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The Trans-Saturnian Planets 🔱 Neptune in Pisces ♓️ Sailor Moon Edit ☯️

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

Musings on Miyazaki 🐉 Harry Potter🧙🏻‍♀️& Alice In Wonderland🐇


Fantasy, Story, & The Power of Imagination


Plus Interpretation Insights For Decoding Your Neptune Placement


by @tabootarotreader

Neptune transits can: undermine, dissolve, sensitize, refine, & spiritualize

Dearly Beloved: Let me Live that Fantasy, y'all *Lorde-voice*

Neptune is the penultimate Trans-Saturnian planet in our Solar System - after Uranus, before Pluto - and has been in Feminine & Mutable Water sign Pisces since roughly 04/11/2011 (the sign that it rules). Neptune will remain in Pisces until 2025/2026 depending on which Calendar system you use. Saturn is also in co-presence in Pisces, dousing this mystical energy with a sobering effect: Saturn is in Pisces 03/07/2023 until 05/24/2025 - followed by a brief Retrograde in Aquarius - then back into Pisces 08/31/2025 until 02/13/2026 #eightofcups The three Trans-Saturnian planets are in one sign for many years, so they often manifest via Collective Filters in the Collective Unconscious versus Personal Filters. However with Neptune's Sphere of Influence governing Spirituality, Dream Density, & the Metaphysical we often can experience Neptune energy via Subjective Spiritual Experiences AKA Psychic Downloads which we perceive as personal; however, that may just be your interpretation of an Objective, Universal / Archetypal energy.

According to one of the most well-known Queer Astrologers, Chani Nicholas:

Neptune is the planet of dream, delusion, inspiration, mysticism, and escape. Like a stage magician, Neptune can entrance us with its sleight of hand. Also like a stage magician, its magic depends on trapdoors of trickery and distraction. Unlike Neptune in the steely air sign of Aquarius (1998-2011), Neptune in Pisces pairs like with like. Where Neptune is inspired, dreamy, emotive, and ethereal: so is Pisces. In fact, Neptune is considered the modern ruler of Pisces. The traditional ruler is Jupiter, who absorbs similar qualities when swimming through this mystical water sign, as it is in 2022. Neptune takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, which means the last time Neptune was in Pisces was between 1847 and 1862. In this time, spiritualism gained momentum in the United States and Europe. Casual get-togethers with friends involved séances, table tipping, and attempts at levitation. Poets and mystics channeled otherworldly intelligences through practices like automatic writing. Opium dens also prevailed in this time — mysterious haunts where, as Oscar Wilde put it, “one could buy oblivion.” The shadow of Neptune is a bit like this: how we buy oblivion.

Color me blue 🥶 It's icy and cold on Neptune, y'all

Now (if you trust the information coming from NASA): Neptune is the fourth-largest planet in the Solar System by diameter, the third-most-massive planet, and the densest giant planet.

It is 17 times the mass of Earth, and slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus. Neptune is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Uranus). Most (80% or more) of the planet's mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small, rocky core. Of the giant planets, Neptune is the densest. The predominant blue color of the planet is a result of the absorption of red and infrared light by Neptune's methane atmosphere. Clouds elevated above most of the methane absorption appear white, while the very highest clouds tend to be yellow-red. Neptune is dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. It was the first planet located through mathematical calculations.

Neptune is basically a Planet that is physically made up of poisonous, icy fluids. Perhaps it could be symbolized then as a cold, vodka tonic. There is an old saying that goes, "Depending on the dose, there is a fine line between medicine & poison". Pick your poison people, for we live in an Escapist culture after all. Maybe then Neptune's Sphere of Influence - the energy field we can tap into within our own Psyches - is based off of this principle of the duality between Poison / Medicine. Maybe they call it an "Ill-usion" for a reason, folks?

Neptune Energy is very mysterious given it is a Trans-Saturnian planet.

The realms beyond Saturn for a very long time represented the Invisible realms in Astrology. Saturn was/is the limits of our Human Perceptions. Thus Neptune Energy has come to symbolize everything that Western, Hellenistic Astrologers have come to associate it with. In Vedic Astrology, the Trans-Saturnian planets are not traditionally considered as they are the "new kids on the block". With Neptune being a watery planet, we can confirm its energy is related to Psychic Perceptions, Intuitive Information, & the Akashic Records - for the High Priestess reads the memory hidden in the water, darlings. For the skeptical: there have been countless Modern Scientific Studies into the mysteries of Water, most prominently Japanese Scientist Masaru Emoto.

