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The Trans-Saturnian Planets ♅ Uranus in Taurus ♉️ The Revolution Will Not Be Broadcast䷰

Updated: May 8, 2023

Plus Interpretation Insights For Decoding Your Uranus Placement

by @tabootarotreader

“Sometimes we are blessed with being able to choose

the time, and the arena, and the manner of our revolution,

but more usually

we must do battle where we are standing.”

Uranus transits can: speed up Earth's rhythms; cause catalysts for change; disrupt; revolutionize old structures; and bring to your conscious awareness whatever was hidden

Between May 2018 and April 2026, Uranus is transiting through Feminine & Fixed Earth sign Taurus ♉️

In 2022 we experienced some intense Eclipses along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. In addition the mysterious, Malefic Lunar Nodes Rahu & Ketu are currently still retrograding in Taurus; magnifying this Zodiac Archetype's influence over Karmic Relationships, Karmic Events, & huge potential Collective shifts as heralded by Uranus - the bringer of Change. Uranus is the first Trans-Saturnian planet and has come to symbolize many things in Modern Astrology, most notably as the new ruling planet of Aquarius. In the century to come as the Precession of the Equinoxes shifts into the Age of Aquarius (not to be the bearer of "bad" news, however, we technically are still in the Age of Pisces y'all until the true North Star Polaris shifts constellations) - what energetic opportunities to align with the tides of Change does Uranus in Taurus present to the Collective Coven? A question worthy of a few musings, dearly Beloved ...

For eons, our solar system was thought to be made of seven planets, with Saturn at the very end of the line. That all changed with the discovery of Uranus in 1781, a breakthrough in technology and consciousness that would forever alter our accepted notions of the cosmos. According to astrologer Ruby McCollister, the arrival of Uranus brought “the flourishing of science, technology, philosophy, literature, music, social opportunities and, in virtually every aspect of human life, exploded Western civilization toward liberation, freedom, and choice.”
Uranus, then, is associated with change, revolution, youth movements, and new technologies. Its domain, of course, could be nowhere else but Aquarius. This all sounds perfectly promising in theory, but, in the words of Magneto, “mankind has always feared what it does not understand.” And so, as in the myth of Prometheus delivering fire to the people, Uranian progress often catalyzes swift retribution from the old gods and their institutions. Through chaos comes reinvention, but who wouldn’t struggle to hold on to the world they knew?
Uranus’s last Taurus transit, from 1935–1942, coincided with the Great Depression and WWII, an age of dramatic scarcity and unprecedented power which uprooted Taurean themes in science, culture, and diplomacy. By the time Uranus made its mid-century transit, unsustainable farming practices had led to the dust bowl famine, a climate crisis which displaced millions. The Indian Rights Act and Social Security Act were first steps towards restitution and dignity towards all the country’s inhabitants.The outbreak of WWII delivered a new type of woman, embodied by the brassy, Artemisian Taurus Katherine Hepburn and the scathing Bette Davis, and glamorized through the creation of some of modern culture’s most enduring characters: Lois Lane, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman. Unbound and unbossed, this new generation served a higher ethos than domestic bliss, blasting open a new and varied pantheon of archetypes.

Now if you believe the information coming from NASA, Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, and has the third-largest diameter in our solar system.

It was the first planet found with the aid of a telescope, Uranus was discovered in 1781 by astronomer William Herschel, although he originally thought it was either a comet or a star. Uranus is an ice giant (instead of a gas giant): the planet's average temperature is a frigid -353 degrees F. The coldest temperature found in Uranus' lower atmosphere so far is -371 degrees F., which rivals Neptune's frigid temperatures. Findings from Hubble also reveal that Uranus is mostly made of flowing icy materials above a solid core. Uranus has a thick atmosphere made of methane, hydrogen, and helium. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side and the only planet whose equator is nearly at a right angle to its orbit, with a tilt of 97.77 degrees – possibly the result of a collision with an Earth-sized object long ago. This unique tilt causes the most extreme seasons in the solar system: like a spinning top that has fallen over. As Uranus orbits the Sun, each of its poles experiences continuous sunlight for around 42 years at a time, followed by 42 years of complete darkness! Uranus - like the Crone Saturn - also has rings: the outermost ring is made up of ice boulders several feet across. The other rings are made up mainly of icy chunks darkened by rocks. The rings are thin, narrow, and dark compared to the rings of other planets. They are actually so dark that they reflect about as much light as charcoal.

