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Occult Astrology💫Edgar Cayce's "Planetary Sojourns"🔮 & The Midheaven Connection䷀

Updated: May 8, 2023

The Medium Coeli, Your 10th House of Vocation, & Soul Missions


Plus Interpretation Insights for Decoding Your MC Placement


by @tabootarotreader

The Medium Coeli or Midheaven (MC): Located at the top of your Birth Chart - or at 12 o'clock - in Hellenistic Astrology represents the highest point in the horizon that any planet can reach at the moment of birth.

This is the cusp ending the 9th House (Sagittarius' Jovian Realm) entering the 10th House (Capricorn's Saturnian realm) of Career, Prestige, Recognition, & the blurring of duality between Public Image & Private Ideals. In the Internet Age when so many are striving for social media status in the artificial Algorithms humans have created, many Modern Astrologers claim that the MC is generally much ado about mundane career aspirations in the 3D Material World. When so many 21st Century humans are carefully crafting public personas as part of their professional livelihood, this perception is to be understood.

Post-Internet the MC is often an important yet maybe very misunderstood placement in your Chart:

In astrology, the Midheaven is the topmost point on a zodiac chart wheel. It is often marked MC for “medium coeli,” which is Latin for “middle of the sky.”
At the zenith of your natal chart and marking the start of your tenth house, the Midheaven represents the most public parts of your life. It signifies your career, vocation and noteworthy achievements. It points to how you “pop” on public platforms and where you find prestige.

What are some other possible Interpretation Insights of the 10th House & Midheaven?

Frankly, there is so much Mystery in Capricorn's realm - the 10th House - as ruled by Saturn #thecrone Capricorn is a deeply Spiritual sign and in Vedic Astrology is related to the core impulses of Humility, Spiritual Acquisition, & the Desire to merge Individual Consciousness with Universal Consciousness. Vedic Astrology also associates Capricorn with The Third Eye Ajna Chakra, The Pituitary Gland & the physical Knees ("Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", 2003, by Bepin Behari). There is some resonance between Western Hellenistic interpretations & the Vedic interpretation of the 10th House as "The Office" room in your Birth Chart associated with: Rajas (Guna or Pattern of Movement), Profession, Social Position, Reputation, Power, Popularity, Ambition, Integrity, Advancement, & Public Life ("Vedic Astrology Handbook", 2012, Jeffrey Armstrong)

With that being prefaced - Vedic Astrology teaches us with Humility that there may be more than "meets the Third Eye" regarding the importance of the MC.

In his classic book "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation" (1978), Western Astrologer Stephen Arroyo beautifully synthesizes different Schools of Astrology when discussing the subtle significance of the Midheaven:

Almost all astrological texts mention the Midheaven as an important point in the Natal Chart, but very few give what I would consider practical guidelines for understanding its significance. In general, I have found various 10th House (or Midheaven) factors to share one common meaning, and this applies to not only the sign on the Midheaven but also to the ruling planet of that sign and any planets in the 10th House: all these factors indicate ways of being, personal capabilities, or personality qualities which one tends to admire, respect, and work hard at trying to develop and become. The Midheaven's sign symbolizes something that we spontaneously flow toward and grow toward as we get older (although we may exhibit some of those qualities in "seed form" while we are young), but it does often require effort to attain the optimum expression of those qualities.
For example, Aries on the Midheaven may indicate that the person admires strength and courage and thus feels impelled to work at developing his or her assertive qualities. Taurus on the Midheaven may show that the person looks up to an image of serenity, ease, and beauty and thus puts forth effort to develop those qualities personally. Scorpio on the Midheaven may reveal that the person respects charismatic and powerful qualities in others and therefore seeks to use his or her own similar capacities to the utmost. Pisces on the Midheaven can indicate that the individual admires compassionate and intuitive qualities in others and therefore consciously seeks to cultivate those qualities.
The ruling planet of the Midheaven sign is primarily important due not only to its general symbolic meaning but more specifically due to the fact that its house position so often shows where your real vocation comes into clearest focus. The word vocation means literally "that toward which one is called", and not only the Midheaven sign itself but also other 10th House factors are closely related to what sort of vocation you feel pulled toward. But the most useful factor in my experience seems to be the Midheaven ruler's house position, for so often that house represents a field of experience which feels like your true calling at a very deep level ... It is curious that the Midheaven is located at the top of one's chart and that it and its ruling planet symbolize the "summit" or your meaningful attainments and ambitions.
Another way of expressing the meaning of the Midheaven and 10th House factors is that these factors in a chart symbolize what is important to you. This terminology is especially relevant to the meaning of planets that fall in the 10th House (especially those which conjunct the Midheaven-even from the 9th House Side). Such a planet represents ways of being, qualities, and types of activities that are extremely important to the individual and which he or she respects. Due to this feeling of respect, people will often exhibit those qualities or express those energies publicly in order that others might think well of them (hence, the connection of the Midheaven and 10th House with one's "reputation".
Some examples might help to illustrate this point:
If Mercury is in the 10th House, it is important to this person to be educated and knowledgeable. If they themselves don't have the education that they respect, they may either work hard at attaining it or try to push others into achieving it.

