if they don't Love Bomb you, you may instantly see right through the mask they lead with. Love Bombing is actually a calculated tactic to throw your intuition off kilter from the beginning of the "relationship". The Love Bombing phase is always a short & sweet Honeymoon because the Sham can only last so long when someone is deceptive and hiding their true intentions. Inevitably Mr. or Miss Duplicity will show their true face, their true colors, once they have fed off of your Kundalini energy via sexual intimacy and the initial high of new supply cools down. Overt and/or Covert Narcissists in Narc Nation are on the never-ending hunt for constant new sources of energetic supply. Horniness + Loneliness + Boredom = the next Swipe Right. Thus Gyms, Yoga Studios, and/or anywhere else where physical energy is being created are the perfect hunting grounds for Sexual Predators (especially Covert Narcs). What better way than to get the VIP access to the "All the Yoga Booty You Can Eat Buffet" by masquerading as a Yoga "Teacher"? Dearly beloved ... trust me on this one: these Energy Vampires KNOW that the Yoga studio is an optimal hunting ground for single "Spiritual" people looking for a "Woke Divine Masculine" man or vice versa a "Divine Feminine Domestic Goddess". It is very easy to perform Spirituality when there is both economic & sexual bounty to be pillaged.

Dearly Beloved: How do we develop Discernment when identifying a Yoga "Teacher" as an Energy Vampire? Stay Tuned for the 8 Red Flags coming in a hot minute ...

Before this I feel it is very important to draw our Conscious Awareness to one more aspect of how and why the Yoga Fitness Industry has become ripe with sexual abuse. We must begin to have these uncomfortable and ultimately not very PC conversations about this common Shadow phenomenon of Sexual Abuse in Patriarchy in general. Toxic Masculinity doesn't just manifest in Cis Macho Men. It also manifests as Patriarchal attitudes and beliefs regarding archaic Gender Roles, Gender Scripts, & ultimately Toxic Co-dependency in all humans really. Patriarchal Mothers (just as much as Patriarchal Fathers) can tell little boys, "Man up, boys don't cry, you have to provide" breeding Toxic Masculinity as a cyclical manifestation of Ancestral Trauma. The pressure to conform to the Masculine Gender Role of the Provider clearly leads to boiling points, dissociation, & escapist-addiction issues. Ergo these archaic False Beliefs don't just harm Women, they also harm Men. Bringing it back full circle to diet: a prime example of one of these Patriarchal beliefs is the "Myth of the Hunter" and the Toxic Masculine claim that, "Real Men eat meat". In the context of Yoga, thankfully nowadays there are more and more Men shifting to a Plant-based diet #mybodyisready đŸ˜» However in my own personal experiences, I have observed that the majority of Yoga "Teachers" who were the most deflective and resistant to going Plant-based (i.e. blocked) were often Cis Heteronormative Men. These humans clearly cling (desperately) to the Patriarchal theology of “Real Men Eat Meat” like a weaning infant sucking Oedipus's Mama's left teat dry for every last drop of milk #mommyissues This False Belief is a manifestation of a fragile, self-delusional Toxic Masculine ego which identifies as the Hunter when in reality they are a Consumer. Period.

#toxicmasculinity 101 This clearly was not made by an Indigenous person: Native American hunting traditions did not resemble modern Whitewashed, backwoods, camouflaged, Redneck hunting culture in any way #cognitivedissonance

In my YTT in India, the Facilitators certainly recommended a plant-based diet in accordance with the Yoga Sutras. All the food offered was vegetarian. The long and ancient history of a diet which eliminates meat in connection to the Yoga practice is often very conveniently ignored in the West which perceives Veganism as some modern hipster fad. I have seen countless social media posts online where many Yoga “Teachers” are complaining when people ask them: “So have you gone Vegan if you teach Yoga? Whoops 
 I meant Plant-based?" #politicallycorrect When people’s Egos are so easily offended by the thought of sacrificing the addiction to eating flesh, subconsciously there is a lot of cognitive dissonance manifesting in their Soul. Regardless of your personal opinions about the effects of eating meat on your Chakras, I agree with the Yoga Sutras and personally practice Ahimsa Non-violence in my diet. For the record: eating plants is not the same as eating animals. Period.

Views about diet aren’t the only massive difference between the modern Western workout version of Yoga and the real Sacred Science of Yoga from the Elevated Ancient Ancestors.

During my experiences in high-level Yoga classes in India, I quickly observed that my lovely Indian teachers would never probably get past the first observation trial class at a Western Fitness studio (if they weren’t properly warned beforehand). The Indian instructors I witnessed told students very directly “This is not correct, do it this way” and adjusted the student roughly without permission if necessary (which would get an American studio sued as fast as you can say Namaste). Before you are quick to denounce hands-on adjustments, Indian Yoga teachers are offering a well oiled ancient sequence that is not about the teacher, but more about the transformational process of the sequence itself. There is little praise, but there is adjustment. This style at first very much triggered many of my Western peers in the YTT, especially those with trauma. After much reflection I have come to determine that yes - while some Yoga "Teachers" abuse adjustments - ultimately they are more valuable to receive versus praise in order to grow in your Practice. Our Western, fragile, self-centered egos still are in need of constant positive reinforcement due to our Miseducation system. When one confronts their own sense of cultural biases, you may learn how incredibly wise the Indian style of teaching is because it can deconstruct the Narcissistic ego & mind Karma if the student is open and receptive to let go of the need for praise.

To a truly well-seasoned Practitioner of Yoga, you are just a body expressing the Asana. The alignment (and possible necessary adjustment) is more important than your Ego’s desire for praise in order to properly channel the energy of the pose itself. Have you ever heard someone say, "Let the pose do its work" during class? The Eastern approach I experienced in India in my humble opinion subtly deconstructs the Western, individualistic “I’m unique, I’m special, and I have my own expression” thought patterns. Yoga is a Sacred Science that teaches you even if you think your unique body type could never sit in Lotus, it is actually possible if you practice Yoga every day. I assure you I am the living proof of the transformative power of Yoga.

Every body is capable of Transformation in the eyes of an authentic Yoga facilitator. Hierarchy only exists in the sense that the Teacher senses when you are truly ready for more complex Asanas once your body has begun to shift and become more flexible as a result of regular practice. Praise can be empowering when it is spontaneous and acknowledging a student’s progress versus making them the “Teacher’s Favorite” Flying Monkey I.e. a teaching tactic, a prop using praise as a subconscious Power Grab. Monkey mind see, monkey mind do! Then add Instagram yoga photo culture into the mix and now we have full blown idol worship!

