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The Personal Planets ♃ Guru Jupiter ☄️New Karmic 12 Year Cycle Begins 04/22/2023!🐏

Updated: May 8, 2023

Faith in New Beginnings, Hidden Blessings, & the Divine Plan

Plus Interpretation Insights For Decoding Your Jupiter Placement

by @tabootarotreader

Guru Jupiter is the Great Teacher of the Cosmos, Sire of Mercury

Jupiter transits can: open new doors for new goals, aspirations, & opportunities; tune you into future possibilities & probabilities; and urge you to expand

Dearly Beloved: According to Vedic Astrology's ancient calendar, one of the most auspicious Astrological transits graces us 04/22/2023 when Jupiter enters Cardinal & Masculine Fire Sign Aries! ♈️

On the flip-side according to the Gregorian calendar: Jupiter last entered Aries on 12/20/2022 where it will stay until 05/16/2023. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac Precessional Cycle AKA Kala Purusha and related to Sahasrara Crown Chakra, the Ego/physical Head, plus the Emperor Major Arcana in the Tarot. Jupiter is very comfortable in Aries as it is friendly with Aries' ruling planet, Mars. In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is exalted in Water sign Cancer, debilitated in Earth Sign Capricorn, and is the ruling planet of Fire sign Sagittarius & Water Sign Pisces. It is also significant to note that a few days before this massive new Karmic Cycle begins, we experience on 04/19/2023 at 9:13 pm PST the Solar Eclipse in Aries! #emperorsnewgroove

The Sun is exalted in Aries, balancing out any Malefic influences of potentially intense Solar Eclipse energy.

Perhaps then this Solar Eclipse in Aries - the final day before the Sun enters Taurus marking the beginning of Taurus season - is presenting to the Collective Coven a "Final Exam/Test" - an opportunity to Purge any lower vibrational energies which no longer serve your Abundance. Furthermore with the asteroid Chiron also transiting in Aries - which Hellenistic Astrology associates with the Wounded Healer Archetype of gifted Centaur Chiron in Greek Mythology, healing energy, & every Soul's "Achilles Heel" as symbolized by their Chiron placement - it might be wise to detox & purify at this time. Invoking the Fire element of Aries may be an energetic essential before all this fresh, Benefic Jupiter energy begins to bathe Planet Earth:

The planet Jupiter, who is known as the Guru and whose aspect is considered the most favourable in the Vedic astrology, will transit in Aries on one of the most auspicious days of Akshaya Tritiya, 22 April 2023.
Via Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living, @dishascienceofdestiny

This day known as Akshaya Tritiya is also known as Akti or Akha Teej: an annual Hindu and Jain spring festival.

It can translate in English to "the third day of unending prosperity". Thus 04/22/2023 is a wonderful day to convene and cast: let's have a little ceremony, Collective Coven. Charge your crystals. Light your incense. Smudge the cat. Lock the door tight. Let's have a kiki, y'all! Furthermore this Jupiter in Aries transit brings even better good news! #mybodyisready Since Jupiter is transiting from Pisces to Aries, Vedic Astrologers call this a Gandanta conjunction which happens every four years:

Gandanta is the junction points in the zodiac that a particularly connected with times of soul growth. This is the position of the zodiac where the where the solar and lunar Zodiac meet. These points are at the junctions of Pisces (Revati)- Aries (Ashwini), Cancer (Ashesha)- Leo (Magha), Scorpio (Jyeshta)- Sagittarius (Mula). They are especially powerful in giving Karmic effects.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries + the Gandanta Conjunction are maybe an optimal time to "blow off some steam" before Jupiter energy heats up in 2023.

