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Occult Precessional Astrology of Ancient Egypt🪲Ancient Mayans ම & Atlantis🗿

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

Precession of the Equinoxes🔭The Dendera Zodiac🛕& The Mystery of the 3 Virgos♍️

by @tabootarotreader

Dearly Beloved: Astrology is an Ancient, Sacred Science rooted in the Study of Precession AKA "The Great Year" as Plato described it.

The Knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes was considered Sacred in Ancient Cultures. This awareness - gained via Aeons of Observing the Cosmos - is accumulated knowledge passed down from generation to generation. This knowledge was not intended for the layman necessarily to know, as it wasn't useful or applicable in mundane life of the average person. This knowledge traditionally was safe-guarded and - in order to learn it - ancient priests & priestesses were often initiated into the Mysteries of Astrology, Cosmology, & Numerology.

When one becomes aware of Precession, it can be both humbling and terrifying to the human Ego.

Our Higher Selves may intuitively grasp vast cycles of Time, however the Lower Self is often resistant to the implications inherent in Precessional Astrology. The awareness of Precession also was seemingly very, very important for the Elevated Ancient Ancestors to maintain records of & continuity. Ancient Cultures were seemingly obsessive record-keepers e.g. the Sumerian King's List which specifically documents aeons of time & past rulers from over 30,000 years ago. Why? Perhaps because Modern Scientists who study Precession have observed its cycles are intimately related to major Earth Catastrophes and Climate Change: one of the most pressing issues of our current times. So even though the Mystery of Precession may not seem relevant to the average student of Astrology, its implications are very pertinent.

To Summarize the complex Mathematics inherent in Precession, mean numbers generally accepted in Western Astronomy are as follows:

  • 1/43,200 = the equatorial circumference/polar radius (same dimensions of the Great Pyramid at Giza)

  • 1 Precessional Cycle = 25,920 years (roughly)

  • Each Zodiac Aeon (as represented by the 12 Zodiac Signs) = 2,160 years (roughly) and 30° of the Ecliptic

  • The precessional rate of change = 1°/72 years i.e. one heartbeat of the Earth = 72 years

  • 72 x 30 = 2,160 years (1 Zodiacal Aeon)

  • 12 x 2,160 = 25,920 (1 Precessional Cycle)

The Numerology implied in Precessional Numbers is as follows:

  • 72 reduces to: 7+2= 9

  • 43,200 reduces to: 4+3+2+0+0= 9

  • 25,920 reduces to: 2+5+9+2+0=1+8= 9

  • Nikola Tesla's Pyramid Dimensions 3,6,& 9 reduces to: 3+6=9; 9+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

Thus the numbers 72, 9, 6, & 3 are very important Precessional Numbers when studying the Mysteries of the Convoluted Universe.

The language of the Cosmos is Numbers: there are inherent & ineffable patterns in the Numerology of Precession. E.g. 72 the precessional rate of change. Osiris of Ancient Egyptian lore was said to have been murdered by 72 of Seti's crones. There are 72 syllables in the Rig Veda. The Cambodian temple Angkor Wat (as made famous by the film Lara Croft Tomb Raider) resides exactly 72° East of Longitude of the Giza Plateau. Could such an alignment of sacred, ancient sites be merely a "coincidence" as many modern Western Scholars claim in the highest levels of Eurocentric education? What are the implications of this number 72? The precessional rate of change very simply means that the True North Star (which is currently Polaris) moves by 1° every 72 years. The ancients measured when a new Zodiac Aeon was upon us by observing in which Constellation was the Rising Sun housed in during the Equinoxes (when days and nights are of equal length). To observe that the True North Star moves slightly 1° every 72 years is profound knowledge speaking to these ancient, pre-colonized civilizations' true antiquity.

Many skeptics in denial will argue: "How is precessional phenomenon even observable & therefore verifiable?" given the perception of what the average human life span is.