Water – a living substance, is the most common and least understood. It defies the basic laws of physics, yet holds the keys to life. Known to ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains memory and conveys information to DNA. However, water can die if treated poorly. Our use and misuse of this precious resource has altered the vital information it carries in unexpected ways. Influences such as sound, thoughts, intention and prayer, as well as toxins such as chlorine, structure water’s molecular arrangement – affecting all it comes in contact with. Prominent scientists help reveal the secret of water, allowing us to use this amazing element to heal ourselves and our planet.

Like a Lotus Flower in Dead Water, Watch Us Grow 𑁍

With Neptune in Water & Mutable sign Pisces, our conscious awareness is clearly being drawn to the indestructible Water element ♓️

Neptune in Pisces energy can be symbolized by: the Hanged One (AKA Hanged Man), The Moon, & the Universe (AKA The World) Major Arcana energies + the King of Cups Minor Arcana energy interplaying with this trine. In Modern Hellenistic Astrology the Pisces Archetype has come to be associated with the Moon Card: dualistic Pisces could be conceived as the Mirror of the Soul or bridge between the inner and outer realms - just like the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. According to the Crowley-Thoth Tarot, the aspects of the World Major Arcana being invoked by Neptune energy are, "Cosmic experience of Unity, Spiritual omniscience, & the intermediate world of soul (i.e. dream) images". The aspects of the Hanged One (one of my favorite Major Arcanas) being invoked by Neptune energy are, "Sacrifice, Enlightenment, and the 12th house as a symbol of the transformation through isolation and deep insight" (Akron & Hajo Banzhaf, Crowley Tarot Handbook).

The Hanged One energy symbolizes a deep, spiritual Initiation into the Mysteries.

"Upside down, boy you turning me inside out, round & round!" This witch likes being hung upside down, y'all. The imagery of the Hanged One speaks an Archetypal language that has been symbolized in many different cultures. Odin in Norse mythology sacrifices himself on Ygdrassil, the world tree. It is said that for nine days and nights Odin hung, suspended upside down, impaled by his spear, Gungnir. As his blood dripped down into the Earth, the roots of Ygdrassil accepted his offering. In exchange the Three Norns Urðr, Verðandi, & Skuld (AKA The Three Fates AKA The Three Sisters AKA Past/Present/Future) gifted him the Sacred Knowledge of Life, Death, and the Runes ("Runes: Magical Codes of Nature", 2020 by Iva Kenaz). In the words of Miss Hermione Granger: "Runes, now that's a fascinating subject!" #nerdgasm With the King of Cups energy interplaying with the Hanged One, the theme of Self-Sacrifice is clearly being invoked by Neptune in Pisces. I.e. in order to receive healing, meaning, and/or sacred knowledge which can be applied & transmuted into Wisdom - the impartial Universe requires an energetic exchange, always.

Perhaps the King of Cups - rather than focusing all their energy on "healing others with their out-of-this-world sex" - must renounce any worldly attachments, Ego desires, & erotic entanglements in order to come into the "Unio Mystica" AKA the Sacred Marriage of the Soul with the Divine (as it is called in Alchemy). This transit may also be invoking the Yogic principle of Spiritual Detachment in order for every Human Being to take individual accountability & responsibility for their own personal healing versus believing in the Illusion that another human being has the power to heal you. Individuation as Carl Jung describes it AKA The Fool's Journey is a process of Soul growth in which every single individual can participate in the Collective Healing AKA The Purging of Mother Earth. Our Collective Evolution (and ultimately survival as a species) heading into the Age of Aquarius may depend on the Enlightenment of as many human beings as possible in order to sway the scale.

According to classical Astrologer Stephen Arroyo, Neptune energy represents, "Transformation of one's spiritual and/or social ideals" (Astrology, Karma, & Transformation, Pg. 25, 1978).