If Venus is in the 10th House, beauty in general (including artistic expression) and one's personal appearance in particular are felt to be important, and much money and energy may therefore be expended in these directions.

If Saturn is in the 10th House, some tangible form of achievement is extraordinarily important to the person, for he or she tends to have a lot of respect for work, endurance, and the capacity to handle responsibilities.

If Uranus in the 10th House, it is important to the person to be independent and independent-minded.

If Pluto is in one's 10th House, it is important to be authoritative, powerful, and to wield some influence.

(Pg. 223-224, Arroyo)

To summarize: the ruling planet of your Midheaven Placement can determine the Archetypal Imprint of what's important to you, what motivates you, & the urge to evolve in Life.

Everybody is searching for their true Soul's purpose, their true Soul's Mission here on Earth. The Midheaven Placement is a good place to start searching for clues as to what is your Opus Mundi. E.g. let's say that you have a Midheaven placement in Taurus, as ruled by Venus. Being the highest point of energy flow in the Chart, this individual may have strong impulses to pursue creative fields like Art, Fashion, Music, Entertainment, Writing, etc. This person may also be naturally gifted with creativity and seek public recognition for their creative output. Throughout their life, this individual may spontaneously grow and flow towards creative groups of like-minded people. As we mature, we may come to understand our deeper motivational impulses since the Midheaven placement is something we evolve into throughout our adult lives. Therefore the MC can also not only indicate personal capabilities or attunements, but also from a Jungian perspective, patterns of Individuation #adulting

Arroyo also makes an important connection between the Midheaven and Astrological information he synthesized from the Edgar Cayce Readings:

Cayce's readings also refer repeatedly to the planet from which "the soul took flight", which means the latest plane of consciousness or dimension of experience where the soul sojourned before the present incarnation. In many cases, this planet from which the soul "took flight" is the planet nearest the Midheaven, although there seem to be other factors also at work which prevent us from making this guideline into a definite law with no exceptions. But a study of many Life Readings in comparison to the birthcharts of those for whom the readings were given does indicate that the planet nearest the Midheaven is very often symbolic of the latest dimension through which the soul has passed before this lifetime, and therefore representative of specific qualities to which that person is strongly attuned.
"Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", pg. 234

American Edgar Cayce - AKA the Sleeping Prophet - was a successful Medical Intuitive, Healer, & Psychic Channel during his lifetime from 1877-1945.

In many of his readings, Cayce channeled extensive Astrological information which resonates with information coming from Dolores Cannon's life work "The Convoluted Universe" and Russian Psychic Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophy tradition. All of these Channels spoke about planets not just as physical planets of matter, but also as energetic Spheres of Influence from which our Psyches can download information; both in Life and Death. There have been massive books written about the Astrological concepts which Cayce channeled e.g. Astrologer Margaret Gammon's "Astrology and the Edgar Cayce Readings". Cayce also channeled much information about the logistical laws of Reincarnation in relationship to Astrology as documented by classic authors like Gina Cerminara in "Many Mansions", Noel Langley in "Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation", in addition to many, many Modern Esoteric authors.

In my humble opinion Cayce was channeling sacred wisdom from ancient cultures which resonates with similar concepts in Vedic Astrology. Cayce's readings allude in vague terminology to the Macrocosm/Microcosm i.e. the "As Above, So Below" Mirror Principle, Karmic Laws, & the Vedic concept of Kala Purusha. Vedic Astrology perceives all 12 Zodiac Archetypes as Karmic Impulses within the Human Psyche - or Spheres of Consciousness - which the Soul must experience and integrate in order to evolve. One of Cayce's readings confirms this connection: "The signs of the Zodiac are Karmic Patterns; the Planets are the Looms; the Will is the Weaver" (Cayce Reading #3654-L-1).

