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Occult Astrology🧙🏿Asteroids, Comets, & Meteors☄️Chiron In Aries ♈️ The Wounded Healer🔥

Updated: May 8, 2023

Interpretation Insights for Sublimating Your Soul Contract

by @tabootarotreader

Chiron will be transiting in Aries until 2026

Dearly Beloved: for Aeons, Asteroids & Comets were assigned Divine meaning by Ancient Peoples. Why are they therefore important in Astrology?

The dwarf planet Ceres is the largest and first of the discovered asteroids found between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is named after the Roman goddess, Ceres. The Greek goddess counterpart was Demeter. Ceres is considered one of the four major asteroids (along with Juno, Vesta, and Pallas) in astrology. Its dwarf planet association is due to its ellipsoidal shape. Ceres was the goddess of fertility and agriculture.
In astrology, Ceres rules food, agriculture, nourishment, transitions in a female’s life, nurturing, motherhood, and family relationships.
The asteroid Juno was the third discovered asteroid or minor planet found between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. Juno is considered one of the four major asteroids. Juno is enraged by inequalities and shows us, through its position in our charts, where we seek to make things balanced, fair, and right. She counsels, alerts, advises, and warns. Juno has definite shades of Pluto, Venus/Scorpio, and Libra energy. We’re triggered where Juno is in our charts, but it’s also a place of potential power and empowerment. Juno was a woman scorned, and issues of balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal are some associations. She was fiercely loyal but stayed in an unhappy marriage.
Look to Vesta for devotion or commitment to a person or cause, but look to Juno for clues as to how we make the most of our connections. Juno tells us in what way or in which area we are deeply bothered if we’re not treated with respect and fairness.The Roman goddess, Juno, was the protector and counselor of the state who held watch over women. The Greek goddess counterpart was Hera, although Juno and Hera didn’t have equivalent roles.
Vesta in our natal charts represents dedication, focus, sexual healing, health, warmth, devotion, and a sense of purpose. Vesta points to devotion to a higher purpose, hard work, structure, tradition, obsession, and righteousness.
Pallas in our natal charts represents strategy, wisdom, planning, intuition, intelligence, strength, skill, insight, upheaval, activism, and politics. This is a point where illusions are stripped away, connections are made, and strategies are created. Pallas is an agent of change and seeks to raise awareness.

Chiron - formerly an asteroid and now classified as a comet orbiting the Sun like Ceres - is perhaps what many students of Astrology are most familiar with.

Many Birth Charts now feature a Chiron placement:

In astrology, the celestial bodies of our solar system, including Chiron, show up in our individual birth charts (a.k.a. a map of the sky at your exact moment of birth, calculated based on your date, time, and location of arrival). Their placement (i.e., what astrological house they’re sitting in), both in our charts and in the present, coupled with the meaning and symbolism associated with each celestial body, helps us understand and unpack our fears, desires, ambitions, and more and what to do with all that intel.
Starting in February 2019, Chiron moved into Aries, where it will cruise through 2026. This is actually the first time Chiron has stepped into Aries since 1976, so, for many of us, it’s the first time we’ve ever experienced Chiron’s signature sensitivity fused with Aries’s fiery impulsivity. To locate Chiron in your birth chart, download TimePassages for iPhone or Android (it’s my favorite astro app!) or check the Chiron table available on CafeAstrology. Because Chiron has an irregular orbit of approximately 50 years, it stays in a zodiac sign for approximately 4 years, which means it’s very likely you’ll share a Chiron placement with those in your peer group.

On a deeper level: Chiron in Masculine & Cardinal Fire sign Aries feels like an opportunity for the Collective Coven to stop shaming and repressing anger as an emotion.