What are your Ideals currently, dearly Beloved? Have you manifested your ideal job, partner, or life? Is there a difference between the Ideal of what you wanted and what The Universe actually manifested for you? Usually there is ... the Universe rarely brings you what your Ego wants, it brings you what your Soul needs. With that being said: here are some Walkaway Messages you may need via Arroyo regarding how to interpret your Neptune placement and its "Spiritual Seeker" aspects in your birth chart:

1) Given that Neptune is boundless and formless your Neptune placement can color how you respond to confusion, uncertainty, and feelings of aimlessness

2) Your Neptune placement can color how you ground down or integrate Psychic / Mystical experiences from the Higher Realms into physical matter #divineunion

3) The factor symbolized by any planet in your birth chart with close aspects to Neptune becomings highly sensitized and refined. This sensitivity can manifest as illusion, self-deception, or confusion in that dimension of life or - on the flip side - a need to Spiritualize that dimension of your life

4) Like Uranus aspects, Neptune aspects also indicate specific dimensions of your life (depending on the other planet involved) in which you may have a deep urge towards ultimate, transcendental freedom. That dimension of your life may require you to breakthrough a boundary of Ego Mind Karma

5) Any conjunctions, squares, or oppositions of Neptune with the personal planets or Ascendent can indicate a "Divine Discontent" i.e. when one becomes sensitized to the Spiritual realms, it often can become difficult to exist in the Mundane material world (e.g. people who have NDEs for certain can understand this difficulty integrating their NDE)

6) Any stressful aspects of the personal planets to Neptune can indicate the potential for "Spiritual Ego" or misunderstanding and misapplication of Spiritual forces - especially when the Sun placement is involved in conjunction, square, or opposition - or misguided "Spiritual ambition" if the same aspects of Neptune are with the personal planets or Ascendent #hierophant #guru #metoo

7) Any human with a strong Neptune attunement (whether through aspects to personal planets, planets in Pisces, Neptune situated in the 1st house, or Pisces Rising) need to find a definite & disciplined way of expressing their urge to transcend/escape. Perhaps by committing to a Spiritual Path of Self-Development like Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi/Qigong, Capoeira, Dance, or even Gardening in which the Subtle Energies can ground down

In a nutshell Arroyo interprets your Neptune placement as representing your "emotional attunement to higher levels, a yearning for and infatuation with higher planes of being".

All humans Subconsciously yearn for Ecstasy i.e. to to merge with the Divine, with God, whatever you want to call it. We then project this desire onto other Human Beings whom frankly are not capable of inducing Ecstasy in you; in my humble opinion, there is a big difference between an orgasm and Ecstasy. The true practice of Self-love is the Lifehack you may need in order to experience this difference.

The Shadow Side of Neptune energy is Illusions, Self-Delusion, & Denial - lessons of Discernment which most often manifest in Sexual Entanglements.

Malefic Saturn in co-presence with Neptune in Pisces may force people to remove the "rose colored glasses" regarding any stagnant situation-ships. So many people are trapped in toxic, co-dependent, abusive Narcissistic relationships under the delusion they are in a "Twin Flame / Soulmate" connection. If you believe it is possible to force "Real Love" on "Dating Apps" ... bless your heart. If the entire foundation of your connection is a Swipe Right, a match in the Algorithm, etc. then it is a Casual Connection, not a Soulmate Connection. A real Soulmate often crosses your path by Divine Chance out in Organic reality, not the Artificial reality we have created online. Furthermore the Heteronormative Twin Flame concept is the Illusion of Divine Union in my humble opinion, for sex has nothing on Ecstasy. When we yearn to merge with another Soul, it is very easy to be Self-Delusional by repeatedly lying to yourself with thoughts like, "They are my Twin Flame/Soul Mate" when the sex is the only thing holding you together (most likely). Perhaps Ecstasy is something the average Human Being experiences when they are alone, in their own energetic field, via a "Wet Dream". Why? Because when you are "Asleep" in Dream Density you are completely vulnerable, unconscious, and therefore receptive to receive a Spiritual or Subtle Energy caressing you with crystal kisses into Ecstasy.

How is the Pisces Zodiac Archetype further coloring this Neptune in Pisces transit?

According to the long tradition of Vedic Astrology, the Pisces energy in Kala Purusha is related to the most basic or Divine impulse within every Human Psyche to:

1) Rest & Relax before taking any next Karmic Steps (Pisces is the final Aeon after the long journey through the Precession of the Equinoxes AKA the Zodiac)

2) Discharge & Integrate polarity energies ☯️

3) Complete something of meaning

Pisces Energy in Vedic Astrology is also associated with the two physical Feet and resonates with the Root & Crown Chakras i.e. the Duality of Earth/Space, "As Above, So Below" (via "Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", Bepin Behari). Furthermore in Ayurveda (Vedic Astrology's Sister Science) Pisces AKA Meena is considered of the constitutions Kapha (Earth/Water/Cohesion)/Pitta (Fire/Water/Transformation), so its essence could be described as: "empathy, dignity, truth, and reservation" with the motto "I intuit" (via "Vedic Astrology Guidebook", Jeffrey Armstrong). Lastly Pisces is associated with the 12th house in your Birth Chart.