Well if you actually respect & listen to what ancient cultures documented about the origins of their own civilizations, their timelines are much older than what is allowed to be taught in the Colonizers' Curriculum. E.g. Ancient Egyptians in multiple artifacts such as the Pyramid Texts & the Turin Papyrus specifically document that their Civilization was at least over 50,000 years old. This means that their Civilization went through at least 2 precessional cycles. Imagine the Wisdom which can be gained throughout a Civilization's lifetime when it lasts that many thousands of years? Knowledge of Precession is therefore very possible to acquire. Feel into that deep reverence & humility realizing how young our own Civilization of just a few hundred years truly is #humblelikethecomeup

As Graham Hancock so eloquently explains: the Precessional Scale is not random but determined by the Wobble Effect of the Earth's Precessional Cycle.

The Wobble Effect of the Earth can be likened to the Jewish dreidel or spinning top. The Earth does not rotate around its axis in a perfectly aligned, 360° rotation but it wobbles throughout the Precessional Cycle. Thus the Precessional Rate of Change (1°/72 years) is determined by the Wobble Effect. The current True North Star therefore also functions as a time marker, and for the last 2,000 years has been in the Constellation of Pisces. For whatever strange & mysterious reason, the precession of the Equinox moves backwards through the Zodiac.

So in our current times - as much as New Age Folks like to believe we are already in the Age of Aquarius - this is technically not true according to Precessional Astrology. Only until the True North Star Polaris moves backward into the Constellation of Aquarius from Pisces will the official Age of Aquarius begin. Don't shoot the messenger, folks! Some Astrologers theorize this will not happen for roughly 100-300 more years or so given the differences between the mean & actual precessional calculations. Regardless of your chosen calendar, we can claim with 100% certainty that we are currently living in a momentous & blessed time of transition! #buckleupbuttercups

We must remember in the Internet Age that Awareness of Precession was kept secret in ancient cultures as Sacred Wisdom because of how it transforms Human Consciousness #divinediscontent

Precession was Sacred Knowledge for a reason. The rate of precessional change can be understood metaphorically as 1 heartbeat of Mother Earth equates to 72 years of human life. Just sit with that information and meditate for a hot minute ... The average human life is approximately the same as one heartbeat of the Earth. Our lives are merely a blink of an eye in comparison. We are mere particles of dust just floating aimlessly in the great Cosmic Web of the Universe. We are mere ants on the face of this Planet with very short & temporary lives which limit our perceptions of what is possible to know. It is deeply humbling to realize that just one heartbeat of Pachamama requires 72 years #respectyourmama

The importance of the Equinoxes in Ancient Cultures implies that they knew a great deal more than what Modern Patriarchal Scholars give the "Primitives" credit for.

Everything is multidimensional in the Convoluted Universe with multiple levels of meaning. There is never just one right or wrong answer. Thus in ancient cultures Equinoxes were multidimensional experiences. Equinoxes functioned as important astronomical time markers, a time to celebrate the harvest, and opportunities to observe the heavens. Equinoxes were also important Spiritual events for ancient cultures to hold Ceremony. Perhaps the Equinoxes - when Night & Day are of equal length and there is perfect equilibrium - were perceived by the Elevated Ancient Ancestors energetically as potent portals. Equinoxes are perhaps moments when the Veil between worlds, realms, or other dimensions is permeable. Just maybe when there is true Harmony & Balance in the Cosmos, the Elevated Ancient Ancestors understood this was an opportunity to tune in and download celestial information. There is a valid reason many New Age people theorize that ancient sites like the Pyramids functioned as energetic portals for interplanetary communication: their Astronomical Alignments #asabovesobelow

In Contrast to Western Hellenistic Astrology & Plato's figures of precession, were there any other non-European ancient cultures who were aware of Precession?

The Ancient Maya - as evidenced by their seemingly Divine and highly accurate Calendar Systems - certainly were aware of Precession ...

Astrology is the symbolic mapping of astronomical cycles to reveal predictable patterns of natural phenomena and human character and destiny. Astrology creates a grid through which one can perceive patterns in nature and human life that are so clearly apparent from other perspectives. The Long Count Calendar of the Maya (AKA The Tzolkin) is such a grid. As we have seen, its structure is based on planetary cycles- Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions. And we shall now see it is also based on variations in the Earth's orbit which result in the astronomical phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes.