So wait a minute 
 You may be asking 
 “Could my favorite Yoga Teacher really be a Covert or Overt Narcissist?”

Maybe. All humans have Narcissistic Ego tendencies to varying degrees. The Ego is neither good nor bad, it just is. The root of extreme NPD is a very fragile, insecure Ego in need of constant praise (i.e. likes & comments) & reinforcement (i.e. high number of followers) which it seeks via Shadow/Subconscious manipulation of others in order to have a constant source of energetic supply to feed off of. An Overt or Covert Narcissist may be unconscious of all these dynamics, most usually. What is the root of this Personality Type now rampantly being bred by online Social Media culture? Social Media culture/Idol Worship/The Obsession With Fame could be observed as a byproduct of Colonized Western societies that champion Individualism/Independence over Collectivism/Interdependence. Do Americans especially have access to authentic Community & Fellowship nowadays in the Internet Age? In my humble opinion Religion is the perfect example of the Illusion of Community in America. Most Americans may only have access to shallow, superficial "communities" of no real depth in which the Ego's most basic needs are not being met: the need to be seen, heard, & loved unconditionally without judgment. This lack of unconditional love perhaps is the root issue behind the NPD Phenomenon and Energy Vampirism. Everyone is adopting a mask in order to gain social approval from others and avoid social rejection in the group culture they have agreed to participate in. Everybody in "Cancel Culture" is hiding their true thoughts, opinions, perceptions, & desires in our chosen "communities" in order to avoid "offending other people" and we constantly tip-toe around politically correct eggshells. The fear of Retribution is a very real, Subconscious force; especially if someone's carefully crafted image or online persona from which they profit off of is at stake.

Personal anecdote time: I had the great misfortune of working as front desk staff at a Southern California studio which hosted a "Shiva Rea" workshop event. The cultural appropriation I witnessed was enraging. This Overt Narcissist entered through the back door, full face of Kardashian-Klown levels of makeup on (i.e. a mask), & big sunglasses as if she were some famous celebrity entering the Oscars versus a tiny start-up studio. She didn't even acknowledge or speak to the front desk staff like a "kind Yogi" as her entourage of disciples flanked her sides protectively. The Spiritual Ego I witnessed was laughable. One of her disciples was a local Yoga "Teacher" named Kelly whom I was very familiar with. She was also an Overt Narcissist who openly created constant Yoga "Teacher" Drama with other "Teachers" and Studio Managers. Kelly every time she saw me usually tried to convince me to take her very expensive YTT and join the Shiva Rea Cultural Appropriation circus #discernment As I was checking in clients for the big workshop, Kelly saw a Studio Manager from a different studio walk in who she had beef with. Kelly no joke immediately went zero to one hundred & yelled out loud in front of clients, "Fuck no! If that bitch is here, I''m not going into that room!" #loveandlight #namaste #yogabitches

Social Media is the illusion of community because people are presenting a highly groomed, censored, and carefully crafted "mask": i.e. an idealized digital version representing the perfectly imperfect human being they really are offline. In the context of Western Yoga Business, up-and-coming "Teachers" have no choice but to market themselves on social media in order to "make it" in the industry. Thus it is safe to say that when you agree (consciously or unconsciously) to play the oppressive Algorithm game of social media marketing, image is everything, and substance means nothing. E.g. have you ever been to a Yoga "Influencer" i.e. Appropriator's Instagram profile and every single post is either a demo pose photo or video of themselves? There is no authentic content about the Yoga Philosophy, The Sutras, the 8 branches of Yoga, The Mudras, the Mantras, literally nothing of substance relating to what Yoga really is. There are only pretty pictures of their Yoga poses advertising when & where you can take their next class! #redflagsdontmeango

Narcissists whom profit off of this "Spiritual Yoga Teacher" mask take it off when it "no longer serves them" or is inconvenient in order to avoid criticism of Cultural Appropriation. The illusion of Yoga community & fellowship is incredibly toxic, shallow, fake, & rampantly breeding self-serving Energy Vampirism.

The root of extreme NPD again is a wounded child who never received unconditional love from emotionally immature parents or - in extreme cases - abusive caretakers. The greatest mask we all put on is that of the "Adult", when in Patriarchy we all are really wounded children masquerading as grown ups #adulting When you have this realization that so many people have not healed their inner wounded Child archetype, it becomes again a Shadow subconscious dynamic. The shadow of the Child demands attention. Do you now see how in the Competition for Attention in Social Media Algorithms that the desire for likes & followers is blocking all of us from healing the deepest childhood wounds we all carry from having had to survive in a Colonized, Patriarchal world? How silly then does it now seem with this newfound loving awareness to observe so many people marketing themselves as "Healers", "Empath Coaches," & "Certified Reiki Masters" whilst claiming to have the power to heal you (for the right price) when so many of us clearly haven't had the time or space to do the real Healing Work! Why? Because in Capitalism when there are bills to pay, mouths to feed, and loans to pay back survival takes priority over healing. There is a difference between Ego work for money and Soul work for your healing #ratrace #influencers #thematrix

Some of these #yogabitches may deflect and say things like, "Why are you focusing on the Negative? Positive vibes only please. I'm a Lightworker so I'm just going to send you love & light. Namaste!". The Shadow exists, whether it makes you uncomfortable or not, and Shadow Work is equally as important as Light work. In fact when a "Lightworker" pretends like the Shadow Self doesn't exist out of self-delusional fear, they are repressing this aspect of their "Higher Self". Your "Higher Self" has both Light & Shadow, Masculine & Feminine, Yin & Yang polarities or dualities. Thus (especially Souls having a Female or Queer or Nonbinary or Transfeminine human experience in Patriarchy) the sexual aspects of the Shadow Self often have been repressed their entire life and gone Subconscious, then they may bubble over unconsciously in passive aggressive or micro-aggressive behavior. Ever met a jealous #yogabitch who tells you "Love & Light" to your face, meanwhile behind-the-scenes is actively trying to sabotage or destroy your Yoga teaching aspirations at the same studio? Have you ever attempted to directly confront this type of #yogabitch for their two-faced, back-stabbing behavior yet they play dumb and/or the victim? Pretending like they never complained to your Studio Manager about you, your certifications in comparison to their certifications, your salary versus their salary, etc? Does this now extremely triggered #yogabitch in flight/fight response then quickly attempt to shut down and exit this uncomfortable conversation regarding accountability by replying,"Positive vibes only, sending you love & light, Namaste!"? Well when Instagram "Empath Coaches" are preaching to their clients, "Only do what makes you feel good" this type of #yogabitch basic behavior becomes more understandable in Capitalistic, culturally Appropriated Yoga Studio culture in which Yoga Selfies are the new currency.

