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The Black MoonšŸŒ‘Decoding Your Lilith PlacementšŸŒŒ& The Feral FemininešŸˆā€ā¬›

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

by @tabootarotreader

Out of her cave came the ancient Lilith; Lilith the wise; Lilith the enchantress. There ran a little path outside her dwelling; it wound away among the mountains and glittering peaks, and before the door one of the Wise Ones walked to and fro. Out of her cave came Lilith, scornful of his solitude, exultant in her wisdom, flaunting her shining and magical beauty.-George William Russell

Dearly Beloved: Who is Lilith as an Archetype? What is her Story, really? Why was she cast into the Underworld and portrayed as a Demoness in a Christian Smear Campaign?

All questions worthy of a few musings. In a nutshell: Lilith AKA The Black Moon is a focal point representing when the Moon is farthest away from the Earth in their respective ellipses. In your Birth Chart the Lilith placement is very mysterious and related to how you connect with the Magic of Mother Nature, the Totem or Spirit Animal World, & Kundalini Shakti or Eros Sexual Energy. Therefore first things first: every single human being - regardless of Gender Identity - has this Archetype repressed within their Psyche. I'll repeat: the wild, feral, untamable Archetypal Feminine AKA the Anima exists within all human beings. This energy has been labeled "dark" because it's repressed in every single one of us by the hot mess express known as Patriarchy #rip #hexthepatriarchy #matriarchynow

Sacrifice the Knights, y'all ... Aum Jai Kali Ma!

At the time of this writing: in 2023, Black Moon Lilith entered Masculine & Fixed Fire Sign Leo 01/08 and remains there until 10/03 #meow ā™Œļø

In 2023, Black Moon Lilith entered Leo on January 8 and will remain there until October 3. During this time, we should embrace our divadom. From October 3 onwards into 2023 and 2024, BML will be in Virgo, urging us to accept ourselves.
According to Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology, Lilith was Adamā€™s first wife (as in Adam and Eve). Lilith was considered a 'she-dom' (female demon) because she was banished from the Garden of Eden for choosing to not obey Adam. Although they were created as equals from the same source of clay at the same time, Adam wanted Lilith to be subservient to him ā€” something which she refused.

In the Crowley-Thoth Tarot, this Lilith transit can be symbolized by: the Lust (AKA The Strength), the High Priestess, & The Devil Major Arcanas plus the Prince (AKA The Knight) of Wands Minor Arcana interplaying with this trine šŸ¦šŸ”„šŸŖ„

Lilith in Leo feels like strong Supreme energy to me. This is a dynamic space for Lilith given Leo is ruled by the the Sun: that which illuminates. The Moon - the realms of the High Priestess - reflects Sunlight in Astronomy: they represent the most natural duality AKA perceived polarity energy. Astrologers have discussed greatly in which signs does the Lilith placement in the birth chart reach higher and/or lower octave expressions. I personally subscribe to the logic that if in Vedic Astrology the Moon is exalted in Taurus, debilitated in Scorpio, & ruler of Cancer then the Lilith key transits/placements are as follows:

* Black Moon Lilith is exalted in Scorpio (as symbolized by the Death Major Arcana)

*Black Moon Lilith is debilitated in Taurus (as symbolized by the Hierophant Major Arcana)

* Black Moon Lilith rules Capricorn (as symbolized as the Devil Major Arcana)

Taurus & Scorpio are a polarity pair, meanwhile Cancer/Capricorn are also a complementary energy. Cancer/Capricorn also form the Summer & Winter Solstice axis (perhaps the Solstices are general peaks & valleys for Lilith energy). The logic behind the Lilith Black Moon exaltation in Scorpio is based on the principle of duality & reflection. If the Moon is exalted in Taurus, it makes sense that the Black Moon Lilith is exalted in Taurus' polar opposite: i.e. Scorpio. If the Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, then this duality principle further supports that the Black Moon is debilitated in Taurus. If the Moon rules Cancer, then the Black Moon rules Cancer's complementary energy/reflection in the Ecliptic: i.e. Capricorn.