Aries is ruled by Mars and symbolized by the Emperor Major Arcana in the Tarot. Maybe the Hidden, not-so-obvious Feminine or Androgynous aspects of Martian energy (i.e. the Macho Emperor's repressed Shadow) could be triggered within our Psyches by this Chiron transit following the 2023 Solar Eclipse in Aries. To learn more about these Shadow aspects, I highly recommend to tune into this Occult Astrology vlog about Mars. Further themes related to Chiron in Aries could be:

Chiron in Aries (or 1st House):
Wounds: Anger management, lack of self-worth, aloofness and isolationism, cutthroat competition style, needing to be No. 1 or refusing to participate, comparing and despairing Healing Gifts: Empowering people to embrace their individuality, channeling anger into creative expression, fearless individuality, modeling independence
via the Astrotwins,

I intuit for many people, this Chiron in Aries transit certainly may trigger Anger Management issues. Especially in any Emperor character #daddyissues (it's sexy till it's not). Our culture shames Anger when it is a valid emotion. Rather than repress it, which just leads to overt or passive-aggressive violence, Chiron in Aries is presenting us tests which require channeling our Fire. Anger can be a useful emotion to initiate change and action when re-directed and managed with Mindfulness. In Vedic astrology, Aries is related to the core Archetypal Impulse of moving and creating energy.

If you are experiencing chronic health issues, maybe you could embrace the medicine of movement. In a sedentary culture, it is obvious a lot of chronic pain issues are due to laziness, victim mentality, & lack of discipline to regular physical practice. Movement is medicine! Feel angry or powerless about something? Go on a run, work out, and sweat it out! Generating fresh energy in this way may not cure the root issue, but it can help you to take charge of circumstances that are under your power of choice. By choosing to exercise instead of getting angry or wallowing in self-pity, the medicine of movement can transmute any vibrations which no longer serve your Soul growth. Do you have chronic pain which you use as an excuse to not work up a sacred, detoxing sweat? Commit to an active yet more gentle practice like Yoga or Qigong. Any movement is better than zero.

How do you begin to work with your Asteroid & Comet placements to sublimate your Soul Contract?

There are a number of other Asteroids or "Minor Planets" such as Eros, Psyche, & Sappho. All have shorter orbits, and thus in my humble opinion, are more useful as Divination tools rather than major players in the Birth Chart. Perhaps the most important one to work with in relation to the Soul Contract & Birth Chart is Chiron. The Chiron placement can be indicative of where one could sublimate a deep Karmic Pattern AKA Samskara or Impulse; often seeded via Ancestral Trauma. The core Soul Wound manifests as personal pain in the current Lifetime, but the pattern was surely seeded in a Past Life. The definition of "Sublimate" in Archetypal/Jungian Psychology means "to divert or modify (an instinctual impulse) into a culturally higher or socially more acceptable activity". We may not have the power to change the Karmic Terms & Conditions of our Soul Contract, but we can modify them with Conscious choice & action.

E.g. let's say you have a Chiron placement in Feminine & Cardinal Water sign Cancer.

This could be indicative of a core Soul Wound seeded in a past Age of Cancer related to the Heart Chakra. There could have been much emotional trauma in that lifetime, rejection, betrayal, or disappointment in matters of the Heart which has led to the current incarnation. This may be a highly empathic individual whom is highly tested by dysfunctional romantic Entanglements in which they are attracted to emotionally unavailable or narcissistic individuals with low empathy; Souls whom repress their own emotions. This individual's Heart Chakra probably was pierced by the claw of the Crab so many times in Past Lives it became inelastic and has stopped discerning the difference between pain & love. In order to find electromagnetic equilibrium in the Heart, this individual may need to still learn what is the root issue beneath their magnetic attractions to people whom cause them pain, dousing their electric charge. The pattern is an opportunity to become aware of the Karma.

So when and how did we become aware of the comet known as Chiron in Modern times?

Chiron is an icy small body orbiting the Sun in the outer solar system among the giant planets. Once thought to be the most distant known asteroid, Chiron is now believed to have the composition of a comet nucleus—i.e., a mixture of water ice, other frozen gases, organic material, and silicate dust.
Chiron was discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles Kowal and classified as an asteroid with the number 2060. It is about 200 km (125 miles) in diameter and travels in an unstable, eccentric orbit that crosses that of Saturn and passes just inside that of Uranus with a period of 50.45 years. In 1989 American astronomers Karen Meech and Michael Belton detected a fuzzy luminous cloud around Chiron. Such a cloud, termed a coma, is a distinguishing feature of comets and consists of gases and entrained dust escaping from the cometary nucleus when sunlight causes its ices to sublimate. Given Chiron’s large distance from the Sun, the sublimating ices are likely far more volatile substances than water ice, such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. On the basis of that discovery, Chiron was reclassified as a comet. Additional study of historical observations showed that Chiron was active in the past, including at the time of its discovery in 1977. Subsequently, additional asteroid-size icy bodies in orbits that cross those of the outer planets were discovered and given the class name Centaur objects. Several of them have also displayed sporadic comet-like activity.

