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The Personal Planets ☿ Mercury: Messenger of the Gods🕊What's Mercury Retrograde, Really?📱

Updated: May 8, 2023

Plus Interpretation Insights For Decoding Your Mercury Placement

by @tabootarotreader

Hermes is not just a modern fashion brand, but the original Instant Messenger of the Gods!

Dearly Beloved: the 1st dreaded Mercury Retrograde of 2023 is upon us in Feminine & Fixed Earth sign Taurus 04/21/2023 shortly followed by the Lunar Eclipse along the Scorpio/Taurus axis 05/05/2023! ♉️ #buckleupbuttercups

Mercury Retrogrades are different experiences for everyone. However in popular culture they have come to be a Scapegoat for people looking to: "Blame it on Mercury Retrograde!". Why is this? Well as the ruling planet of Communication, Travel & Business - these times usually feature some funky juju surrounding technology mishaps, miscommunications, travel delays, & general frustrations. E.g. I personally observe all electrical devices during Mercury Retrogrades in order to determine if any interfering energies need to be smudged from my space #smudgethecat Once during a Mercury Retrograde multiple electrical appliances broke down in my living situation in a matter of days! With that being said - how do we best navigate Mercury Retrogrades in order to manifest more optimal outcomes? By empowering yourself with applicable Information!

The Mercury Retrograde cycles of of 2023 are as follows:

1) 21 April to 14 May in Taurus ♉️ (strong space for Mercury)

2) 23 August to 15 September in Virgo ♍️ (Mercury is exalted!)

3) 13 December to 1 January 2024 in Capricorn ♑️ & Sagittarius ♐️ (both neutral spaces for Mercury)

Thus with that being established: the 2023 Mercury Retrograde cycles are not to be feared, dearly Beloved! In Hellenistic Astrology, what does "Retrograde" actually mean?

When Mercury, or any planet, retrogrades, it means that it is moving in a backward motion. However, planets never move away from their paths or stir from their orbits. A planet retrograding is an optical illusion perceived from Earth’s vantage point.
Depending on the rotational speed of Earth and its distance from the other planets in the solar system, it appears as though a certain planet is in retrograde motion. However, while revolving along its orbit around the sun, our planet is sometimes closer to another. So, it appears as though our planet is speeding, leaving the other planet behind.
Mercury takes 88 days to complete one circle around the Sun as opposed to Earth, which takes 365 days to finish its round. This comparatively speedy planet, when appearing to be slowing down, can send zodiacs into a tizzy. However, this is not entirely true because astrology is all about perception, and it depends on us if we want to take up these recommendations positively.

From an energetic perspective: Retrograde can mean that Planet's energy is being currently magnified; and the Sign coloring this cycle influences how & in what dimension of life the energy may manifest.

Mercury is exalted in Feminine & Mutable Earth sign Virgo (it also rules Virgo, as well as Air sign Gemini). Mercury is debilitated in Feminine & Mutable Water sign Pisces (Pisces & Virgo are Polarity / Complementary energies). Mercury will be leaving Pisces for Taurus - where it is relatively strong - so this Retrograde Cycle will be a moment of sweet relief for Mercury! Perhaps expect the flood gates of pent-up emotion to break open in all channels of communication. In fixed Earth Sign Taurus, this placement may also draw your conscious awareness to how you communicate in romantic relationships or meaningful commitments. In a higher octave or vibration this energy feels very refined to me: like a heartfelt love song or a meaningful action of mutual movement towards the Beloved. On the flip side in a lower vibration ... this energy feels like a shallow, self-serving Love Bomb and/or midnight "Hoover" booty call #sup

I foresee potentially a lot of Love Bombing during Mercury Retrograde in Taurus #thirsttrap