There's an intimate relationship between the High Priestess & the Strength Major Arcanas in the Tarot.

It is the Priestess depicted with the lion, after all. The High Priestess is on a greater Soul Mission of Evolution into Spirit (i.e. the Inner Path). This Path requires solitude, non-violence, & mindfulness in order to develop the Intuition. Meanwhile the lion exists instinctually in a complementary octave of the same solar/lunar stream of energy: a social, violent, & ruthless space in order to develop the Instincts. Ultimately the Lion in the Strength card symbolizes the power of the unconscious consumption/redistribution cycle of energy in Earth's food chain. This is a complete Devolution into Matter (i.e. the Outer Path). The Priestess is heaven-focused, whilst the Lion is Earth-bound. Their consciousness is mysteriously linked by the magic of Mother Nature: as above, so below. Thus the Strength card also represents a Spiritual test of grounding down for the Priestess' evolution into the Temperance Archetype.

As uncomfortable as it may feel for any New Age witch, feline instinctual energy is drenched in blood & sweat.

It may be important to note that The Strength also represents the malefic space of Venus in Leo - strong lust - which in 2023 Retrogrades from 07/22-09/03 in conjunction with Lilith in Leo; magnifying this energy. I personally sense this energy will pick up steam beginning with the Summer Solstice in Cancer, peaking in Leo season, and descending during the Venus Retrograde cycle in Leo. Furthermore on 08/08/2023 we experience a potent portal opening with the Lion's Gate Portal: the sun in Leo - conjunct Venus & Lilith in Leo! - aligns with the Earth, Orion's Belt Constellation (AKA Osiris or the Risen One in Egyptian Cosmology), & the Star Sirius in Canis Major Constellation (AKA Isis or the Shining One in Egyptian Cosmology). In Ancient Egypt this portal between 7/28-8/12 (peaking 8/8) was sacred because it coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile river, giving life in the desert. Remember Dearly Beloved: Leo is ruled by solar energy and the Sun's rhythm is 13x slower than the Lunar rhythm. What does this mean energetically? In Vedic Astrology's planetary system, the Sun is a nemesis for Venus but neutral towards the Moon. Thus Venus Retrograde in Leo may attract potential encounters with the Other: i.e. a polar opposite. Someone who reflects to you perhaps repressed, shadow qualities related to the Lilith Archetype as colored by Leo.

I personally feel Lilith in Leo can best be symbolized as the Lioness Spirit Totem AKA Sekhmet/Bastet energy.

Bastet is simply the Sekhmet energy manifested in Familiar form. In Ancient Egyptian lore, Sekhmet is the daughter of the Sun God Ra: a very important feminine aspect of Solar Energy. A wild, feral Goddess of War who protects the Sun also paradoxically governs Healing in the Egyptian Cosmology:

Sekhmet is the Egyptian goddess of fire, hunting, wild animals, death, war, violence, retribution, justice, magic, heaven and hell, plague, chaos, the desert/mid-day sun, and medicine and healing ā€“ Egyptā€™s most peculiar goddess. Sekhmet is a powerful and unique therianthropic (part-animal, part human-like) mother goddess from ancient Egypt. Her name literally means ā€˜She who is powerfulā€™ or ā€˜One who has controlā€™. She is mentioned a number of times in the spells of ā€œThe Book of the Deadā€ as both a creative and destructive force ... In the pyramid texts, Sekhmet is written to be the mother of the kings reborn in the afterlife. The coffin texts associate her with Lower Egypt. In the New Kingdom funerary literature, Sekhmet is said to defend Ra from Apophis. The body of Osiris is believed to be guarded by four Egyptian cat goddesses, and Sekhmet is one of them.

When we observe Feline energy, it's highly instinctual and exhibits selective empathy.

