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The Personal Planets 🔴Mars Awakening🌑 The Emperor's Hidden Feminine Side🤴🏿Occult Astrology☄️

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

Interpretation Insights to Decode Your Mars Placement

by @tabootarotreader

Dearly Beloved: Mars & Venus are often in Modern Astrology described as the two "Love Planets" related to how we express sexual urges, experience attraction, & show affection. There is so much more to these two Mysteries than the Heteronormative Gender Binary that is projected onto "Masculine Mars & Feminine Venus".

In an effort to deconstruct the Gender Binary in Astrology, I created the Occult Astrology vlog series. Since most people expect Horoscopes from Astrologers - especially when interpreting their Personal Planet Placements - I have decided to write an accompanying blog to the Mars & Venus episodes of Occult Astrology to aide making the Collective information more personalized. In most modern horoscopes regarding the Personal Planets, it is common for an Astrologer to cast their own interpretive guidelines for an audience that has seeming low astrological knowledge. When I read many modern Horoscopes, I find them frankly silly and delusional, offering very little corroborating information to ground down the information their castings are claiming to be absolutes. It is clear that many Horoscope consumers (who don't have Self-awareness) simply desire to be told how to interpret "Mars in Aries, Mars in Taurus, Mars in Gemini", etc. with little personal effort or Self-study. Occult Astrology is not one of those pieces of Astrological work. There is certainly no shortage of Astrologers casting Horoscopes on the Internet! If you want that, it's out there for you to consume. Rather than personally enable more "Black Magic" Horoscope casting *cough, cough* this series is intended instead for Students of the Occult - the Deep Divers. The ultimate interpretation of your Natal Chart is a Subjective, Interactive, & Intuitive experience which unfolds throughout your lifetime, not five minutes.

Objective information is necessary to understand the more mathematical & inner dimensions of the Natal Chart.

You must balance Objective Information with Intuitive Insight to truly apply Astrology as a science. This balance is so necessary when understanding your Natal Chart as a tool for your Personal development - the key to decoding your Fate, your Destiny - versus the Birth Chart as some big, scary, uninterpretable, information overload vortex which requires you to be dependent on somebody else for understanding. When you actually begin to study Astrology, you realize there are many different Schools of Thought: it's all relative to the Observer. You may also realize a lot of mainstream Astrology is "rose-colored glasses" love spells casted with suggestive language & NLP. You may also realize a lot of newspaper horoscopes are offering no information - just like a Tarot Reading - that is verifiable, accurate, or grounded in current Astrological transits. Not all Horoscopes are garbage - of course - but I personally offer an approach which synthesizes Ancient Vedic & Mayan schools of thought with Modern, Western Astrology. In Vedic Astrology it is interesting that the entire Natal Chart is believed to be encoded in the Palms of your hands.

Point being: no one can instantly understand any of their Planet Placements by reading another Human Being's Subjective interpretation in a Horoscope.

Astrology is a sacred, ancient science rooted in Observation: you must Observe yourself, your patterns, your impulses, and what's manifesting around you in the context of the current Astrological transits in order to reach greater understanding of a Planet's energy colored by any Zodiac placement. Furthermore it is also important to correlate what Houses or Dimensions of Experience are being triggered within your Psyche given current Astrological transits, as change is the only constant in Astrology. Thus Astrology could be defined as a science of observing patterns of correlations between the Macrocosm & the Microcosm, Past & Current Events, plus Personal & Collective experiences. I could easily cast some personal Horoscopes and tell you everything I feel Mars in each sign could represent; but that's not going to help you understand the deeper meanings of Martian energy and its Sphere of Influence. What I will consciously choose to do instead is offer Interpretation Insights into the various Personal Planet Placements to help Students decode their Birth Chart. At the end of the day: Self-study is so, so important and I will not encourage idleness or laziness by casting Horoscopes with zero basis in any objective, applicable information. Interpreting your Mars placement - and your entire Birth Chart - is your own responsibility to reach greater Self-understanding.

With all that being prefaced - if you are still with me - thank you so much. Here are some Interpretation Insights for decoding your Mars placement.

Your Mars placement can draw your conscious awareness to: how you assert yourself, channel your Willpower, and/or experience the Sex Drive (via "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", 1978 and "Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989 by Stephen Arroyo).

Light Impulses: Courage, Initiative, Healthy Confidence, Conscious use of Willpower, Constructive Channeling of Physical Energy, Sex as a Means of Giving Pleasure

Shadow Impulses: Impatience, Impulsiveness, Aggression, Egomania, Destructive Sexual Violence, Forcing the Issue, Sex as a Means of Control

The element of your Mars placement is perhaps more important than the individual sign itself. Why?

Perhaps because it gives us an energetic framework to understand how Martian energy may manifest which stands the test of time: the Elements are eternal. Thus the element of your Mars placement is the energy that triggers your sex drive and the mode through which you express it. In a nutshell: the element of your Mars placement colors how you go about getting what you want and fulfilling your sexual needs. Everybody has needs, dearly Beloved ...