Mercury Retrogrades are notorious for an ex-Entanglement hoovering back around to sniff out old energetic supply. As they may say: once you remember that Username & Password, it's tempting to log back into that free booty buffet. If you believe it is possible to force "Real Love" on your phone ... bless your heart. So in my never-ending quest to help survivors of Narcissistic Abuse develop Discernment, I feel it is important to state that Mercury Retrogrades can often present big tests in diffusing a deceptive Love Bomb. When the entire foundation of your connection is a Swipe Right - a match in the artificial Algorithm - then it is a Casual Connection, not an organic Soulmate Connection. So let's make it crystal quartz clear: Overt and/or Covert Narcissists have ZERO EMPATHY and the only thing they are "in Love" with are Casual Connection Applications for the following 4 reasons:

1) Apps make it incredibly less energetically taxing to identify possible prey from behind a screen (versus having to go to any physical place like a bar, gym, etc.) when all the Energy Vampire has to do is scroll through pretty pictures of people on their phone #onlineshopping

2) Apps make it incredibly easy to juggle multiple options for energetic supply in secret #thehidden

3) Apps make it incredibly fast and easy to deflect, devalue, & discard someone post-Quickie once the Energy Vampire has fed if the majority of your "Relationship" evolved via text messages #emptywords

4) Apps make it incredibly difficult to discern someone's true intentions, and Energy Vampires understand this and use it to their advantage when identifying their victims whom they may assume are naive, desperate for attention, and/or willing to be abused #nottodaysatan

Is there a reason the Lovers & The Devil are such similar images? The Devil is the Shadow of the Lovers. Repulsion is the Shadow of Attraction #magnets

Be honest with yourself: most people on "Dating Apps" will only message you if they find you physically attractive.

If you are in denial of this fact ... bless your heart. If you want to manifest a "Real relationship" (and we all know Taurus energy definitely likes to "boo up"), then get real with yourself! In the "Online Dating" Game, your photos are the end-all-be-all determining factor if someone messages you. This is Human Nature when discussing Attraction: our Physical eyes usually override our Third Eye when initially entangling with a potential Lover. Your profile bio - which you may spend hours editing & changing like a resumé selling yourself to the next potential bidder - is ultimately futile in Narc Nation.

Overt and/or Covert Narcissists know that they have to pretend to want to get to know you - to potentially have a "Real relationship" with you - in order to have sex with you. So they may quickly scan your bio in order to find some key words or a common interest that they then can lead with in their opening greeting to (subconsciously) pre-establish that sense of, "Oh this person took the time to actually read my bio, thank God! They have potential". Just like a predatory Yoga "Teacher", Guru, or Mentor who feigns interest in your Personal Practice or Spiritual development in order to have sex with you, this Shadow Power Dynamic is truly heart-breaking. Hence why most people ignore it and their intuition in the "Online Dating" Game, opting instead to wear the "Rose-Colored Glasses" #theused

The Lovers Major Arcana represents Gemini energy, as ruled by Mercury

Remember Dearly Beloved: text messages don't meant sh!t (especially during Mercury Retrogrades).

Text messages are the illusion of commitment. Repeat: text messages don't meant sh!t. Texts, dating app messages, and unfortunately nowadays even VMs are a low-commitment tactic which Overt and/or Covert Narcissists employ to avoid face-to-face interactions, conserving energy as they juggle multiple sources of supply. I.e. it's very easy to trigger Serotonin & feel-good endorphins within someone these days via words on a 2D screen:"Hey beautiful, thinking of you 2day", "Hey gorgeous, r u free later?", or "Looking good in those photos damn babe".