Chiron's potential to be re-dubbed a Dwarf Planet grew stronger with the discovery of possible Saturn-like rings.

“There’s an aspect of serendipity to these observations,” Bosh says. “We need a certain amount of luck, waiting for Chiron to pass in front of a star that is bright enough. Chiron itself is small enough that the event is very short; if you blink, you might miss it.” The team observed the stellar occultation remotely, from MIT’s Building 54. The entire event lasted just a few minutes, and the telescopes recorded the fading light as Chiron cast its shadow over the telescopes.
Rings around a theory The group analysed the resulting light, and detected something unexpected. A simple body, with no surrounding material, would create a straightforward pattern, blocking the star’s light entirely. But the researchers observed symmetrical, sharp features near the start and end of the stellar occultation — a sign that material such as dust might be blocking a fraction of the starlight.
The researchers observed two such features, each about 300 kilometres from the center of the centaur. Judging from the optical data, the features are 3 and 7 kilometres wide, respectively. The features are similar to what Elliot observed in the 1990s.
In light of these new observations, the researchers say that Chiron may still possess symmetrical jets of gas and dust, as Elliot first proposed. However, other interpretations may be equally valid, including the “intriguing possibility,” Bosh says, of a shell or ring of gas and dust.
Ruprecht, who is a researcher at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, says it is possible to imagine a scenario in which centaurs may form rings: For example, when a body breaks up, the resulting debris can be captured gravitationally around another body, such as Chiron. Rings can also be leftover material from the formation of Chiron itself.
“Another possibility involves the history of Chiron’s distance from the Sun,” Ruprecht says. “Centaurs may have started further out in the Solar System and, through gravitational interactions with giant planets, have had their orbits perturbed closer in to the Sun. The frozen material that would have been stable out past Pluto is becoming less stable closer in, and can turn into gases that spray dust and material off the surface of a body. ”
An independent group has since combined the MIT group’s occultation data with other light data, and has concluded that the features around Chiron most likely represent a ring system. However, Ruprecht says that researchers will have to observe more stellar occultations of Chiron to truly determine which interpretation — rings, shell, or jets — is the correct one.
“If we want to make a strong case for rings around Chiron, we’ll need observations by multiple observers, distributed over a few hundred kilometres, so that we can map the ring geometry,” Ruprecht says. “But that alone doesn’t tell us if the rings are a temporary feature of Chiron, or a more permanent one. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done.”
Nevertheless, Bosh says the possibility of a second ringed centaur in the Solar System is an enticing one. “Until Chariklo’s rings were found, it was commonly believed that these smaller bodies don’t have ring systems,” Bosh says. “If Chiron has a ring system, it will show it’s more common than previously thought.”

Where does the name Chiron come from in Ancient Greek Lore?

Chiron, in Greek mythology, one of the Centaurs, the son of the TitanCronus and Philyra, an Oceanid or sea nymph. Chiron lived at the foot of Mount Pelion in Thessaly. Unlike other Centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. Many Greek heroes, including Heracles, Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius, were instructed by him. Chiron frequently appears in the legends of his grandson, Peleus, and his great-grandson, Achilles. Accidentally pierced by a poisoned arrow shot by Heracles, he renounced his immortality in favour of Prometheus and was placed among the stars as the constellation Centaurus.

Chiron Energy represents so much more than just a gifted and wise Centaur in the Healing Arts.