To recapitulate: social media is rampantly breeding & normalizing extreme narcissistic behavior in all aspects of our society, and even more obviously so in Western Yoga Instagram culture.

Having once briefly been a participant in this vapid Instagram Yoga picture culture myself (full disclosure), I have come to determine its extreme manifestations are truly ridiculous: it has everything to do with Physical appearance/perception and nothing to do with Spiritual alignment. These types of Narcissistic Yoga "Teachers" exploiting the Sacred Science of Yoga for meaningless attention in the Influencer Rat Race are all basically competing for Sponsorship deals with culturally appropriated Yoga brands like Yoga Bitch Apparel, Lululemon (a very evil Corporation which publicly punished a small SoCal Yoga studio I was working for by pulling their Sponsorship after a #yogabitch anonymously sent Lulu Corporate a social media post I made joking about their cultural appropriation - from a personal instagram account in which the post did not tag Lululemon nor my Yoga Studio ... #nojoke), Beyond Yoga, etc. Just like celebrities marketing designer clothes at the Oscars, to land a Sponsorship is clearly their main intention with "Practicing Yoga" i.e. Appropriating it for personal profit. These "Yoga Influencers" clearly have gotten lost in the Algorithm Rabbit Hole and lost sight of the whole original point of practicing Yoga. Dearly beloved: the whole original point of the Yoga practice is to get limber before you sit in Lotus Padmasana pose and Align With the Divine; meditating, breathing, & cultivating Kundalini energy. Are many people who claim to be Yoga “Teachers” in the West even able to sit in Lotus pose or ending their classes by collectively meditating in Lotus? Or are they stealing that Subtle Energy from Students while they are resting in Shavasana Corpse Pose - the people who have done all the actual movement & energy creation - at the end of class? It is very important to realize that Energy Vampires do not feed in an obvious, physical way. It is subtle and related to the metaphysical concept of Quantum Entanglement.

Modern Western Yoga Studios are a hot mess express of toxic, energetic Entanglement. Why would you even desire to Entangle your Chakras with a complete stranger on the mat next to you? Someone who most likely just shows up to sweat out all their toxins, addictions, Self-harming decisions, & Subconscious shit in the company of general strangers and/or acquaintances? Someone operating under the Ego-serving intention to practice Yoga because it's "my workout hour"? Someone whom immediately leaves after class is over to check their phone, making zero effort to connect with the other human beings they just opened up that Sacred Space with? #entangled One more question to ponder: Who is your favorite Yoga "Teacher" really at night when no one is watching them and there is no need to perform Spirituality? I once had a beloved Mentor tell me, “Never trust a man who can’t touch his toes”. Some sage advice. I will update this saying for the context of #Decolonizeyoga ... "Never trust a Yoga Teacher who can't sit in Lotus Pose". For the naysayers, I can play "Devil's Advocate": Obviously someone can be a seasoned practitioner of Yoga, capable of sitting in Lotus, and still be a corruptible human being. However it is just a general good red flag to initially observe when discerning who is an Energy Vampire or not in Narc Nation.

What are the other Red Flags unmasking your favorite Yoga “Teacher” as an Energy Vampire sucking students dry?

In the words of author Caroline Myss, "Everything in Life is a Power negotiation". So is there a not-so-obvious reason why Western Yoga Studios' biggest cash cows are "Power Vinyasa Yoga" classes? What is Power in this context? Who has Power in the Western Yoga Fitness Industry, and who doesn't? Could Yoga "Teachers" be (consciously or unconsciously) stealing Students' Personal Power all under the Illusion of Empowerment?

To learn how to read people's true intentions in the Illusory 3D World of 'Maya' as the Vedas describe it, it is very important to understand that most Power Dynamics or Power Grab Moves are Subtle / Shadow / Hidden from the two physical eyes. This is why the inner Third Eye is such a potent and important concept/symbol in the Spiritual Practice of Yoga: Physical Appearances are most often deceiving when reading Energy.

With that being established, how do we begin the process of reclaiming our Personal Power (i.e. your Life Force energy, your Magic, your Kundalini) in the Matrix of the Colonizer's Capitalistic Patriarchy?

To start: it is very important to develop Discernment and learn how to observe the Red Flags. In Capitalistic "Cancel Culture" most people play the polite PC "Stay In Your Lane, Don't Offend Anybody, All Small Talk" Game and don't mean what they say. So part of developing Discernment is practicing "reading between the lines". With a Third Eye wide open what is your Intuition telling you about people claiming to be Yoga "Teachers", "Healers", "Reiki Masters", etc.? People whose public personas & profits depend on a "Good First Impression" and seeming Nice, Happy, Spiritual, Woke, Positive, Giving, Loving, "Divine Feminine and/or Divine Masculine", Empathic, etc.? A wonderful way to practice developing Discernment is to watch Online Tarot Readings.

Check out my "Musings From a Tarot Reader" Vlog Series to learn more about how to recognize Red Flags and develop discernment when reading a Tarot bitch.

To recapitulate: we have established that the first major Red Flag in the context of the Colonizer's Capitalistic Yoga is:

Red Flag #1) A person claiming to be a Yoga "Teacher" whom cannot sit in Padmasana Lotus pose

Remember dearly beloved: the whole original point of Hatha Yoga in the ancient world was to get limber enough to sit comfortably in Lotus and meditate - cultivating Kundalini - after slowly flowing through the sequence. Some traditions also advocate half-lotus with the right or left leg altering on top depending on your physical sex. Point being: I assure you that the energy cultivation/activation in Lotus is tangibly different versus when you are just sitting in a comfortable cross-legged position. Obviously a lot of people will not agree with this (or maybe anything in this Exposé lol) especially Yin & Restorative Yoga Practitioners.