Text Messages are the easiest Love Bombing tactic to manipulate the inner Wounded Child (AKA "Babe" lol) in need of constant validation and attention via physical appearance compliments #daddyissues #mommyissues If you're skeptical (i.e. in denial), think of it this way: it's very low effort to text someone, "Hey babe, missin u, here's a song I heard today which made me think of u 😘" versus taking the time to compose an original song specifically dedicated to the Beloved. I feel it's a general good rule of thumb that if any stranger you meet on your phone refers to you as "Babe" ... Red Flag 🚩So Sacrifice the Knights, y'all #redflagsdontmeango

There's a big difference between a Knight who swiped right texting, "Sup, you up?" at the witching hour; versus a Lover showing up unannounced on a full Moon, serenading you sweet nothings under your window until the neighbors call the cops. There's a big difference between sending you flowers with a "personalized" message via a delivery service versus someone who grows the flowers in their personal garden to gift to the Beloved. It is not a social Sin to have standards. Why? Perhaps because the Hoover from the latest swipe right does not translate into potential future Commitment since words on a screen ring hollow. What is meaningful Communication from the Soul versus empty words from a thirsty trick's Acid Dick Attack and/or Venus Fly Trap? Actions always speak louder than words. Thus perhaps the Black Mirror of our various technological devices is the ultimate optical illusion #wakeupwitches #wordsarespells #hexthepatriarchy

Remember Dearly Beloved: when a Planet is seemingly moving backward in Retrograde, this is an "optical illusion" #shesdelusional

Ergo Retrogrades are a time when a Planet - given our vantage point on Earth - is seemingly moving backwards and speeding up relative to another planet. This brings to our conscious awareness the Yogic concept of Drishti or The Gaze: "Where am I directing my gaze right now? Where am I focusing my energy? On my long-term goals, or some short-term Knight who swiped right?" In my humble opinion many people may feel regressive energy during Retrogrades in which Karmic Lessons repeat. E.g. "I feel like this new job is taking two steps back, and not in alignment with my long-term goals. But how will I pay the bills?" When we feel like we are regressing backwards instead of moving forwards, this is necessary sometimes to gain clarity about what you don't really want in order to manifest what you really do want. Recapitulation is an invitation to level up, buttercups. Rejection is Protection from Spirit. All movement - whether forwards or backwards - is a learning lesson. Whether a person, place, circumstance, or development is "positive or negative", "good or bad", a "success or failure", etc. all depends on your Focal Point.

I.e. if you were on Mars, your vantage point of observing Mercury's ellipse (and thus your experience of that energy) would be different than here on Earth.

Therefore you would perceive the entire situation or situation-ship from an alternative perspective under different conditions. When applying Astrology as Science: Everything is a matter of Perception. Everything is Relative to the Observer. Every outcome ultimately depends on your Interpretation. E.g. if you perceive Mercury Retrogrades as "negative", you may manifest the challenging aspects of Mercurial energy during these times when its energy is magnified or heightened e.g. getting stuck in traffic, road raging, & subsequent stress.

On the flip side: if you perceive of Mercury Retrogrades as "positive" - maybe an invitation to slow down, tune in, & observe what's manifesting around you - this can enable smoother sailing through Mercurial waters.

In the 21st century we are constantly moving so fast, in a rush from here to there, and in Fight or Flight 24/7. "Modern life" AKA "Surviving Capitalism" normalizes high stress levels, type A personalities , extreme OCD, constant communication, and being "plugged in" to the Money Matrix 24/7. Most people nowadays literally have to take virtual classes during break time in Corporate America teaching them how to relax with a Life Coach #SOS What would happen in our societies if we normalized slowing down & tuning into that constant 24/7 Bliss versus Stress? Just observe any incredibly stressful American major multilane freeway: the blatant Narcissism and self-centeredness is hilarious #narcnation Not to generalize - but in California where I currently live - the freeways are usually a Narc free-for-all: people driving like egomaniacs, cutting each other off, switching lanes without signaling, speeding, honking, cursing, flipping the finger, etc. #stayinyourlane

Frankly a little traffic congestion ála Mercury Retrograde is a welcome reprieve for me personally. However the average person may perceive traffic congestion as a negative cortisol spike because, "I need to get to where I'm going RIGHT NOW! All these a$$holes are just in my way! Rawrrrrrrr!" *blastsmusic* So many American drivers exhibit extreme Entitlement on the roads: road rage is a manifestation of this person's fragile Ego which truly may believe "My time is more important than yours, because time is money. So gtfo my way!" Despite the fact that roads are public space, many Sheeples behave as if they are more entitled or deserving to be "on time" than you. Oh the rat race ... I hope you get to where you are going in due time, Sheeples!