The Water of Pisces plus the Fire of Aries creates the sacred, detoxifying steam. Thus as Jupiter is transitioning you may feel a need to let loose and express any final emotional discharges. However it is important to not make any rash decisions at this time, since whatever intentions you seed will be planted for the next 12 years to come. Perhaps approach this transit as an energetic opportunity to: Purge during the Eclipse, detox any lingering Doubts, then set your intentions in a final Ceremony 04/22/2023 to en-vibe your long-term goals with Jupiter's Benefic good fortune. Aries energy certainly is beneficial for starting new projects, new ventures, or moving into a new chapter of growth in your life. In Kala Purusha Aries triggers the core impulse of the desire to move and create new energy. This Gandanta conjunction also draws our conscious awareness to the interplay of Solar & Lunar Energies: the Mirror Principle. With the healing overtone of the first Nakshatra AKA Lunar Mansion Ashwini coloring this Jupiter in Aries transit, what else can we accurately predict regarding this energy? Well on 04/20/2023 we also have the New Moon in Aries! Coincidence? I think not! More like a Synchronicity, dearly Beloved ...

Lunar mansion Ashwini (0°13°20'Aries in the Lunar Zodiac's Ecliptic) can bestow a healthy dose of Rajas or action-oriented energy with Dharma (or righteous action) as its guiding principle.

Ashwini is also ruled by Mysterious South Node Ketu (currently at the time of this writing Retrograding or magnified in Earth sign Taurus) - representing the principle of Spiritual Detachment #thepurge #letgoandletgod #aligntothedivine

Thus, though its basic planetary affinity lies in abstract conceptualization, the different phases of its (Ashwini) growth and unfoldment can respond favorably to all other evolutionary impulses connected with mental and physical sensitivity and sociability ... Symbolized by the head of a Horse, it (Ashwini) stands for power and beauty. Its pulsation is rhythmical. Its deities are the Ashwini Kumars who had the capability of bestowing youth to the decrepit sage Chyavan and proving life force to the tree burnt by the poison of the great serprent Takshat. The first Nakshatra imparts a great healing touch, regenerative potential, physical power and stamina. It also gives a capacity for leadership and a thirst for sensation"
via "Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", 2003, pg. 60, by Bepin Behari

For those who are scratching their heads wondering, "What in the world is a Nakshatra?" ... This is the highly accurate and ancient Lunar Zodiac of the Vedas as created arguably by the great Sage Pulatsy.

Why is Jupiter associated with Spiritual Wisdom & Teaching? Perhaps because being a gaseous planet, it is invoking the mysterious 5th element - the Ether.

Now if you believe in the information coming from NASA: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined, and slightly less than one one-thousandth the mass of the Sun. Jupiter took shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become this gas giant. Jupiter has 80 moons that we know of, it might have even more. Fifty-seven moons have been given official names by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Another 23 moons are awaiting official names. Jupiter's familiar stripes and swirls are actually cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water, floating in an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. One day on Jupiter goes by in just 10 hours, and a year on Jupiter is the same as 11.8 Earth years. In Hellenistic Astrology the symbol for Jupiter is said to represent a hieroglyph of the eagle, Jove's bird, or to be the initial letter of Zeus with a line drawn through it to indicate its abbreviation

So when it comes to interpreting your Jupiter Placement, where do you begin?

Many Western Astrologers may underestimate the importance of the Jupiter placement in the Birth Chart. It is a common belief that Jupiter simply represents an expanding energy which leads to positive growth. Spiritual development of your Soul - AKA The Fool's Journey in the Tarot AKA Individuation in Archetypal Psychology - is simultaneously a beautiful yet painful process. One must trust the process. Thus your Jupiter placement in a nutshell governs all future growth - both "negative & positive". Jupiter's Sphere of Influence - or its energy which we can tap into in our Psyche - can transform our perceptions of Time, beliefs about "Reality", our deepest Desires, and/or Future Goals. According to classic Astrologer Stephen Arroyo:

Jupiter's conjunction of its natal place is almost always a tremendously important period of reorientation and renewed faith. as well as increased religious feelings in some cases ... Jupiter's transit through any natal house may be concisely described as a time when one can: 1) gain a more comprehensive understanding of that area of life through wider experience; 2) expand the scope of that area of life and possibly improve it; and 3) act in a way that has future ramifications and/or is based on future considerations. With all Jupiter transits, there can be a tendency toward over-expansion, leading to dissipation of energy and resources. But, contrary to what many books on transits indicate, people often experience many of these transiting aspects (including the squares!) as times when they are prompted to act more confidently and to do what they have really wanted to do anyhow.
via "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", 1978, Arroyo

Jupiter, from Gustav Holst's Planet Suite, being played by The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras.

