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The Personal Planets🪐 Saturn ♄ The Crone ⭕️ Limits of Perception🔭 Blind Spots🧿& Karmic Lessons🕉

Updated: May 8, 2023

Plus Interpretation Insights to Decode Your Saturn Placement

by @tabootarotreader

"The point is in this whole wide wicked world the only thing you have to be afraid of is me" ~ Supreme Fiona, Coven

Saturn transits can: delay and/or slow down the rhythms of Earth; concentrate energy; constrict; cause confrontations with what you avoid; and sober up your life

Dearly Beloved: For Aeons, Saturn was believed to be the last planet in our Solar System until Astronomers & Mathematicians discovered the 3 Trans-Saturnian planets.

Vedic Astrology traditionally does not recognize Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto as Personal Planets of significance in an individual's Natal Chart. This does not have to conflict with Modern Astrology, for the 3 Trans-Saturnian planets' energies often manifest via Collective Filters versus Personal Filters of Perception. Therefore with that being clarified: Vedic Astrologers perceive Saturn as the final Personal Planet and ruler of Earth sign Capricorn & Air sign Aquarius energy. In Vedic Astrology Saturn is exalted in Air sign Libra and debilitated in Fire Sign Aries (Libra & Aries are Polarity / Complementary energies). Furthermore the ancient Vedic sages associated Saturn with: Winter, Mountaintops, the deity Lord Yama, Arthritis, Muscle Tissues, Melancholy, Depression, Procrastination, Corruption, Lead, the gemstone Blue Sapphire, the Skin/Touching, & the Servant / Service Archetype (amongst many other concepts).

In Western Hellenistic Astrology, Saturn rules Capricorn while Uranus now rules Aquarius.

Thus - depending on the School of Thought - Malefic Saturn in Modern Astrology has come to symbolize many different Capricornian things related to: Conservative Long-Term Planning, Financial Institutions, Money/Material Resource Acquisitions, The Mundane Realms of Matter, Energetic Structures & Systems, Urges towards Safety & Security, Desire For Social Approval, Perseverance through Diligent Work, The Contraction / Effort Dichotomy, Tough Life Lessons, & the Limits of Human Perception. Depending on which Sign your Saturn placement falls in, themes that may be drawn to your Conscious Awareness in relation to Saturnian energy are (via "Chart Interpretation Handbook" 1989 by Stephen Arroyo):

Light Impulses: Spiritual Discipline, Focus, Conscious Effort, Surrendering to Karmic Duties/Circumstances, Embracing Pressure as a Privilege, Humility, Patience, Organization, and/or Personal / Communal Reliability

Shadow Impulses: Self-Restriction, Emotional Repression, Rigidity, Blind Faith in Rules/Institutions, Coldness/Lack of Empathy, Unwarranted Self-Defensiveness, Unnecessary Criticism, Crippling Inhibitions, Fearfulness of Social Retribution, Karmic Fears of Breaking Social Taboos, Karmic Impulse for Social Approval, and/or Karmic Attachment to Authority, Power, & Reputation

Saturn, from Gustav Holst's Planet Suite, being played by The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras.

In my personal perception, Saturn is the Crone - the Matriarch of younger Venus.

In Hellenistic (and Patriarchal) Astrology, Saturn is often symbolized as a stoic old man like Socrates. However we could also perceive Saturn's sometimes stern energy in a more Matriarchal and balanced way that doesn't erase the Archetypal Feminine principle (for Matriarchy is ultimately about equilibrium between the Masculine / Feminine polarity, not one dominating the other). In my personal opinion if you study Occult literature, there are subtle reasons why Capricorn energy is associated with the Devil Major Arcana in the Tarot. Capricorn is both a Cardinal & Feminine Earth sign. Perhaps then if we are to correlate Saturn energy with the Capricorn Archetype, we need to "Flip the Script" on the Christian perception of the Devil as a Negative, Patriarchal figure of the Underworld Hell into a Malefic, Matriarchal figure symbolizing an aspect of Mother Earth herself: a meta-physical energy of Pachamama safe-guarding the energetic records of aeons of accumulated events on Earth throughout its various Precessional Cycles. Accumulated knowledge of Cyclical Energies can be transmuted into wisdom if we are open to Saturn's "Tough Love" lessons. The old adage: "You reap what you sow" can be understood as the root lesson underlying Saturnian energy. Maybe this is why the Hellenistic symbol for Saturn is usually an ancient scythe or sickle, as Saturn was the god of seed-sowing and also of time ☭