In Vedic Astrology the 12th house is considered Tamasic in Guna and could be symbolized as the Attic room in your House. It concerns the 4th basic Human Motivation of Moksha e.g. Liberation or Karma-less Action and the following themes: Monasticism, Foreign Places, Asylums, Loss, Exile, Imprisonment, Solitude, Self-Sacrifice, & Freedom (Armstrong). Most likely the 12th house is heavily influenced as well by the Malefic Karmic forces of Rahu & Ketu AKA the mysterious Lunar North & South Node placements in your Birth Chart whose influences are very difficult to understand and impossible to escape from. This is relevant to know because the Shadow qualities of Pisces Energy often manifest as the impulses of: Escapism, Disassociation, Avoidance, Addiction/Dependency Issues, Hysteria, & Delusions.

News Flash: we all live in an Escapist-Avoidant culture which normalizes substance abuse, disassociation via our obsession with Entertainment, & a general Mass Psychosis rooted in celebrity hysteria / Idol-Worship.

Post-Internet, it is safe to say that most human beings now live in an artificial reality, and the lines between "Reality" & "Fantasy" are being blurred all day, every damn day. Discernment is being stamped out in most children starting day one as our culture normalizes dissociation via Fictional Entertainment. Ask yourself the following questions: At what age did I consume my first piece of fiction? How did that media influence my beginner's mind, beliefs about the world, etc.? Do I believe what I believe about human relationships because of fictional depictions of human relationships? Did my Ancestors depend on Entertainment to exist? What would my Ancestors think if they saw their descendents sitting in front of a television disassociating? Is the fear of boredom at the root of the potential addiction to fiction?

Not all media targeting children is "negative" - of course - and it can be educational, but certainly most of it isn't "positive": kids are better off being as unplugged as possible in order to guide their conscious development. Despite all the benefits we know of being unplugged, Indoctrination goes literally unquestioned by Heteronormative Parents more fearful of "Queer Grooming" instead of normalized violence which turns murderous weapons into kids toys. As a former teacher, in my humble opinion, most Heteronromative Breeders are clearly not fit to take on the role of Spiritual Guide to a child. They give away all responsibility/accountability for educating their children to other people yet demand to still control the information presented to their children in class #entitlement

Cognitive Dissonance is inherent in the animated media which targets children's Minds, setting them up as adults to mindlessly obey commercials to buy more consumer goods.

Thus most of us have grown up in the Great Gulf between the Ideal "Fantasy" we wish reality to be - as reflected on the 2D Screens we project our desires onto everyday - versus the nitty-gritty "Reality" of what is actually manifesting in 3D space, 4D time, & the 5D infinity and beyond. One of the most difficult lessons in developing Spiritual Discernment is learning how to differentiate a true "Vision" AKA a Download from a different dimension versus a Self-delusional "Fantasy" AKA an Illusion of your own Ego. Especially in the Separated States of America, there is a big gap between the "American Dream" and "American Reality". There are many Subjective realities, and many different experiences of "America" depending on your skin tone, your gender identity, your sexual orientation, wealth, etc. But one thing is certain in my mind without a doubt: Americans are the prime case study for a strange, 21st century mental illness rooted in an addiction to the Illusion of Entertainment in order to escape/avoid/disassociate from Collective Objective Reality.

Animated children's books, television shows, video games, & movies encode this socialization process which teaches us from a very young age to have no ability to Discern "Fantasy" from "Reality" i.e. External Images versus Internal Images.

I remember when I taught English in Taiwan, a move that (looking back as a proud 100% Plant-based Witch) was one of the most difficult times in my life: Taiwanese/Chinese culture eats every part of the animal (literally). When walking through the market, the smell of pig intestines waft through the air, adding to the ambience. In traditional Taiwanese cooking, "pork" i.e. pig fat is the main base oil. Organs, chicken feet, and things you'd rather not know are "wok-ed", deep fried, and available every day for consumption. On the flip side - at least nothing is wasted unlike Western meat production systems which are horribly wasteful. However as a Vegan it was a very isolating experience to navigate this carnist environment day-to-day when I was also surrounded by cutesy, Anime advertisements of animals everywhere.