The most revolutionary Astrological concept which Cayce channeled in depth about is the "Planetary Sojourns" - as Arroyo drew our awareness to with the potential connection to the Midheaven.

In a nutshell: Cayce turns Hellenistic Astrology upside down by proposing that your Personal Planet Placements are not as important as the Planet/s through which your Soul had a "temporary stay" prior to Reincarnation.

Cayce channeled that during the trans-migration of the Soul, the in-between phase of two lives can be called the Sojourn. During this Sojourn, the Soul astral travels into the Sphere of Influence or Etheric Body of one or more planets in order to download information necessary to process in the next lifetime. These planetary imprints manifest as psychic impulses, subconscious urges, & motivating forces. Cayce basically proposes that Personal Planet Placements are determined by Sojourns & Karma, not a random time of birth. It is important. to note that Cayce was channeling with no working knowledge of Astrology and simply had a more pre-deterministic interpretation of the Birth Chart's importance. He specifically said:

In giving that which may be helpful to this entity (the Soul) in the present experience, respecting the sojourns in the earth, it is well that the planetary or astrological aspects also be given. It should be understood, then, that the sojourning of the soul in that environ (planetary), rather than the position (square trine, etc., of planets at birth), makes for a greater influence in the expression of an entity or body, in any given plane. This is not to belittle that which has been the study of the Ancients, but rather it is to give understanding of the same. And, as we have indicated: it is not so much (important) that an entity is influenced because the Moon is in Aquarius or the Sun in Capricorn; or Venus or Mercury in that or the other house or sign; or the Moon in Sun sign; or that one of the planets is in this or that position in the heavens. But rather because those positions in the heavens are from the entity having been in that sojourn as a soul!
via Cayce Reading #630-2

Despite the Sojourn's pre-determinism, Cayce heavily advocated the importance of Free Will on Earth & maintaining Spiritual Ideals as the Soul evolves.

Cayce also did not denounce Astrology as a valid Science worthy of study altogether, but quite the opposite:

When studied right, (it is) very, very, very much worth while. Then how studied aright? By studying the influence (of the planets) in the light of knowledge already obtained by mortal man. Give out more of that knowledge-giving the understanding that the will must ever be the guiding factor to lead on, ever upward.
Cayce Reading #4744

As Arroyo theorizes, 10th House placements can indicate which planets specifically your Soul Sojourned through prior to reincarnating in the current life. This planet's qualities may imprint on the Soul before reincarnation and often govern deep driving impulses affecting our Free Will on Earth. Planetary Sojourns can potentially deepen our understanding of the MC as having maybe more to do with your 5D Soul's Work or Vocation - i.e. Karmic Lessons, Karmic Debts to Repay, & The Inner Calling - versus your 3D Ego Career.

How is the revolutionary concept of Planetary Sojourns applicable in the Modern study of Astrology?

Arroyo argues that Sojourns are an important "missing link" between Objective Scientific & Subjective Spiritual perceptions of Astrology's importance as an Ancient Art:

The concept must fundamental to an understanding of Cayce's ideas about astrology is also the most strikingly different from traditional astrological teachings. In fact, Cayce's description of "planetary sojourns" is a revolutionary idea which could potentially place all theories of astrological "influence" in a new and exciting perspective. I have always felt that one of the weakest links in the structure of both traditional and more contemporary astrology was the absence of a meaningful and convincing theory of how and why astrological factors relate to our lives on earth. However, Cayce's concept of "planetary sojourns" could fill this need perfectly ...
It is my feeling that the most valuable aspect of Cayce's readings on astrology is that they help us place astrology in the perspective of spiritual development, seeing this ancient art and science as a practical tool for self-understanding. In addition, through Cayce's statements we can gain insight into not only the inner workings of astrology but also into its limitations. If we take to heart the essence of Cayce's inspiring admonitions, we will use astrology with a bit of detachment and humility, always emphasizing to ourselves or to clients that effort and will are crucial in the way we meet our Karma in daily life. The use of astrology, in our privates lives or in a professional practice, should be viewed with inner seriousness; for it is not just a toy or a parlor game to be dragged out at any moment to entertain or to satisfy mere curiosity. Our own birthcharts reflect what we are, what we have been, and what we can become, and-as Cayce often points out-what we have done about our highest ideals in past lifetimes. Surely nothing is more personal and serious, and therefore worth of respect and even awe.
via "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation"

On an even deeper level, Cayce channeled that your most recent Sojourn (i.e. maybe your Midheaven's ruling Planet) relates to how we can Atone past Karma.