A Malefic Planet like Saturn is not inherently "Negative" or "Evil"- Malefic simply implies its energy forces us to evolve in ways we would never willingly choose to do because those Life Lessons are often "painful" or related to Shadow Work.

Psychologically, Saturn represents a dimension of the ego-complex which can and usually does become rigid with age - in other words, that deeply ingrained group of behavior patterns and attitudes which can tie a person in knots of fear. Saturn is also correlated psychologically with what Jung calls the Shadow, i.e., those parts of ourselves which we block, fear, or about which we feel guilty; and hence we project those qualities onto others. Saturn has been said to symbolize the Achilles heel in the armor one wears before the world, the instinct of withdrawal from life. But, as Dane Rudhyar points out, it also signifies the deep-rooted ambition to actualize the potentialities inherent at birth. The ambition is felt as an inner pressure to become or achieve something definite according to our inner pattern of potentialities ...
(Also) According to Rudhyar, Saturn refers to a person's "fundamental nature", the purity of one's true self. It seems that Saturn has come to have such negative meanings in the minds of many astrologers and students of astrology because most people do not live in terms of their fundamental nature, but rather in terms of fashions, social patterns and traditions, and ego games. Hence Saturn is often experienced as a "stern reproach" or as a challenging act of "Fate" in order that we begin to heed the needs of our fundamental nature within ...
Via "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", 1978, pg. 72, by Stephen Arroyo

Saturn energy can manifest impartial catalysts for change in your personal Soul Evolution - most likely during your various Saturn Returns.

Saturn Returns refer to the roughly 29 year cycles in which Saturn "returns" to the same meta-physical space in its ellipse at the moment of your birth. The Saturn Return often manifests between the ages of 27–31, 56–60 and 84–90 in the Average Human. We can liken these periods to "Growing Pains" i.e. difficult Karmic Lessons as pre-determined by your Soul Contract propelling you forward in the Soul's growth. The Crone has reached their point of Soul evolution via a long and arduous journey of developing Discernment & Emotional Maturity. The Crone has seen many Moons, and observed much regarding Human Behavior. Hence why they prefer Solitude. The Crone as an Archetypal figure is not the "Wicked Witch" who lives in the local swamp, alone with their cats, brewing potions to live forever, and/or eating any children who happen to stumble upon their cottage. That is a Christian smear campaign; a character assassination devaluing the Crone's wisdom. The Crone is a deep Archetype - or Universal Subtle Energy - which all humans can tap into within our Psyche via Saturn's Sphere of Influence.

The Crone has reached a point in their personal Soul evolution where they would rather enjoy a nice hot pot of herbal tea versus becoming Entangled with any Soul existing in a dualistic level of consciousness. The Crone Sees beyond the duality of the 3D physical plane; the Crone sees everything most people don't want to perceive in the 5D and beyond. The Crone whispers to the Wind, observes the Water, plays with Fire, gives offerings to the Earth, and listens to the Ether. When the Crone goes foraging in Nature their perception of the Forest as a living, breathing, reciprocal system is very different than many people's perception of the Forest as a scary, evil, and unforgiving death wish. The Crone is knowledgeable about the healing properties of Plants, Herbs, & Mushrooms - deep Nature Archetypes representing Accumulated Healing Wisdom passed down from generation to generation in Indigenous and Pagan cultures. Thus the Crone patiently waits for the Universe to bring them open-minded Students, knowing that when the Teacher is ready, the Student appears (and vice versa).

In the Tarot, Saturn energy & its manifestations can be represented by many cards depending on which Sign Saturn is currently transiting through.

