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The Trans-Saturnian Planets🪲 ♇luto in Aquarius🏺Death, Sex, & Shadow Werk☠️

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

Plus Interpretation Insights For Decoding Your Pluto Placement

by @tabootarotreader

Pluto transits can: bring subconscious sh!t to the surface & transform; end old patterns which no longer serve you; transform Self-expression completely

Dearly Beloved:


On 03/23/2023 (according to the Gregorian calendar) we experienced a massive transit: #Pluto entered Aquarius ♒️ Furthermore on 05/01/2023 Pluto stations Retrograde - magnifying this energy - lasting until 10/10/2023 #karmaisabitchandweloveher

This massive yet subtle tonal shift can be symbolized by #thedeath #thestar and #theuniverse aka #theworld Major Arcana energies + the King of Swords Minor Arcana energy interplaying with this trine🏺🗡☠️ Plus in 2023 Pluto will also briefly go Retrograde back into Capricorn on June 11, 2023, before returning to Aquarius on January 20, 2024. This Retrograde period will magnify #thedevil Major Arcana as a hidden supporting energy within this Pluto transit. The Death & Devil together is a double-whammy of Subliminal Shadow Werk: "cards with a creative potential that cannot be made unfruitful by either panicky terror or through reversing it to the divine" (The Crowley Tarot Handbook, Akron & Hajo Banzhaf). No matter what any Human may say, our understanding of the smallest dwarf planet Pluto remains a big Mystery. Pluto's Sphere of Influence encompasses the Occult Mysteries of the Life and Death Cycle, the 8th House (the House of Sex & Death), & Scorpio Energy (for Pluto in Modern Hellenistic Astrology rules Scorpio) 🦂

For the next 20 years, Pluto will expose the shadow side of Aquarius, according to Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. "It will teach us that living constantly plugged into a screen is bad for our health and sense of well-being," she says. "We’ve already been seeing this trend for some years, but it will deepen. The rise of AI, which we saw this year, is a result of Pluto entering one of the most mental, future-forward signs, Aquarius."
Montúfar notes that recently, we’ve been experiencing a lot of rare planetary activations in Aquarius, most notably the Saturn-Uranus square and the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. "As Pluto enters this Aquarius, it will re-activate Aquarian themes of freedom, revolution, social activism, and technology," she says. "But this time, they will stay active for the long haul!"

Pluto rotates counterclockwise around the Sun from West to East and its ellipse is inclined to a whopping 17 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic (most orbital planes of all the other planets lie within 7 degrees).

Thus Pluto's Subtle Energy is both highly concentrated & reversing of energetic structures. Being the last of the Trans-Saturnian planets Pluto is very, very, very far away from the Sun: roughly 40 astronomical units or 3,700,000,000 miles. It's cold and dark on Pluto, y'all. There is nothing to romanticize about Pluto Energy: it's "out there", harsh, & difficult to understand. Pluto Energy also does not necessarily always filter down via Personal Filters but via Collective Filters of the Collective Unconscious, for the Trans-Saturnian planets remain in one sign for many years. According to the classic works of Astrologer Stephen Arroyo such as "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", Pluto energy can be broken down into four main walkaway messages:

1) Your Pluto Placement represents how you are attuned to the forces of Collective Change i.e. Receptivity vs. Resistance

2) In whatever House Pluto falls in your birth chart, this dimension of experience or area in your life may undergo a huge transformation or require a shift in your beliefs, attitudes, and/or expectations

3) Your Pluto Placement colors your Compulsions, Addictions, & Subconscious Shadow Self

4) Pluto governs Taboos and all the Karmic Forces associated with them: Shame, Denial, Repression, & Cognitive Dissonance

The famous American Medical Intuitive & "Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce channeled that Pluto's Sphere of Influence was growing stronger in the 20th century:

... these influences are a development that is occurring in the Universe, or environs about the Earth - Pluto ... it is gradually growing, and thus is one of those influences that are to be a demonstrative activity in the future affairs or developments of man, towards the spiritual-minded influence ... These individuals in the present, as might be said, are merely the ones becoming aware of same. Rather, within the next hundred to two hundred years there may be a great deal of influence (of Pluto) upon the ascendency of man; for it's closest of those to the activities of the Earth, to be sure, and is a developing influence, not one already established (Reading 1100-27; quoted in Margaret Gammon's Astrology & The Edgar Cayce Readings, pg. 46)

Arroyo writes that Pluto Energy operates at such a "deep level and with such subtlety" that its power could be likened to that of an atomic bomb.