To summarize, your Jupiter placement may draw to your conscious awareness the following patterns:

Light Impulses: Purging of Karma, Integrating Moksha (AKA Karma-less Deeds), Righteous Action (AKA Dharma), Giving Testimony/Testament, Spiritual Service, Faith in the Future, Trust in the Divine Plan, Seeing Synchronicities, Optimism, Connecting With One's Constant Capacity, Planting Seeds, Self-Actualization, Spiritual Seeking of Confirmation, Receptivity to Divine Grace, Aligning with the Divine, Coming into Fellowship/Satsang (AKA Communal Space), To Guide or Mentor those in True Need, Convening in the Sacred Circle (AKA the Medicine Wheel), Active Listening to All Viewpoints (AKA "To Pass the Talking Stick"), Egalitarianism

Shadow Impulses: Over-Exaggeration of One's Spiritual Gifts (AKA Siddhis), Overextension of One's Energies, Empty Promising, Overcommitment, Lack of Humility, Spiritual Ego, Entitlement, Karmic Attachment to Knowledge, Karmic Attachment to Religious Hierarchies, Karmic Attachment to Power as a Self-serving Source of Energetic Supply (AKA Energy Vampirism), Shadow Competition & Jealousy Between Teacher/Students or Mentors/Pupils, Lack of Listening to All Viewpoints in the Sacred Circle, Lack of Reciprocation When One Receives Testimony, False Gurus Who Approach Fellowship/Satsang as their Personal Platform to Steal Power, Preaching to the Pulpit, Group Thought/Blind Faith, Fear of Retribution, &/or Idolatry (AKA Worship of False Idols)

Furthermore Vedic Astrology associates Jupiter's Sphere of Influence with:

Morality, Judgment, Legality, Universal Truths, Consultation, Gravity, The Guna Sattva (AKA the Universal pattern of "Goodness", "Lightness", or Metabolic Homeostasis), the Kapha/Pitta Constitution in Ayurveda, the Deities Brahma & Hanuman in the Ramayana (written by Astropalmist Valmiki), Winter, Cirrhosis, Flatulence/Gastro-Intestinal Imbalances, Body Fat (hence the jolly Fat Man or Fat Buddha as a Jovial symbol), the gemstone Yellow Topaz, Tin Metal, the Ears/Hearing, & the Archetypal Roles of Children/Spiritual Masters (via "Vedic Astrology Handbook", 2013, Jeffrey Armstrong)

Jupiter's Sphere of Influence in Vedic Astrology also governs Benediction.

Benediction can in this context be defined as the:

Distribution of the Electromagnetic field of Divine Energy for human development and expansion. Jupiter tends the manifesting entity like a gardener, protecting the planet from rough weather and providing the necessary nourishment.
via "Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", Pg. 87, Behari

Ergo when interpreting your Jupiter placement and how you attune to Jovian energy, the relationships & aspects between Jupiter and others planets in your Natal chart are very important to consider. In traditional Vedic Astrology:

  • Jupiter is friends with the Sun, Moon, Mars, & Ketu (South Node)

  • Jupiter is neutral with Saturn

  • Jupiter is enemies with Mercury, Venus, & Rahu (North Node)

For the Trans-Saturnian planets in Western Birth Charts, I intuit that:

  • Jupiter is friends with Neptune (for Jupiter rules Pisces in Vedic, and Neptune rules Pisces in Hellenistic)

  • Jupiter is neutral with Uranus (for in Hellenistic Uranus governs Aquarius, which in Vedic is governed by Saturn)

  • Jupiter is enemies with Pluto

For those Deep Divers still present - thank you so much for reading this far! Some people may be thinking with eager

antici .... pation: "Just tell me already what Jupiter in each sign means and skip the mumbo jumbo".