In the Crowley-Thoth Tarot this Mercury Retrograde in Taurus lasting until 05/14/2023 can be symbolized by: The Magician, the Hierophant, the 5 of Pentacles, & the Knight of Pentacles. Furthermore with the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 05/05/2023 (heading into a new Moon in Taurus 05/19/2023) we also have another trine interplaying: the Moon, the High Priestess, & the 6 of Pentacles.

This is a complex combination of cards/Subtle Energies. There may be a few different characters in your Personal story who embody these different energies. The Five of Pentacles Minor Arcana is invoking financial worry, anxiety, fear of failure, or the pressure to increase work effort which comes from unexpected upheavals. On the flip side: the Six of Pentacles is invoking overcoming crises, material acquisitions, financial abundance, charity, patronage, & tolerance which springs forth from prosperity. Thus I feel for many people these energies will manifest in the ups & downs of the Workspace between different co-workers who - when stressed out - lash out in micro-aggressive ways and - when happy - want to spend money & party #vice

The Hierophant in a Workspace context is most likely an older person - maybe the "old-school" CEO, compliance tyrant, or perceived superior in the Work hierarchy - with a huge/fragile Ego. The Magician most likely is the creative Marketing or Ideas person whom is the life of the work party, sexually attractive, & very results-driven. The High Priestess in this context most likely is a quiet, seemingly shy HR employee or mid-level Manager with strong energetic boundaries, an overt attitude of "I show up to work, not socialize", high performance rate, and a secret side hustle which is their real priority. Meanwhile the Knight of Pentacles is most likely a younger entry-level employee who is "The Bitch Work" go-to. A tenacious & pragmatic Task Master - maybe a Techie or Finance person - whom is relied upon to "get the job done" and track numbers.

Taurus energy is symbolized by the Hierophant Major Arcana

There may be a pragmatic need during this Mercury Retrograde to strive for harmony when any of these characters disagree or compete for control in meetings, projects, etc.

Intense, repressed emotions may run high during the Eclipse. To stabilize any potential uneasy energies in the Workspace - or navigate potential miscommunications - perhaps there is an energetic requirement to get creative with how you communicate with your co-workers knowing that not everybody processes information in the same way. For some people, this could be having the maturity & concentration to "hold their ground" and communicate with a demanding & entitled boss their energetic boundaries and/or how they expect to be communicated to with mutual respect. E.g. the Hierophant character may communicate in a very old-fashioned, indirect, & passive-aggressive Corporate way like, "Do you think you have the time to prioritize this project? I need it finished ASAP" which isn't really a question, but a veiled command inducing stress and fear.

The Magician Major Arcana can symbolize strong Mercurial energy

Meanwhile the Magician character may communicate in a more mindful, new-age, & direct way like "I know you are very busy, and I value your time, so let me know what are some possible timeframes for this project's deadline that works in your schedule". The Magician as an Archetype is usually the person who feels like their creative energy is guiding the ship, and that the "Boss" would be nowhere without their ideas. The High Priestess may avoid small-talk altogether and keep communications curt, short & sweet. Also the High Priestess most likely avoids interactions with their polar opposite the Hierophant - whom probably sexually harassed them during a Holiday Party when drunk - something the High Priestess never speaks of to avoid work drama & gossip. Finally the Knight of Pentacles character may again be an eager, younger entry-level employee who has no energetic boundaries, mirrors the communication styles of older perceived superiors, and is a simple "yes/no/duly noted" type of subordinate whom wishes to climb up the company hierarchy.