In Greek Mythology Pluto was associated with Hades - AKA the Underworld - plus the story of Persephone & her mother Demeter. Hades stole Persephone (as symbolized by the luscious Pomegranate) from the Earth Goddess Demeter, whom eventually had to reach a negotiation with the God of the Underworld to allow Persephone to return to Earth for only certain seasons of the year, before being cast back into the Underworld. The implications of this story are profound: we cannot avoid the Fate of Death, but we can perhaps negotiate the Karmic Terms & Conditions of our Soul Contract. If we can understand Pluto Energy as being very subtle - and via proxy same goes for Pluto's twin Eris - it can reveal the deepest mysteries of the Subconscious / Invisible Realms. I.e. everything that is Hidden from your Conscious Mind such as Dream Density, Past Life Memories, and/or Past Life Traumas.

Later there appeared, in many advanced cultures, a tendency toward a bipartite or multisectional partitioning of man's idea of the Beyond. Common people, evil individuals, and those killed in a specific manner go to such a dark place, whereas certain carefully chosen individuals arrive after death at an extremely pleasant Beyond which is situated above ground. In the dark Hades of modern Greeks, for instance, there are no doctors, priests, or saints, and the ancient Greeks believed that those who had been initiated into the Orphic and Eleusinian mysteries went, not to Hades, but to a glorious Elysium or to the "Islands of the Blessed" ...
Sometimes this bipartite or multisectional partitioning of the Beyond is not designed for specific kinds of people but for different parts of the soul of one and the same person. According to an old Chinese view, for instance, the hun soul (the male, spiritual or yang element) separates at death from the p'o soul (the yin or passive female side). The yang or hun soul rises at death and wanders toward the East, while the yin or p'o soul sinks to the earth and wanders towards the West. Later they reunite in a sacred marriage at the "Yellow Springs" ...
Despite such cultural differences - which should by no means be brushed aside- a kind of dualism begins to appear in the understanding of the fate of the dead, a polarity between the idea, on the one hand, of a spiritual realm, free of matter and near to God, in which the liberated "soul" of man floats, and the other, of a more matter-bound realm which is associated with a repetition of the life-and-death cycle of which must be reunited (in a later phase after death) with the free spiritual side, as for instance the hun with the p'o in China, or the ba with the ka in Egypt.
"On Dreams & Death" pg. 3-4, Marie-Louise Von Franz, 1984, Shambhala Publications

Why is Androgyny so important to become aware of when deconstructing the Collective Shadow? #shadowwerk

The excerpt from "On Dreams & Death" shows us that all Human Beings are Two-Spirit whether you accept it or not. Repeat: all people have both a Male & Female aspect to their consciousness which is associated with the Right & Left hemispheres of the brain. One more time because they say third time's the charm: your Soul is Gender Non-Conforming. All the fear, gunk, & bigotry projected onto Queer, Nonbinary, & Trans folk is a Subconscious Shadow Projection related to the rejection of this Spiritual truth. The Yin/Yang symbol is attempting to - in a very simple, yet profound way - help humanity integrate the Androgyny of the Soul and prepare us for the Death journey.

Most human beings live in denial of the Yin or Yang Shadow Self all their life.

They probably overtly reject the Feminine or Masculine part within their Soul and perceive the Anima or Animus (as it is called in Archetypal Psychology) as outside of themselves in the "Opposite Sex". Thus their Male or Female Spirit goes covert - or "Underground" - and the repressed polarity energy becomes Subconscious. As a result the average human ends up in toxic co-dependent relationships AKA Bondage AKA Marriage AKA Spiritual Sabotage in which they become stagnant: unconsciously feeding off of their spouse's Yin or Yang in a constant power struggle, rarely integrating the polarity energy. When you realize that most people exist to fulfill the archaic Gender Roles/Scripts/Masks of the Archetypal Wife or Husband for another person, a logical deduction then could be: maintaining and not questioning these Gender Roles is imperative throughout a Marriage in order for it to be "successful". All parties involved - in order to avoid the public humiliation & "failure" of Divorce -inevitably end up conceding their Soul's true desires and staying in stagnant situation-ships #compromise #divorcecourt #allbymyself