You know what I mean? The element of your Jupiter Sign's placement is perhaps more important than the individual sign itself. Why? Maybe because it gives us an energetic framework to understand how Jovian energy can manifest which stands the test of time: the Elements are eternal and represent the energetic substance of experience. Individual Signs are the primary patterns or specific qualities of experience; not necessarily the substance or essence manifesting the experience itself ("Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989, Arroyo). I.e. Aries energy often manifests as the core impulse or pattern of desire to manifest un-manifest potential i.e. the Divine Spark of the Desire to unite Subject with Object, not yet Divine Union itself (hence why Aries Sun/Aries Rising maybe have an insatiable sex drive and are always chasing unavailable cuties #theemperor). Thus to understand any Personal Planet Placement in Aries, it may be more important to understand the fiery, mobilizing substance of this Sign underlying its patterns in order to accurately predict in which dimension of life or experience the energy may manifest. If you are following me still, it boils down to this: Individual Signs don't always determine the energy being embodied. It is easier to discern or read energy from an elemental framework.

Thus with this framework being established: the element of your Jupiter placement is the energy that can trigger Soul Expansion, Confidence to pursue your Soul's Work, and an expanded 5D Perception.

Developing a Spiritual practice is a very important aspect of Jupiter energy: asking "What is my Soul's mission on Earth?! Why did I really incarnate here?! What the flying f#@% is my purpose for waking up every day?!" Jupiter relates to these core existential questions. There is a big difference in Empowerment between someone who goes to their 3D Job everyday and somebody who pursues their 5D Career in every waking moment. Jupiter's Sphere of Influence can expand your Consciousness to perceive that, in Life, everything is an energetic Power negotiation ("Sacred Contracts", 2003, by Caroline Myss). Working towards Empowerment is a Conscious goal to acquire if you seek to be your own boss, your own Guru, one day. Thus consciously identifying how one seeks to grow, improve oneself, & experience Power in Life are necessary in order to develop the Seed of the Soul's potential. In a nutshell: the element of your Jupiter placement colors the Self-expression of what you really need in order to feel f#@%ing alive! #testifytothat

Jupiter in Fire Signs may need to become conscious of: developing a healthy Ego via Self-assertive activities, the difference between confidence & arrogance, managing Spiritual Ego as their Soul progresses, how to transform enthusiasm into Discipline, practicing putting oneself in "uncomfortable" situations or trying new things as a means of growth, tuning into inner Faith via silent physical activity (i.e. if you are physically healthy, you can focus your energies on Spiritual duties), & identifying when are optimal times in the Cycles to take risks towards their Soul's work

Jupiter in Air signs may need to become conscious of: deconstructing fear of failure to to allow the Mind to expand into uncharted intellectual territory, when to communicate a new idea and when to safeguard it, how to express your unique ideas with confidence & enthusiasm when ready, tuning into inner Faith via communicating with your Spirit Guides first before other people (i.e. being open to human feedback, yet ultimately still trusting your Intuition as final say), &/or when manifesting goals may be more optimal as an individual versus via interaction/involvement with others' energies (i.e. Coven casting) in their Soul's work

Jupiter in Water signs may need to become conscious of: the power of compassion when you feel other's suffering, how easy it is Judge others when you feel emotionally triggered by Karmic Forces, the power of your Imagination (i.e. the inner image or Vision Boarding) when visualizing your goals, tuning into inner Faith via emotional experiences of Empathy (understanding emotions are downloads), how to listen to your inner yearnings as your Soul's compass, &/or manifesting new opportunities by listening to the illogical Intuition with care regarding the Soul's work

Jupiter in Earth Signs may need to become conscious of: awakening the senses/Intuition via active listening to natural sounds (i.e. birds, rivers, the ocean, etc), tuning into inner Faith by observing natural rhythms of their body as a reflection of Nature, manifesting new opportunities via achievable goals (i.e. if your goal doesn't have a timeframe, it's a wish), manifesting new opportunities via dependability to others and diligent effort, &/or how to create practical systems in tune with Cyclical energies to manifest their Soul's work

It is also important to observe which House in your Birth Chart Jupiter falls into when interpreting how you attune to Jovian energy.