Our beloved cats can shower us humans with affection, and then quickly switch into killer mode if they see any small animal. Some cats kill small animals and play with them as toys, not even eating them. When a cat leaves you a small dead animal, this is their way of expressing care and affection for their human. Sekhmet's duality of Lover & Killer may horrify some folks when it comes to cats, but this giving gesture is the feline way of saying, "I love you". Cats have maintained their predator instincts despite human domestication. In all felines both males and females hunt since most cat species are solitary by nature. The lions most famously live in the largest social societies known as prides. The ferocious lionesses in these prides do the majority of the hunting. Lions are also most active at night, something a lot of people don't yet understand. Lionesses use spectacular night vision to hunt thanks to their eyes have evolved to reflect lunar light. Thus as a Totem, this empowered energy feels like it greatly resonates with the Black Moon in Leo transit.

The High Priestess as an energy is learning how to work with the Instincts, which are very strong at night.

These Instincts function a bit differently than the Intuition, of which the Priestess is accustomed to. It is important to distinguish the Instincts (the Strength) versus the the Intuition (the High Priestess) as a probable duality: where one ends, the other begins. They are different aspects of one stream of energy or consciousness. Thus when the Beauty invites the Beast to Submit to their Divine Mission, the two ignite the Intuition & Instincts respectively in one another: activating a mutual growth of consciousness. The Soft Hands of the High Priestess can tame the Beast, but only if the Beast is willing to Submit the powers of the Instincts to the Intuition. Meanwhile the Instincts of the Beast can electrify and charge the intuitive rituals of the High Priestess. This energy begs the question: whom is embodying the casual Knight of Wands energy in your story? The Knight of Wands in the Tarot (which also represents the decan Leo in the Ecliptic) feels thirsty for glory, recognition, & public adoration in a certain vibration. A Knight generally Submits to the predictable purse of a King or Queen of Wands; not the mysterious ritual of the High Priestess. This is something the High Priestess accepts & understands with Divine Grace in order to transcend any Lust and remain the Secret Supreme.

The High Priestess isn't really hot & bothered by some Knight of Wands' sexy talk, flexing, big muscles, or Flight / Fight games. The High Priestess ultimately knows the Knight of Wands only sees what they want to see when gazing upon the High Priestess: the physical Vessel, and not the Elevated Eye of the Priestess. In fact the High Priestess sees such a Knight may energetically be an Incubus/Succubus in disguise, testing their Devotion to the Path of Inner Wisdom. Thus the High Priestess - rather than descend & entangle - has more important Mysteries to occupy their time with. With Lilith in Leo, Temptations may run high. Thus here's some sage life advice, y'all: never swipe right on a Knight, and Sacrifice the Fight. Just some words of wisdom perhaps from the Original Supreme, Miss Lilith, who found the Strength to walk away versus Submit to Adam's bullsh!t #bye

With that being prefaced: if you are still with me, thank you so much! Your presence is truly appreciated. So what's the true Hidden Story of Lilith?

According to one of my favorite Queer Astrologers Chani Nicholas:

Black Moon Lilith is mysterious and dark, not a planet but a point that is said to balance out the moons orbit. In her mythologies, Lilith is also a kind of balancing point to an all-powerful, all-light, all-knowing, all-good male god. Lilith is a hot topic amongst feminists, astrologers and historians of all kinds. The first ā€œwifeā€ of Adam she is the symbol for the ancient ways that, once sacred, are now blasphemous. She ends up casting herself out of paradise because Adam refuses to treat her as an equal. A deeply complex and powerful symbol of chthonic, wild, untamable, natural, female energy; Lilith cannot be boiled down to a few sentences. But here we are on an astrology blog and all things must be shortened otherwise who would get anything done?

Whatā€™s important to succinctly convey is that Lilith symbolizes a compilation of origin stories about the Mother. This is to say, the original face of god that is as ancient as human existence. Her representation may be a little distorted in Lilith, a little one sided and definitely lacking in Her limitless compassion, but how would you react in the face of your entire existence being boiled down to a dutiful sidekick when five minutes ago your were the Queen Of Fucking Everything?!
Why we feel we must separate the mother from the whore is precisely the crux of Lilithā€™s tale. Her stories say if you are one you are no longer the other, if you are Lilith, you are no Eve. But Eve eats of the apple in the Garden. Eve listens to the serpent, an ancient symbol of the Mother. Eve incorporates the old wisdom into her body so that she can take it with her upon her descent, making sure that it will be passed down to each of us.