Here's a question to ponder: can a Cis woman fulfill the Gender Role of a Husband and a Cis man the Gender Role of the Wife in polite Heteronormative society? The initial Sheeples' backlash towards Same-Sex marriage clearly was rooted in the fear of subverting or "flipping the script" on outdated Gender Roles. The Institution of Marriage frankly blocks the androgynous Soul's potential to develop via new experiences, new relationships, etc. Maybe you don't exist on Planet Earth to fulfill some oppressive Gender Role for another person in the Script of their life? Just maybe you exist on Planet Earth to discover the Story of your Soul's Mission? How can you discover your individual Soul's Mission on Earth if you exist for someone else? Heteronormative Monogamy is leaving the average human greatly unprepared for the journey to the Beyond which the Egyptian & Tibetan Books of the Dead describe more as a process of Integration, not Judgment #tilldeathdouspart

Androgyny - to blend strict Gender Roles & break the Gender Binary - is taboo perhaps because it represents true spiritual transcendence

Your Soul is androgynous and craves the freedom to blur the lines of duality. The Androgynous Revolution in 1980's music was not only a pop culture phenomenon, but also a psychological phenomenon in which the Sheeples were simultaneously repulsed by yet clearly attracted to androgynous celebrities. Color me shocked! Androgynous people like Boy George, Annie Lennox, David Bowie, Marilyn, Grace Jones, Prince, Freddie Mercury, etc. were shocking to the Sheeples not only for their physical androgyny, but for the clothes they wore. Looking back now it is amusing yet horrifying to learn of the bigotry "Gender-Benders" faced at this time simply over their damn clothes e.g. Annie Lennox's Eurythmic videos were banned from MTV on the grounds of "promoting cross-dressing" until she provided her birth certificate to prove her birth sex, Boy George received death threats, and the media coverage surrounding such celebrities was blatantly transphobic & homophobic. Yet despite the blatant hatred and fear-mongering in the media, Androgynous musicians still became some of the most famous people in the world at that time.

Thus there is an Attraction / Repulsion duality at play with Pluto Energy.

Repulsion is the Shadow of Attraction. Our society clearly is both attracted to and repulsed by androgyny. Our society is also just as equally hung up on sex as we are obsessed with selling it. Last but not least: Crime. Our society is in love with criminals yet afraid of them at the same time: just look at how this schizophrenic fear is playing out in how Criminals are simultaneously glorified in Entertainment, Mob Movies, etc. yet vilified in the News #cognitivedissonance Whether the crime is "Cross-dressing" or "Selling Drugs", the Archetype of the Criminal both attracts us and repulses us: "Everybody loves a good villain". Pluto Energy can clearly also help humans become aware of their own Shadow Projections & what Carl Jung called the "Shadow Work". It is common sense that whenever someone is repulsed by a quality or characteristic in another human being, they are projecting & rejecting their own Shadow. Queer Folk understand Shadow Projection 101 when we are harassed in public spaces by self-hating, repressed Homophobes or Transphobes.

Now with the Aquarius Archetype coloring this Pluto transit, how does this influence our Collective experience of this brand new Karmic Cycle?

In Vedic Astrology, Aquarius is related to the most basic or Divine impulse within every human being's Psyche to:

1) Actualize social transformation

2) Change current circumstances

3) Manifest societal ideals i.e. a "Golden Age" or Satya Yuga

4) End old orders or old traditions which no longer serve the Collective Good

Aquarius is ruled by conservative Saturn, related to the physical Calves, and is connected to the Root, Throat, & Crown Chakras in Vedic Astrology. It is a Masculine and Fixed Air sign described as: Scientific, Visionary, Humane, Factual, Intellectual, Sapiosexual, Democratic, Eccentric, Global-leaning, & often Misunderstood as "Focusing on the Negative" (AKA Catalysts for Change). All these qualities are why in Modern, Hellenistic Astrology the ruling planet of Aquarius has shifted to be the rebel Uranus. The Shadow Side of Aquarius can be: Misuse of Knowledge/Technology, Victim Mentality, Entitlement, Extreme Pessimism, Toxic Positivity AKA Hope-ium, Self-Destructive Thought Patterns, Emotional Dumping/Quick Release (an aspect of Energy Vampirism), and/or Denial. Thus we could summarize Aquarius Energy as the impulse for Release & Philanthropy ♒️ Both Saturn and Pluto are Malefic planets; how these planets' aspects relate to one another can only be described as heavy energy. Arroyo summarizes that Pluto aspects in a nutshell relate to how a person uses their willpower to transmute or transform their consciousness #rebirth

With all that being prefaced, maybe a few musings to ponder about this Pluto in Aquarius transit could be ...