Vedic Astrology stresses that auspicious placements for Jupiter fall in:

  • the Ascendent AKA Rising Sign

  • the 5th House (Leo's realm) AKA The Nursery Room

  • The 9th House (Sagittarius' realm) AKA The Meditation Room

  • & The 10th house (Capricorn's realm) AKA The Midheaven AKA The Office Room. This placement is beneficial only if Jupiter is supported by other "friendly" planets though

Furthermore it also significant to note that any Jupiter-Moon interactions are very significant according to Vedic Astrologer Bepin Behari:

The association of Jupiter with the Moon is extremely beneficial. If these two planets are conjunct, in aspect, or in kendras (angular houses) from each other, prosperity and solutions to all difficulties will result. This is one of the most auspicious relationships possible between planets; it purifies the mind of the person and guides his action in the right direction.
via "Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", Pg. 102, 2003

E.g. if your Moon placement conjuncts your Jupiter placement, no matter what sign your Moon placement is, the Jovian influence will expand your Subconscious Wisdom eventually throughout your lifetime. Also I intuit that any Moon placements in Pisces & Sagittarius - or Pisces & Sagittarius Rising placements - are fertile ground for developing the Spiritual Siddhis which can be correlated to The Psychic Clairs.

Switching Gears: In the Tarot, Jupiter is represented by the Wheel of Fortune Major Arcana Archetype.

This particular transit of Jupiter in Aries can be represented by: the Wheel of Fortune, the Temperance, & The Emperor Major Arcanas + the Queen of Wands Minor Arcana interplaying with this trine #toohottohandle

This is a very interesting combination of cards invoking:

Magnetic Attraction, Tantra, Karma, Dharma, Moksha, Ebbs & Flows in Karmic Relationships, Soul Contracts, Surrendering to the Higher Self, Evolutionary Equilibrium, Transcending Polarity, the Androgynous Mind/Divine Androgyne Archetype (AKA The Secret Hidden Third Thing), Power Struggles Between Similar Characters, The Medicine of Movement, Fortuitous Circumstances, & Serendipity

The Emperor & Queen of Wands may often have a complicated, fiery Karmic Connection.

The tantric sex may be the only thing they enjoy about the other's company, for they both like to dominate a room. Sexual relations may cloud the Queen of Wands intuition when identifying the Hidden Power Dynamics with an Emperor character - for they both compete for control in the bedroom. Despite this the Emperor always will perceive themself as being Superior to a Queen, perhaps because a Queen is always the devalued side piece beneath an Empress (of whom the Emperor is usually attached to out of self-serving convenience). Thus the Queen of Wands is no Fool, knowing they are not the Emperor's main entertainment in the Harem of Harlots. So what does the Exchange of Energy entail for their Soul Contract?

The Queen of Wands practices a style of feral, spontaneous magic which both terrifies and electrifies the Emperor.

Ironically the Emperor needs the androgynous, Soft Power of the Queen of Wands to keep the Inner Flame of Desire alive; for fire feeds more fire. The Queen of Wands understands that the Emperor will never admit this aloud, because that would require ceding Hard Power to submit control. So the Queen of Wands intuitively senses that their Power in the Court lies behind-the-scenes only if they can manage their Jealousy & Temper towards the Emperor's other lovers. Avoiding fatalism, the Queen of Wands cultivates composure and sexual magnetism by retaining their energies. Upon accepting their role in the Emperor's play - their little game - the Queen of Wands foresees an unexpected turn of events is destined to happen which shatters the Emperor's illusions. This twist of Fate may force the Emperor to reluctantly run to the devalued Queen for their magic out of desperation. Whilst the Emperor may demand that the Queen of Wands submit their magic to the maintaining of the Empire without a hint of reciprocation, the Queen of Wands only does so knowing in the long-term this will dissolve their Karma. For submitting to the Emperor's mission publicly does not mean the Queen of Wands has forsaken their own Soul's mission privately - something they safeguard from the Emperor. For it is curiosity which ultimately motivates the Queen of Wands to entangle with the Emperor.