Most people whom claim to be Christians obviously have no idea who Lilith is/was, as this Archetype has been all but erased from Christian Lore.

In Sociology there is a phenomenon called the "Erasure of the Feminine". This refers to how the Archetypal Feminine Principle - i.e. Right Brain aspects of Consciousness, Art, Creativity, the Subconscious Mind, etc. - in Patriarchal Christian cultures are devalued & discarded in favor of the Archetypal Masculine Principle - i.e. Left Brain aspects of Consciousness, Logic, Waking Reality, etc. There is a sinister element of Mind Control inherent in the distorted Christian Myth allowed to be told in the modern Bible which has erased Lilith entirely without a trace.

Firstly, the Church obviously doesn't want the Sheeples to know Adam had multiple wives nor that polygamy/polyamory was common in Ancient Cultures. Second, the Church clearly had low tolerance for examples of the Empowered Feminine given their Colonization of Pagan Cultures which systematically murdered hundreds of thousands of women, Queer folk, & herbal healers labeled "Witches". The Biblical story of Adam & Eve as we understand it is the original prototype of Heteronormative, Monogamous, White-Washed Propaganda: an Illusion, not reflective of anything that actually happened in historical "reality" between the non-European humans who could have been the original Adam, Lilith, & Eve.

Disempowered Eve came to replace Empowered Lilith as a Christian caricature of the idealized "Woman born out of the rib of Man".

No shade towards Eve! However the Serpent story clearly suited the Church's needs within their smear campaigns of Paganism, eliminated Women from Procreation Mythology, and put the Masculine Archetype as the focal point of Creation #procreationenvy Despite Eve representing the ideal version of a demure & docile "Christian Woman", the Church still pegged her as the Mother of all Sin ... boy, it's the audacity for me ...

The internalized Misogyny which Christianity creates is the only thing that is "dark" about the Repressed Feminine, in my humble opinion. Therefore we can also understand Lilith & Eve as a duality of the Archetypal Feminine: it's aspects of Light vs Shadow, Divine vs Toxic, Feral vs Domestic, etc. Clearly there is no place for the Empowered Feminine in Christianity. Lilith - whom simply desired to be treated as an equal to Adam in the Garden of Eden, unlike subservient Sister Wife Eve - was cast out of Paradise and labeled the Whore.

Freud's Concept of "Procreation Envy" is all Entangled with the Repression of the Feminine Soft Power.

The Christian Rib Procreation story is truly ridiculous, misogynistic, & a fantasy. It eliminates the Womb and Women from the entire process of Procreation. I feel pity for all humans - especially Women - stuck in Christianity's Cage. To (subconsciously) believe that your Feminine Yin Power is something "Evil" is truly a Mind Fu@k! It is interesting to note that the Kundalini Shakti sexual energy in Tantra is symbolized as a serpent, which the Church demonized ... Your repressed Desires are not evil. Your repressed Desires are Natural and - news flash - are not going to go away, no matter how much you pray. The Witch inside always remains, whether you awaken them or not #wakingthewitch

Thus - for those with shorter attention spans in need of Walkaway Messages -we could summarize your Lilith Placement as:

1) how you connect with your High Priestess energy and all Magical things which are Hidden from the Conscious Mind: Nature Spirits, Totems, Familiars, Spirit Guides, etc.

2) how you deconstruct Toxic Disempowered Femininity within your Psyche which subconsciously seeks to attach & become co-dependent to the abusive Toxic Masculine

3) how to channel the real, Empowered Divine Feminine as an expression of the Archetypal Power inherent in Mother Nature - which again has been deeply repressed in all modern Human Beings disconnected from the Earth

4) The Hidden Power Dynamics of Sexual Entanglement, the Sacral Chakra, Tantra, & Sex Magic

For the skeptical who doubt the Black Moon's importance in the Birth Chart: what are the nitty-gritty astronomical cycles which may trigger Lilith Energy?