For example as I currently write this blog: Saturn is transiting through Feminine & Mutable Water sign Pisces. Saturn will be in Pisces specifically from 03/07/2023 to 05/24/2025, then after a brief retrograde into Aquarius, from 08/31/2025 to 02/13/2026 (according to the Gregorian calendar). Saturn in Pisces can be symbolized by the 8 of Cups Minor Arcana energy representing: Indolence/Laziness, Waters of Resignation, Stagnation in Relationships, Self-Denial, A Dark Night of the Soul, Resignation to One's Fate, Congesting Energies, and/or the Great Plunge into the Unknown Void. Saturn in Aquarius is also associated with the Hermit & the Judgment (aka the Aeon) Major Arcana energies. A very interesting combination of cards remembering that Saturn is also associated with the Devil Major Arcana as the ruling planet of Capricorn ... #giggles #judgejudies #judgementday Dearly Beloved, some musings to ponder: Whom is the latest Scapegoat put on Public Trial in the Internet Inquisition as the Jury's Trolls hide behind their screens in the safety of seclusion & anonymity?

The Hermit obviously resonates with the Crone Archetype: they both really are just the Masculine/Feminine aspects of Spiritual Solitude.

The Hermit is one of my favorite Major Arcanas: we could write a whole book divulging its deeper levels of meaning and symbolism. In a nutshell for a post-Internet audience: this Archetype represents the energetic opportunity to unplug & retreat from Mass Consciousness in order to tune into the Wisdom of Silence. The Hermit's Cave is an allegory that can correlate with the themes of Plato's Cave: we enter the cave - the Darkness - in order to confront our Fears directly as an act of Soul Initiation. The Hermit's lantern can symbolize the power of the Light - of just one single candle - to illuminate the Path out of Darkness & Ignorance into Wisdom & Inner Truth. Furthermore the dog often depicted with the Hermit is an obvious Totem Animal symbol that our Soul Journey of Individuation is always aided by loyal & unconditionally loving Spirit Animal Guides whom exist in the hidden realms of Nature - the Totem World.

Many Jungian & Kabbalah scholars who study the Tarot - such as Therapist Eva Rider M.A. - perceive the Hermit as the Saturnian limit or Glass Ceiling of Archetypal Masculine / Left Brain Consciousness before the Mind can open up to the vast mysteries of the Archetypal Feminine / Right Brain Consciousness; diving deep into the Major Arcanas to follow. What does this mean, dearly Beloved? This could mean that all humans raised in a Patriarchal perception - regardless of Sex or Gender Identity - are subject to limits of perception. Unless you were raised in an un-contacted Tribe in the Amazon or Timbuktu, this means all of us have our own very human limitations when it comes to perceiving the bigger picture.

Saturn Energy therefore - like all the energy of the Trans-Saturnian planets - is very mysterious and related to our perceptual Blind Spots.

The "Blind Spot" 4-card Tarot Spread is a fantastic option in order to pose the query, "Spirit: what is currently Hidden from my Conscious awareness?". The Subconscious Mind naturally compartmentalizes or "hides" information from the Conscious Mind as a Self-protection mechanism. If human beings were to be aware of the vast depths of the Subconscious in our mundane lives e.g. all the memories, experiences, & traumas accumulated via Past Lives - for the Subconscious is not bound by Space/Time - our little noggins would simply implode. Dearly Beloved: This is an important lesson to learn when studying the Occult Mysteries. Sometimes it is not necessary nor wise nor helpful to remember or know everything. In some Eastern traditions there is a mantra: "Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If all three conditions hold, then it is worth saying". I feel personally without a doubt an Achilles Heel of the Hermit/Crone Archetype is the Desire to Know, for Knowing is a very great Power. As a Tarot Reader & Astrologer, trust me on this one. However with all that being said, for the curious to know, here is an example from my Youtube Channel of a Blind Spot Tarot Spread posed during the Winter Solstice 2022.

Now if you are still with me - thank you so much, Dearly Beloved - what are some Walkaway Messages for optimally interpreting the Saturn placement in your Birth Chart?

