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Shadow Projection 101: "Grooming", the Dalai Lama, & Scapegoating of LGBTQ+ FolkšŸ—£šŸāœļøAn ExposĆ©šŸŒˆāœŠšŸ¦„

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

by @tabootarotreader

The Dalai Lama "Scandal" is just another example of the Religious Right's hysteria, bigotry, & blatant ignorance.

Despite being at risk for getting "Cancelled", I stand with the Dalai Lama. Let's get one thing crystal quartz clear: the extremely emotionally immature fear projection of "Grooming" is inherently Narcissistic. This phenomenon of Scapegoating is an American byproduct of a deeply Narcissistic society that devalues and discards empathy. The only thing being groomed in American children in the Separated States of America is incredibly low levels of empathy. Empathy is clearly not valued in a Patriarchal society which celebrates Violence, War, & Guns. Are American Sheeples even capable of understanding different perspectives and/or cultures? When you live in a 24/7 Mass Media machine creating constant fear of traveling to "dangerous Third World countries", many Americans naturally never leave their comfort zone in front of the TV, let alone ever venture out beyond the bubble of the Christian country itself.

As Teal Swan so eloquently reminds us: in the ancient 10,000+ year old Tibetan culture what transpired between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the child in question was not sexual in any way, shape, or form.

The clip has been distorted and edited to serve a certain Christian Narrative "outing" public figures as "Groomers" aka pedophiles. This is Shadow Projection 101. The "Scandal" regarding HHDL is ironic. It's a projection given how rampant child sexual abuse is within poor American families where the parents are mentally-ill Crackheads, Meth Addicts, Pain Pill Addicts, Alcoholics, etc. whom cling to Christianity to absolve their own Guilt. Socio-economic privilege may make wealthier Americans blind to this unfortunate reality for many American children in which they are secretly abused by addict parents. Just talk to any local Social Worker in your area if you are in denial or skeptical. There is an addiction crisis in America fueling rampant child neglect & abuse, and American social workers may feel helpless in a broken system to change the circumstances. Furthermore most of the systemic pedophilia I have observed resides in the Vatican's Catholic Church and/or other Christian denominations, not peaceful Eastern traditions like Buddhism (although of course corruption is possible anywhere).

Could the Dalai Lama have been more mindful when joking, "Suck on my tongue"?

Perhaps. It was clearly a clumsy English translation of the common "eat my tongue" joke in Tibet i.e. "Che le sa". For the record: the Mother of the child was present the entire time. The Dalai Lama was clearly not in some hidden room, trying to have sex with a minor. This public exchange - caught on camera because it was part of a global live feed - exhibits the Tibetan custom of making children barter or earn affection. Could the English translation "suck on my tongue" have sexual connotations that it does not have in the Dalai Lama's original language? Of course. This translation is very disconnected from its original Tibetan cultural context: sticking out the tongue in Tibet is a common greeting, and the tongue is not sexual. This is all a clear case study of religious, puritanical Americans being ridiculously hypersensitive. This is ironic considering how quick toxic masculine Americans are to judge sensitivity in children (especially young boys) for being "cry babies". What's the subconscious disconnect here which created a "lost in translation" moment heard around the world? #cognitivedissonance

In a Christian culture like America - which shoves softcore sexual advertising down your throat everyday yet shames sexuality - there is a lot of Cognitive Dissonance to unpack here #sexsells

Repeat: what the Dalai Lama said has been completely taken out of its original cultural & situational context.

Language & Culture are inseparable when it comes to interpreting implied meaning. Context is everything. Again the context of this "Scandal" was a public event full of people all waiting for their moment to interact with the Dalai Lama. This wasn't some secret Washington DC Political orgy masquerading as an "Annual Meeting" at the IMF *cough* Dominique Strauss-Kahn *cough*. This wasn't some DC nightclub where Politicians go to buy hookers and drugs. The context of this "scandal" was a public gathering that the Dalai Lama was aware was being live streamed to the world. It is a clear case of "lost in translation" blown completely out of context. Repeat: what the Dalai Lama said in English - not his first language - would not have been offensive in the Tibetan language or culture, but it certainly triggered an American audience looking for its latest Scapegoat. The Astrologer in me is not surprised given the transits hitting the Dalai Lama's chart during all the hullaballoo!