The Black Moon is intimately related to the Lunar Apogee. In Astronomy, an apogee is defined as: the point of an orbiting satellites's ecliptic in which it is farthest away from its planet. According to Dark Star Astrology there are actually 3 stages of Lilith Energy during the Lunar Apogee (comparable to the 3 stages of Virgo Energy):

There are three Liliths in astrology that you can place in your chart. We have Black Moon Lilith, Asteroid Lilith and the lesser known Dark Moon Lilith. I used to see them together as the Triple Moon Goddess and thought it made sense to use them in that way. I then found out that Demetra George had come up with a similar concept about Lilith, so I thought we might be onto something.
Comparing the three Liliths to the bible story she says:
ā€œThe Asteroid Lilith describes the first stage in the mythical journey where she is suppressed, humiliated and flees in a fiery rage to the desolate wilderness. The Dark Moon Lilith depicts the pain of her exile where she plots and executes revenge. The Black Moon Lilith shows how she transmutes her distorted image back into its natural healthy expressionā€ [1] However, I now believe that splitting the energy of Lilith into three separate parts dilutes its meaning and confuses matters more than it clarifies. I keep this post up just so people understand the difference between the three of them.

The lunar apogee version, the Black Moon Lilith has always been my primary Lilith, but I no longer use the mean version in my research or readings now. I have discovered that only the True Lilith version has significance astronomically. After more research, I have found that the astrology seems to support that too. You can read about why I came to that conclusion in my ā€œAre We Moon Foodā€ post.
I would say however, that Asteroid Lilith does seem to have a lot to do with 3rd wave, neo-Feminism and will revisit that post at a later date. Like all asteroids, Asteroid Lilith is more interesting as a tool of divination and synchronicity rather than anything classically astrological.

My studies of Eris and Ceres have shown these bodies have far more cosmic meat than a hypothetical body or point. Eris and Ceres are both now classed as dwarf planets, putting them on the same level as Pluto. Anyone who has gone through a significant Pluto transit knows that it is anything but ā€˜dwarfā€™.

I certainly concur that there is strong Resonance between Lilith, Pluto Energy, Pluto's Twin Eris, & the 8th Astrological House (Scorpio's realm of Death & Sex).

Lilith in Leo energy feels similar to Eris in Aries energy; fiery & passionate. Furthermore it is interesting to note that a common definition of Apogee is: the highest point in the development of something; a climax or culmination. Well, well, well ... the double implied meaning here of "climax" is exquisite and oh so yummy. Dearly Beloved: in my humble opinion, there is a big difference between a Climax and Ecstasy. All humans subconsciously seek eternal Ecstasy, yet most compromise for a quick Climax. Thus the depths of the Apogee - a Separation phase perhaps from the Beloved - are truly a transformational test for anyone seeking to embody their High Priestess energy. Do you settle for a Climax with just anybody? Or do you ask the Divine to transmute such Lust in order to understand the root of lingering Desire for the long-gone Beloved? Sometimes in order to receive the Divine Grace of Ecstasy, the two magnets must be separated to rebuild their charge.

Even though Traditional Hellenistic & Vedic Astrology do not really consider the Lilith placement important, this should not be surprising given the Patriarchal & Heteronormative thought inherent in those Schools of Astrology.

There is a lot of information which has been lost or erased about Goddess-Centered Matriarchal Cultures - from which Astrology as a Sacred Science actually comes from - in the Patriarchal retelling of his-story. Indian Kali, Greek Hecate, Calypso, & Nordic Hel all could certainly resonate with Lilith. These similar Goddess Symbols allude to what came to be associated as the "Dark" Feminine aspect of the Mother Earth principle during Patriarchy:

Edgar Herzog has given us an impressive picture of the mythically personified figures of death and has shown that the names of the Germanic goddess Hel and of the Greek nymph Calypso have the same origin, from the Indo-Germanic verbal stem kel(u), meaning "to hide in the Earth". Asiatic peoples know a demon (sometimes with a dog's face) called Kala ... ("On Dreams & Death", 1989, pg. 69, Marie Louise Von Franz).