During a Mercury Retrograde + Lunar Eclipse along the Scorpio/Taurus axis, it may be important to remember that your corporate co-workers are not your real friends.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and debilitated in Scorpio. So this Lunar Eclipse (and 2023 Eclipse Season in general) will be especially powerful! This energy has been building for a hot minute since 2022 with the Lunar Eclipses along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The Unveiling of Taboo Truths, Secrets & Vices are being invoked by the Moon card: it may shock you as to what lengths a person will go to in order to hide who they really are & protect their reputation. Why? Perhaps because avoiding the loss of one's salary is the ultimate motivating force in maintaining a Mask. Who are your co-workers really when they go home at night and take off their chosen Masks? Is the person you sit next to in a cubicle for 8 hours a day a secret porn addict? Alcoholic? Drug addict? Gambling addict? A frequent buyer of hookers? An abusive spouse or parent? A racist? A misogynist? A homophobe or transphobe? Lunar Eclipses have a tendency to trigger Revelation (something the High Priestess intimately understands).

The High Priestess Major Arcana represents strong Lunar & Scorpio energy

Capitalism subconsciously creates Shame: it is obvious that there are many secrets people would rather die than ever have co-workers discover about regarding their private lives. Walking into any Corporate office is frankly an energetic vortex of clenched rectums & Shame: everybody is wearing a professional Mask not reflective of who they really are in private. The blurring of professional & private is strictly forbidden in Corporate environments; a separation which is actually impossible to maintain, so we can define this separation as an Illusion. Ultimately "maintaining professionalism" is code for switching off Empathy. And if you have low Empathy, it makes it easier to subconsciously pit co-workers against each other in Corporate Competition.

Competition exists between co-workers, no matter how progressive of a workplace you participate in. The financial pressures of the Rat Race engender Hidden Shadow Dynamics which manifest in corporate workplaces every damn day - whether you are aware of it or not #themoon Taurus is an Archetype prone to strive for peace and harmony by wearing the "Rose-colored Glasses" as we have discussed prior. Sometimes with co-workers it is easier to ignore passive-aggressive or micro-aggressive Power Grab Moves, emails, etc. in order to uphold the illusion of "friendly teamwork" in the workspace. When in reality co-workers are all competing for public approval, salary raises, benefits, recommendations, recognition, etc.

Sometimes it is easier to "walk on eggshells" and engage in superficial small talk at the company coffee machine versus directly tell a co-worker when they have violated your energetic boundaries. If you can't intuit by this point, I find American Corporate "Culture" very demonic: nobody means what they say and "reading between the lines" becomes a necessary skill to develop Discernment. I would personally avoid the cesspit of toxic filth which are company-sponsored "Happy Hours" or Work Conferences during any Mercury Retrogrades ... they call liquors "Spirits" for a reason folks! For Godsake if I only had a Pentacle for every time I've witnessed a Karen get wasted at a Work Conference while free from her husband (probably named Gary) and then cheat with anybody who buys her a few shots. As they may say, "What happens at the Conference, stays at the Conference" #hotmessexpress

In Vedic Astrology, Venus (Taurus' ruling Planet) and Mercury are old friends.

Thus in a higher octave or vibration, I definitely feel an energy of Reconciliation underlying this Mercury in Retrograde cycle. For some people, this could manifest as an unexpected message from an old friend or lover who seeks to meaningfully establish peace and make things right. For other people, this could manifest as unexpected news regarding an old friend which motivates them to reach out and reconnect. Finally for other people, this could invoke in a lower vibration miscommunications between existing narcissistic friendships which test the relationship's constancy, value, and/or reveal the nature of a "friend's" true intentions. Taurus as ruled by Venus can be boiled down to this Mantra: "Is there a balanced Give & Take in the Energetic Exchange?"