14th Dalai Lama - The power of the archetypes. The Astrology regarding recent events which have clearly created division. Major activations only through some techniques. Third Saturn return approaching Transiting Chiron opposite natal mars - square his sun in Cancer south node and Pluto Transiting mars in cancer approaching his, Sun, South node, Pluto in cancer Aries solar eclipse 20th April activated now - square his Sun, south/north nodes, and Pluto in Cancer. This same Aries solar eclipse also conjunct out of sign his natal Uranus Taurus Lunar eclipse 5th May conjunct his natal Jupiter in Scorpio. Transiting Taurus north node conjunct his natal Uranus. Leo Venus star point (Venus retrograde in August) conjunct his natal Ceres in Leo and widely conjunct his own Venus in Leo. Libra Venus star point 29 Libra square his natal Pluto in Cancer. Capricorn Venus star point 18 degrees conjunct his north node opposite his south node Gemini. Venus star point 13 degrees conjunct his natal Chiron in Gemini. Transiting Neptune in Pisces square his natal Mercury in Gemini. Transiting Saturn opposite his natal moon in Virgo. Transiting ceres in Virgo opposite transiting Neptune in the sky adds to all this too because Neptune highlights spiritual leaders and ceres activates grief and loss. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius hits of significant mid points: Opposite: ceres/moon midpoint moon/mercury midpoint. sun/ceres midpoint Venus/Neptune midpoint. mercury/Neptune midpoint. Firdaria Periods: Saturn major period- mars minor period this is by far the most challenging firdaria period to be in for anyone - its two malefics governing or over shadowing the story. That will do for now. We can all clearly see his chart is lighting up like a Christmas tree with so many activations - most of which are extremely challenging to say the least. via Anastasia Cosmic Astrologer

The American hypersensitive emotional reaction/projection regarding an ancient Tibetan custom is both unsurprising and understandable.

American culture is the prime example of what can happen when ignorance, rampant nationalism, & poor nutrition mix together. I say this as an American who has lived abroad in multiple countries. When you finally leave Babylon, one may realize the real laws of the land. The Miseducation system in America has socialized a population which - unlike the rest of the entire World - is majority Monolingual and thus only capable of perceiving other cultures from their own point of view. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in Linguistics proposes that your native language predetermines your perception of "Reality", ability to empathize, & how you relate to the world at large. This is why learning foreign languages is not only healthy for cognitive expansion, but it also expands your capacity to perceive the other "realities" inherent in each Language. Furthermore please remember: Language is inseparable from Culture, as evident by what the Dalai Lama was intending to translate into English when he said "Suck my tongue". E.g. each language has its own perceptions & symbolism associated with Colors: in China red is associated with good luck, while in America red is associated with Communism <- see what I did there? šŸ¤Ŗ

In America it is frankly embarrassing how Conservative communities are rigidly "English only" in a Globalized 21st Century.

American Sheeples insist all Immigrants must learn English as if it were some right of passage into American life when America has always been a nation of multilingual immigrants! America has never, ever been Monolingual. Repeat: NEver. Thus "English only" sentiments are in fact a political control tactic - a remnant of Colonization - which brutally & systematically wiped out Indigenous languages by stealing Indigenous children and putting them into English-only, Christian boarding schools where they were beaten if they spoke their Native language. This Tragedy of Colonization is not taught in American schools as it would require acknowledging that Indigenous Sovereignty was never ceded. There is a Myth taught in American public schools - amongst many lies about Indigenous peoples - that Native American cultures had no writing systems. On the contrary: they had several pictographic forms of recording information. American Colonizers mis-labeled these pictographs as "rock or cave art" in order to delegitimize Indigenous Wisdom systems and uphold their own Narrative that Native Americans were "inferior savages". What is true is that - in order to safeguard their Wisdom - many Indigenous cultures passed down information orally via story-telling from generation to generation. So if you cut off just one generation from their Native Language, you can destroy that entire culture's Wisdom system #decolonize #decolonizeyourcurriculum #reparationsnow

Linguistic Imperialism in America has bred an "English only" culture in which the average American Narcissist has zero interest in learning foreign languages.