The centaurs are a fascinating and well known example of therianthropes AKA half-human, half-beast beings who merge duality. While centaurs were often violent, Chiron is a symbol of how to transcend that violent pattern via Compassion for others' suffering. Violence seems "embedded" in a species' nature (e.g. humans, for centaurs are half-human after all), but we can consciously shift out of that Archetypal pattern and become "immortal". There is now a developing understanding that in ancient Shamanistic cultures, therianthropes were attempts to symbolize the dualistic Totem or Spirit realms which were accessible via altered states of Consciousness. Shamans after leaving a visionary quest would often draw their visions from the altered states, and therianthropes are a common motif across the ancient world in sacred art. Just look to the entire Egyptian pantheon of Deities as a parallel (such as Anubis in their Jackal-headed form). The Archetypes of Spirit Animals suggest that there are dual or parallel realms of Nature hidden from our waking, day-to-day Consciousness.

With all that being prefaced ... in Hellenistic Astrology the comet Chiron has come to be associated with the Achilles Heel concept i.e. your core "Soul Wound" as determined by Past Life Karma.

Whilst the Centaur Chiron was a very gifted healer, this story of the "poisoned arrow" suggests he was not able to heal his own deeper, Subconscious core wound of rejection/isolation from his Centaur kin - manifested as physical poison - while alive:

Chiron is named after a centaur in Greek mythology — a teacher and healer who, ironically, could not heal himself. As the story goes, Chiron was gravely injured after getting accidentally struck by one of Hercules’s poison arrows. He retreated to his cave and spent years tending to his wound — but there was no relief. Unable to die due to his demigod status, Chiron was doomed to eternal agony, so eventually he went to Zeus (king of the gods) and proposed a trade, exchanging his immortality for the freedom of Prometheus (a Titan who’d been sentenced to eternal punishment for stealing fire from the gods). Zeus agreed, Prometheus was released, and Chiron’s soul was guided to Mount Olympus. Again, the drama!
Inspired by this story, in astrology, Chiron symbolizes the “wounded healer” in we mere mortals, exposing our deep pain, how we address that pain, and how our own healing powers have the ability to help others. Chiron symbolizes the strength of vulnerability, encouraging us to embrace the dark and thorny spaces of our past and take action. What’s more, this powerful comet emphasizes that individual healing is collective: The work we do to care for ourselves ripples outward, allowing us to heal others through our shared and empathetic experiences. On an individual level, Chiron implores us to confront our most difficult memories, grapple with our greatest insecurities, and expose our deepest wounds — and its “placement” hints at how exactly we should go about that.

By renouncing immortality in exchange for the release of Prometheus, poisoned Chiron was ironically deified in the Stars.

It is interesting that the comet Chiron during its erratic orbit around the Sun crosses Saturn (maybe what Zeus represents in the story) passing just inside Uranus (most likely Prometheus). Uranus is associated with the Prometheus Archetype given its transits historically invoke great change & revolution. I personally feel this Archetypal story is attempting to remind all of us of a very important lesson about the human condition. Perhaps that release from Karma comes via selfless acts in support of sharing Healing Wisdom for the good of all versus maintaining the Gods' status quo of control over that knowledge. Chiron of course was driven to alleviate his own personal circumstances. However - maybe like the Hermit in their cave - he also realized that by helping Prometheus, he could also help future generations to come, planting seeds. Thus even though Chiron energy resonates with the Wounded Healer Archetype in Jungian Psychology, there are many implied levels of deeper meaning.

The alchemical lesson here may be that within the symbolic & chemical process of deification, the Divine power to heal others manifests when one experiences deep suffering to repay Karmic Debts.

The Wounded Healer paradox is brimming with implied meaning very relevant for our modern times. We live in cultures in which people are very afraid of illness, yet ironically remain ill all the time. In Capitalism, there is a false and very disempowering belief that you can pay for healing. We live - frankly - in an insane culture obsessed with paying for certifications, fancy degrees, & studies to assure desperate people that someone else (and not you) has the actual power to take away your pain. Of course there are moments when Western treatments are necessary such as a car accident, unexpected physical trauma, etc. In regards though to chronic pain and illness: news-flash! The pain never goes away after taking your prescribed "medicine", it has just gone numb temporarily. Pills, pills, pills!

The Healing Arts as symbolized by Chiron have become so distorted and warped in a corrupt industry of Capitalist "Sickcare".