The 5,125 year period of the Long Count is only one fifth of a much larger cycle, the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. In a single, full orbit of the sun, the earth rotates on its axis 365.24 times. At the same time, the Earth's axis is wobbling like a top in such a way that if the crown of the planet were extended into space, over the course of about 25,770 years it would describe a cone. This wobbling also translates into the movement of the equinoxes, the points where the Earth's extended equator intersects the Earth's orbital plane. The equinoxes move backwards against the constellations, or precess, at a rate of about 1 degree every 72 years. If we take the precession cycle of about 25,770 years and divide it by 12, we get astrological ages of about 2,148 years. This classification into specific ages is one of Western Astrology's ways of delineating long periods of historical time ...

Now if we take that mean precession cycle of 25,770 years and divide it by 5, we get 5,154 years. This figure is remarkably close to the 5,125-year span of the Long Count. Considering the fact that the figure given for precession is a mean figure and that the actual figure may vary by two or three hundred years, this number was an extremely accurate reading of astronomical motion by the Maya. It is much closer than the figures of precession given by Plato and those encoded in the Great Pyramid.

Both Mayan & Aztec cosmology tell of five great ages, the present age being the fifth. Further the Maya had time periods much larger than the Long Count itself, extending time far beyond the boundaries of ancient Western Cultures. This information suggests that the Long Count is simply a one-fifth segment of the precession cycle, and that in Mayan cosmology time existed before 3114 BC and will exist after 2012. It seams reasonable, then, to regard the beginning and ending of the Long Count as transition points of the larger precession cycle and not as absolute originations or terminations. Given the simple technology available to them, the ancient Mesoamerican astronomers did some amazing work.

Not only did they measure the length of the precession cycle, but they also apparently anchored it with a remarkable alignment, the meeting of the winter solstice sun (not the vernal equinox that is used in Western Astrology) with the band of the Milky Way. Since our galaxy is shaped like a disc, we can draw an equator-like plane through the Milky Way and mark where it intersects the ecliptic, the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun. Mayan cosmology was very night-sky oriented and the Milky Way, specifically the dark band the runs inside it in the vicinity of the ecliptic, figured prominently in Mayan mythology. This dark band was seen as the road to the underworld, the place of origins and the home of the gods.
via "How to Practice Mayan Astrology", 2007, pg. 109-109, by Bruce Schofield & Barry C. Orr

Moving on to another example of an ancient, non-European civilization with similar sacred knowledge to the Maya: the Dendera Zodiac of Ancient Egypt is all about Precession.

I highly recommend to tune into the accompanying Occult Astrology Vlog at the beginning of this post in which I synthesize the works of Canadian Egyptologist Dr. Carmen Boulter & Russian Physicist Dr. Svetlana Pavlova regarding the Dendera Zodiac.

In a nutshell:

The Dendera Zodiac is the only circular depiction of astronomy to be found within Egyptian antiquity. All other references to the zodiac or astrology are either square or pyramidal in shape and design. The zodiac itself depicts the 360 days of the Egyptian year, with thirty-six decans arranged in a circular fashion. A decan represents one-third of the duration of a zodiacal constellation. Twelve signs with three decans each means thirty-six decans in total. This is a metric that western astrologers continue to use to this day. The Dendera Zodiac was eventually stolen and taken to France in 1821 by engineer Jean Lelorrain, who used gunpowder and explosives to break the zodiac free from its rightful place on the ceiling of the temple. The zodiac now rests on a different ceiling, in the Egyptian Antiquities exhibit of the famous Louvre Museum in Paris.

Dr. Carmen Boulter stated that Dr. Svetlana Pavlova's understanding of the Dendera Zodiac as a Precessional "Calendar of Catastrophes" was the only researcher whom resonated with her.

Astrology was Sacred to the Elevated Ancient Ancestors because maybe it gifted them Foreknowledge regarding when & how to prepare for Natural Disasters triggered by Precession.

Everybody has heard about the "Myth" of Atlantis unless you are a total Sheeple. Contrary to popular New Age beliefs that the Fall of Atlantis was caused by their own corruption, experimentation on animals, etc. we now know that its destruction was most likely caused by abrupt Climate Change - either from an asteroid collision which caused a sudden Polar Shift in the Earth's magnetic field or a natural Polar Shift. Polar Shifts are most likely triggered by the Earth's Precessional cycle. Therefore Astrology was not a trivial matter in Ancient Times to simply cast Romantic Horoscopes.