This Linguistic Imperialism is rooted in a narcissistic inferiority complex #narcnation It's clear as day that American Sheeples assume their "Christian country" is the epicenter of the Universe #Babylon It's also clear as day that the Sheeples derive much Pride from being born into English, the same way KKK Supremacists & Neo-Nazis gain an easy ego boost from being born "White". Caucasian Racists expect all American immigrants to put in the effort to learn English - forgetting they themselves descend from European invading immigrants - yet show zero reciprocation nor respect towards Indigenous languages, Spanish, & French which have always been a part of American history. I have personally witnessed how adult Conservative Americans make fun of foreign languages like middle school bullies. There is deep, deep, Ancestral Trauma & Karma playing out in this monolingual "English only" pride. These blatant bigots cling to English as a power grab move because they (subconsciously) feel inferior to the majority of the multilingual world. They have no ability to empathize with the immigrant experience even though - repeat - they are descended from immigrants who once too had to learn English. When you learn a foreign language, it develops your empathy and ability to perceive the world from a different point of view. When you learn a foreign language, it activates within the Mind different synapses and connects dormant neural pathways. Thus monolingual American Sheeples are truly a debilitated people when compared to other countries where the average person is bilingual or trilingual. There's obviously still a lot of inferiority fears masquerading as superiority beliefs in modern American race dynamics. How strange then that many American Sheeples claim "Racism is over" while Linguistic Imperialism persists #deflection #projection #fearisavirus

Queer Folk painfully understand that the fear projection of "Grooming" is rooted in the hateful perception that "Gays are sexual perverts and pedophiles who rape children, converting them into Queers via the rape".

Just to clarify: I am not implying the Dalai Lama is Queer (and if he is, who cares?). I am implying though that Queer people are blatant targets of Christian Scapegoating, just like the Buddhist Dalai Lama. As a Queer ESL teacher who has traveled to 22 countries and worked in US schools, I intuitively felt this toxic sludge being projected onto me by Conservatives with clenched anal cavities during parent-teacher meetings #stories The assumption that "Queer people are a product of Pedophilia/rape" is a dangerous False Belief being peddled by far-right Media Fear Mongers. Fox News and its various puppets - e.g. part-time correspondent & full-time bigot Candace Owens - constantly project internalized misogyny, Self-hatred, & shame onto Queer Folk as millions tune in daily. This profitable "Grooming" projection deflects the historical & current reality of Conservative, misogynistic men in Power having a "tendency" to rape women & children #metoo It seems Conservative Christian women would rather scapegoat Queer Folk than face the reality of their husbands' & pastors' sexual discretions with children. For the record: the act of rape has little to do with sexuality, gender, etc. and a lot more to do with taking advantage of Power. Furthermore Pederasty (which the Church labeled Pedophilia) was common in Ancient Greece & Rome - the entire founding culture of Modern Christian Civilization! Ergo the Cognitive Dissonance running rampant in Christian thought patterns has reached an all time high. Regardless: Queer Folk are tiered of being scapegoated by the Religious Right given the rampant sexual abuse of children in their beloved Churches and Christian Boy Scouts #denytilltheydie

Meta & Youtube both profit off of anti-LGBTQ+ "Grooming" ads yet promote Pride marketing campaigns #hypocrisy