Why truly heal someone if you profit off of their constant illnesses and ailments? Why empower the people to learn how to heal themselves with proper nutrition when toxic Fast Food, Meat, & Alcohol industries make so much profit? Why would anyone disrupt such a profitable status quo? For-profit Big Pharma Pimps certainly have a lot of influence in government, and the new God Heads AKA Doctors are their gloried Drug Dealers. Meanwhile people of color still are rotting in Jail for Marijuana possession when everybody now knows the medicinal benefits of CBD. Therefore in my humble opinion: doctors are not healers. A healer is a one-and-done operation. Doctors are demonic, capitalistic, entitled egomaniacs on a power trip in white suits whom have paid a lot of money for the finest Miseducation. Furthermore on the flip side: many New Age folk claiming to be "Healers" whom profit off of Ancient Sacred Sciences as their personal business ventures are no different #discernment

How is it possible that so many people claiming to be "Healers" in New Age McMindfulness culture - in which Western Capitalism has co-opted & colonized non-Western Spiritual practices such as Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, etc. - are unconscious of what they need to truly heal from (i.e. the addiction to toxic foods, pills, and alcohol)? How is it possible for someone else to heal your trauma when they are not Conscious of their own trauma and Subconsciously block it out? How is it possible for someone to heal your core Soul Wound when they are not even Conscious of what their own core Soul Wound is? How is it possible to understand your own Soul Contract via someone else's understanding? Dearly Beloved ... a true Healing Master will never claim to be a Healing Master after paying for an online Certification Course, Degree, etc. Nor would they market themselves openly on any social media platforms as such. They do not charge money for their Services, nor do they expect public recognition, often moving in Silence in the Shadows of society.

The Lesson of the Chiron Archetype may teach us that true Healers are often driven by mysterious Spiritual forces - not Survivalist forces to make money.

These greater forces are often outside of our control, propelling us onto the Path of Collective Healing. True Healers like Chiron always answer an inner calling in order to become Conscious of their own core wound first. Healing others follows naturally when they discover that awareness of the root issue is the first step in changing ingrained, Karmic Patterns AKA Samskaras AKA Ancestral Traumas which lead to suffering. Alchemy teaches that healing is an energetic process similar to the way a tree bears fruit: there are bittersweet, Karmic lessons to be learned in human suffering.

Ancient cultures perceived all things we label "pain" in the physical body as a superficial manifestation of a deeper energetic imbalance of Chi AKA Prana in the Subtle Body. Pain therefore is a reflection of what we may be avoiding in Self: i.e. a rude awakening or wake-up call. Paradoxically it is easy to become attached to toxic behaviors, trauma bonds, and people who cause you pain. Why is that? Maybe because it is easier to remain attached to the familiarity of pain versus diving deep into the unknown of Healing. The Karmic Terms & Conditions of the Soul Contract certainly are the greatest Mystery underlying your Life. Why did your Soul agree to incarnate under your current circumstances to begin with? Seeds can only bear fruit after they are pressurized with "pain" and then watered with loving awareness, like a diamond.

In order to taste the Forbidden Fruit of Divine Grace, we must sit in the pain of the "poisoned arrow".

Society is constantly shooting psychic "poisoned arrows" at our Souls. Many people would rather avoid the necessary change in diet or lifestyle to heal chronic pain because it requires becoming Conscious of the depths of human ignorance & suffering within Capitalistic Patriarchy. People obviously resist change. Change implies implementing healthier habits, which could slowly sublimate the pattern for very little money. Most people opt instead to pay a lot of money for the quickest "band-aid" solution. Rather than reject "pain", what would happen if we embraced it? Chiron took his Fate into his own hands, despite the odds, and transmuted his personal pain. We can learn to ask "pain" what its true name is. Maybe it will whisper to you that it's "grief", "anger", "disappointment", or "resentment". Maybe "pain" will teach you that it is really the unfulfilled desire to be loved unconditionally by someone who does not yet love their own true Self.