It seems some Patriarchs came to associate Lilith energy with Death itself to make Her all the more terrifying ... It is important to remember that Matriarchy is not the opposite of Patriarchy in which Cis Women control and dominate Cis Men. Matriarchy stresses the importance of balance between the perceived polarity energies. Nor did Matriarchy have just one expression in the Ancient world. However if we truly embrace the Mystery by asking, "What would a Matriarchal system actually look like?" The ancient reality may shock modern humans. In my humble opinion Matriarchy was not in any way shape or form similar to Heteronormative, Monogamous, Christian Patriarchy. What if Matriarchy were Nonbinary, Polyamorous, and deeply Pagan? #kinky

Furthermore the Greek beings known as Keres also resonate with the Lilith Archetype in my humble opinion.

These beings were mythical and feminine winged beings who came to those people on the verge of Passing in their dreams, shortly before physical death. The appearance of a Keres in a dream was often interpreted as an Omen of impending death, allowing the living to make the necessary actions to wrap up their Earthly affairs. Rather than perceiving these beings as actual demonic entities, I personally perceive Keres as psychic guides or manifestations of the Anima who usher Souls into the Hidden Realms beyond this plane of existence ("On Dreams & Death", 1989, Marie-Louise Von Franz).

What are some deeper Interpretation Insights for Decoding your Lilith Placement?

I'm sure if you're still reading - thank you so much - you may be thinking, "Ok cool, just tell me what Lilith in each Sign means already". I could easily cast some personal Horoscopes and tell you everything I feel Lilith in each sign could represent; but that's not going to help you understand the deeper meanings of Lilith energy and its Sphere of Influence. What I will consciously choose to do instead is offer Interpretation Insights to help Students of Astrology decode their Birth Chart. A the end of the day: Self-study is so, so important and I will not encourage idleness or laziness by casting Subjective Horoscopes with zero basis in any Objective, applicable information. Interpreting your Lilith placement - and your entire Birth Chart - is your own responsibility to reach greater Self-understanding. This understanding unfolds and evolves throughout your entire life via experience; not via five minutes of reading.

With that being established, here are some Interpretation Insights for decoding your Lilith Placement.

Your Lilith placement obviously is intimately connected to your Moon placement (and by proxy your Sun placement). In my humble opinion, whatever Signs your Moon & Lilith placement fall in and how they interplay represent the Light (Moon) and Shadow (Lilith) impulses of your Subconscious. E.g. if your Moon is in Taurus & your Lilith is in Scorpio, this would be an interesting interplay full of conflicting desires. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and debilitated in Scorpio. This individual may have a strong Conscious want for traditional commitment and struggle with emotional attachment issues. The root of the want to attach may lie in a Subconscious desire for exciting sexual entanglements with no-strings attached; an impulse the individual is fearful of as reflected in their partner and Self. The Moon reflects the Light of the Sun. Thus the Lunar Rhythm governs not only biological cycles but also the ebbs & flows of the secret Subconscious realms.

The Black Moon - similar to your Pluto placement - may connect with the deepest parts of everything you label ā€œbadā€ within your Self. Unlike the Pluto placement, I intuit Lilith deals more with the more immediate aspects of the Personal Subconscious & monthly cycles while Pluto relates more to the deeper cycles of time & Collective Unconscious. Pluto also deals more with lifelong addictions, obsessions, & taboos related to the Soulā€™s repressed Desires. Lilith meanwhile may represent how you regularly integrate the gravitational pull of polarity Lunar/Solar energies within the Self on a monthly basis.

In a nutshell: the Element of your Lilith placement may govern how you connect to Feral Freedom of the Soul's Yearnings, how you respond to the Call of Nature, &/or how you express your Magic.