The planet from which "the soul took flight" as Cayce said often indicates various Samskaras or Karmic Patterns or "Urges" which possibly been playing out in many lifetimes. Cayce proposed that your childhood & later adult environments - like the home, school, work, etc - recreate similar Karmic Conditions to your past lives, giving you the opportunity to become more conscious of Karmic Forces this go-around. Why is this? Perhaps because there may have been Karmic Debts accumulated in other timelines which need to be Atoned in this incarnation. E.g. if someone Sojourns through Mars prior to Reincarnation, they may be working through hyper-aggressive impulses or sexual urges in the current incarnation's relationships. In my humble opinion: many people currently incarnating in Patriarchal and violent cultures probably Sojourned through Mars in order to become conscious that violence is a painful cycle. The only way to leave the cycle may be to identify the Karmic Root of the violent impulses - usually Trauma - by confronting Self versus projecting anger, hatred, & rage onto Others. Non-violence AKA Ahimsa is a deep Spiritual Lesson I feel is indeed related to Mar's Sphere of Influence (which Blavatsky said is a planet that is re-awakening in our current lifetime).

Cayce's information is seemingly confirmed by another famous Psychic named Arthur Ford.

Ford was a Medium - as documented in Ruth Montgomery's book "The World Before" - whom channeled similar information to Cayce about "Planetary Visits":

To experience this novelty we venture onward and outward, willing ourselves to be in the area of Mars or Neptune or Uranus, for instance. First, we "think" ourselves there. Then we are as pinpoints of light which pierce the gloom, and before we know it we are there on the surface, let us say, on Mars ... Saturn is where one goes for spiritual uplift, and it is reserved by most until the other planetary influences have been met, for to achieve perfection Saturn is so important ... that (most are) not yet ready for that ultimate testing of the soul and would first run the course of the others (Montgomery, pg. 159 & 164)
If one achieves near perfection in physical living, these planetary visits are painless, for one walks unchallenged through tests that for another are frighteningly real. These visits are necessary to face self. To compensate for injuries to others and rid self of egotistical attitudes and superiority complexes. They are a leveling process. Again and again we tell you: Face oneself while in physical life. Take stock. Improve, and attempt to undo wrongs of thought or action committed against others, because it is far easier to accomplish it there than to undergo the spiritual tortures of these planetary visits. Why not take the time now to begin this process of cleansing the akashic record? Assess the harm done to others, and straightaway commence to undo it by atonement, or helpfulness to those who are afraid of you. What matter if they have harmed you? That is not your Karma, but their's, and when they meet self they will be required to atone for it; so leave it to them, but help whenever possible by forgiving and forgetting. It is easy to do this in physical life, and so strenuous after passing into spirit. Ease the faults while there is yet time, and make the most of that opportunity in the flesh" (Montgomery, pg. 164-165)

For the Deep Divers curious to know: both Cayce & Ford channeled that Arcturus is an important Soul "Gateway" to other Star Systems & higher planes of Consciousness (Cayce reading #2823-l-1)

Cayce channeled extensive information about the Planetary Sojourns: so here are some further resources if you are interested in deep diving into his interpretations of your Midheaven Placement's Ruling Planet.

Aries, Scorpio, & Leo (note: Cayce did not consider the Sun - Leo's ruling body - to be a Planetary Sojourn but merely an energizing force ... thus with Leo being a Fire sign whose main Karmic Impulse is procreation, it makes sense within Cayce's framework that Mars would be the Planetary Sojourn for Leo)

Taurus & Libra

Virgo & Gemini

Pisces & Sagittarius

Capricorn & Aquarius

Cancer (note: Edgar Cayce did not consider the Moon - Water sign Cancer's ruling body - to be a Planetary Sojourn but rather an energizing source ... however he did intuit that the Water element of Neptune was dominant in a person's next incarnation. So within Cayce's framework Neptune makes sense as the Planetary Sojourn for Cancer)

How do we synthesize Cayce's Concept of Planetary Sojourn imprints with Modern Astrology's emphasis on the Birth Chart's temporal imprint?