Throughout my travels in many cultures I noticed how animated animals are quite common in the marketing of food products to children.

E.g. my Taiwanese students loved to watch the animated show Peppa Pig. Did the students make the connection between the words "pork" & Peppa? The required curriculum wasn't concerned with such practical things, for it featured daily songs the children would never use in an English-speaking country. E.g. one of the students' favorite was a song which word-for-word went: "I like chicken, I like fish, I like ice cream, what's this? This is juice, this is juice, I don't like juice!" ... One day during lunch my Vegan Guilt was at an all time high, corroborating my Teacher's Guilt given what I was participating in. I was flummoxed as to how my Taiwanese kiddos could love Peppa the Pig so much yet not make the connection to all the "pork" they were eating. I then had a deep, chilling moment of intuitive insight as to how disassociation functions: via animation. When children are taught to associate an animal food product with an animated, imaginary "Animal" it makes it very easy to disassociate that food product from the actual animal itself. It is so painfully obvious that children's books, animated television shows, and animated movies indoctrinate children into this pattern of disassociation from the horrifying reality of the Factory Farming industry which produces meat.

When a child is socialized to associate a fantasy animation of food and/or animated animal (which may walk like humans, talk like humans, etc. - a phenomena known as "anthropomorphism") to the flesh & blood being, they will naturally disassociate the animal food product from their mental concept of that particular "animal".

E.g. the word "bacon" is not associated with the mental image of a living, breathing "pig" because the child's mental image of a "pig" has been subconsciously connected to "Peppa Pig" or other animated versions of a living, breathing pig. Go ask a kid, "Hey do you know where bacon comes from?" and the disconnect might surprise you. Did my ESL students struggle to associate images of real, flesh & blood "pigs", "cows", & "chickens" with images of their related food products like "bacon", "hamburger", & "chicken fingers"? Absolutely, and I practiced vocabulary-visual associations often with them in order to plant seeds. It was a sobering confirmation of the realization I had that in Patriarchal cultures, there is a need to teach children to disassociate Subjective reality from Objective reality. Why? For many reasons. Most likely money is the main reason. Perhaps there are more Spiritual, darker reasons beneath the desire for profit to control our perceptions. How can we solve the most pressing current issues of our very strange times if the average human's focal point of perception is looking down at 2D screens versus looking outside at what's happening in the world around them? The Veil of Illusion is perhaps the Black Mirror of your iPhone, iPad, or Television ...

Children deserve the right to develop Spiritual Discernment.

Especially in the context of nutrition and optimal brain development: children deserve to understand the connection between the food they are often being forced to eat by ignorant parents and where that food comes from. American culture in particular is absolutely horrible in this regard: when I think about the types of junk food and fried food which was constantly available during my own school years, the very little change in public school nutrition (i.e. the total lack thereof) should be a major cause of concern for any human being claiming to be "emotionally mature enough" to raise children. Despite my obvious pessimism as a former Teacher (for the record: children are easy to deal with, their parents on the other hand are horrible) it is important to maintain Hope for the next generation despite how Social Media, violent video games, & the pressure to academically perform is destroying children's mental health.

Now to play "Devil's Advocate": are there any applicable aspects of Neptune Energy? Is there Power in meaningful Fantasy, Fiction, & Entertainment?

Everybody loves a good story for a reason. Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience and how information is transmitted from one generation to the next! E.g. in indigenous cultures, Sacred Wisdom was often passed down orally to initiates in order to both protect & maintain the continuity of the core lesson. As a Pisces in Sun (full disclosure), I speak from personal experience as a former ultimate Escape Artist: I was undeniably obsessed with Fantasy books/films growing up. I doubt I would have survived my childhood without the power of Story. As a little Queer kid, Fantasy realms were my Subjective Safe Spaces when my Objective Reality was unfortunately unbearable. I was extremely bullied come Middle/High School, so my refuge was the School library where I would escape into books. I was also very much attracted to Japanese Anime culture and the wonderful films of legendary Hayao Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli. I still adore his films, his Mind, & the Spirituality woven into his worlds. Miyazaki (unlike Disney who was a Nazi supporter, racist, & Misogynist) shows us that Art & Entertainment can be used to expand children's Consciousness when done in a refined and mindful way versus control it.