Lilith in Fire Signs may need to become conscious of: how to optimally include the Fire element in their magical processes (i.e. smudging daily, reading/divining smoke, candle meditations, or working with fire in nature); embracing spontaneous, intuitive moments of magic vs. always adhering to strict ritual magic; how to practice Tantra or Sex Magic with oneself after working up a sweat; detoxing regularly by heat, physical exercise, or sauna; how to optimally download information from Fire Spirits; & how Clairvoyance or Claircognizance may be most heightened

Lilith in Air signs may need to become conscious of: Etymology and how to optimally cast their spells given the ancient root meanings of words; invoking sacred Ancient Languages of their Ancestors in their magic to cast optimal results; how their repressed Soul desires may manifest as repetitive thought patterns given Air's strong mental energy; how to optimally invoke the Air element during their ceremonies (i.e. practicing sacred Tantric Breath Work AKA Pranayama, Wind Breath, etc.); how to optimally download information from Etheric beings and Air Spirits; & how Clairvoyance or Clairaudience may be most heightened

Lilith in Water signs may need to become conscious of: how deeply pent-up emotions can block their magic; how repressed Soul desires can often "clog" their Kundalini energy; how to regularly practice Tantric sex magic in water or by bodies of water with oneself to cleanse the Root & Sacral chakras; how to regularly find time to take hot steam baths with epsom salts or Himalayan pink sea salt; how to embrace their empathy as their magical super power which allows them to intuitively connect with other Sentient Beings; how to optimally download information from Water Spirits and Divine Water; the importance of invoking the Flow & creativity in their magic; & how Clairsentience or Claircognizance may be most heightened

Lilith in Earth Signs may need to become conscious of: how to optimally work with the Totem World & connect daily with their Animal Spirit Guides; how to practice Geomancy and regularly go into Nature and forage; how to read somatic symptoms in their body as signs of blocked Kundalini or repressed sexual energy; the importance of practicing Tantric sex magic outdoors versus indoors if possible; how to connect with the Devas AKA Earth Spirits AKA Fairy realms in order to cast optimal outcomes; the importance of ritual process & cyclical structures in their magic; & how Clairalience or Clairgustance may be most heightened

It is important to remember that - regardless of your Lilith placement - there is often a blending or Synesthesia of the Clairs.

Certain Clairs are dominant, but of course, any human can develop and work with all of the psychic senses. Any human can work with any elemental Spirits. Any human can connect with and be guided by their Totems, Familiars, the Angels, or Fairies (as we understand them). There are no limitations with how you can express your Magic. My Interpretation Insights are simply meant to be a guide or inspirations to help any young Witch / Warlock / Unicorn discover what magical strengths & weaknesses they may be naturally attuned to: for we all have natural gifts or strong points, and we also all have opportunities for growth. That is the true nature of magical development in my humble opinion. To become a stronger Collective Coven, we must recognize the beauty in our diversity! There is no need to compete to be the Supreme, y'all #strongertogether

For the Deep Divers: I ultimately feel the Mystery of the Lilith Archetype is related to the Devil Major Arcana in the Tarot, invoking Sexual Magnetism & the Gravitational Pull of Polarity:

The black moon in astrology is also known as ā€œLilithā€. Astronomically, she is an invisible center of gravity pulling at the moon as it orbits around the earth, which the moon aligns with when it is furthest away. She is your inner temptress, the goddess of sex, your vulnerabilities and also your self-destruct button. She is the intimidating, mysterious figure in the shadows of the subconscious. The dark goddess is not to be approached with logic or reasoning because her nature is raw, instinctual and is powerfully intuitive. Some astrologers refer to her as ā€œthe female marsā€, ā€œthe dark side of that moonā€ and is an expression of the divine feminine when lingering in the shadows for too long.

It is important to remember that all Archetypal Energies are inherently dualistic in nature.