What does Discernment mean to you in the Internet Aeon? 🖥 Is there a Silver Lining in the Death of Patriarchy? 🪦 How can we remember and realistically apply the Power of Hope in our World's current circumstances? On the flip side: how can we avoid the perceptual trap of Hope-ium AKA Toxic Positivity and "Get Real" about our current circumstances? 🏙 "Real talk" is clearly now forbidden in Cancel Culture ... so what is a Truth Sayer AKA a VeritaSerum Slayer AKA a High Priestess to do? Let's get crystal quartz clear: the High Priestess takes their Swords of Justice to swiftly, efficiently, & ruthlessly Sacrifice anything or anyone which no longer serves the Collective Evolution ⚔️

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the 18th century.

Pluto was in Aquarius from 1778 to 1798 — with the planet taking 248 years to make its way through the Zodiac. Throughout the World this was a time of Revolution, Pseudo-Enlightenment, Colonial Wars, Hegemony, Continued Colonization, & the beginnings of the Abolition Movement. Many Constitutions were also drafted at this time being the models of "Constitutional Monarchies" in Europe - solidifying the seeds of Republicanism which evolved into "Democracy" as we understand it i.e. Patriarchal Power Structures. Constitutions of the 18th century clearly were exclusive rights afforded to those in Power at the time, not inclusive rights for oppressed and colonized BIPOC communities nor Women. Thus we could define the "Enlightenment" period of the 18th century as an Illusion; a False Belief peddled by the Patriarchal re-telling of "His-story" in Miseducation.

Richard Tarnas' work discusses the great importance of Pluto transits when observing Historical patterns of Revolution & Social Upheaval.

How has the virus of Slavery morphed into the 21st Century? Is bondage no longer physical but subtle? Is human enslavement now over the body or the mind? How is the World still Colonized? How has warfare transformed from Overt to Covert? Is there a Psychic War happening every day to control Human perceptions? How do "horrible things in history" which we perceive as long gone actually persist under a different mask? How can Humanity submit to the dire current circumstances of the Climate Crisis - a reality we may deny, disassociate & escape from every day? #denytilltheydie Entertainment, Sports, & News are all frankly distractions from this inconvenient reality - a dark portal, a misdirected focal point drawing our awareness away from nature into an artificial algorithm. This Pluto in Aquarius transit ultimately begs the question in the post-Internet aeon: what is Truth when we gaze into the black mirror of technology?

The Collective Coven may be invited to work with Pluto energy via Sacred Plant & Mushroom Medicines to reconnect with Mother Nature.

The Purge is real, y'all. The great shift we are witnessing in regards to the redemption of Indigenous Healing Modalities & Plant Wisdom is truly a remarkable thing to witness in the 21st century. Mushrooms specifically are experiencing a cultural Renaissance: I am constantly seeing Mudwtr Mushroom Coffee commericals and finding new medicine mushroom products at the local super markets like Reishi, Lions Mane, Turkey Tail, Cordyceps, etc. The once taboo research about how Psylocibin can cure PTSD, depression, cancers, etc. plus how mushrooms can basically solve all of Earth's problems is now finally being allowed to hit the Internet - validating what Indigenous Cultures have known for aeons. Mushrooms - once demonized, scapegoated, & vilified - are now coming into their rightful place as our Spiritual Teachers.

The Fungi kingdom as an Archetype is naturally related to the Death Major Arcana energy: Mushrooms are the masters of Decay & Transformation.

Fungi form symbiotic relationships with the roots of trees, sharing nutrients and information, forming Nature's Internet based off of the principles of Reciprocity & Interconnectivity. The Life & Death cycles of Planet Earth would not exist without Mushrooms. As much as we like to Spiritualize & Romanticize Magic Mushrooms' healing capabilities, I have learned personally that Psylocibin can also trigger deep, serious Shadow Werk. Why? Because Magic Mushrooms can often give you a 5D perspective of everything you have consciously blocked out in the 3D: Subconscious Memories, Flashbacks, Repressed Traumas and/or Desires, Nightmares, etc.