Tracking the Precession of the Equinoxes was a highly esteemed matter of Life & Death significance for the Ancients. Obsessively tracking the Cosmic Cycles was something of utmost importance in order to never forget the memory of past catastrophes in the constant churning of the Cosmic Wheel of Fortune. As they may say, "If you don't know your history, you are doomed to repeat it". It is important to not fear these disasters, as they are a natural part of Earth's constant evolution. We must Surrender to this Knowledge of Magnetic Pole Shifts in order to properly prepare like the Ancients, rather than deny it out of Fear & Ignorance.

Is there a point in the Precessional Cycle which the Dendera Zodiac draws our Conscious Awareness to? A warning hidden in plain sight?

The Egyptian priests knew well the secrets of precession and the basis of their calculations is the great year – 25,920 years. One astrological era is equal to 1/12 of the precession of Earth’s axis and corresponds to 2160 years. An astrological era is a period of time in which the vernal equinox is in the same zodiacal constellation. According to several researchers of the Dendera Zodiac, the constellation Cancer is the highest one, which indicates the possible time of its creation, when the point of the summer solstice was in Cancer. Egyptian priests associated Dendera to a very distant past. One of the inscriptions in the temple states that the original building plans were a legacy of "primitive early age“ and were discovered in the form of antique drawings, made on animal skin in the times of the followers of Horus.

According to the ancient Egyptian priest and historian Manetho, the period of the reign of the followers of Horus falls in the era of Cancer – 6480-8640 BC. In his book "Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life“, the scientist esoteric Drunvalo Melchizedek writes that in the times when there was Atlantis, Earth was running in the opposite direction. Today’s north was south and vice versa. After Atlantis sunk not only the poles moved, but the earth began to spin in the opposite direction. God Thoth has gone through five shifts of the poles – he saw the sunrise from the east, then west, then east and back west, and so on five times. The Dendera Zodiac demonstrates this polarity.

According to Valery Uvarov – a scientist and specialist in the field of paleo-sciences & paleo-technologies, ufologist – the images in the Dendera Zodiac testify about a planetary disaster which occurred 13,659 years ago – Earth was hit by an asteroid and the hit changed the angle of inclination of the Earth’s axis. As a result of the crash the point of sunrise began to shift on the line of the ecliptic in the opposite direction, entering in "the heart of the Lion“. The outer circle of the Dendera Zodiac is composed of figures – Decans (sections of the arc of astrological circle with size 10 degrees) that symbolize the passing of time. The Decans move counterclockwise. Going by the constellations along the line of the ecliptic counterclockwise, the sunrise on the vernal equinox in the year of the crash was in the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer.
The asteroid hit interfered with the zodiacal time and made it “go back”. The arm of the zodiacal clock moved two Decans back. According to Valery Uvarov the whole zodiacal sequence of events was such: Earth had gone through the Age of Leo, entered the Age of Cancer, the planetary catastrophe occurred, the earth made "a time jump“, returned to the Age of Leo, after that, passing the same area in the Age of Leo from his heart to Cancer twice, Earth returned to the place where it was located at the time of the crash. In her book "Message from the Past“ the scientist and esoteric Svetlana Pavlova explores the Dendera Zodiac and the events of which it testified. The Dendera Zodiac depicts the Sun, the Earth and planets, which were never shown on sky cards.

The right eye was a depicted zodiacal circle – Sun Eye Wadjet, the Eye of Ra. Therefore the symbol – a circle with the eye of Ra over the northern Pisces – is the Sun. All symbols of the planets, represented by anthropomorphic figures with heads of a man, a falcon, a bull, are crossed by axes, allowing Pavlova to assume that the center of the head of each of the figures is the coordinate the planet at a fixed time. Pavlova suggested the hypothesis of the existence of the planet Phateon, between Mars and Jupiter, where now there is an asteroid belt, in the distant past. The Dendera Zodiac is the only worldwide documented confirmation of the existence of Phaeton.