Miyazaki's art reminds us of the Benefic qualities of Neptune energy in my humble opinion - the power to Transform Perceptions.

Everything is perception. Do you subscribe to Disney's "Damsel in Distress" perception of a Female Lead Character who needs a romantic Male Counterpart to validate her Story? Or do you subscribe to the type of Female Lead Characters featured in Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service & so many other classic films? Studio Ghibli's films starting with Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) were truly ahead of their time in the portrayal of strong Female leads who had no Heteronormative romantic storylines, characters which blurred the Christian duality of "good/evil", and what types of messages could be told to children. Miyazaki's characters always have their own very human, messy motives in the plot - and it is generally clear what forces are driving a character to behave as they do. E.g. Lady Eboshi in Princess Mononoke.

Lady Eboshi is the perfect example of blurring the lines of duality: she was a symbol of female empowerment as an economically independent woman in Feudal Japan who governed Iron Town. She rescued prostitutes & lepers - both societal outcasts - and taught them skills, gave them work, and housed them in Iron Town. Yet Lady Eboshi was also Princess Mononoke's nemesis: a very violent human who wanted to kill the great Forest Spirit, in contrast with the forces driving Princess Mononoke who wanted to save the forest. The Lilith/Eve duality is clearly at play here with these two very different, empowered Female characters: both of equal importance to understand the lesson of the story.

Characters that Western audiences may want to pin as the "villain" throughout Miyazaki's films - e.g. Yubaba in Spirited Away - would subtlety evolve throughout the plot to reveal both their Shadow & Light qualities. Rather than judging them as purely "evil" - you may by the final act see the seed of "good" in Miyazaki's characters who were antagonists to the film's protagonist. Miyazaki is a true creative genius in this regard. Sometimes it is clear that in order for Human Consciousness to deconstruct social programming - to receive a totally new or "alien" concept - the Mind must be introduced to that concept in a "Fantasy Space" in order to make sense of it. Why? Perhaps because humans are normally resistant and afraid of what they don't know.

If for example James Cameron were have to have set Avatar on Planet Earth instead of the imaginary context of Pandora, perhaps audiences would have been much less receptive to the themes of Indigenous Wisdom and their perceptions of Nature. Of course Americans need to be taken to an alien world full of big, blue Aliens in order to be educated about the true history of what happened to the Indigenous people in their own country and override their Ego's defense/deflect mechanisms. Despite the very valid Indigenous critique of the Avatar films, their ridiculous use of American teenager slang (I mean cmon James: the blue aliens talking like California teenagers totally took me off Pandora!), & the popcorn violence - I still feel Avatar is another solid example of applicable art. Art that is both subversive & transformative. Just please, Mr Cameron, I beg for the 3rd film: sacrifice the slang.

Here's a question worthy of some musings: Why are the Na'vi blue like Shiva? lol 👽

Coming back full circle to Neptune: I find it very interesting that Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" was first published in 1865 - meaning that he most likely received its inspiration before or around 1862 when Neptune last left Pisces.

Anyone with strong Pisces in their chart may feel a natural affinity with Alice in Wonderland. I know I sure did! It is truly remarkable how ahead of the (ridiculous) Victorian times Carroll was in his thinking and all the subversive Seeds he planted in the Wonderland novels: the lead character was female, the Magic Mushroom imagery, the blurred lines between "reality" & "fantasy". As a child I had no clue how deep the implications inherent in Carroll's work truly are. An obsessive-compulsive mathematician who ironically loved order and rules, Carroll must have been a tortured genius like so many great Artists are: trapped in the Times. Carroll truly embodied the Hanged One/Man Archetypal energy in my humble opinion.

When someone offers a different, revolutionary perspective in contrast with the Paradigm of the Times - whether in Art, Science, etc. - there is a pattern observable over and over in history: critics who are resistant to new ideas hurl ad hominem attacks at the Vessel of Change. Are we to believe what critics say about Carroll being a Victorian Pedophile? The evidence is controversial, with compelling theories suggesting both yes and no. I personally feel, unfortunately, his photos of naked young teenage girls do suggest - regardless of time period - a dark undertone. Perhaps there is a very Neptunian lesson here regarding what is reality versus fantasy. Regardless, Carroll's Wonderland novels have had staying Power and continue to inspire children to use the Imagination. Wonderland was a seemingly subversive attempt to deconstruct the oppressive Group Thought (and general insanity) of Christian Victorian Culture. It was truly progressive at that time to feature a young female heroine as the lead character. What are the deeper Spiritual lessons embedded in the Archetypal world of Wonderland? In my humble opinion Carroll was channeling some timeless truths about the duality of Subjectivity versus Objectivity.