As someone who has a 50 hour Yin certification, I feel ultimately these styles of Yoga fall outside the scope of the type of distorted, Western "Power Vinyasa" Yoga we have been deconstructing in this Exposé. I have had nothing but empowering experiences in Yin & Restorative classes with other Facilitators & Students. The vibe is noticeably different and many "Power Yogis" are repulsed by it. Given the extremely slow nature of these styles of Yoga, I feel the Energy Vampirism dynamics present in more fast-paced, Yang styles are completely absent. Yin & Restorative Yoga as Practices are not concerned with creating heat & energy via movement to stretch the muscles and cultivate Kundalini. Yin & Restorative Yoga are more concerned with deep diving into the fascia or tissues beneath the muscles in order to release static energy, restore, & heal the most subtle layers of your being. At the end of the day, I personally believe Yin/Restorative Yoga are beautiful healing modalities that every Yoga student should incorporate into their personal Practice to balance out all that Yang energy.

With that being clarified, let's move on to defining what are the other Red Flags when developing Discernment and identifying Energy Vampires in the Yoga Practice ...

Red Flag #2) When a Yoga “Teacher” does not flow with the students and just walks around class, giving only verbal cues.

They are most likely getting high off of the energy, hiding an injury, or possibly just not interested any longer in Yoga and simply going through the motions like a rote automaton. I can play "Devil’s Advocate" and say yes - of course - there could be conscious Yoga Facilitators out there whom are aware of these Shadow Power dynamics and want to establish a strong boundary between their energy and the Students’ energy. However I find Entanglement happens regardless if they are giving just verbal cues or flowing with the students, so most likely this type of Yoga “Teacher” is still just a Thirsty Vamp.

Red Flag #3) When a Yoga "Teacher" incorporates no Meditation into the beginning or end of class - especially the end

I'll repeat it again because they say third time's the charm: Please remember that the whole point of fast-paced, "Power Vinyasa Yoga" classes in their original, ancient form was to sit comfortably in Lotus Pose and meditate in order to cultivate Kundalini energy. Meditation is arguably more important than Yoga itself. Yoga was designed to be the means to arriving in Meditation. Meditation is the gateway or portal to personal Transcendence. Thus the standard way that most Western Yoga "Teachers" end a Power Vinyasa Yoga class is to have the Students be in Final Resting Pose AKA Corpse Pose AKA Shavasana for 3-5 minutes before a quick Namaste. This 3-5 minute window is the optimal feeding time for an Energy Vampire masquerading as a Yoga "Teacher" when the Students are completely open, vulnerable, and semi-conscious. Whilst they may say, "Enjoy now absorbing all the benefits of your Practice in Shavasana," the Energy Vampire is (consciously or unconsciously) absorbing all of your hard-earned Subtle Energy work. Think about that for a hot minute ....

Red Flag #4) When a Yoga "Teacher" incorporates no information about Pranayama Breathing Techniques or draws no conscious awareness to the Breath

Yoga has been defined as many things, but a popular modern definitIon is "The union of Movement with Breath". To "Yoke" or Align with the Divine could translate as well as "Infusing Physical Matter with Spirit AKA Prana AKA The Breath" #divineunion So if a person claiming to be a Yoga "Teacher" has no knowledge of Sacred Pranayama Breathing Techniques this is a HUGE red flag. There is a big knowledge gap between Yoga "Teachers" whom simply repeat, "Remember your breath, breathe in, breathe out" and seasoned Yoga Practitioners whom share specific Pranayama techniques in class like Fire Breathing, Ida/Pingala Alternate Breathing, Bumblebee, etc.

Red Flag #5) When a Yoga "Teacher" shares no traditional Yoga terminology with Students in class

Honoring (not appropriating) the ancient cultures from which Yoga comes from means to understand a little bit of their languages, world views, and perceptions. If a person claiming to be a Yoga "Teacher" has no knowledge of the ancient Terminology than most likely they are an ignorant, Tamasic Cultural Appropriator sucking you dry of your Kundalini.

Red Flag #6) When a Yoga “Teacher” exhibits little Discipline with their diet and/or lifestyle choices like consuming meat, processed junk food, artificial Party drugs, and alcohol (especially processed liquors- the most toxic of substances).

They call Liqueurs “Spirits” for a reason, folks! 😈 Obviously with certain substances there is a permeable, fluid boundary between what is excessive and what is healthy consumption habits depending on the context. Everything is relative to the Observer. E.g. Marijuana can be a healing, sacred Plant Medicine when used with reverence & respect (I prefer to consume this Plant Medicine by myself and not in the company of strangers or Tamasic environments like nightclubs, bars, etc.). When used unconsciously Marijuana can also become a dependency issue that is toxic and/or used with zero respect in party environments when mixed with alcohol #crossfaded Point being:if you discover that outside the Yoga Studio your favorite Yoga "Teacher" is a massive party animal, beware

Red Flag #7) When a Yoga "Teacher" participates in the Casual Connection culture of Tinder and other online sex applications, or is fucking their Students on the low

Remember dearly beloved that Kundalini energy is inherently sexual. Therefore Sex is often happening "on the low" or in the Shadows in Western Yoga studios and communities. Earlier we identified that there is a huge problem with Sexual Abuse in Western Appropriated Yoga. So it is common sense that if a person claiming to be a Yoga "Teacher" is having Casual sex with their Students, they are abusing the Sacred Science of Yoga under Narcissistic intentions, and obviously are an Energy Vampire. Yoga "Teachers" are easily horny folks just like athletes when all that movement and energy is being created! This why traditional Yoga Philosophy stresses that - in order to optimally manage Kundalini energy activation - Interpersonal Detachment (and in some cases outright Celibacy) is advocated in order to transcend Lust & Bondage of Human flesh.

Some readers may be thinking, "Ok, ok, yes all that seems like common sense for Yoga Teachers to not become sexually Entangled with Students. But what's the problem with Yoga Teachers participating in online Dating Apps?"

Maybe because "Online Dating" is a misleading misnomer; an Illusion. These applications are ideal for lonely sex addicts looking for casual sex on their phones, the perfect hunting grounds really for Energy Vampires to find their next victim. Thus if your favorite local Yoga "Teacher" is out prowling on the Apps, it is highly likely they are an Energy Vampire definitely not practicing the Yogic Law of Detachment.