A real Healer like Chiron is someone who sacrificed everything they knew (i.e. life with the Centaurs) to teach healing to the Humans. Ergo a true Healer empowers others to heal themselves by sacrificing comfort. Sometimes in order to heal one has to sit in the "pain", in the discomfort of not knowing. Only then can one become Conscious of the masks, traumas, & ego complexes overlaying the "pain" instead of numbing it out and running away from the Subconscious core wound; i.e. the root issue. Obviously this method is not profitable nor popular in Capitalism. People's Egos naturally prefer easy "band-aid" solutions, invasive surgery, or a pill versus committing to the difficult healing Path of the Soul.

Real healers - again often embodying the Wounded Healer Archetype - through their own alchemical transformation have learned that healing is a Divine power, not special to any one individual to be put on a pedestal. This power to heal lies dormant in all humans, and personal illness is an invitation to heal yourself; to discover your own Power. Healing others can only truly happen when one confronts their own Karma, it seems, like Chiron. Perhaps there needs to be a complete transformation in our Capitalistic approach to healing. Perhaps we need to transform the negative perception of pain as "something horrible to be removed ASAP" instead to a more ancient perception that pain is "Your Teacher; a Divine Message to be observed, respected & listened to".

Comets, Asteroids, & Meteors were often interpreted as Divine Messages from the Cosmos in Ancient Cultures indicating greater phenomena to be interpreted via Divination.

This is an obvious and logical association. A heavenly body unexpectedly falls to the Earth in fiery flames, disrupting our mundane routines and human desires for control, reminding us of sweet Serendipity! Comets, asteroids, & meteors were therefore given mystical - almost Sacred significance - in ancient cultures. Their associations with different deities (e.g. Juno, Vesta, Ceres, etc) are not just a modern, astrological "Fantasy" projection. Such an obvious sign from the Gods was not to be rationalized away as mere coincidence, a simple flaming rock falling to Earth randomly. What a boring perception! Such an event had clear implications for the future of Earth. In the words of author Caroline Myss, when "someone has an experience of the Sacred that is completely irrational, it has nothing to do with the way we love our lives to be rationally organized so that we can control everything. A mystical experience takes you from one realm into one that is uncontrollable, and you adjust to the uncontrollable".

Comets & asteroids are important messages from the Convoluted Universe reminding Humanity of Earth's station in the greater Solar System:"Hey you little humans down there! You like order and control? Boom!" Or - on an even deeper level - these heavenly agents of chaos could be a message reminding us, "Hey you little humans down there! Don't forget where you came from!". Panspermia theory suggests that carbon-based life itself - most famously the Octopus- arrived on Planet Earth via a comet:

A 2018 science paper that suggests that the brainy cephalopod might have originated off the planet has been receiving new attention. The basic thesis is that the Cambrian Explosion, which produced most of the basic animal life forms we see today, was the outcome of extraterrestrial viruses carried on a meteor that crashed onto Earth 540 million years ago. The underlying theory is panspermia, a hypothesis espoused by Francis Crick, that some viruses and bacteria travel on the tails of comets or meteors and may take root on planets.
"These comets could have introduced Earth to novel life-forms that evolved on other planets, including viruses, durable microorganisms like unearthly tardigrades or, as the new study suggests, even fertilized animal eggs from other worlds."~ BRANDON SPEKTOR
Tardigrades (water bears) famously survive space conditions so an extraterrestrial origin cannot be ruled out in principle. But octopuses? Bear with us. Now, a group of 33 scientists from respected institutions around the world have suggested these bizarre creatures descend from organic alien material. Their research, published in the journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, ties the “remarkable” rise of octopuses and their cephalopod cousins to the theory of panspermia. KATHERINE HIGHNETT, “ARE OCTOPUSES FROM OUTER SPACE? STUDY SUGGESTS CEPHALOPOD EGGS TRAVELED TO EARTH ON A COMET” AT NEWSWEEK (MAY 17, 2018)

The Panspermia theory implies that the Mystery of the origins of Life itself on our Planet could be connected to Divine Chance of a Comet impact.