Given Uranus' wonky rotational tilt, the energy of its Sphere of Influence can simply be understood as "Sideways" .

Whatever "Sideways" means to you, dearly Beloved, Uranus energy clearly can trigger within the Collective Psyche a shift in perspective - or looking at a situation from a different angle. Perhaps before making any big, revolutionary decision in your life you can tune into Uranus' Sphere of influence and ask yourself the questions: "Do I have all the information regarding the situation, this person, this place, or this circumstance? How is my Perception of the situation being influenced by my Blind Spots? How would my Perception change if I really could See the Bigger Picture?" All of us have a Blind Spot (as represented by limiting Saturn) not only in our own Self-Perception - as usually governed by your Ascendent placement AKA Rising Sign Complex - but also in regards to how other people perceive you. With Uranus being in complete darkness for half of its ellipse cycle, it makes common sense that Uranus Energy can further trigger our perceptual Blind Spots since it follows Saturn. Furthermore Uranus - like Jupiter -also features a dark spot or a vortex measuring 1,100 miles by 1,900 miles — large enough to engulf two-thirds of the United States — as caused by churning winds in the planet's atmosphere! #vortextothevoid

Teal Swan's Oracle Deck "The Blind Spot" is a fantastic Guide for Subconscious Healing.

For the curious to know: how do I begin to interpret my Uranus Placement & Aspects in my Birth Chart?

According to classic Astrologer Stephen Arroyo's "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation" (1978), Uranus Energy is associated with Electricity: "The correlation of Uranus with electricity seems to be valid not only literally but metaphorically; for the discovery of Uranus heralded the era of global communication utilizing electronic technology, and Uranian people are known for their delight in doing things that shock others out of the lethargy of tradition" (pg. 117). #ecstaticshock #shockart #turndownforwhat

Thus with that being established, here are some Walkaway Messages for optimally interpreting your Uranus Placement & Aspects (via "Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989 + "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", by Stephen Arroyo):

1) Being a mysterious Trans-Saturnian planet, Uranus placements are difficult to "pin down" or classify, for Uranus energy delights in breaking all the rules and is "intensely ego-driven" when it comes to shattering conventions. Thus anyone with a Uranus placement with close aspects to personal planets like the Sun or Ascendent may be a highly creative, experimental, temperamental, and/or high-strung artist-type with a big Rising Sign Ego complex

2) Your Uranus placement can color your experience with spasmodic or electro-magnetic activity in your body, heart palpitations, heart attacks, strokes, nervous system issues, or Traumatic events E.g. Uranus energy often manifests as shocking and unexpected Traumatic events, and the Trauma energy signature may then sit in Subtle Body and manifest as physical muscle spasms (according to Dr. William Davidson). Hence the high-frequency, electrical Uranus energy can be very hard on the physical body and anyone who is particularly attuned to Uranus (Aquarius Rising or anyone with strong Aquarius in their birth chart) should cultivate regular ways of releasing the tension & stress which accumulates in their nervous system e.g. Massage, Acupuncture, Saunas, Hot Detox Baths, or Suspension Therapy

3) Your Uranus placements can color how Objectivity & Detachment manifest in the Personality or how you emote towards other people. People with strong Uranus energy in their chart (e.g. Aquarius Rising) may seem to lack a personal warmth and even come across as icy cold or stoic towards others' deeper emotions (but this all depends on the signs involved)

4) Remember that any aspects with Uranus "electrify and speed up" whatever it touches. Hence any personal planet's Sphere of Influence in any close aspect with Uranus is subject to "high voltage" flashes of insight, impulses, and/or experiences. Uranus can induce sudden activity, rapid change, and/or the need to break rules/traditions in the dimension of experience that the aspecting Planet represents. E.g. a Saturn-Uranus interchange can manifest in an individual's Work Life as a strong need to feel constantly challenged by "opportunities for growth" via new projects, business ventures, entrepreneurial activity, etc. and/or a strong need for social approval of one's new ideas within a traditional work environment

5) Uranus-Ascendent aspects can create a Rising Sign Ego complex in which Independence and Uniqueness need to be expressed overtly or in an unpredictable, unorthodox manner. This individual may constantly crave new & exciting experiences or be an "adrenaline junkie" with big FOMO. Alternatively the individual may also desire to have the latest and most up-to-date technology as an Ego boost