Furthermore let's make it crystal quartz clear: Overt and/or Covert Narcissists have ZERO EMPATHY and the only thing they are in LOVE with are Casual Connection Applications for the following 4 reasons:

1) Apps make it incredibly less energetically taxing to identify possible prey from behind a screen (versus having to go to any physical place like a bar, gym, etc.) when all the Energetic Vampire has to do is scroll through pretty pictures of people on their phone #onlineshopping

2) Apps make it incredibly easy to juggle multiple options for energetic supply in secret #thehidden

3) Apps make it incredibly fast and easy to deflect, devalue, & discard someone post-Quickie once the Energy Vampire has fed if the majority of your "Relationship" evolved via text messages #emptywords

4) Apps make it incredibly difficult to discern someone's true intentions, and Energy Vampires understand this and use it to their advantage when identifying their victims whom they may assume are naive, desperate for attention, and/or willing to be abused #heybabe

Be honest with yourself: most people on "Dating Apps" will only message you if they find you physically attractive. If you want to manifest a "Real relationship", then get real with yourself! In the "Online Dating" Game, your photos are the end-all-be-all determining factor if someone messages you. This is Human Nature when discussing Attraction: our Physical eyes usually override our Third Eye when initially entangling with a new potential Lover. Thus your profile bio - which you may spend hours editing & changing like a resumé selling yourself to the next potential bidder - is ultimately futile in Narc Nation. Overt and/or Covert Narcissists know that they have to pretend to want to get to know you - to potentially have a "Real relationship" with you - in order to have sex with you. So they may quickly scan your bio in order to find some key words or a common interest that they then can lead with in their opening greeting to (subconsciously) pre-establish that sense of, "Oh this person took the time to actually read my bio, thank God! They have potential". Just like a predatory Yoga "Teacher" who feigns interest in your Personal Practice or Spiritual development in order to have sex with you, this Shadow power Dynamic is truly heart-breaking, and hence why post people ignore it by wearing the Rose-colored Glasses in the "Online Dating" Game #theused

If you are in denial of this inconvenient truth, and believe it is possible to force "Real Love" on your phone ... bless your heart. If the entire foundation of your connection is a Swipe Right, a match in the Algorithm, etc. then it is a Casual Connection, not a Soulmate Connection. A real Soulmate often crosses your path by Divine Chance out in Organic reality, not the Artificial reality we have created online. It is heart-breaking to see how so many people are stuck in this toxic cycle of "Online Dating"- a tech industry which profits off of people's fear of Loneliness; those needy people looking for "my person, the One". These types of people are often Self-Delusional, in Self-Denial, and exhibit Self-sabotaging patterns of behavior by repeatedly attracting the same type of Covert and/or Overt Narcissist who devalues & discards them after getting what they really (subconsciously) want: your life force or Kundalini. One popular definition of insanity is to repeat the same pattern expecting a different result. This logic could certainly apply to the "Online Dating" game in which people get their hearts broken yet continue to participate in hopes of meeting someone different than the last swipe right! In extreme cases, the Energy Vampirism manifesting on these sex apps is also breeding blatant Incubus/Succubus energy. Thus I highly recommend for your own personal, mental, and Spiritual evolution to delete any and all "dating apps" from your phone #sacrifice

Our final Red Flag surrounds the old adage, "Go where your energy is reciprocated".

This final Red Flag for me is a dynamic that is more specific between different Yoga “Teachers” at Studios. We could talk about the Yoga “Teacher” Drama Red Flags in an entire book! However this could also apply to the Yoga "Teacher"/ Student dynamic in some contexts.

Red Flag #8) When another Yoga “Teacher” is constantly asking you to go to their events/workshops/push their YTT on you and reciprocates zero interest in going to your events, hanging out with you as friends outside the studio, or ghosts you when they say they will come

Reciprocation (or the lack thereof) is ultimately & arguably the most important factor when discerning if another human is an unconscious Left-brain Leach AKA a Thirsty Trick AKA an Imposter AKA a Trifling Troglodyte. Especially in the Algorithm Game of Online Social Media, it is shocking the complete lack of reciprocation when you engage with somebody's content and they could care less about engaging with your content in return. In the context of Yoga - in which the Competition for Attention is thriving - this dynamic manifests between competing "Teachers" all the time. I have countless personal experiences with this very difficult lesson of developing discernment with Narcissistic "friends" & "co-workers" whom are all subconsciously competing with one another. E.g. you know that #yogabitch who only talks to you for self-promo reasons attempting to constantly convince you to come and "support them" at their events, classes, workshops, etc. To that Covert and/or Overt Narcissist their hidden intentions are clearly to just have one more person at their event for that money, honey. When you show up to their event expecting to be treated like a supportive friend, you may find #yogabitch in question ignores your presence or treats you very "professionally" i.e. impersonally, just like any other client. You may be feeling confused as to where you stand with said #yogabitch and wait until the end of the event to have a friendly conversation. However before you can even say "Hey I showed up to support you, friend & fellow, would you mind returning the favor and coming to my next event?" the #yogabitch in question swiftly exits the event venue without even thanking you for showing up to "support them". You may then realize that you completely wasted your time & energy coming to an event you didn't even really have an interest going to in the first place. When I was participating in Southern California studio culture back in the day pre-COVID, I got to the point where I made the conscious decision to not attend any fellow Yoga "Teachers" events in order to avoid this clearly one-sided Energetic Exchange. Case closed, not today Narcissists!

Still not convinced that your favorite local Yoga “Teacher” may be an unconscious Energy Vampire sucking you dry of your life force during Shavasana final resting pose?

Perhaps the Modern Western Yoga Studio is actually the perfect source of regular, energetic supply for an Overt or Covert Narcissist masquerading as a “Love and Light” Spiritual Guru. I have observed that a subtle aspect of toxic co-dependency which manifests in Western culture has nothing to do with romantic relationships. In the context of the materialist-reductionist Illusion of Yoga, toxic co-dependency is clearly manifesting between these so-called Yoga “Teachers” and the Yoga Studio itself. Maybe Yoga “Teachers” in the West become codependent with the Yoga Studios in order to have constant, regular access to their source of energetic supply: the Students, who often end up blindly idolizing teachers in the same way a cult leader is idolized. Thus Capitalistic Yoga studios in the West - which also often are unconsciously co-opting ancient sacred symbols/sigils into their business logos and putting piezoelectric crystals all around the studio - could (consciously or unconsciously) be creating the perfect energetic environment for energy vampirism. Sit in that possibility for a hot minute 

Another aspect of toxic co-dependency which I have observed manifesting in the Western Yoga fitness industry is between the Yoga “Teacher” and Students.