Archetypes always have both Yin/Yang, Light/Shadow, & Masculine/Feminine aspects (and some even have a secret third, Androgynous aspect e.g. the Temperance Major Arcana). With that being established, it should be no surprise to any Witch that Lilith represents the Feminine aspects of the Devil energy as the Church labeled it: the Feral Feminine. I personally understand one aspect of the Devil energy as the Devas or Earth Spirits of Mother Nature which the Church came to label "demons". There is a long Hermetic tradition of working with "demons" by knowing their names. What are these lower astral entities, really? And why are they associated with the Devil?

Perhaps because an empowered Human is someone in complete command of their Yin/Anima, Yang/Animus, & Kundalini energy: their Sexual Magnetism. There are many, many cultural depictions of the Devil as a Maleficent-type figure across Time & Space despite the modern Masculine depictions of the Devil. Magnetic attraction is inherently Yin in my personal opinion. When you practice Tantra, you realize the polarity of Magnetic (Yin) / Electric (Yang) is inherent in Nature's reciprocal processes. Electromagnetism may be the ultimate goal of Equilibrium - as embodied by the Temperance card - which the High Priestess strives to evolve into.

While we may romanticize Mother Nature, She can be as equally vicious as She is loving.

Mother Nature both gives & takes life. Just look at Orcas AKA Killer Whales: the largest Dolphin are the perfect example of a Matriarchal species with incredibly high EQs, empathy, etc. Yet they also are the apex predators in the oceans with highly evolved killer instincts. They can be simultaneously soft yet ruthless, gentle yet ferocious. In their natural environment Orcas are completely free & feral. I sometimes like to perceive the raw, Archetypal Feminine power of beings - like an Orca Matriarch who leads her clan - as a bullet shooting out of a gun; despite how Patriarchy has come to associate the gun as a phallic symbol #dontshootthemessenger In one moment the wise Orca Matriarch can with great care show clear love and affection towards their kin. Then in a few seconds this same Matriarch can switch into killer mode as fast a bullet leaves the gun when opportunity strikes.

The raw, feral power of the Archetypal Feminine is truly something to be respected and utilized with utmost care.

It requires great Patience & Divine Forgiveness towards Self & Others when deconstructing the repression of your magic. Otherwise the Lilith energy can lean into a dark rabbit hole of vengeance, revenge, & hatred of the Archetypal Masculine. We must remember that in the Trauma of Patriarchy, all humans are Victims regardless of Gender Identity. The Victim can very easily become the Abuser, and vice versa. All humans have suffered under Hierarchies of Control, Dominance, & Power Over. All humans have been deeply repressed and grown stagnant in archaic Gender Roles which block their magic. All humans have the opportunity in their lifetime to integrate the Shadow Feminine & Shadow Masculine qualities within their own Psyche in order to reach Equilibrium between the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine. Self-development AKA Individuation in Archetypal Psychology AKA The Fool's Journey may require integration of 4 energies, not just 2 ... #nonbinary

In Conclusion: working with Lilith energy is not for the faint-hearted.

When one first encounters the Repressed Feminine in their own personal Shadow Werk, it is truly terrifying! It is simultaneously terrifying to become conscious of the depths of the repression in Patriarchy, plus the potential of your own Power. Power is a great responsibility, and that accountability can sometimes feel very scary when you first start integrating Shadow Werk with your Light Work. Lilith as an Archetype teaches us that both are of equal importance, and if we ignore the Shadow, it will eventually come roaring back with Divine Rage to force us to integrate what has been denied, devalued, & discarded out of Paradise.

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Peace & Blessings,

Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the Deep Divers: I intuitively feel Lilith - the other Sister Wife to Eve - resonates with the Damiana Plant Archetype.

Damiana is an ancient neural tonic, muscle relaxant, and aphrodisiac which has a mild "high" similar to CBD oil (original strains of Indica Marijuana are loaded with CBD). The origin of the name Damiana is from the Greek daman or damia meaning "to tame or subdue." It is the feminine version of Damian and infers that Damiana is the wild one "who tames." It is believed that the indigenous Guaycura in the Baja region of Mexico were the first to use Damiana, in addition to the ancient Maya.

P.S.S. Thank you to my friend Queer Death Stories for sharing

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