6) Whatever House your Uranus placement falls in, it is in that dimension of Life that you can most immediately experience your Soul's own uniqueness, originality, or un-manifest genius. Also it is in this House where you can most easily tune into relevant issues that are connected with Society at large. E.g. If Uranus falls in the 2nd house it may make you sensitive to financial current events & new developments. Alternatively if your Uranus placement falls in the 5th or 7th Houses, you may feel the need to to express yourself intuitively & experimentally in relationships that others may find "radical or out there" e.g. you may resonate more with Polyamory versus Monogamy

7) Any Sun-Uranus interchanges can produce a Personality type with a need for radiant self-expression blending the urge towards change, excitement, experimentation, and/or rebellion. One's sense of freedom is dependent on incorporating originality and unconventionality.

8) Uranus aspects can be summed up by saying that Uranus serves the purpose of radically re-polarizing an individual's approach in a particular area of life and rapidly purging all traces of past life patterns (often via traumatic experiences, crises, or Karmic confrontations). E.g. if your Uranus placement is in Aries, you could possibly have a Past Life stemming from an Age of Aries in which you were a sex addict with control issues i.e. an Emperor character. In this current incarnation you may need to open up to new ways of experiencing intimacy that help you release these Karmic Patterns. Spirit may present to you a Taboo relationship (maybe a Same-sex attraction) in which you can via new experience learn how to "flip the script" on toxic Power Dynamics in sexual relations. Or Spirit may present to you a Polyamorous love triangle Entanglement to help you deconstruct the Jealousy at the root of your desire to control another human being's behavior (all hypotheticals, of course)

In the Crowley-Thoth Tarot Deck, this Uranus in Taurus transit can be symbolized by: the Hanged One (AKA Hanged Man), the Hierophant, & the Devil Major Arcana energies + the Prince of Disks (AKA Knight of Pentacles) Minor Arcana energy interplaying with this trine.

The Hierophant Major Arcana symbolizes the Taurus Zodiac Archetype. This energy is governed by the Instinct of the search for hidden truth, the Goal of knowledge & enlightenment as an experience independent of dogma, plus the Qualities of Belief, Trust, Illumination, & Redemption (via The Crowley Tarot Handbook, Akron & Hajo Banzhaf). The Shadow of the Hierophant is Intolerance, Presumption, Spiritual Ego, and/or Corruption of Power. It is often embodied as a Priest, Preacher, Pope, Teacher, Dignitary, or Representative of Law & Hierarchies (both Mundane & Spiritual). Crowley interpreted the Earth element at its strongest in the Conservative Hierophant Archetype, for Taurus is a fixed Earth sign often weighed down by matter, dependency issues, & emotional attachments. With the Knight of Pentacles Minor Arcana interplaying here - in a lower vibration - this energy combination can also manifest as Narcissistic "Control Freak" issues, bullying, gaslighting, and manipulative gift-giving or "Flexing" as the preferred "Love bomb". Which leads us now to the Devil ... the Aspects of Uranus being invoked in the Devil Major Arcana are chaotic Incubus / Succubus energy or when Uranus falls in the 8th House (Scorpio's domain, the house of Sex & Death). This Aspect can be symbolized by the Myth of Pan who "fell in lust" with the nymph Syrinx. This interplay of Subtle Energies naturally can lead one to observe the Religious & Political Corruption which has been manifesting for centuries in Patriarchy as Sexual Abuse by Hierophant types #metoo #discernment #nottodaysatan

"I love the evil man who knows he is evil more than the righteous man who knows he is righteous." ~ Tales of the Chassidim

The aspects of Uranus being invoked by the Hanged One Major Arcana (one of my favorites) are the themes of Abolition & Reversal. What no longer serves your Spiritual Soul Growth?