The Queen of Wands is extremely curious as to "How it is possible to both lust after yet loathe the Emperor?"

The Queen of Wands studies all their interactions with a keen Eye - playing naive towards the Emperor's Shadow - all the while observing "How is it humanly possible to be turned on by someone so repulsive?". Ultimately the Queen of Wand's mission may transform into a Karmic Duty to destroy the Mask - the Cage - in which the Emperor lives. The Queen of Wands - like a cat with nine lives - is curious to know more about which Past Lives could have seeded this magnetic attraction. Does curiosity ultimately kill the cat? Perhaps. Or perhaps the cunning Queen of Wands knows they can destroy the Emperor by making that Fool believe love actually flows between them ... for how could the Emperor learn what true love really is any other way?

The Queen of Wand feels no guilt throughout this Entanglement, you see, for chaos courses through their blood like a flood of ruby stones.

They delight in the deft & dainty destruction of the Emperor knowing this Tyrant assumes the Queen of Wands is hysterical and dramatic, not understanding their subtle magic. Unlike the Empress, who will only know the Emperor's many masks, the Queen of Wands derives ultimate satisfaction witnessing whom the Emperor really is when all alone on the throne. It is under the moonlight perhaps when the Emperor sheds secret tears in the Shadows, before the Queen, regarding impending Mortality. The Emperor may cry in the Queen of Wand's presence, complain about cicumstance, or divest & divulge because the Empress would never tolerate witnessing such "weakness" from their rock. The Queen of Wands thus listens in Silence, understanding the Emperor only turns to them when at rock bottom in a self-serving act of emotional dumping, before running away back to play their games. Despite this, it is this moment which the Queen of Wands seeks. For the Queen of Wands ultimately realizes that - by sharing the beauty of vulnerability with the Beast - they've won the more important game of the Wheel of Fortune; spinning gold out of the Emperor's guilt. The Queen of Wands teaches the Emperor the only way they know how to: via Temperance #karmaisabitchandweloveher

It may also be important to note that the Lunar Nodes AKA mysterious Rahu & Ketu are influencing this Jupiter in Aries transit - and therefore Karmic Connections.

According to Vedic Astrology, the North Node Rahu is Retrograding in Aries while the South Node Ketu is Retrograding in Taurus. Retrograde from an energetic perspective can simply be understood as when a Planetary Body's energetic Sphere of Influence is magnified. The Nodes are therefore significantly impacting this Jupiter transit given both the obvious Aries connection and the important relationship between the Moon and Jupiter (as established earlier)! Thus there is a big energetic opportunity here to expand your awareness in order to perceive Karma as reflected in every relationship, in every interaction, in every moment of your life. Karmic Connections, Terms, & Conditions within Soul Contracts may certainly be triggered moving forward into 2023. The Mysterious Lunar Nodes are not really planets, but elliptical points in the Moon's cycle. For many Modern Western Astrologers they are Benefics:

The Lunar Nodes symbolize fate, destiny, path, and purpose, but they illuminate different dimensions of this powerful spiritual narrative. Because the North and South Nodes are mirror images at exactly 180 degrees on the map of the sky, they'll always occupy opposite zodiac signs and astrological houses. The North and South Nodes ... are celestial points that not only reveal your purpose in this lifetime but also the forces driving you toward it: The North Node is where you’re going, and the South Node is where you came from. These powerful and highly spiritual astrological placements offer extraordinary insight into your greatest strengths, weaknesses, and unbridled potential.

However in Vedic Astrology The Nodes represent Malefic, Karmic Forces which are difficult to perceive yet impossible to escape.