It fills me with Divine Rage that social media sites like Youtube, Facebook, & Instagram commodify Pride while behind-the-scenes these algorithms actively promote hateful content scapegoating Queer Folk. We now have the data proving Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse - which owns Facebook, Messenger, Instagram & Whatsapp - profits off of anti-LGBTQ+ "Grooming" ads thanks to the investigative work of the Anti-Defamation League. Alas Meta's shallow Pride campaigns ring hollow. Youtube in particular is most hypocritical. During Pride month, you see the Youtube rainbow banner and certain LGBTQ+ content creators spotlighted. However, why did LGBTQ+ content creators sue Youtube in 2019 for demonetizing and censoring Queer content? In their evidence these plaintiffs repeatedly showed that the Youtube algorithm demonetizes LGBTQ content creatorā€™s videos because of certain trigger words like ā€œqueer", ā€œgayā€, ā€œlesbianā€, ā€œbisexualā€, and other identity words associated with the LGBTQ+ community. The 2019 case gained more weight when Saturday Night Live associate producer Greg Scarnici and independent film-maker Sal Bardo and Stephanie Frosch joined the lawsuit against Youtube. Youtube's response that they support & promote LGBTQ+ content creators is laughable in the face of all the evidence to the contrary. Furthermore Youtube has refused to remove hateful homophobic & transphobic content, not only allowing it to remain on the platform, but also to be spotlighted in Short recommendations. Youtube vaguely defended this hate speech content as ā€œnot violating their policyā€. This is typical corporate culture wordplay in which PR folk say nothing of substance to defend the corporation's reputation and bottom line (nothing ultimately says everything). The bottom line is profit, not Queer empowerment.

I find it very odd that the Youtube algorithm keeps recommending me homophobic & transphobic content in the Shorts section - or in my feed - when I follow none of those bigots.

Why do social media platforms allow hate rhetoric? It's quite simple: hate is profitable, unfortunately, in the post-Internet economy. These tech companies overtly queer bait & pander during Pride while they covertly profit off of anti-LGBTQ+ ads and content. They lie to our faces whilst commodifying Pride, but is any of that money actually going to defend & advance Queer Rights? Or is it going straight into heteronormative CEO's coffers? Companies like Meta & Youtube need to appear Queer-friendly in order to maintain a ā€œpolitically correctā€ public reputation. There is always a difference between public reputation and the de facto reality of private actions. The illusion & hypocrisy of Pride & Equality marketing campaigns can not erase the reality of certain algorithms being inherently anti-Queer, racist, & sexist. Tech companies do not value equality, love, & acceptance. They value viral money, and it's obvious Youtube refuses to remove anti-Queer content because those videos get tons of views and generate ad revenue. Money is the same reason Meta allows Religious Right hate-mongering ā€œGroomerā€ ads to exist in their algorithm. Big corporations like Youtube clearly have the money to buy better lawyers considering the judge sided with their interests. Despite this setback, the evidence still stands proving Youtube is hypocritical trash.

Like so many smear campaigns, hate is profitable when the Sheeples are worked up into a fear frenzy.

Queer Folk must be more vigilant, especially during Pride. We must acknowledge the hidden reality of bias & bigotry embedded in these various algorithms as a reflection of their creators' intentions to make money. People of Color have been saying that algorithms lean racist for years. We have conveniently ignored most of this research because most people are addicted to the Internet. Can we now continue to ignore what is slowly coming to the light? It is devastating to witness what the Internet has devolved into. What should have been a tool for human empowerment and the evolution of consciousness has warped into some distorted black mirror reflecting the most ugly and vile depths of human hatred. When will the insanity end? The Queer Community in 2023 needs a quick shift in awareness regarding the reality of how social media, technology & sex apps are affecting our mental health. Of course, the Internet is a powerful tool. Queer Folk have used online media to our advantage to create greater visibility, demand our rights, and advance our Freedom Journey. The Internet initially benefited Queer Folk in so many countless ways. Despite this, the Internet has become a dangerous cesspit of hatred. There will always be ignorance reflected in certain corners of the Internet. We cannot control or change this. We should always intend to focus energy on what is inside our sphere of influence. Despite this, I have gotten to the point where I feel my mental health can no longer benefit from social media participation. In 2023 the Internet no longer feels like a Safe Space for anyone. Is it possible to make the Internet a Safe Space once again? For a generation of Queer folk who grew up on the Internet and used it as a lifeline to connect with other people in the community, the reality of the algorithm in 2023 can no longer be ignored. Moving forward, letā€™s make love viral.

The anti-Drag Queen legislation, the "Don't Say Gay" bills, & online Anti-Trans disinformation campaigns are all rooted in some serious Shadow Projection 101 as Carl Jung would most likely interpret this hot mess express.