Colored by Taurus - Uranus energy can be reversing of old Energetic Structures in relation to Money/Currency, Religious Hierarchies, & the way Power is distributed in Patriarchal Political Structures. What no longer serves the Collective and needs to be abolished? One-percent, profit-driven solutions, perhaps? Poisoning the air we breathe with combustion fuels? Destroying Forests which purify our air of CO2 emissions? Patriarchy's pirorites clearly are sideways, all out of whack, and not in alignment with the Divine. Especially with the Hierophant, Devil & Knight of Pentacles energy interplaying here - there is perhaps an energetic requirement to Purge Materialistic motivations. On a personal level this could mean focusing your Time & Energy on your long-term 5D Soul's Work - not your short-term 3D job. This combination of Archetypes can offer a stabilizing energetic effect if the energy is applied with Loving Awareness to something that aids the Collective Evolution in order to transmute its Shadowy aspects. This Uranus in Taurus energy feels intuitively to me to be concerned with gradual progress, growth, and looking at the true value or worth of business / energy exchange models. It is clear as day that Corporations value short-term profit over the long-term survival of our species on this planet. It is also clear as day that no matter what empty promises politicians make, the Ice Sheets are continuing to melt. The Climate Crisis has already passed multiple Tipping Points and is taking humanity down a dangerous path towards potential no return. Thus we must Abolish the economic systems of inequity and power over in which 1% of the population hoard billions, while the rest of the planet are in survival mode in a meaningless race to nowhere #ratrace

Furthermore - as the Separated States of America heads into its Uranus Return in 2025 - this current Uranus cycle could potentially invoke massive changes in the Global Economy, Supply Chains, & Currencies of Value.

Remember that Uranus’s last Taurus transit, from 1935–1942, coincided with massive inflation of the Great Depression. Everything moving forward may be turned sideways or upside down when it comes to the realms of Pentacles i.e. that Money, honey. Whether you are aware of it or not: we are currently in a banking crisis. Like the Hanged One, you may have a deep inner realization by 2026 that Currency is just something tangible that we believe has intangible value. Think about it for second: paper currency is just a dead tree that we believe has value because of a fancy seal. In the 21st century, most people these days participate in digital transactions: money may as well be a number on a 2D screen. Now with Twitter Emperor Elon Musk backing Cryptocurrency, is bitcoin just more of the same? Numbers on a screen? What form of Exchange can truly offer something of real, intangible Value? For the skeptical: did you know that the USD has no longer been weighed against the Gold Standard since the 1971 (thanks to classic Covert Narcissist Richard Nixon)? Therefore the USD has effectively been "without value" for decades 🤑#irony Gold is something tangible that we all can Collectively agree has intangible value across cultures, across Time & Space. I personally cannot say the same for the almighty Dollar ...

Some musings: why is there a pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the USD? What's all that funny Latin mean? #lol #sheeples #wakeup

The implications of Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency certainly are being invoked by this Uranus in Taurus transit + the Pluto in Aquarius transit.

The resistance to new forms of Currency & Exchange is very Taurus: Taurus energy often is stubborn, traditional, and values continuity versus change. The Hierophant character - whilst presenting a pious, Self-sacrificing mask - may still enjoy all the finer things that money can buy, being comfortable, and living in wealth. It is not an energy (in this current density) prone to taking risks and upsetting the Status Quo. However what may be risky behavior is continuing to invest all your Time & Energy into making traditional forms of currency. What will happen if the Grid goes out? Money will be useless. There is an old Proverb attributed to the Crow Indigenous group that says: "When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money". People may subconsciously sense this looming shift, and could end up putting all their faith in Crypto. Is this faith warranted? I personally feel a digital currency is the ultimate manifestation of Ahriman himself ... so I have little trust that Emperor Elon & Bitcoin can solve our world's problems of mass inequity and poverty before the 1% jet off to their proposed colony on Mars #sameshitdifferentmask

If the Grid goes out, most major cities will most likely only last a few weeks. Grocery stores will probably run out of food in a matter of days given the panic. Will we have to begin bartering again? Will the Sheeples even be in a state of consciousness capable of peaceful bartering, or will it be the Zombie Apocalypse? A fight to the death for the last hot dog? Given what is observable during national emergencies such as Hurricanes, I don't have much faith in the Sheeples to behave peacefully given the observable patterns of looting, heightened crime, & assault during national emergencies. The Unveiling is unfolding whether you are aware of it or not. Change is manifesting right now whether you like it or not; whether you are receptive to the Change, or resistant to it. Change remains the only constant in the Universe #paradox The Cosmic Wheel of Fortune is constantly churning forward in the ever-moving Precession of the Zodiac. Ergo there are big economic changes potentially beyond the Horizon which we can pragmatically begin to prepare for now #knightofpentacles

What can the Collective Coven do to optimally attune to these massive potential changes being invoked by Uranus in Taurus?

