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The Personal Planets🌺Venus As A Boy💗The Venus Star Point Cycle 👑 & Occult Mayan Astrology🌏

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Interpretation Insights to Decode Your Venus Placement

"... We have two ancient advanced Civilizations - the Mayans & the Toltecs - who both perceived of Venus as a Masculine Malefic #flipthescript #nonbinary #venusasaboy"

by @tabootarotreader

Dearly Beloved: Mars & Venus are often in Modern Astrology described as the two "Love Planets" related to how we express sexual urges, experience attraction, & show affection. There is so much more to these two Mysteries than the Heteronormative Gender Binary that is projected onto "Masculine Mars & Feminine Venus".

In an effort to deconstruct the Gender Binary in Astrology, I created the Occult Astrology vlog series. Since most people expect Horoscopes from Astrologers - especially when interpreting their Personal Planet Placements - I have decided to write an accompanying blog to the Mars & Venus episodes of Occult Astrology to aide making the Collective information more personalized. In most modern horoscopes regarding the Personal Planets, it is common for an Astrologer to cast their own interpretive guidelines for an audience that has seeming low astrological knowledge. When I read many modern Horoscopes, I find them frankly silly and delusional, offering very little corroborating information to ground down the information their castings are claiming to be absolutes. It is clear that many Horoscope consumers (who don't have Self-awareness) simply desire to be told how to interpret "Venus in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Venus in Gemini", etc. with little personal effort or Self-study. Occult Astrology is not one of those pieces of Astrological work. There is certainly no shortage of Astrologers casting Horoscopes on the Internet! If you want that, it's out there for you to consume. Rather than personally enable more "Black Magic" Horoscope casting *cough, cough* this series is intended instead for Students of the Occult - the Deep Divers. The ultimate interpretation of your Natal Chart is a Subjective, Interactive, & Intuitive experience which unfolds throughout your lifetime, not five minutes.

Objective information is necessary to understand the more mathematical & inner dimensions of the Natal Chart.

You must balance Objective Information with Intuitive Insight to truly apply Astrology as a science. This balance is so necessary when understanding your Natal Chart as a tool for your Personal development - the key to decoding your Fate, your Destiny - versus the Birth Chart as some big, scary, uninterpretable, information overload vortex which requires you to be dependent on somebody else for understanding. When you actually begin to study Astrology, you realize there are many different Schools of Thought: it's all relative to the Observer. You may also realize a lot of mainstream Astrology is "rose-colored glasses" love spells casted with suggestive language & NLP. You may also realize a lot of newspaper horoscopes are offering no information - just like a Tarot Reading - that is verifiable, accurate, or grounded in current Astrological transits. Not all Horoscopes are garbage - of course - but I personally offer an approach which synthesizes Ancient Vedic & Mayan schools of thought with Modern, Western Astrology. In Vedic Astrology it is interesting that the entire Natal Chart is believed to be encoded in the Palms of your hands.

Point being: no one can instantly understand any of their Planet Placements by reading another Human Being's Subjective interpretation in a Horoscope.

Astrology is a sacred, ancient science rooted in Observation: you must Observe yourself, your patterns, your impulses, and what's manifesting around you in the context of the current Astrological transits in order to reach greater understanding of a Planet's energy colored by any Zodiac placement. Furthermore it is important to correlate what Houses or Dimensions of Experience are being triggered within your Psyche given current Astrological transits, as change is the only constant in Astrology. Thus Astrology could be defined as a science of observing patterns of correlations between the Macrocosm & the Microcosm, Past & Current Events, plus Personal & Collective experiences. I could easily cast some personal Horoscopes and tell you everything I feel Venus in each sign could represent; but that's not going to help you understand the deeper meanings of Venusian energy and its Sphere of Influence. What I will consciously choose to do instead is offer Interpretation Insights into the various Personal Planet Placements to help Students decode their Birth Chart. At the end of the day: Self-study is so, so important and I will not encourage idleness or laziness by casting Horoscopes with zero basis in any objective, applicable information. Interpreting your Venus placement - and your entire Birth Chart - is your own responsibility to reach greater Self-understanding.