E.g. it is very common that when children experience trauma they go into a conscious "blackout" in order to survive that moment. The trauma memory is compartmentalized and filed away into the depths of the subconscious. The energy signature of the trauma remains in the Subtle Body, often manifesting as health issues or symptoms in the physical body until the trauma memory becomes conscious in adulthood. Mushrooms may not be a solution-based therapy (i.e. they may not heal the root of an addiction problem), but they can make you aware of the root trauma which seeded the addiction or desire to escape reality in the first place. I have also learned that it's very important to have strong energetic boundaries when consuming Sacred Mushroom (or any other Sacred Plant) Medicine. One must be mindful with whom you share that Sacred Space with for so many people in Patriarchy are still unconsciously stuck in patterns of Trauma Responses.

So many Sheeples take Mushrooms just to disassociate from pain before re-entering their chosen Mask of Cognitive Dissonance.

I have had many difficult lessons of developing Discernment with Men who claim to be "straight" until they nibble on a little bit of shrooms ... clearly the closet isn't as fun as Wonderland! After intimacy, these men will then the next day act like what? Like nothing ever happened. Why? Perhaps because they are consciously in denial of their true sexual desires and use the Sacred Mushroom Medicine (or any substance, really) as a crutch/excuse to:

a) have the courage to pursue their true desires and

b) have a scapegoat to blame for their behavior while "out of mind" before they devalue & discard their sex toy

Unlike alcohol, Mushrooms allow such people to stay in denial more easily about everything they did "under the influence". Again, why? Perhaps because the sexual experience happened in the 5D, not the 3D. The identity associated with their true desires is in dissonance with their conscious Ego construct. Thus they cannot accept their desires as a part of their "Reality". So the Queer sex needs to take place in a subconscious Altered State of Consciousness in order to maintain the conscious Heteronormative Mask. It is very important to discern who lives in Cognitive Dissonance because so many - unfortunately - are misusing Sacred Plant Medicines in this way to avoid their truth, their traumas, & taboos #closetcase

Arroyo further explains why Pluto Energy is deeply connected to the Karmic Forces governing Taboos:

This concept of "taboo" is a very useful one, for it explains a great deal about not only Pluto but also the significance of the eighth house and the deeper nature of the sign Scorpio .... There is an extremely intense attraction-repulsion conflict which Plutonian people feel about taboo areas of life. And, whether they actually experiment directly by acting out their interest in these taboo areas of life or whether they merely think about such things but repress the desire to act them out, these people are often troubled by feelings of guilt and by the inner conviction that they will have to pay for such transgressions. It seems to me that the people who refuse to confront their true desires through some kind of direct action are the ones most likely to suffer from the inner stagnation, negativity, and paranoia which can flourish in a severely repressed individual. At least if the person acts out his or her true desires, the taboos and the emotional attachments to those activities are brought into the light so that the person can began to take full responsibility for his or her deeper feelings.
How can we take this concept of "taboo" and apply it to the understanding of specific aspects with Pluto? In all aspects involving Pluto - especially the conjunction, square, and opposition - the individual feels the pressure to confront a certain taboo. This forbidden area may be sexual, religious, ethical, familial, social, or a combination of some or all of these areas of life. The first impulse in most people is to try and control this tendency by repression. However, many people eventually find that this pent-up transformative power impels them to confront the taboos and to break through their restrictions. It seems to me that some sort of break-through is usually necessary in order to achieve in conscious life the transformation shown as potential in the aspect configuration. The taboos must be confronted since all the psychic garbage, fears, attachments, and negativity have to be brought to the surface in order to be outgrown and transmuted.
How can one escape from a prison if one has no knowledge of the structure of the prison, how the various locks work, when the guards are off duty, etc.?
Chapter 4, Pg. 67-68; "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation" by Stephen Arroyo

How is it further possible for the Technology to expand Human Consciousness when the Information is now censored?