In Vedic Astrology, the planet Mercury is associated with:

All Channels of Communication, Intelligence, Dexterity, Eloquent Speechmaking & Oration, Mental Analysis, Comedy & Humor, Quick Wit, Fast Information Processing/Computing Speed, Shrewd Discernment, Vata Constitution in Ayurveda, Rajas Guna or principle of Movement, Deity Vishnu, Autumn/Winter, The physical Nose/Smelling/Aromatherapy, the gemstone Emerald, Skin Tissue, Leprosy, The Metal Mercury (obvi!), & the Archetypal Relations of Uncle/Aunt or the Liaison ("Vedic Astrology Guidebook, 2012, Jeffrey Armstrong)

Furthermore in the Vedic Planetary System:

  • Mercury is friends with Venus, Saturn, & the Sun

  • Mercury is neutral with Jupiter

  • Mercury is enemies with Mars & the Moon

Planet Mercury is the "Celestial Bridge" or the Messenger of Revelations, Hidden Truths, & Divine Intellect

Mercury signifies duality, polarization, and intellect - which also has duality as its main characteristic. Mercury does not have a distinctive personality of its own; it imbibes the features of other planets which are associated with it. It articulates and expresses whatever is channeled through it. For this reason, brilliance of expression, adjustment and flexibility rather than originality of thought are important traits of Mercury. Polarization is its central quality, and its main function is to carry the messages of gods to men and of men to gods; to make abstruse ideas intelligible to humankind and comprehend quickly what others wish to convey. Trade, transports, diplomacy, proficiency in languages, the role of an author, dramatist, critic, interpreter, logician or translator are all manifestations of Mercurial intelligence. As a principle intelligence in the construction of reality, Mercury enables the subjectivity of an idea to be objectified.
via "Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", 2003, pg. 92-93, by Bepin Behari

In the Alchemical Tradition, Hermes represents Mercurial energy and often appears in our dreams with Divine Messages as the Gods' "Interpreter":.

In the dream of Frey's patient, the colors shining from the folds of the devil's garment reveal that this devil figure is, in fact, a Mercury figure, for in the alchemical texts it is often said of the spirit Mercury that he wears omnes colores, "all colors". The iridescence (caudia pavonis) appears in the alchemical process after the nigredo (blackening), as is indicated here by the "devil" who still provides "some scattered pleasures"- this means that there will still be life after passing through the nigredo ...
This dream frightened me because I thought at once of Hermes, the guide of souls, coming for and leading the dead into the Beyond. As it soon became clear, the health of this man had been ruined during war and the analysis became an urgent preparation for his early death. Hermes is the interpreter and ruler of dreams, the mediator in any contact with the contents of the unconscious; but on Etruscan inscriptions he is also called turmaitas, "the Hermes of Hades"!
Via "On Dreams & Death", 1989, Pg. 72-73, Marie Louise Von Franz

If you are still reading - thank you so much! #maytheforcebewithyou So what are some Interpretation Insights for decoding the Mercury placement in your Birth Chart?

The element of your Mercury Sign's placement is perhaps more important than the individual sign itself. Why? Maybe because it gives us an energetic framework to understand how Mercurial energy can manifest which stands the test of time: the Elements are eternal and represent the energetic substance of experience. Individual Signs are the primary patterns or specific qualities of experience; not necessarily the substance or essence manifesting the experience itself ("Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989, Arroyo). I.e. Aries energy often manifests as the core impulse or pattern of desire to manifest un-manifest potential i.e. the Divine Spark behind the Desire to unite Subject with Object, not yet Divine Union itself (as represented by Taurus). Thus to understand any Personal Planet Placement in Aries, it may be more important to understand the fiery, mobilizing substance of this Sign underlying its patterns in order to accurately predict in which dimension of life or experience the energy may manifest. If you are following me still, it boils down to this: Individual Signs don't always determine the energy being embodied. It is easier to discern or read energy from an elemental framework.

Thus with this framework being established: the element of your Mercury placement indicates what energy patterns and wavelength influence your thought processes (Arroyo).