According to the Russian philosopher, writer and theosophist Helena Blavatsky the entire area occupied today by Egypt and the desert was once covered by seas. It has become known thanks to Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny. When did this happen? The story does not answer this question. Fortunately we have the Dendera Zodiac – a planisphere on the ceiling of one of the ancient Egyptian temples. This Zodiac, with its mysterious three Virgos between the constellations Leo and Libra, found his Oedipus to unravel its signs and to justify the credibility of the priests who had thought Herodotus that the poles of the Earth and the ecliptic previously matched and that pole were in the plane of the ecliptic three times by now.

The Dendera Zodiac is subtly drawing our awareness to the Cancer-Leo-Virgo cusps with the Mystery of the 3 Virgos.

These cusps of transitions are clearly important points in the Precessional Cycle which the Elevated Ancient Ancestors whom made the Dendera Zodiac are saying, "Hey look here!". Pavlova also says the Ancient Maya had a similar prophecy about "When the claw of crab pierces the heart of the lion" speaking of the Cancer-Leo cusp. I also find the resonance very interesting between Egyptian God Thoth witnessing 5 Precessional Polar Shifts and the Mayan/Aztec 5 Aeons of Time. How else would an Ancient Civilization record a massive Earth catastrophe - which may have caused a "Time Jump" - as a warning for all future generations who they knew would not speak their language? Obviously via Images & Symbolism. The Mysterious 3 Virgos in the Dendera Zodiac is something which is obviously special, distinguishing it from other Zodiac Symbols.

If this possible Polar Shift not only threw off the entire Earth's ecliptic - but also caused a "Time Jump" forcing the Earth to enter an Age of Cancer from an Age of Leo twice - how would this complex metaphysics be symbolized in sacred art? Well Virgo follows Leo, so if there were essentially two Ages of Leo, why not symbolize this complex "Time Jump" (forwards or backwards lol?) with simply 3 Virgos? It's just a theory, but it offers us some possible answers in my humble opinion regarding the Mystery of the 3 Virgos in the Dendera Zodiac. The Sphinx at Giza is a clear time marker of a past Age of Leo according to Dr. Carmen Boulter & John Anthony West. What truly happened 13,000 years ago at the end of the Younger Dryas period?

As always there are potential multidimensional meanings within the 3 Virgos' symbolism when theorizing about vast cycles of time.

Dr. Carmen Boulter (by correlating ancient texts with modern Astrophysics time models) theorized that the Civilization we understand as Atlantis/Lemuria likely survived 4 major Earth catastrophes: 11,600 years ago, 17,500 years ago, 58,000 years ago, & 85,000 years ago. Perhaps the 3 Virgos in the Dendera Zodiac (most likely made before 11,600 years ago) could be alluding to 3 previous Earth catastrophes in deep pre-Diluvian history? If Dendera is indeed a "Calendar of Catastrophes" as Pavlova suggests, then Atlantis/Lemuria surviving multiple Earth disasters makes logical sense. To reach a Golden Age Satya Yuga level of consciousness, such a civilization certainly would have evolved over a very long period of time. The Ancient Puranas of India also specifically document vast Cosmic Cycles & Catastrophes within a timeframe of roughly 4 billion years.

The mystery of the 3 Virgos also has another cultural parallel from the Ancient Celtic or Pagan Civilization: the 3 Norns.

If Isa is the central point, an entry to the Source, than rune Perthro is the base of all things. This rune hides the mystery of time. Each of the Norns represents a different face of time: Urðr for the past, Verðandi for the present, and Skuld for the future. Together they spin the Wheel of Fortune and bind what has been with what is becoming and what will be. Beyond our earthly plane, the Norns seem to be in charge of the whole Yggdrasil. Combining runes Isa, Raidho, and Perthro is especially powerful when connecting with the Norns as it unifies their attributes: the distaff, the wheel, and the archetypal laws that Old Norse people called örlög. In Old English "örlög" translates as wyrd, which is the root of the word "weird", but the meaning could be better perceived as "fate", though not in the sense of a daunting, fixed destiny. Ørlög is an ever-flowing and changeable cause and effect. It reacts to our intentions and therefore reminds us that we may change our ways and better ourselves before we undergo something like karmic cleansing ... After all, the Norns are eternal beings that exceed time itself. Time is their tool, not their boss.
via "Runes: Magical Codes of Nature", 2020, pg. 168-169, Iva Kenaz

In the Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune Major Arcana resonates with the 3 Norns Archetype in addition to the planet Jupiter.