I feel a synthesis is possible by understanding that while a Sojourn may predetermine the Karmic Terms & Conditions of your Soul Contract, the positions of the planets & stars at the time of birth doesn't predetermine your Fate & Destiny. We must remember that during Cayce's lifetime, Astrology as a Science was still governed by certain Schools of Thought. Nowadays applicable Astrology - in my humble opinion - is all about synthesizing various and diverse Schools of Astrological Thought by looking for patterns of resonance. E.g. In Logic: if we can triangulate three sources of information all proposing similar theories - then there is resonance - and we can make a more probable claim that the information is verifiable or highly accurate. Therefore your Personal Planet Placements may not pre-determine what is going to happen in your lifetime with absolute certainty: the birth chart is a roadmap - a Mandala maybe - guiding you with Archetypal Information of how your Story may unfold given Archetypal Patterns; not the final Judgment written in stone.

E.g. many people with a Midheaven in Virgo or Gemini may feel they are destined to a fast-paced career which stresses them the fu@k out! Perhaps if your Soul took a temporary stay in Mercury prior to incarnation, the destiny of your vocation may be all wrapped up in the Mind's own Power, beliefs, & limitations regarding what is possible to manifest. If you believe it, you will become it. Thus the Sojourns as an Astrological concept can offer you insight into the Soul's impulses, urges, & true desires as it develops and how that development may be colored by different Sign placements in the Birth Chart. By knowing where you have been, you can have a better idea of where you are going. The Planetary influences are ultimately psychic, suggestive, subtle-emotional, & subconscious - all concepts that resonate with my own Astrological work synthesizing Occult Astrology, Archetypal Astrology, & Sidereal Schools of Thought.

In Conclusion: Cayce's concept of Planetary Sojourns draws our conscious awareness to the paths of Evolution (Soul Ascension) & Involution (Descension into Matter).

If the theory that Planetary Sojourns govern the Soul's Ascension Process, then this resonates greatly with my Tarot work interpreting the Hierophant & High Priestess Major Arcanas as symbolizing two different - yet equally important -Paths to the Crown AKA Sahasrara Chakra AKA Universal Source Consciousness.

All the great Occult Mystery School traditions teach (in one way or another) that behind-the-scenes of what we call Objective "Material Reality" is an equally real - albeit invisible & hidden - Subjective "Spiritual Reality". The Collective / Religious / Outer realm of the Hierophant (Involution into Matter) is a natural duality to the Personal / Spiritual / Inner realm of the High Priestess (Evolution into Spirit).

The Hierophant = The Descent of Spirit into Matter

The High Priestess = the Ascent of Matter into Spirit

Really there is no separation between these polarity energies of the Hierophant & High Priestess: the paths of Evolution/Involution mirror the other, blend at certain points in the Cycle, and eventually become One. The High Priestess & Hierophant are both striving for the same goal: to evolve into the Temperance Archetype AKA The Divine Androgyne representing the Mystical Marriage of Anima/Animus. Thus both are of equal importance in order to understand the true Spiritual nature of what we call "Reality" - a word which people so flippantly and unconsciously sling about in the English language like a kid who has found their Dad's gun.

The Temperance = Divine (Re)Union of Matter & Spirit in one vessel

Ultimately Soul Evolution requires Involution: it would not be possible to reintegrate Spirit & Matter if the Soul did not descend to the Earth plane. Thus Cayce's astrological concept of Planetary Sojourns helps students of the Occult & Astrology expand our capacities to perceive that the Hidden Realms of the Soul are indeed of Cosmic proportions. The environs of the Soul are not limited to the different dimensions of Earth, but extend out into the greater Cosmos. Our Solar System is just as much a Spiritual Environment as it is a Spatial Environment. Perhaps this is why Astrology was so important to study for the Elevated Ancient Ancestors ... to study the Cosmos is also the study of the Self. To study the Astrological transits is also the study of the Soul's transits. To study Biology is also the study of Cosmology. To study Life is also the study of Death, itself: the next great Sojourn.



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

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