Both Lunar Nodes are considered Tamasic in Guna i.e. the Universal pattern which creates Ignorance, Darkness, and more Karma. Rahu represents the Karmic Force of Materialization, and its eternal desire is to Eclipse the Sun. Meanwhile Ketu represents the Karmic Force of Spiritual Renunciation, and its eternal desire is to reach Moksha i.e. Liberation from the Wheel of Fortune's constant cycle of Rebirth & Death. To synthesize these two different Schools of Astrology, I propose that:

  • The North Node Rahu may symbolize Karma accumulated in your current Lifetime related to: Corruption of Institutions, Political Intrigue, Social Exile, Violence, Foreign Affairs, Iconoclasm (i.e. the Religious control Mechanism of "Destroying Icons & Heretics" who dare to speak against the Institution), Deconstruction, Epidemics, & Technological Warfare ("Vedic Astrology Guidebook", 2012, Jeffrey Armstrong)

  • The South Node Ketu may symbolize Karma accumulated in Past Lives / Alternate Timelines / Other Zodiacal Aeons related to: Mendicancy (i.e. Beggars), Secrecy, Asceticism/Monasticism, Liberation from Karma, Shamanism, Eccentricity, Bankruptcy, Spiritual Initiation, & Discernment/Deception (Armstrong).

As the Great Cosmic Wheel of Fortune continues to churn, change is the only constant in the Universe. So what is a Soul Contract? Check out this Vlog to learn more:

Soul Contracts are more like an interactive, energetic process that unfolds throughout Lifetimes versus a static, written agreement.

Given how Jupiter is represented by the Wheel of Fortune Major Arcana energy, its Sphere of Influence - coupled with the Lunar Nodes - can trigger conscious awareness of Subconscious, Karmic forces as encoded in the Soul Contract. Remember that Aries is governed as well by the Crown Chakra related to Spiritual Awareness. Thus I feel it is safe to say that - moving forward into 2023 - the Collective Coven can experience a huge shift in fortune, circumstances, and luck as determined by the Karmic Terms & Conditions of your Soul Contract. Whilst the Terms & Conditions are most likely pre-determined, Aries energy reminds us that your Fate is negotiable - or maybe malleable - if you rise up to meet it with courage & conscious action. We still have Free Will, ultimately, on Earth! Claiming your Power - to manifest your un-manifest potential - is perhaps a transformative process. The Fire element of Jupiter in Aries certainly is invoking Spiritual Purification or Purging all attachments which no longer serve your Soul's Mission Statement.

In Conclusion: I feel personally that it is via Serendipity - i.e. unexpected events or synchronicities, seemingly of a fortuitous nature - which most often propel us forward along our Path into our Soul's Calling.

I highly recommend to avoid romanticizing the Soul and the Journey of Soul Growth. Spirit may exist in the Ether, but perhaps Soul exists in the nitty-gritty Underworld: in Addictions, in Psychoses, and in Taboos ("Care of The Soul", 1992 by Thomas Moore). True Soul Mates or Karmic Connections - in my humble opinion - always have some element of Taboo. Thus perhaps many people Subconsciously repress their true Soul's desires and do not pursue their Taboo attractions out of fear of social rejection? What are your Soul's true Desires? Remember that Jupiter's Sphere of Influence is ultimately invoking transformation of your Life's Path from a (tried & tiered) trajectory of working at a Job for someone else, to the Soul's Path of having a Career. To truly be the Master of your own Time, maybe that requires listening to the Inner Calling when everyone around you is telling you to play it safe, stay in your lane, and ignore anything that makes you uncomfortable. It is obvious that many do not heed the Inner Calling's invitation out of Fear of the unknown depths, Fear of failure, or Fear of popular opinion. These poor unfortunate Souls are most likely destined to repeat Karmic Lessons until they develop greater Self-awareness of their Soul Contract. However with that being said - Recapitulation is a non-negotiable condition for all of us during the great Fool's Journey back home to Source. No one is immune to Karma's touch - the Invisible Hand - after all ... #preach #aten #testifytothat

Peace & Blessings,

🙏 𑁍 ☯️

Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: in 2023 Jupiter will be stationing Retrograde (magnifying its energy) in Feminine & Fixed Earth Sign Taurus from 09/04/2023~12/31/2023 according to the Gregorian calendar. This transit can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own personal Divination practice: The Wheel of Fortune, the Hierophant, & The Knight of Pentacles 🐂

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