Your Mercury placement may draw your conscious awareness to:

Light impulses: transformation of one's thought programmings, the urge to express your skills, the urge to express your intelligence/un-manifest genius, the need to establish connection with others, cooperation, the desire to learn new skills/knowledge, creative use of speech, reason, the power of discrimination applied to a Collective cause, clear and direct communication, Objective understanding of a situation considering all angles

Shadow impulses: intellectual pride, attachment to old ideas, misuse of skill or intelligence to cause harm, mind games, amorality or lack of empathy via rationalization (i.e. thought patterns like "I dislike this co-worker, so I don't feel bad about sabotaging their reputation because they don't deserve accolades"), entitlement (i.e. "So and so got a raise?!? I did more work than them! I am more deserving of this raise, so I will complain to HR about it!"), creating petty conflicts as a Power grab move, competition, jealousy, opinionated arguments which steal energy, passive aggressive or indirect communication, subjective emotional reactivity

In a nutshell: the element of your Mercury placement governs the inflow (via perception) and the outflow (via words, skills, thoughts, & manual labor) of mental impressions & cognitive processes.

Mercury in Fire Signs may need to become conscious of: how their thoughts can be influenced by one's hopes, beliefs, and idealized future visions (i.e. "magical thinking"); impulsive speech (i.e. "speaking before you think"); the destructive power of temperamental rash words; purifying their internal monologue with loving awareness; & the power of affirmative & enthusiastic speech when motivating yourself or others to achieve aspirations

Mercury in Air signs may need to become conscious of: how their thoughts are tangible "things" or real energy; how their thoughts may be influenced by abstract intellectual ideals others do not perceive; how their information processing may be quicker than other people; how social considerations or conventions affect their speech; how to express speech objectively when expressing ideas; articulating your thoughts first via writing before an important meeting or meaningful interaction

Mercury in Water signs may need to become conscious of: how deeply pent-up emotions can affect their thought processes; how others may not have the same high EQ as them; how Soul yearnings can become repetitive thought patterns; how to employ their empathy as a skill when communicating with others versus being afraid of expressing sensitivity/intuition; emotional over-sharing; reading the subtle levels of non-verbal communication; & how active listening in Silence can be a skill, creating a compassionate space for others' emotional blockages to be expressed

Mercury in Earth Signs may need to become conscious of: how their thought processes may be programmings of traditional beliefs; how their thoughts can manifest as psychosomatic body sensations; how mundane expectations may affect their thought processes of what is possible or not to manifest; how to invoke patience with slower information processing; how practicality can repress emotional expression; "getting to the point " or getting specific when communicating their true desires; observing cautiousness within their thought or speech patterns

Mercury, from Gustav Holst's Planet Suite, being played by The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras.

It is also important to note which House in the Birth Chart that your Mercury Placement falls into when interpreting how you attune to Mercurial energy.

According to Stephen Arroyo:

Whatever house Mercury is in, it is there that one most immediately experiences the meaning of real communication; in this field of experience, the intellect is constantly active. One may need a regular exchange of mental energy with other people in order to achieve clarity in this area of life. E.g. Mercury in the 7th House. One seeks to fulfill one's intellectual and communication needs through close relationships and in various partnerships.
via "Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989, pg. 124-125

I intuit that auspicious houses for your Mercury placement are the 1st, 3rd, 6th, & 9th houses. In general it is important to note that in Hellenistic or Traditional Western Astrology, Mercury placements &/or transits like Retrogrades are not given as much importance. I imagine objective Astrologers like Arroyo would get a kick out of the modern social media phenomenon surrounding Mercury Retrogrades. Perhaps Mercury Retrogrades from this traditional perspective may simply correspond with a need for "one more meeting" or "high priority" email in 21st Century life #markyourcalendar

Ultimately Mercury Retrogrades are not something to be Scapegoated or feared, but embraced.

The Tarot Reader in me personally feels that the mystery of Mercury lies within what we call "Downloads", Channeling, Mediumship, & the Psychic Clairs. Maybe Mercury Retrogrades are - again - an invitation from Spiritual Entities to perceive their subtle ways of non-verbal communication. If an entity is messing with your electronics, maybe rather than having a fear-response and believing a "demon" has possessed your iPhone - maybe this is a message to unplug and go into Nature, tune in, and receive psychic downloads. It all depends on your filters of perception, at the end of the day.