Before you fret or invest in Crypto, dearly Beloved, everything doesn't have to be so doom & gloom. Your experience of the Purge of Patriarchy can be "positive" or "negative" depending on your perception. Regardless, Uranus teaches us how to embrace Change. Thus this transit is an energetic opportunity to Purge our Pachamama - Mother Earth - of the Patriarchal patterns which have raped her bosom for short-term profit without any consideration for the long-term environmental implications. Catalysts for change are always initially perceived as "negative", scary, and chaotic. However any rational person can agree that these changes are long overdue and necessary for the Collective healing of our Planet. To reconnect with Nature and awaken our senses, I highly recommend to start doing any outdoor activity in the natural world like hiking, camping, etc. I also highly recommend to start channeling your inner Mushroom Mama energy and start Foraging like any good Witch would. Learning how to Forage for natural foods is truly empowering and fun! It is also a very grounding activity - especially when done barefoot - which can align you with the most Benefic aspects of the Taurus archetype coloring this Uranus transit #earthing

In Conclusion: Uranus in Taurus is invoking the age-old paradoxes of Old versus New, Tradition versus Innovation, & Devolution versus Evolution.

All human beings are naturally fearful of change. Forgive yourself, dearly Beloved, for this fear is something we all must deconstruct within our own Psyches. Revolutionary Uranus can transform this Fear if we allow its energy to do its work on our Psyches; all we have to do is be receptive & open to observe how the Change unfolds. So just sit with your Resistance. Sit in your Fear. Sit in the Discomfort which arises realizing all the Corruption you may have been blind to which has led our Planet past the environmental Tipping Point of no return. Pachmama's pain is our pain. What she feels, we feel too. What we inflict onto her, we inflict onto ourselves. Separation from Mother Earth is perhaps the greatest Illusion ever sold by Patriarchy. So maybe practice some Meditation in which you sit with your Fear, Disillusionment, Disassociation, Anger, etc. and ask these emotions to remove their Mask. Maybe then - when you are actively listening - these emotions may tell you their true name: Grief. We are all in a process of becoming Conscious of Grief in regards to the Climate Crisis on Planet Earth. There are stages of Grief, so what stage are you currently in?

With Taurus being a Feminine, Fixed Earth sign - perhaps the most grounded of the Earth signs - reconnecting with Mother Nature and solving the Climate Crisis should be our Societies' Number One Priority. Not Short-term profit. Not the Willow Project or Big Oil's priorities. Not the Oscars, Sports, or the Kardashians. Not banning Drag Shows out of fear. There is an overwhelming level of sadness I feel regarding how Humans continue to focus on irrelevant, distracting focal points that ultimately separate Self from Other. All the distractions are frankly disassociating the average person's awareness away from the Planet's Climate Crisis. No wonder the average person is in denial. It's too painful to realize just how out of alignment our Civilization has become with the natural rhythms of the Cosmos & Mother Earth. It's too painful to accept our Civilization is probably past the Tipping Point of no return.

But here's some final questions worthy of a few musings, dearly Beloved ...

What is the sensation we label Pain? Is it something to avoid? Is it something to be fixed and make go away as soon as possible? Or is this sensation an invitation from your Soul to heal? An invitation to become conscious of something which needs to be released? An invitation to let go of whatever you're holding onto? It is very easy to become attached to Pain when you know no different: to become attached to the people who hurt you, to toxic self-harming behaviors, etc. The Climate Crisis for some may just be the new Scapegoat in Nihilism or Hedonism; an excuse to party more while the world burns. When some people are told that in order to heal, all they have to do is change their diet or exercise more, a common response may be: "In order to heal I have to make all these changes? No thanks!". All that we have Power over ultimately are our own choices, reactions, & actions - not the behavior of other human beings. Whilst me may cling to all that we know, unfortunately in Patriarchy all we know is the Pain of Separation - we do not really know Healing. So choose as an individual right here, right now to commit to change what you can: your own choices, reactions, & actions. Choose to jump into the Great Unknown - that great big, scary Void - of Healing. In the meantime, maybe go for a walk out in Nature and just get lost ... it's a good start.



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: in 2023 Uranus will be stationing Retrograde (magnifying its energy) in Taurus from 08/29/2023~01/27/2024 according to the Gregorian calendar. This transit can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own personal Divination practice: The Hierophant, The Hanged One, The Tower, & The Knight of Pentacles ⚡️

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