With all that being prefaced - if you are still with me - thank you so much. Here are some Interpretation Insights for decoding your Venus placement.

Your Venus placement can draw your conscious awareness to: how you express or expect affection, give or expect appreciation, and experience attraction i.e. the force we label "Love" (via "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", 1978 and "Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989 by Stephen Arroyo).

Light Impulses: Balanced Give & Take, Awareness of the Energetic Exchange, Sharing Spirit, Generosity, Giving Affection Freely Without Shame, Need to Feel Harmony/Closeness, Creative/Procreative Urges, Manifesting Art, &/or Witnessing Beauty

Shadow Impulses: Hedonism/Self-indulgence, Manipulation of Desire, Using Attraction for Self-Serving Means, Extreme NPD, Animalistic Lust, Demanding Behavior, Needing Substances to Lose Inhibitions during Intimacy, &/or Destructive Urges

The element of your Venus placement is perhaps more important than the individual sign itself. Why?

Perhaps because it gives us an energetic framework to understand how Venusian energy may manifest which stands the test of time: the Elements are eternal. Thus the element of your Venus placement is the energy that triggers the urges to express affection & emotional intimacy. In a nutshell: the element of your Venus placement colors the inflow and outflow of energy governing attraction. The outflow represents how you express love & affection, while the inflow represents the experiences & types of expression that manifest.

Venus in Fire Signs may express affection: directly, grandiosely with boasting, passionately with "sweet talk" or "love bomb" compliments, enthusiastically with dirty talk, or via vigorous desires to perform as the perfect lover in order to feel love

Venus in Air signs may express affection: intellectually, humorously, mentally via teasing, invoking camaraderie, oversharing their thoughts, sapio-sexually (i.e. sexually "turned on" by intelligence), or via mind games in order to feel engaged in love

Venus in Water Signs may express affection: emotionally, spontaneously, via showing sympathy/empathy, subtly as to not overwhelm the other with their deep intuition, sensitively by creating space for experimentation, or via sharing deep feelings in order to feel love

Venus in Earth Signs may express affection: dependably, physically by doing things for others, tangibly via touch or gifts, sharing their long-term goals to make the other feel trust that they "will stick around", via making strong commitments, and/or sharing responsibilities e.g. "offering a helping hand"

Ergo your Venus placement draws your conscious awareness to how the ups & downs of Cosmic Passion and Desire flow through you.

Vedic Astrology stresses that Venus represents procreative energy and in the planetary hierarchy produces the desire to overcome differences and unite - for not all the planets vibe well together ("Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology" 2003 by Bepin Behari). In Vedic Astrology Venus is exalted in Feminine & Mutable Water sign Pisces - as symbolized by the Star Major Arcana in the Tarot ⭐️ - and debilitated in Feminine & Mutable Earth sign Virgo (Pisces & Virgo are Polarity / Complementary energies). It is very interesting to note that Earth & Water are the Feminine elements which make up the Kapha principle in Ayurveda (Vedic Astrology's Sister Science). Venus rules over Earth sign Taurus & Air sign Libra energy ("Vedic Astrology Handbook", 2012 by Jeffrey Armstrong). Furthermore the ancient Vedic Sages also associated Venusian energy with: The Kapha & Kapha-Vata Constitutions, Goddess Lakshmi, Spring, the Tongue/Tasting, Semen, Diabetes, Copper, the gemstone Diamonds, & the Archetypal Relationships of Mate/Master (amongst many other things).