In the average Western Yoga class we are inundated with toxic positive verbal cues to make us feel like we are “doing a good job”. When a carefully planned Western sequence is not followed perfectly by the student, they may not be praised. Have you ever been in a yoga class and did your own pose instead of the one the “Teacher” cues you to do? The tension can become palpable & hilarious because the “Teacher’s” Spiritual Ego may be triggered. Hierarchy is inherent in Capitalism. Thus in a capitalistic Yoga culture, praise based solely off of appearance and how a pose looks not only reinforces the Teacher/Student hierarchy, but it also may engender subconsciously a lack mindset that makes the student co-dependent on their favorite Yoga “Teacher” in order to practice. This dynamic can be easily observed in the cultural appropriation of Western Yoga by Overt Narcissists like "Shiva Rea" who build business empires, large social media followings, and become almost like cult leaders. These Cultural Appropriators who co-opt Eastern names for marketing purposes (most likely from a language they again do not speak) and then profit off of the Ancient Sacred Sciences in a self-serving way can be observed to gather a group of co-dependent “disciples” who claim this person’s “original” and trademarked style of Yoga is the "most authentic, most transformative, the most life-changing, etc". Trust your own counsel, dearly beloved, knowing a true Yoga “Teacher” will recognize there is nothing “original” for them to create in Yoga as it has all been done before - and probably better - by the Elevated Ancient Ancestors 

If the goal of Yoga is Collective Spiritual Liberation, then any co-dependency goes against the very forces of nature and greater cosmos. Nature is in resonance with either independence or interdependence, not toxic codependency which Western cultures normalize in all aspects of life. Co-dependency manifests bondage, not liberation. Thus in the context of the Western Yoga fitness industry, why is it so dangerous for students to become co-dependent on their “Teachers” in order to Practice and find their Alignment? I have heard so many students tell me personally, “Wow you are so disciplined to practice Yoga on your own. I could never do that! I need class” This co-dependency is dangerous for many reasons. One it creates the constant Compare & Contrast dynamic in which students are subconsciously comparing themselves to other Students & Teachers - an external focal point - versus turning inwards to find their inner focal point during the Practice. E.g. “That student just got praised by the teacher! Well how does their pose look in comparison to mine? Let me copy them!” 
 This dynamic is very obvious to anyone who observes a Western Power Yoga class. Instead maybe Yoga “Teachers” could encourage their Students to practice Pratyahara i.e. Withdrawal of the Senses. This could look like a student closing their eyes, tuning in, and asking themselves during the Practice: “Where is my alignment in the Pose? Let me feel into it intuitively and trust the Asana to do its work on my body”.

Never mind in a fast paced Power Vinyasa class having any time to truly tune in and feel into the energy of a pose without the “Teacher” rushing you into the next one. In Hatha yoga - arguably the original style of Yoga in India AKA “Slow Flow Yoga” in most Western studios - one holds a pose for generally a 5 breath count. When the Student slows down, they have time to consciously experience the energetic effects of the Asana; hopefully becoming aware Yoga is just as much an energetic practice as a physical one. What could easily be a 2-3 hour practice is stuffed into the standard 60 minute workout format. As I explained earlier, a Western Yoga class is more like a performance. Many Western teachers during class are clearly more concerned with performing the ultimate “Motivational-with a small dose of Spiritual-yet still Relatable” Yoga teacher character. This is a mask, and it must be convincing in order to be successful as a Yoga “Teacher” in the Western Yoga Business Industry. These types of “Teachers” must stick rigidly to their planned 60 minute sequences in order to not get in trouble with studio managers and the next teacher for going “over their class time” (especially if the studios charge teachers to rent the class space). It is laughable to me to suggest that this type of Studio environment can create Yoga “Teachers” who are truly cognizant of anything that is internally going on within their Students’ Subtle Bodies.

These people claiming to be Yoga “Teachers” may also not fully be “In the present moment” as they so often like to preach to their Students if they’re worried about having to rush to another, competing studio for their next class in order to make a living wage. Or they may be consumed by behind-the-scenes Yoga “Teacher” drama with the next instructor with whom they are likely competing with for a Studio “loyalty clause” pay raise, higher student numbers, and/or a Lululemon sponsorship #yogabitches All of these dark, behind-the-scenes competition dynamics (whether they are conscious or subconscious) between Western Yoga “Teachers” in a Capitalistic Matrix have nothing - repeat nothing - to do with real Yoga. Trust me on this one: many an established Yoga “Teacher” may clearly want to block young, up-and-coming Practitioners because they represent a threat to their financial livelihood. It is very easy to pretend to be somebody’s Mentor with the intention of destroying them in a Capitalistic, bottom line Yoga business. Furthermore if they are older teachers who have paid a lot of money for their Certifications, they may feel entitled and justified in their attempts to block your Teaching aspirations. Ultimately I have observed if a human being is dependent on any ancient Sacred Science as the main source of their salary, the distorted energy can warp the Logical mind. It is not surprising that survival instincts eventually override Spirituality, Compassion, etc. Especially if there are hungry, carbon copy babies to feed at home. When bills, children, and survivalism are involved I have observed that "Love & Light" can quickly turn into "Hate & Hangry". The threat will be identified and perceived as a "roadblock to my abundance" by the Reptilian Brain. If the opportunity presents itself to destroy a competing Yoga "Teacher's" reputation, do not be surprised if/when a #yogabitch takes that opportunity and feels zero remorse. All is fair in Love & War; All is just in Business & Yoga.

In a nutshell: many of the ancient Spiritual Wisdom Systems teach that true Transcendence often happens alone in moments of Silence when you are in your own energy, not surrounded by interfering energies.

While the shared experience of Yoga can be beautiful when practiced with other high vibrational individuals, when you practice Yoga by yourself you may reconnect with the Practice in a very empowering way. For those desiring to really level up their Yoga Practice I highly recommend to practice with no verbal cues, no talking, no music with lyrics, or in complete Silence. In this manner you may find you can dive even deeper into the subtle layers of your physical, energetic, and subtle body. An authentic Yoga Facilitator in my humble opinion should be present to witness the Students' spiritual process unfolding; to mainly be the example of how a devoted Yogi can develop in the Practice and guide you if necessary in the alignments of the Asana.

Thus how does a Student avoid becoming Entangled with Energy Vampires if they still want to continue their Yoga practice? Be very mindful with whom and where you practice the Sacred Science of Yoga, for it definitely creates Karma.

Spiritual Discipline implies learning how to eventually Practice Yoga independently and become your own Guru, your own Guide, your own Intuitive Coach. What Yoga has become in the West is a toxic positive joke: an Illusion, a Culturally Appropriated, Patriarchal money machine masquerading as Spiritual empowerment. Yoga Studios and "Teachers" want you to obviously keep coming back and to stay co-dependent versus empowering you with the ability to practice independently. If you “show potential“, they will "empower you" if you submit to their expensive YTT for on average $3-6K. Never forget - Yoga studios NEED to provide Yoga Alliance-registered YTTs in order to stay afloat and make a profit. So the whole Culturally Appropriated Yoga Fitness industry exhibits - to recapitulate - what is called “Group Thought” in psychology.