The element of your Saturn Sign's placement is perhaps more important than the individual sign itself. Why? Perhaps because it gives us an energetic framework to understand how Saturnian energy may manifest which stands the test of time: the Elements are eternal and represent the energetic substance of experience. Individual Signs are the primary patterns or specific qualities of experience; not necessarily the substance or essence manifesting the experience itself. I.e. Capricorn energy often manifests as the core impulse or pattern of the desire to acquire something material. Thus to understand any Personal Planet Placement in Capricorn, it may be more important to understand the Earthy, material substance of this Sign underlying its patterns in order to accurately predict in which dimension of life or experiences the energy may manifest. If you are following me still, it boils down to this: Individual Signs don't always determine the energy being embodied. It is easier to discern or read energy from an elemental framework.

Thus with this framework being established: the element of your Saturn placement is the energy that triggers the impulses of Self-preservation & disciplined effort.

Developing Spiritual Discipline is a very important aspect of Saturnian energy: retaining your energy, managing your desires, & not being wasteful with your Life Force is necessary in order to develop the Soul's potential. In a nutshell: the element of your Saturn placement colors the Karmic Challenges you must confront in this current Incarnation. It can manifest as fears, inhibitions, & repression stemming from Past Life AKA "Samskaras" or Karmic Patterns which you are consciously blind to until a trauma or "negative" event triggers the Past Life energy signature/memory. Ultimately the element of your Saturn placement indicates at what level of expression your energy is being blocked, what lessons you are subconsciously avoiding, and/or Karmic Knots aka "Bandas" in need of untying (Arroyo).

Saturn in Fire Signs may need to become conscious of: stabilizing one's Ego identity or Ego pursuits via Spiritual Service (e.g. devoting more energy to their 5D Soul's work, instead of all their energy to their 3D job), expressing their fiery creative energy with more objectivity & regularity versus self-serving spasmodic pursuits, how effort can be applied to freedom of Self-expression as a means of Spiritual Transformation, how Enthusiasm is necessary to manifest your Soul's Work/Mission, and/or Karmic Duties which must be fulfilled in order to transform their Fate & Destiny

Saturn in Air signs may need to become conscious of: stabilizing one's thought patterns (e.g. "Does this thought evolve me or inhibit me?", "Does this thought internalize Self-hatred via criticism of Others?" and/or "Does this thought serve my Soul growth in the long-term or is it just making me feel better in the short/term?), disciplining the Mind to not wander into Past/Future and focus on the Present moment, releasing critical thought patterns understanding everything is a reflection of the Mind's beliefs, putting mindful effort into communicating directly versus vaguely, handling social responsibilities with sincerity as an opportunity for growth, and/or maintaining a Detached spiritual perception towards "negative" people, places, circumstances, etc. understanding everything fulfills a Karmic purpose

Saturn in Water signs may need to become conscious of: stabilizing one's emotional landscape (i.e. not drowning in the ups & downs of of emotion but approaching the experience instead as subtle information teaching you a Karmic Lesson), learning how to express emotion from an impersonal detached perspective (i.e. not taking it personal when others cause you pain as it is a reflection of their Karma, not yours, so don't get Entangled via the Weight of Expectations), devoting mindful effort to expressing emotions in a Safe Space whilst alone (e.g. if you are feeling sad, throw yourself a "Sad Movie Party" or "Sad Music Dance Party" in which you can process the emotion without shame instead of repressing it), developing Discernment as to "What emotions are my own versus emotions I have empathically downloaded from someone else?" with Compassion & Non-Judgment as a means of honoring your innate sensitivities, and/or recognizing that repressing deeper emotions as a Self-protection mechanism only leads to energetic implosion

Saturn in Earth Signs may need to become conscious of: stabilizing one's efficiency in the Work sphere, honing the precision of their chosen craft over time, infusing Spiritual Service into daily mundane activities (e.g. approaching washing the dishes as an act of humble Service), how to devote effort to incremental mastering of the material World versus being a slave to Materialistic Karmic Forces (i.e. Being the "Master over your own Time"), and/or developing practical energetic systems in order to manifest their Soul's Work/Mission (e.g. devoting oneself to a daily Spiritual practice like Yoga, Qigong, Meditation, etc. in order to ground down their energies)

Furthermore it is important to note which House your Saturn Placement falls into when interpreting how Saturnian energy may manifest throughout your Lifetime.