In the Tarot the duality of Subjectivity / Objectivity can be represented by the High Priestess & Hierophant Major Arcana energies.

All the great Occult Mystery School traditions teach (in one way or another) that behind-the-scenes of what we call Objective "Material Reality" is an equally real - albeit invisible & hidden - Subjective "Spiritual Reality". The Collective / Religious / Outer realm of the Hierophant is a natural duality to the Personal / Spiritual / Inner realm of the High Priestess. Both are of equal importance in order to understand the true meaning of the word "Reality" - which people so flippantly and unconsciously sling about in the English language like a kid who has found their Dad's gun. The power of Imagination is being invoked by Alice in Wonderland. Perhaps Wonderland is a metaphor for the invisible realms of Archetypal Images, Glyphs, Symbols, Dreams, & Sigils? The mysteries of the inner realms - as represented by the Book of Wisdom which the High Priestess guards - are beyond logic, beyond comprehension, beyond human understanding.

Carl Jung practiced a meditation technique called "Active Imagination" in which he encouraged his patients (especially those on the verge of Death) to have active dialogues with their "Imaginary Friends" or inner Archetypal "Fantasy Figures".

This technique of invoking Imagination is a tool - bypassing the filters of the Conscious mind - which helps us learn how to speak the Archetypal Language of the Subconscious as if we were kids again. Children are closer to Beginners Mind - like little blank slates still - and Archetypal Psychologists like Jung viewed children and the elderly as important portals into the nature of the Subconscious. The Subconscious Mind often speaks to us in dreams via symbolic images not meant to be interpreted literally - hence the word "Image-nation" #lol #wordplay #imaginethat There is such a thing as "having a healthy Imagination" folks! People with no Imagination are frankly stuck in the left hemisphere of their brain. Thus perhaps - just like Jung - Carroll was channeling some deep wisdom encouraging all young Beginner Minds to trust that their "Imaginary Friends" - like the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, etc. - are their Soul's Spirit Guides. Is there something tangible in the invisible? Furthermore ... is there something innately sinister about programming modern children to constantly focus on External Images versus tuning into their own Internal Images?

Let's get one thing crystal quartz clear: there are many realities, many dimensions, many spheres of Experience, all different yet valid.

So check yourself next time you feel inclined to judge someone (maybe a child, maybe a non-conformist, maybe someone embodying the Hanged One energy) by saying things like, "They are so out of touch with reality", "They need a reality check", etc. The "reality" of the insects, birds, and other creatures outside your house is equally as real as your "reality" spent every evening in front of the television. The "reality" of a poor prostitute on the streets is as real as the "reality" of a high end political escort. The "reality" of a self-employed Queer person of color is as real as the "reality" of a Heteronormative Caucasian CEO. The "reality" of a little girl in Pakistan whose family may "honor kill" her for having the desire for an education is just as real as the "reality" of a little boy in America going to an expensive Private school. For the skeptical: Einstein himself said that reality is relative to the Observer, and that the Observer's mode of perception determines the outcome.

Thus there is always a very Pisces duality of Perception at play in Art, Music, Entertainment, Etc. The tool or mode of expression is not inherently "good or bad", it all depends on how it is used.

Art can be used as a tool to expand & evolve human consciousness: to educate us, to create empathy, and to inspire us to strive for a better future. All meaningful art in my humble opinion should encourage the observer/viewer to develop a rich inner world: a more refined Subjective Spiritual "reality". Were it not for the Internet and the push for more inclusive representation in Entertainment, Indie Films made by Queer & BIPOC creatives, etc. perhaps there would be a lot more dead Queer & Colored kids who never saw themselves represented; who didn't have an Image of what is possible to manifest in their own life. Media is a very powerful tool. With that being said on the other hand: Propaganda masquerading as Entertainment can be used as a tool to manipulate, distort, & control human perceptions in order to distract us and/or escape from harsh Objective "reality". Queer Folk understand this painfully well given the Hollywood Hays Code and long-lasting tradition of Queer Coding in Western Films which subtly depicted Queer folks as villains (despite the long history of Gay Hollywood masquerading as Heteronormative). BIPOC communities understand this painfully well given the long tradition of Blackface, Redface, etc. They say "Ignorance is bliss" after all. Just look at the perfect case study of what happened with J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter ... oh Joanne Kathleen.