"Group Thought" AKA "Group Think" AKA “Corporate Consciousness” is the same psychological phenomenon which somehow allowed the Holocaust to go “unnoticed” by German government bureaucrats & average citizens during World War II. This Phenomenon is manifesting in Western attitudes about what is Yoga and how to teach it/practice it/share it

This Archetypal manifestation of Group Thought is often jokingly compared to via phrases like "Herd Immunity" as evident in flock animals like Sheep. The "Sheeples“ - afraid of the root fear of social rejection, retribution, & or character assassination within the larger group - conform publicly to the popular opinions of the current paradigm, culture, or religious ideologies (regardless if their true personal thoughts, opinions, & perceptions may differ privately). "Group Thought” is the type of consciousness which leads to unspeakable injustices & tragedies happening every day in Patriarchy hidden in the Shadows. "Group Thought" is what may lead "looky loos" to passively watch a crime or assault happening in public space and do nothing versus actively helping out the fellow citizen in need due to their of fear of "being involved" (especially in cases of domestic violence). "Group Thought" is behind the entire 21st century phenomenon we understand as "Cancel Culture". "Group Thought" is what led to US Corporations being granted legal rights of Personhood while other sentient beings like Cetaceans, the Great Apes, Octopus, Corvids, Elephants, Cows, Pigs, Dogs, Cats, etc have no legal rights as non-human persons, justifying the annual slaughter of billions of beings in the Animal Holocaust. “Group Thought” is the same type of consciousness which makes people turn a blind eye in religious communities out of fear of social retribution when they know the Priest is a money-laundering pedophile. "Group Thought" is the same type of consciousness which allowed Bikram, Yogi Bhajan, and Jois to sexually assault their Students for years while many stayed silent out of fear of "What would people say if they knew?" “Group thought” is the same type of consciousness which makes it possible for Governments to quietly strip away all of our Constitutional and Human Rights - the same way they did to the Native Americans, to African Americans during slavery, and to any group of people who are cast as the “Scapegoat”, the “Outsiders” or the “Other” - while the Sheeples disassociate watching Sports, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, & the Oscars. “Group thought” is the same type of consciousness which is being bred in the Western miseducation system via mindless standardized testing where children are programmed to not think outside the box for fear of failing when we so desperately need the new generation to invent innovative solutions for the Climate Crisis. “Group thought” is the same type of consciousness which has led us to this point of space/time in a Colonized World - a "Pinnacle of Human Civilization" in which the Sheeples falsely believe Colonization, Racism, Sexism, etc. are bygone relics of the Past. Becoming conscious of how & when "Group Thought" manifests and overrides Free Will is essential if we are to have any hope of decolonizing Yoga, our Hearts, our Minds, & our Hyper-connected World.

What is most perplexing to me about the Illusion of what Yoga has devolved into in the West is how so many Yoga "Teachers" are claiming to embody the Love Frequency when they may actually be stuck in the Fear Frequency inherent in "Group Thought".

If we are to release the Fear Frequency controlling this Planet and truly transcend into the “Love & Light” frequency - i.e. the 5D as so many New Age Folks label it in the Age of Aquarius - then we must address the issues of Decolonization head-on in Yoga, Education, & all aspects of Society. “Group thought” is so obviously present in Western Yoga Communities if you really Tune In & Observe with a Third Eye wide open. There is a Subconscious obsession with being “politically correct” and selling a shallow, superficial, vanilla version of Yoga Philosophy that sounds good on promo materials but isn’t too triggering for Western religious audiences. Christianity and Group Thought are old bedfellows at the end of the day. Before I consciously detached from any and all Western Yoga Studio communities, I felt this constant sense of “walking on egg shells” in order to sell Yoga as a physical workout - great for detoxing - and not as a profound Spiritual practice with so much depth. Practitioners who offer the true Spiritual Practice of Yoga in the Capitalistic Yoga Fitness industry are frankly not valued employees. Part of my personal decision to leave the Yoga Fitness Industry was: upon returning from India with my "Yoga Alliance certified" 200 hour YTT, no American Yoga job I applied to would hire me. Eventually the cold, harsh truth of the Industry hit me: I realized my affordable certification in India means very little to Western Yoga Studio Businesses whom most likely view it as a "cheap, and therefore, inauthentic" sham YTT versus an authentic advantage over Western-trained teachers who have never been to India! #divinerage #truthhurts #jaggedlittlepill

The Convoluted Universe works in mysterious ways, however,Dearly Beloved ...

I returned from India in Summer of 2019. Full disclosure my intuition was screaming at me to get out of the USA. So I promptly went down South of the Border to Mexico for a Workaway volunteer position in Jalisco state. Roughly 6 months later COVID19 struck down the world like a lightning bolt of Divine Timing. Thank God my livelihood was not dependent on teaching Yoga for COVID hit the Capitalistic Yoga industry very hard (Karma? Divine Intervention? Justice? Only time will tell). Observing the blatant "Group Thought" manifesting nowadays in the Yoga Studios still open has only cemented my conviction to avoid those spaces & places like the Plague <- see what I did there?

Bringing it Back Full Circle to Yoga: How Is Group Thought Manifesting In The Yoga Fitness Industry post-COVID? If Western Yoga "Teachers" are still to have any chance at making a living, they have to play the Algorithm Game and submit to its rules. So what are the rules of this Game? First thing you learn is that that one must prostitute their Souls on Social Media, toe the line, avoid using "controversial" hashtags or you risk being censored - or worst: Cancelled. Social Media Algorithms, Google's Algorithm, etc. are all subject to Censorship whether you are aware of it or not. Thus image is everything in this Competition for Attention, and the Narcissistic obsession with image is the very foundation of Group Thought: “What would people think of me if I said what I really feel?” “Would I lose followers if I told them why Shiva is blue?” “Could I lose my classes at the studio if I spoke my Truth?” “Will I get sued if I adjust this shy student in class when their downward dog is dangerously out of alignment and they are at risk of injury?” This fear frequency - the fear of Retribution - is literally breeding Group Thought in a Capitalistic Yoga Fitness Industry.

How is Group Thought also manifesting in Western Yoga Studios in a way that is affecting not just Yoga “Teachers”, but also the Students?