We live in a prison of censorship. It is clear that in the Internet Age, Misinformation & Disinformation became the new Divide & Conquer tactic of the Patriarchy. When people are conditioned to have no Discernment - socialized to swallow lies all day, every day - Group Thought ultimately prevails. There is a dark force field that many a Good Witch are coming up against online. At this stage in the Game, the Shadow Side of Technology has frankly doused out the Light. This may be the cold, harsh, Plutonian lesson of the Algorithm. The Algorithm does not magically bring you Tarot Readings about your Ex by "Destiny". That is not how the Algorithm - an artificial, man-made system - functions. The magic of the Convoluted Universe is organic & natural, not artificial. Thus the Algorithm is now in complete dissonance with Spirit, the Cosmos, & Mother Nature. The Resonance of Truth always remains Hidden in Plain Sight in what we label "Nature". Meanwhile misunderstandings & shallow Modern perceptions of what is "Tarot & Astrology" (based off of Ancient Sacred Sciences & Wisdom from non-European, Colonized Cultures) now dominate the Algorithm 💻

Many Astrologers may only focus on the Light aspects of Pluto energy like "Pluto represents Spiritual Transformation" because that sounds nice, marketable, and gets likes & subscribes.

No one is going to tell you perhaps that Pluto (a freezing planet in mostly complete darkness) can energetically trigger deep Shadow Work, Growing Pains, & becoming Conscious of Subconscious Traumas you have blocked out. In Patriarchy, most of us have Trauma whether you are aware of it or not. Thus Spirit may be asking the Collective Coven to Sacrifice our compulsions, addictions, & Narcissistic online identities in order to do the Shadow Werk + the Light Work. Both are of equal importance to optimally integrate Pluto in Aquarius energy. Moving forward into 2023 the Pluto in Aquarius transit may bring to light the cold, harsh, ugly truth of Patriarchy: Corporate Consciousness, Censorship, Systemic Abuse of BIPOC + Queer Folks + Children, False Media Narratives, Big Pharma Overlords, Political Corruption, Medical Industry Corruption, Miseducation, The Cult of Hollywood, Ritualized Black Magic, & NLP

I have learned through my own #shadowwork that in a Colonized World we are subconsciously attracted to lies and repulsed by the Truth.

We deflect it, attack it, judge it, and ultimately assassinate Truth in our conscious minds. Those courageous enough to speak about uncomfortable, inconvenient truths are never rewarded, lifted up, nor certainly given any type of platform to actualize meaningful change. So how do we transmute the Collective Shadow heading into the Age of Aquarius? Sacrifice. We must Sacrifice our Delusions, Illusions, & False Beliefs that "everything is going to be fine, just wait and see, because we are in the New Age". For the curious to know: we are not yet technically in the Age of Aquarius, for Polaris the true North Star has not yet shifted into the constellation of Aquarius. Thus the century to come is truly an energetic opportunity to commit to change - the change our planet so desperately needs - rather than live in Denial, Cognitive Dissonance, & Dissociation regarding the reality of the Climate Crisis on Earth. 🌎

Precession is sacred knowledge, and it both humbles & terrifies us to become conscious that the Mothership is not coming to save Planet Earth.

Mother Earth will survive with or without us, for she has survived many catastrophes throughout the Precession of the Equinoxes. Therefore we have serious work to be done if our species has a chance at survival. So rather than breeding laziness & complacency by falsely claiming, "We are in the new Age of Aquarius, the Love Frequency has won" we can become conscious that grounding down the Love Frequency is a process still unfolding in our lifetime. News flash: the majority of the Sheeples on this planet still live in the old Fear Frequency, resistant to change, terrified of truth. The majority of the population are still directing their focal point to a certain narrative, a certain timeline. The timeline of Earth in which we survive is still a possibility. However in my humble opinion this timeline is only possible to align with if we Sacrifice the old Patriarchal ways of being & thinking that created this hot mess express. Sacrifice is a non-negotiable condition to dissolve the Fear Frequency on this planet. Ultimately Sacrifice is a matter of numbers ... 🩸

Thus I Sacrifice the Fight.

P.S. 🩸

ॐ महा काल्यै छ विद्महे स्मसन वासिन्यै छ धीमहि तन्नो काली प्रचोदयात

ॐ श्री महा कलिकायै नमः

ॐ क्रीं काली

In English “Om Maha Kalyai Ca Vidmahe Smasana Vasinyai Ca Dhimahi Tanno Kali Prachodayat

Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namah

Om Krim Kali”

Om Great Goddess Kali, the Destroyer of Worlds, the One and only One, who resides in the Ocean of Life and in the Cremation Grounds that dissolve this Earth. We focus our energies on you, may you grant us boons and blessings. I bow my head to the Divine Mother Kali, both giver and taker of life. SaIutations to the Supreme.

K stands for full knowledge,

R means she is auspicious,

I means she bestows booms, and

M means that she gives freedom.

🙏 💀💗

Buena Suerte Brujas,

Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince


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