Mars in Fire Signs may use: Power, Initiative, Direct/Dynamic Action, Control, Movement/Tantric practices to stimulate physical energy, Overt/Covert Subordination Tactics, Domination Dynamics in sex, and/or Confident Enthusiasm to manifest what they want

Mars in Air Signs may use: Persuasion, Active Communication, Subtle Suggestions, Mental Challenges to stimulate physical energy, "Role playing"/Imagination in sex to stimulate their desire, Mental Manipulation, and/or Discussing New "Techniques & Ideas" to manifest what they want

Mars in Water Signs may use: Intuition, Cunning, Persistence, Appealing to Others' Deeper Feelings, Expressing Deep Yearnings to stimulate physical energy, Emotional Manipulation, Sharing Feelings very soon after intimacy, Post-sex Cuddling, and/or Emotional Intensity to manifest what they want

Mars in Earth Signs may use: Patience, Efficiency, Duty, Goals, Hard Work to stimulate physical energy, Traditional Power/Gender Role dynamics during sex, Material Manipulation of resources i.e. money, Material Sex Toys, and/or Self-Discipline / Retention to manifest what they want

Your Mars placement draws your conscious awareness to the Generative & Creative Principles flowing through you.

Vedic Astrology stresses that auspicious houses for Mars are the 1st, 6th, & 10th ("Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", 2003 by Bepin Behari). Whatever house your Mars placement falls into, that house will receive a fiery boost of energy externalizing whatever dimension of experience the House governs. Vedic Astrology also considers Mars as the ruling planet of Masculine & Cardinal Fire sign Aries (symbolized by the Emperor Major Arcana in the Tarot) in addition to Feminine & Fixed Water sign Scorpio (symbolized by the High Priestess & Death Major Arcanas). Think of Aries energy as the Emperor's public, Masculine side while Scorpio energy is the Emperor's hidden, Feminine side. Thus Vedic Astrology inherently deconstructs the Western, Hellenistic myth "Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus" which perceives of Martian energy as only Masculine. Mars in the Vedic system is also exalted in Earth sign Capricorn and debilitated in Water sign Cancer; for Capricorn & Cancer are Polarity / Complementary energies ("Vedic Astrology Handbook", 2012 by Jeffrey Armstrong). Furthermore the ancient Vedic Sages also associated Martian energy with: The Pitta & Kapha-Pitta Constitutions, Kartikeya, Bone Marrow, Violence, Fire, Blood, Boils/Inflammation, The Physical Eyes & Sight, Summer, Iron, Coral, and the Archetypal Relationship of Sibling/Commander (amongst many other concepts).

In Conclusion: It is important to remember how Venus & Mars influence each other given their respective placements are both important to understand how you experience Love & Sex. #cardamomandclove

Venus and Mars are neutral towards each other i.e. they neither help nor support the other energetically. Neutrality is the name of the game then when interpreting how your Venus & Mars placements interplay. E.g. if you have a Mars placement in Leo and Venus placement in Aquarius, that would be very significant because Leo & Aquarius are Polarity / Complementary energies. This person may sometimes feel conflicting desires between what they desire sexually in a person (maybe someone who is traditionally attractive or well-developed physically) versus what they desire in an emotional commitment (maybe someone more intelligent, intellectual, and concerned with long-term growth versus short-term pleasure). To reach harmony, this person may need to embrace neutrality by releasing some of their preferred physical characteristics in a "perfect partner" and/or "bullet point requirements". Remember that objective Astrology stresses the relationships & aspects between the planets are just as important as individual placements. To summarize, in traditional Vedic Astrology:

  • Mars is friends with the Sun, Moon, & Jupiter

  • Mars is neutral with Venus & Saturn

  • Mars is enemies with Mercury

🙏 👑 🔥


Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: at the time of this writing, we are about to experience the first Eclipse of 2023 - the Solar Eclipse in Cardinal Fire sign Aries, 04/19/2023, ~ 9:13 pm PST.

This is significant for all humans, because the Sun is exalted in Aries, activating your Solar Energy/the House in which your Sun placement falls. This eclipse energy will be magnified as well for anyone with strong Martian energy (i.e. Aries ~ the Masculine aspects ~ &/or Scorpio ~ the Feminine aspects) in their Natal Chart given Mars rules Aries ♈️ Furthermore the 2023 Solar Eclipses are manifesting along the Aries/Libra Axis - while the Lunar Eclipses are along the Taurus/Scorpio axis -for both of these Zodiac Archetype pairs are Polarity / Complementary energies. Libra & Taurus are both ruled by Venus ... so do you now see how Astrology can expand your capacity to connect the dots? #interconnectivity Finally we also have the Comet Chiron AKA The Wounded Healer transiting through Aries until 2026! Thus maybe the Hidden, not-so-obvious Feminine or Androgynous aspects of Martian energy (i.e. the Emperor's Shadow) could be triggered within our Psyches during 2023 Eclipse Season. To learn more about these Shadow aspects I highly recommend to tune into the accompany Vlog episode about Mars at the beginning of this post.

For over a year, we’ve experienced eclipses in the signs Taurus and Scorpio. The final Scorpio eclipse in this existing series will take place on May 5th, and the final Taurus eclipse will occur on October 28th, 2023. The eclipse in Aries on April 19th, however, is the first teaser of a series that will unfold over the next two years.
In this new cycle, all the Aries eclipses will occur near the North Node of the Moon — a point in space that represents hunger and increase. That means we will notice a surge of the cardinal fire sign’s qualities over this period, including more courage, independence, and cutting-edge firsts. For an example of how that could play out, we need only look to the last North Node eclipses in Aries, which occurred between 2004 and 2006. A few months before the first Aries eclipse in 2004, NASA landed their exploration rover Spirit on Mars, where it continued to roam and take photographs for the next several years. Since Mars rules Aries, this is a particularly literal manifestation of what an increase in that sign’s energy looks like.

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