Expensive YTTs in the West are unconsciously reinforcing false beliefs about Yoga Best Practices shared by immediate, like-minded Western peers in the group. Not all Western YTTs are lacking BIPOC teachers, of course, but many Western YTTs remain culturally tone deaf to the ancient roots of Yoga in pre-colonized cultures, their styles of teaching, & the lived realities of non-European people intending to share their culture’s wisdom in Western systems of oppression. The illusion of Western Yoga is not only oppressive, it is repeat DANGEROUS. Remember this dude? âŹ‡ïž

I want to reiterate how physically damaging Power Vinyasa Yoga can be to the body in a misguided Western Yoga Industry ruled by Group Thought.

I have observed over and over again in hundreds of Vinyasa yoga classes foolish Yoga “Teachers” completely ignorant of the proper alignment in the poses with regards to their feet, hands, the Drishti AKA Focal Point, etc. E.g. So many Western Yoga “Teachers” are clueless about the most optimal way to do Downward Dog - the hallmark pose of Yoga - and may know nothing about the Hand Bandas. Bandas are considered energetic “locks” in the Physical and Subtle body which need to be released through the regular practice of Yoga in order for the Kundalini energy to better flow. In India I was taught - for very specific and logical reasons - that the Yoga student should come slightly up off the palms and onto the fingertips in order to activate the Hand Bandas and also the sub-chakras of Anahata Heart Chakra which reside in the palms. Again I have personally witnessed so many Western Yoga “Teachers” ignorantly teaching a style of downward dog with the palms flat down. This is very dangerous to the wrists and hands, as it creates carpal tunnel, and does not allow the thumbs to extend open creating more space in the Hand Bandas. Thus the act of lifting onto the fingertips in downward dog (which again I was taught in India by knowledgeable practitioners) protects the wrists physically as well and properly opens up the shoulder blades. Are you going to learn any of that in Yogaworks?

Congratulations! We have (almost) reached our final moments together in this Exposé. From my Heart Chakra to yours, I am truly grateful if you read this entire body of work. Thank you for your Presence here! So what's the final "So What?" Walkaway Message?

Empower yourself by always maintaining utmost Discernment with whom & where you practice the Sacred Science of Yoga. Maybe go outside, ground down, and practice alone on the Earth instead of inside some stale studio room with strangers who don’t even talk to you or acknowledge your presence after class. Honor the ancient cultural roots & Elevated Ancient Ancestors whom gifted us this Sacred Science. Again I urge you to seek out Yoga facilitators of Color in your area and ask them their stories. Listen with an open mind, just listen actively in Silence, that is all. Finally do not support Western Yoga Studios whose business models peddle culturally appropriated YTTs controlled by the Yoga Alliance in order to make a profit. Discernment is truly a necessary tool to have in your spiritual toolkit moving forward into the Collective Shift.

I have learned through my own personal Shadow Work that in a Colonized World we are Subconsciously attracted to lies and repulsed by the truth: we deflect it, attack it, judge it, and ultimately assassinate it in our conscious minds.

Those courageous enough to advocate Discernment in Patriarchy are never rewarded, lifted up, nor certainly given any type of platform to actualize meaningful change. Again Indigenous People understand this painful truth better than anyone can possibly imagine, and their capacity to Forgive constantly astonishes me. The fact that Native Elders have been open with sharing their Sacred Wisdom in the Internet Age and warned us for years of the White Buffalo Phrophecies predicting Climate Change & COVID is a true testament to their Spiritual Evolution as the Caretakers of Pachamama. The truth is often "too out there”, “too much”, “too woo woo”, “too painful” and ultimately “way too unmarketable” on social media. How can anyone build their online brand yet still present their authentic self in Cancel Culture? Maybe current circumstances on this Planet are an energetic opportunity to go inwards, into the Inner Space with Loving Awareness? Maybe inside yourself - right here, right now - awaits the Truth you constantly seek outside of the Self?.

Dearly Beloved: we can unite given our mutual experiences being lied to, abused, repressed, raped, deflected, devalued, & discarded by Patriarchy.

I have come to learn that the division between “liberal and conservative” has reached an all time frenzy in the Separated States of America. Patriarchy's age-old tactic of Divide & Conquer the Sheeples is clearly working still. When will the Sheeples realize that it doesn’t really matter what mask a Patriarchal politician sells themselves in? They are all powerless puppets really playing the same, corrupt Game in a House of Cards. The rules of this Game are very clear: in Patriarchy the Money is King, and Time is his Whore. Truth is not profitable, obviously, in a nation that seeks to keep its population in a very dense vibration of constant ill health, cognitive dissonance, drunkenness, and escapist addictive behavior patterns. We have been so deeply lied to, so deeply manipulated for centuries, no wonder the Sheeples have no Discernment. I hope that all BIPOC, Queer people, & humans identifying as Feminists can stop being our own worst enemies, truly "wake up!", and overcome our differences to finally cut off Patriarchy's nasty, shriveled, broken-down phallus. Even though our experiences of oppression are not the same, in the wise words of Audre Lorde: “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”

If they fucked over BIPOC communities (repeatedly), THEN THE PRECEDENT HAS BEEN SET IN PATRIARCHY. Patriarchal Institutions of Power can, have, and will continue to do the same to anyone or anything which threatens the Status Quo. This is the reality of a Colonized World that still values profit & death over human life & true freedom. There will be Justice and Vindication for those with Discernment. We were vilified, scapegoated, shunned, and called all sorts of names. But I trust that Justice will win out in the long term, because it’s a longer game than what any short-sighted Patriarchs can imagine.

With all of that word vomit being offered to the Collective Coven, please feel free to leave me any feedback regarding this Exposé or my Tarot + Astrology + Yoga content.

I have made a conscious choice to only offer Yoga classes either for free on my Youtube channel or private donation-based sessions.

This approach greatly resonates more in my humble opinion with the original intentions of the Elevated Ancient Ancestors who developed Yoga. The expectation to receive money in return for offering guidance instantly taints the energy of class and any potential for Subtle Energies to be channeled. By reconnecting with the true roots of Yoga, you can become a conduit for its true spiritual wisdom, sharing it back in your communities as the Ascended masters intended. You will have deeper appreciation for the sacred symbols which so many Yoga Studios prostitute for personal profit. You will have a deeper appreciation for this sacred Spiritual technology. Without its roots, the tree does not drink the Nectar.


Treille Bon

AKA Taboo Tarot Reader

AKA Flower Prince

🙏 🌈 𑁍

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
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