"We all have grief living under the gender binary: a system which prioritizes who we should be and doesnā€™t love us for who we actually are. hatred is not rational, itā€™s a shield from pain." ~ Alok V Mennon

All this fear, bigotry & psychic garbage again is a projection of a deeper Collective Unconscious Shadow: the Shadow of Patriarchal Power systems. Christian Patriarchy for thousands of years has raped, pillaged, and plundered. Sexual violence is inherent in the Toxic Masculine perception of Power #thecrusades It is easy to blame a Scapegoat versus look at the real root of the systemic abuse of children and women in Patriarchy. People are afraid to identify the real threat - one of Christianity's dirtiest little secrets - incest. The real threat to children most likely is the child's own Father, Uncle, Grandfather, Cousin, or someone in the narcissistic family structure they already know and trust - not some random Queer person at an adults-only Drag Show whom the child doesn't know. When people in denial refuse to acknowledge the internal threat, they create an external Scapegoat. Projection isn't a cute look, y'all ....

The fact that Politicians are so blatantly manipulating people's fear exhibits some serious Energy Vampire Archetype playing out as author Caroline Myss would describe it.

Just like in Nazi Germany - who held a lot of their rallies at night - when Sheeples tune into the evening Fox News Broadcast, their perceptions of the outside world (which they are largely ignorant of) are being manipulated by the Propaganda Money Machine that is Conservative Political Media #blackmagic Ultimately views translate into numbers, which translate into dollars. Pick an easy target to make the Scapegoat, dial up the Fear stories, Trump this, Trump that, ISIS, and BOOM watch that money pour in, Dick! When you create a narrative regarding "Queer monsters" who are out to rape your kids and turn them Queer (oooo how scary!). Just like a Vampire - this specter looms & lurks in the Collective Unconscious, manifesting as Shadow Projection. It's not a physical monster, but a psychic monster: Fear is irrational.

The Shadow can simply be understand as everything you are Unconscious of: both "good" & "bad".

In Patriarchy people clearly feel powerless and have very little trust any more in Political figures.

When Sheeples have given away all their personal Power within systems of Control, Hierarchy, & Dominance - they need a Scapegoat to make them feel better. Powerless people are at the root of Fear, because people fear taking responsibility & accountability for their own Power. Sheeples fear taking responsibility for governing their own communities. Sheeples fear taking accountability for educating their own children. Sheeples fear not having an Authority figure to tell them what to think, what to believe, and how the world functions. Political Corruption is real - of course - we should practice Discernment with all people in positions of Power. However the Fear has reached an all time hysteria post-Pandemic. The Sheeples demand Collective social accountability via practicing "Social Distancing", yet nobody wants to be accountable for their own health: opting instead for a "quick fix" vaccine versus building natural immunity with better diet, exercise, no alcohol, etc. The Sheeples demand respect, yet don't know how to show the most basic human decency to others. This is all a manifestation of NPD & a culture rapidly breeding Narcissism.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama - just like Queer Folk - was a victim of clear Narcissistic abuse: Scapegoating.

The fact that the Dalai Lama even responded to such ridiculous accusations and apologized shows what Divine Grace he has to acknowledge other Cultural viewpoints and sensitivities. Talk about a Lack of Ego - any Egomaniac American politician under similar accusations would have denied until they were outed. Why are we so hypersensitive about sexual child abuse in the West? Is it perhaps because so many people have unconscious traumas of being abused as children which they refuse to look at within themselves? When someone is Scapegoating another human being, they are rejecting their own Shadow - a part of their own Self which repulses them: whether it's a trauma, a taboo attraction, or a personality trait they just simply find "annoying".

If Heteronormative Breeders in America had an ounce of emotional maturity, maybe they would resolve their own Ancestral Trauma before procreating and continuing the cycle of trauma. If Heteronormative Breeders had an ounce of emotional maturity, maybe instead of Scapegoating entire groups of people as the "enemy", they would realize the real "enemy" is an individual they have naively placed their trust into (usually again within their own Narcissistic family structure). If Heteronormative Breeders afraid of "Grooming" had an ounce of emotional maturity, maybe they would become conscious that they are in denial about the fact they are the only ones grooming their children to be carbon copy versions of their parents with the same values, world views, etc. Queer Folk are tiered, y'all.