Perhaps a good place to start applying this information - or awareness - of Precession to the study of your Birth Chart is via the concepts of Karma & the Soul Contract.

E.g. let's say you maybe have a north Node Placement in Aquarius and a South Node placement in Leo.

This could be indicative of a few Karmic Samskaras or patterns affecting your current incarnation, fate, & destiny. I feel Precessional Astrology gifts us an entirely fresh, expanded 5D framework from which to to approach the Birth Chart as a metaphysical mandala - a roadmap of the Soul's growth - versus an overwhelming, 3D information overload, a vortex to the void (as the Birth Chart often may feel for any new students of Astrology). There are a number of techniques to identify the Karmic Terms & Conditions within your Soul Contract via the Birth Chart - but a good place to start digging are your Node placements AKA Rahu & Ketu in Vedic Astrology.

Perhaps a South Node placement in Leo indicates a Past Life embedded in an Age of Leo in which the the Karma accumulated in that lifetime is affecting your present lifetime. We can then via Divination gather more possible information about which Age of Leo and what exactly happened. The Subconscious impulses of Leo as an Archetype may be Karmic Lessons you need to become conscious of in this lifetime to absolve the Karma from a past Aeon. Furthermore a North Node placement in Aquarius could speak to a future timeline in an Age of Aquarius which is affecting the present lifetime. The impulses of the Aquarius archetype may be complementing or polarized by the Leo impulses. In order to become more conscious, you may be invited to integrate the Karma from the Age of Leo before you can properly evolve the Soul for its next great adventure.

In Conclusion: Knowledge of Precessional Astrology can be transmuted into applicable Wisdom if you're willing to open up to the Mystery of your Soul Contract.

Remember Dearly Beloved that there is always an element of Mystery to your Fate, your Destiny as the 3 Norns weave it. No one truly can claim 100% knowing of anything, and ultimately, it is your own personal responsibility to interpret your Birth Chart & understand your Soul Contract. Being aware of the Karmic Terms & Conditions of your Soul Contract can be very empowering if you learn from the Past rather than remain a slave to it via blind ignorance. The first step is to ask the question, "Well what happened in my Past Lives?" Precession again gifts us an alternative way of perceiving Time as a Circle or Cycle - which all ancient cultures share as a perception. No matter what point in the circle you are, all other points still exist or vibrate in a different density or dimension.

Thus the Precession of the Zodiac can empower every human being to realize your "Past Lives" may actually be Alter Egos existing in different Zodiacal Ages or Aeons! Remember that each Zodiac Sign represents an Aeon of Time on a deeper level. The Lessons of each Zodiac Archetype - as reflected in your Planet Placements or in your Karmic Connections with other Souls - may relate to what events are playing out in that Zodiacal Age's Timeline. Time is Now. Everything exists in the present moment. This is something that is very difficult for Western minds to conceptualize given our linear programmings of Time.

However with that being said: it is very important to understand that the Zodiac in Western Astrology is appropriated from ancient Non-European cultures. We must therefore as an act of Karmic Duty honor the perceptions of the Elevated Ancient Ancestors whom gifted us this Sacred Wisdom. Each Zodiac Sign isn't just some Ego identity related to your Sun Sign placement, an excuse to classify and judge other people, nor a justification for the countless online Astrology memes making fun of certain signs. As so often is the case in Modern Astrology - most of that content rings hollow and features the depth of a puddle. All the Zodiac Archetypes exist within the Psyche of every single Human Being regardless of their time of birth. All the answers exist within you to rise up with courage - right here, right now - to meet your Fate. You have Free Will within the Mystery of your Destiny. So do you choose to propose the query or not: "Spirit: What is the Karma of my Soul Contract and how can I See it in every single interaction, relationship, & circumstance?"

Please feel free to contact me for a Personal Spiritual Path Reading if you are in need of Guidance to decode your Soul Contract in relation to the Birth Chart.



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

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