Modern religions have forced natural, Divine Communication with the "Gods" to go underground in shame.

I find the Cognitive Dissonance rampant in Christian thought hilarious. In their precious Bible, Divine Communication & Psychic Paranormal Phenomenon are clearly depicted. Yet if you attempt to openly discuss these Taboo topics in any American Church, the smell of Fear is stanky. In ancient pre-colonized cultures, going to an Oracle was not Taboo. Channeling was an accepted and revered skill that the Priests & Priestesses were trained to do on behalf of the Collective community. E.g. Divination AKA Jyotish in Sanskrit - or "Reading the Light" - is the entire foundation of the Sacred Indian epic the Ramayana by Vedic Sage & Astropalmist Valmiki. There is both Inner Jyotish (Lunar Rhythm, Palmistry, Face Reading, Feet Reading, etc.) and Outer Jyotish (Solar Rhythm, Astrology, Geomancy AKA Vastu, Dowsing, etc.). Via the "As Above, So Below" principle both aspects of Jyotish mirror the other.

When one went to a Divinatory Oracle in an ancient Temple to propose a query, this most likely was a highly ritualized & ceremonial process - not some public spectacle for the Sheeples.

Why? Because in order to establish a more refined energetic field via sound instruments, music, & dancing - any unconscious or interfering energies would distort the vibration of the field necessary to ground down Celestial information. Commoners were generally not allowed in the Temples during Ceremonial Divination as they did not understand it, would most likely be afraid of it, and/or would be highly triggered by Tantric techniques working with Subtle Energies. That Fear Frequency would taint the energetic field and block valuable information from being downloaded via the Ether during the ceremony. In a nutshell: no one probably went to the Sacred Oracle to ask if an Ex-Entanglement will hoover back around or not in exchange for money. A query was proposed only if it concerned the Collective Good i.e. weather patterns, the coming harvest, political events, possible warfare, etc. Divination was a Sacred Art not intended to be used for self-serving means or financial gain. So remember this the next time you turn to an outside source for intuitive information via someone claiming to be a Tarot Reader, Channel or Medium.

In Conclusion: if you read the entirety of this Astrological work, thank you kindly! Your presence is truly appreciated here.

I hope you gained some valuable Insights for interpreting your personal Mercury placement. Astrology is a sacred, ancient science rooted in Observation: you must Observe yourself, your patterns, your impulses, and what's manifesting around you (especially during Retrogrades) in order to reach greater understanding of a Planet's energy colored by any Zodiac placement. Furthermore it is also important to correlate what Houses or Dimensions of Experience are being triggered within your Psyche given current Astrological transits, as change is the only constant in Astrology. Thus Astrology could be defined as a science of observing patterns of correlations between the Macrocosm & the Microcosm, Past & Current Events, plus Personal & Collective experiences.

I could easily cast some personal Horoscopes and tell you everything I feel Mercury in each sign could represent; but that's not going to help you understand the deeper meanings of Mercurial energy and its Sphere of Influence. What I have consciously chosen to do in all of my Astrology work is instead offer Interpretation Insights into the various Personal Planet Placements to help Students decode their Birth Chart. A the end of the day: Self-study is so, so important and I will not encourage idleness or laziness by casting Horoscopes with zero basis in any objective, applicable information. Interpreting your Mercury placement - and your entire Birth Chart - is something which unfolds throughout your entire lifetime to reach greater Self-understanding.

🙏 🔮 🜑


Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For those Deep Divers whom are curious to know ... The two Mercury Retrograde transits to come later in 2023 can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own Divinatory purposes:

  • Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: The Magician, the Hermit, the King of Pentacles & the 10 of Pentacles

  • Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn & Sagittarius: The Magician, The Devil, The Temperance, The 8 of Wands, the Queen of Pentacles, & the King of Wands

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