It wasn't that long ago - as late as the 1960's - when archaic anti-Sodomy laws were used as an excuse to jail consenting, Queer adults having sex with one another.

There are clearly residual effects playing out in the Collective Unconscious from this legalized bigotry & Scapegoating tactic. Police were regularly raiding Queer clubs and bars looking to "Arrest the perverts" like the Stonewall Inn which arguably sparked the entire Queer Rights Revolution in the 1960's. Whilst jailing innocent Queer folks for expressing their Human Rights to convene in public space, the real perpetuators of violence & rape - maybe the Entitled Overt Narcissist Police who abuse their power? - were walking away free with blood on their hands. Queer Folks are again repeat TIERED of being Heteronormativity's Scapegoat. Thus I have a direct message for Heteronormative Breeders: before you unconsciously procreate, ask yourself the question: "Am I emotionally mature enough to properly Guide a child in the current circumstances of Planet Earth? Or am I just procreating ASAP because all my friends already have kids and I feel FOMO?"

It is very taboo for Heteronormative society to accept that children are innately sexual, just like adults.

Archetypal Psychologists study child behavior because it offers us a pure portal into the nature of the Human Subconscious. If children are put into a group without adult supervision and studied - e.g. like the novel "Lord of the Flies" - their behavior is shocking to Heteronormative, Christian culture. The Inner Child Archetype has both a light and shadow side: children can be very non-judgmental in regards to not seeing societal constructs like "race, color, etc" in other children when playing. Yet - paradoxically - some children still developing empathy can behave very cruelly.

When left to their own devices, children are also observed to be sexually fluid without shame. If you are a teacher or work with children in any capacity, you can observe that children are sexual both pre-puberty and during puberty. If you had a public school experience and weren't in conscious "blackout" mode in order to survive the entire time, you can observe this. If you had the great misfortune of being forced to change in locker rooms for PE class, you can observe this. Children and teenagers have sexual Eros energy, whether it makes you uncomfortable or not. Young children are not hung up about sex until society programs them to be so. Often sexual energy may manifest in younger children via playful, innocent ways e.g. when little boys play penis sword fights. It's not really sex, they are just exploring their genitals and mirroring each other - getting to know their bodies via play. Any adults who witness this natural behavior projects our fears about sex onto these acts of play, shames them, and reprimands the child if caught - hence why a lot of children are sexual or masturbate in secret, because they don't want "to get in trouble".

Especially when adults see naked children, they project their own fears and hang ups onto the naked body. Creating what? More shame.

Human Beings - at the end of of the day - are just very sexually repressed, Pansexual Bonobos - our closest genetic relatives. Nudity has come to be associated with sex in religious cultures, so if children or adults are naked around each other, this is breaking a huge taboo. E.g. I went to a Yoga retreat once in beautiful & lovely Thailand for two weeks. In remote Thailand (and many other countries), it is very common for children to swim naked in public and it is not taboo. Some of the retreat participants and I were swimming (not nude) at the local river with some village kids we were teaching ESL to. One of the participants took some photos, uploaded them to Facebook, and tagged me and other participants. The character assassination I received from certain "Friends" was a huge wake up call. Certain Sheeples I hadn't seen in years proceeded to hurl ad hominem attacks in the comments: projecting their fears of nudity, self-hatred of their own body, and sexual hang ups onto these photos I didn't even upload.