It would do us well to remember the Spiritual significance of Comets, Asteroids, & Meteors if this theory has the backing of 33 reputable researchers. It would also do us well to remember how fragile our own human lives really are, how fragile planets are in the greater Cosmic environment, and how to feel deep gratitude for periods of peace on Earth versus creating more war, conflict, & strife. Peace in the Universe is not a constant guarantee, as history teaches us. The end of the Dinosaur era was arguably caused by an asteroid impact. Furthermore the latest scientific research also proposes via the Younger Dryas Impact Theory that the end of the Last Ice Age was most likely initiated by a massive comet striking the North American ice cap. It seems Comets can both give and take life.

Point being: Modern Narcissistic Egos assume that Life as we know it will just continue on every day - exactly the same as yesterday -in a neat, orderly, & linear fashion.

This is a luxury of Capitalistic privilege to think this way, for Life's entire trajectory on any planet can change in one single moment. If the average person really understood how NASA is constantly monitoring for incoming asteroid, comet, &/or meteor impact, this would obviously cause Mass fear outbreak. Rather than fearing our fragility, we can accept it with humility - like the Elevated Ancient Ancestors - and become more aware of the greater Cosmic environment in which Earth exists by studying Astronomy, Astrology, & Cosmology. In this vast environment are there constant external threats like comets, asteroids, meteors, solar flares, magnetic polar shifts, & other phenomena? Yes, and this creates a lot of Subconscious resistance in our society to becoming more aware of Astrology's significance. However there are also a lot of intriguing Mysteries in the Convoluted Universe - e.g. Precession - worthy of study if one can overcome that fear-frequency blockage.

If you are still reading - thank you so much! - you are probably wondering, "When am I going to be told what Chiron in each Zodiac Sign means finally?"

I could easily cast some personal Horoscopes and tell you everything I feel Chiron in each sign could represent; but that's not going to help you understand the deeper meanings of Chiron energy and its Sphere of Influence. There's certainly no lack of subjective Horoscopes on the internet telling you what your Chiron placement means; if you seek that content, it's out there! What I have consciously chosen to do in all of my Work instead is offer Interpretation Insights to help Students of Astrology decode their Birth Chart. A the end of the day: Self-study is so, so important and I will not encourage idleness or laziness by casting Subjective Horoscopes with zero basis in any Objective, applicable information. Interpreting your Soul Contract - and your entire Birth Chart - is your own responsibility to reach greater Self-understanding. This understanding unfolds and evolves throughout your entire life via experience; not via five minutes of reading.

In Conclusion: Comets & Asteroids in Astrology are mysterious tools which can aid Divination.

While your personal Chiron placement in a specific Zodiac sign may seem important, Comet Chiron's current transits feel more important to understand on the Collective level in relation to the Archetypal story of the Wounded Healer Chiron. Skeptics may say, "Do you really believe this comet has any cause & effect within the Human Psyche?" As the Comet Chiron moves through the the Zodiac, it may trigger energetic effects within the Collective Unconscious that filter down into Personal Consciousness. Do I really believe this physical comet is related to the Constellation Centaurus & story of Chiron the centaur? Not literally, but there is a psychic connection not to be rationally dismissed. Yes - of course the physical comet has nothing to do with Centaurs. However names have power, and Astronomers named this cluster of asteroids the Centaurs.

Therefore as the comet Chiron transits through the Zodiac around the Sun, its current position colors how we can tap into the Archetype we associate it with energetically. Archetypes exist whether you are aware of them or not. We need symbols to understand the energetic language of Archetypes, for the core Universal pattern in the Psyche remains the same as symbolism evolves across cultures & time. We as human beings also need to create meaning in order to understand our greater Cosmic environment. The Comet Chiron ultimately symbolizes something to us of greater importance than its physical make-up. Thus ultimately I feel Asteroids & Comets are more Astrologically significant as tools of Divination when assessing the greater Cosmic environment and how those may be sensed within the Collective Unconscious as foresight, foreknowledge, & cellular memory. All Mysteries worthy of a few musings ...



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: in 2023 Chiron will be stationing Retrograde (magnifying its energy) in Aries from 07/23/2023~12/27/2023 according to the Gregorian calendar. This transit can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own personal Divination practice: The Emperor, The Temperance, the 2 of Wands, & The Queen of Wands

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