Whatever house Saturn is in, it is there that one can experience stability, structure, deep satisfaction, and meaning in life. In this area of life, one must work and take on responsibility, and accept pressure as a necessary molding of one's character. This house invariably represents a field of experience that is especially important to a person
"Chart Interpretation Handbook", pg. 126, Arroyo

I feel it is important to further offer some of Vedic Astrology's Interpretation Insights into how Saturnian energy can be perceived and worked with in order to balance out our Western perceptions:

Saturn is the boundary of the Electromagnetic Field of Divine Energy for the present stage of human growth and development. Many more psychic faculties and powers will be bestowed on human beings when they have mastered the powers assigned to them under the present dispensation. The impact of the trans-Saturnian planets will be felt when additional chakras are assigned to man. Saturn is the "ring-pass-not" of human consciousness.
"Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", pg. 87, Behari

In Conclusion: further Self-study into the Aspects between Saturn, your Rising Sign, & other Personal Planets is very important in ultimate interpretation of your Soul Contract's Karmic Terms & Conditions.

Harmonious Aspects (Conjunctions, Sextiles, & Trines) versus Challenging Aspects (Squares, Oppositions, & Quincunxes) "reveal the dynamism and intensity of experience as well as how the energies within the individual interact" (Arroyo). Remember that objective Astrology stresses the relationships & aspects between the planets are just as important as individual placements. Your interpretation of these aspects unfolds intuitively over time through Self-Study and Observation. E.g. any Saturn/Ascendent Aspects can create in an individual's Ego Rising Sign complex: "Disciplined energy and reliability", "Ambitious and responsible attitudes", the "need to express outwardly" one's goals, and/or a "serious, practical tone" coloring their approach to Life itself (Arroyo). Ultimately with Aspects I find it can be overwhelming if you attempt to understand all of your Birth Chart's Aspects at once: I highly recommend to allow the Planetary Aspects to speak to you by identifying in your Story which people embody strong "Saturnian", "Martian", "Venusian", etc. energy. By observing how your relationships with these people manifest & evolve throughout your life, you may intuit the Aspects implied meaning. This is a good applicable practice for cross-comparing your individual Birth Chart aspects with tangible experiences & human relations (especially any personal Aspects with your Ascendent &/or aspects between your Ascendent and the ruling planet of any significant Other's Ascendent, which arguably are the most important when determining relationship compatibility).

Remember Dearly Beloved: applicable Astrology stresses that the relationships & aspects between the planets are just as important as individual placements.

Understanding the relationships - or the way different Planetary Spheres vibe with each other - is key in decoding your Personal Planet Placements. In traditional Vedic Astrology:

  • Saturn is friends with Mercury & Venus

  • Saturn is neutral with Jupiter

  • Saturn is enemies with the Sun, Moon, & Mars

It is also very interesting to note that the ancient Mayan Astronomers & Day Keepers were very much were concerned with planetary relationships & conjunctions as well when calculating their Calendars:

Astronomical metaphors and celestial events defined the ritual landscape for Maya rulers. Transfers of royal power, for example, seem to have been timed by the summer solstice at certain centres. At Palenque, an inscription notes that Pacal's son Chan-Bahlum dedicated the Cross Temple grouping on July 23, 690 - timed to coincide with the conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon. To the Maya, this event may have represented the primordial birth of the three ancestor gods of the Palenque dynasty with the First Mother (the Moon), and would have been an appropriate moment to consecrate an accession monument.

Separation is the ultimate illusion - the ultimate Blind Spot - dearly Beloved ...

🙏 🪐 👁‍🗨


Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: in 2023 Saturn will be stationing Retrograde (magnifying its energy) in Pisces from 06/17/2023~11/04/2023 according to the Gregorian calendar. This transit can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own personal Divination practice: The World, The Moon, the King of Cups, & the 8 of Cups 🐟

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