Certain comments were clearly implying I was a "pervert", and sexualizing a situation that was totally innocent and beautiful: just some Thai village kids swimming freely, no shame, naked in the river. It was a situation - just like if you are ever at an adult nude beach - when you may see the naked human body in Nature and realize, "What's the big deal? It's just a naked body!" Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone, your culture, your country, etc. in order to have that "Aha!" light bulb moment of insight deconstructing all the Christian shame, Self-hatred, & Self-consciousness programmed into our Psyches regarding our birthday suitsšŸ’”I personally understand how the Dalai Lama must feel right now, as I was also on the receiving end of a very ugly energy being projected onto me during that Yoga retreat. As a Queer person I have come to understand I was Scapegoated because of what I subconsciously represent to Heteronormative Sheeples - who know nothing about who I really am - and most likely have their own unresolved, repressed traumas. This whole Thai incident made me delete Facebook for good #silverlining #byefelicia #sorrynotsorry

However children are always not so innocent, and can also sexually abuse other children.

Abuse is an ugly cycle within Ancestral Trauma. The victim can very easily become the abuser as a trauma response. We clearly "groom" children to be ashamed of sexuality, which is a part of the larger problem that makes this abuse cyclical and often hidden. If our culture wasn't so prudish and puritanical regarding educating kids about sex, maybe then we would live in a more healthy culture. Furthermore there is a Mass Psychosis of Denial & Disassociation regarding the ugly reality of Patriarchy #truthhurts If our culture would react empathetically when any human attempts to voice or report a sexual assault - via active listening instead of Victim Shaming - then maybe we could Collectively become conscious of this Ancestral Trauma pattern and actually release it. Unfortunately the average reaction to a woman, a child, or any human being disclosing to an authority figure or loved ones that they have been raped is usually Denial. Denial is the first Stage of Grief involved when grieving the loss of innocence.

Denial is rooted in what is called the "Reality Collapse" in Psychology.

Especially if the rapist is a family member - as is often the case - the Mother or Father cannot accept that reality and thus they deny, deflect, devalue, & discard the child's reality of abuse as "fantasy, just something the kid is making up for more attention". One parent then often creates a False Narrative in which they a) identify an obvious scapegoat 2) defend the abuser in order to reinforce their delusional False Narrative 3) compartmentalize the rape as happening in a space "outside their bubble" (versus maybe in their own home) in order to avoid accountability and 4) refuse to listen with empathy because the reality of the loved one's abuse is too painful to accept as an aspect of their own life, their own conscious experience of "Reality". As a Queer Teacher and Survivor, I have become conscious of this very normal societal response to systemic child abuse & incest in Patriarchy & Narcissistic Family Structures. Especially the child who collapses one parent's illusion of "their perfect family" by exposing an abusive family member is most often turned into the Scapegoat Child by the Narcissistic parent in denial. The Lee Daniels film Precious is a good case study of these types of psychological phenomenon.

In Conclusion: Please stop projecting, Sheeples.

The Scapegoat in a Political Narrative is always a misdirection: it is a psychological and political tactic used to distract you from the real issues in Patriarchy of Systemic Abuse, Corruption, Child Sex Trafficking, & the Climate Crisis (news flash: your precious children may not have a sustainable Planet to live on in future if we don't start prioritizing). Survival of our Species and healing the Environment should be our Collective #1 Priority! Not Scapegoating Drag Queens or Queer Folk whom are all Survivors - for it is very dangerous to grow up Queer in Patriarchy - of the same systems of oppression which sweep systemic sexual abuse under the rug, value short-term profit over long-term human survival, and have created the Climate Crisis.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is also a Survivor.

HHDL is a political refuge who fled Tibet when China invaded - and became one of our most celebrated Spiritual examples for embodying Divine Compassion, Humility, Humor & Forgiveness towards the tyrannical Chinese Colonizers. He is not some "outsider" Scapegoat representing very real "insider" corruption in Western, Christian hierarchies. The real enemy again is most likely your "Heteroflexible" Preacher, Priest, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Cousin, Sports Coach, or any other Patriarch who abuses the Sacred Archetypal role of Guide to a child - any Narcissistic Coward in need of a quick release when they are bored with their Trophy Wife. Therefore I pose the question before the next time you may project your fear of "Grooming" onto a Drag Queen, Trans Person, Queer person, or any other Human Being: "Who is the real criminal to put on public trial in the Internet Inquisition?" Perhaps it is Patriarchy #sleepingwiththeenemy #hexthepatriarchy #matriarchynow



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

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