It is important to remember how Venus & Mars influence each other given their respective placements are both important to understand how you experience Love & Sex

Venus and Mars are neutral towards each other i.e. they neither help nor support the other energetically. Neutrality is the name of the game then when interpreting how your Venus & Mars placements interplay. E.g. if you have a Mars placement in Capricorn and Venus placement in Gemini, that would be very significant: Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, and is friendly with Venus. Venus is also very friendly with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini. Thus this individual would maybe have success in balancing their desires for an exciting sex life with long-term commitments. Remember that objective Astrology stresses the relationships & aspects between the planets are just as important as individual placements. To summarize, in traditional Vedic Astrology:

  • Venus is friends with Mercury & Saturn

  • Venus is neutral with Jupiter & Mars

  • Venus is enemies with the Sun & Moon

The Maya were aware of the planets in the solar system—Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter—and tracked their movements. The most important planet by far to the Maya was Venus, which they associated with war. Battles and wars would be arranged to coincide with the movements of Venus, and captured warriors and leaders would likewise be sacrificed according to the position of Venus in the night sky. The Maya painstakingly recorded the movements of Venus and determined that its year, relative to Earth, not the sun, was 584 days long, closely approximating the 583.92 days that modern science has determined.

What else do the Ancient Mayans have to say about Venus - arguably the most important planet in their Calendar Systems after the Sun - and its Star Point Cycle?

If you watch the accompanying Occult Astrology Vlog for Venus, we dive deep into the mystery of Venus because the Mayans perceived of Venus as a Masculine Malefic: a complete "flipping of the script" of Western Astrology's perceptions of Venus as a Feminine Archetype! I feel it is important to clarify some further points about this seeming "conflict":

Skeptics of astrology often compare the Mesoamerican astrological Venus with the Western astrological Mars, implying that astrology is completely internal to the culture that creates it. That assumption may be true on the surface, but as will see, there is no disagreement over the fundamental astrological properties of Venus in both Mesoamerican and Western astrology. The ancient Mesoamerican scripting correlates well with with the great Western astrologer Dane Rudhyar's observations on the distinctions between Venus as a morning or evening star in natal charts. Rudhyar said that as a morning star, Venus signified the "projection of individual vision and purpose upon life". Venus in its evening-star phase, according to Rudhyar, signifies the projection of a more collective vision and purpose. Combining these ideas, the authors maintain that Venus, as a morning star, may indicate a tendency to follow one's own instinctive urges, which can then lead to tensions with the dominant social paradigm within which the individual operates and functions. Social "sins" are committed during this phase. Venus as an evening star may indicate a tendency to follow the guidelines of human social conduct that are embraced by society. Here, a humbled Venus follows the laws, just as Quetzalcoatl did after recognizing the error of his ways ...
The inferior and superior conjunctions are quite distinct from each other in their effects on human behavior. The inferior conjunction marks the time when Quetzalcoatl was born on Earth, and was noted in the Mayan codices as having a "striking" effect. The people noted that Venus's appearance in this phase coincided with downfalls of leaders and other social upsets. In the Dresden Codex, Venus is portrayed as the Toltec Male Deity Tlahuitzcalpantecuhtli who strikes and spears his victims.
Via "How to Practice Mayan Astrology", 2007, pg. 66-67, by Bruce Scofield & Barry C. Orr

Thus to conclude: we have two ancient advanced Civilizations - the Mayans & the Toltecs - who both perceived of Venus as a Masculine Malefic #flipthescript #nonbinary #venusasaboy

Why is this significant to know when interpreting your Venus placement? I highly recommend to tune into the accompanying Vlog episode at the beginning of this post in order to learn more if you are curious to know. Thank you for reading all the way to end of this Astrological work!

🙏 🌸 🧜‍♂️


Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: in 2023 Venus will be stationing Retrograde (magnifying its energy) in Masculine & Fixed Fire Sign Leo from 07/23/2023~09/04/2023 according to the Gregorian calendar. This transit can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own personal Divination practice: The Strength Major Arcana, The Page of Wands, & The Knight of Wands 🔥

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