I am truly heartbroken as a Queer person who devoured the Harry Potter Universe (I am positive I read each of the 7 books at least five times).

I was that kid at the midnight release book party, just waiting to stay up all night to read a story which my Conservative parents did not really care about. Now with some time to digest Rowling's TERF ideology regarding Trans Women and bathrooms - I can see the reductive Christianity & Heteronormativity inherent in the Harry Potter Universe as reflected in its creator's traditional world views. Many Heteronormative celebrities have come to defend Rowling, whilst others have denounced her public statements. Trans-ness is clearly now a divisive Political Issue in culture, when the Desire to Self-express Gender Diversity/Variance is a Human Rights Issue. In a weird way Rowling now is being embraced by the Christian Far-Right as a symbol of anti-trans validation: a Misogynistic Martyr masquerading as a Feminist ... oh how times have changed! I remember the good old days when the Christian Heteronormative Breeders were trying to ban Harry Potter from public school libraries #ironic Regardless of your opinions about the Trans Experience - there are certainly respectful dialogues we can all have together regarding differences of perception.

In my humble opinion: there is a big difference between inclusive conversations about the 21st century Science in support of Gender/Sex being a Spectrum of Diversity between respectful human beings, versus one disrespectful individual using their exclusive Fame Platform to spread outdated misinformation/disinformation. I believe unfortunately the Specter of Fame has transformed Rowling from a talented storyteller into a fear-mongering bigot who is playing the victim. She is clearly projecting her own fears of being raped in bathrooms by humans with penises onto a group of human beings - i.e. Trans Women - who statistically do not rape women. Period. However I do not intend for this Neptune Astrology blog to descend into character assassination. What I do intend is to use Harry Potter as a case study exemplifying the painful lessons required in order to develop Discernment between what is meaningful Art versus toxic Fantasy.

Rowling's ridiculous portrayal of Witches & Wizards flying around on broomsticks is a fanciful delusion distracting us from the "Reality" of what it means to practice meaningful Magic in our own lives: to reclaim our Power #practicalmagic

This very traditional portrayal of Magic in Harry Potter is disempowering to any young or Modern Witch / Warlock. Why? Perhaps because it makes children subconsciously believe that:

1) "Magic is not real" i.e. it is something that only special people - not like me - with exclusive powers have in a "fantasy world" #idolworship

2) "Magic is made possible only by waving a wand and saying some Latin words, manifesting immediate, visible results" versus the possibility that casting Magic is more slow, more subtle, and often invisible cause & effects in tune with the forces of Nature / Cyclical Energies

For the triggered naysayers: I do believe there are some meaningful, alchemical nuggets of wisdom (i.e. the Philosopher's Stone) in Harry Potter despite the fact that most of it is distorted Fantasy.

However any seed of that Pagan knowledge - which must be applicable in order to flower into actual Wisdom in a child's consciousness- is lost in the overtly Christian duality of "Good's triumph over Evil" via the final war at Hogwarts. Thus inevitably Harry Potter is a Toxic, escapist Fantasy - the Malefic or Shadow aspects of Neptune energy - in comparison to other contemporary Fantasy series like His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman. The Witches & Wizards of Harry Potter can't hold a candle to the Witch Clans of HDM. Pullman's interpretation of Witches in HDM in my humble opinion is WAY MORE interesting, empowered, and in tune with the Mysteries of the Cosmos & Nature - the Benefic or Light aspects of Neptune energy. As a teenager eager for new Fantasy realms to devour post-Harry Potter, I discovered Pullman's subversive series. I remember feeling a huge rush of energy when reading the trilogy: it definitely planted seeds in my consciousness at that time about "real" Metaphysical concepts like: Multi-Dimensionality, Parallel Dimensions, String Theory, the Anima/Animus, & Familiars/Totems/Spirit Animals. More power to Pullman for being brave enough as well to criticize the corrupt Catholic church - who did try to ban HDM #censorship

In His Dark Materials and Harry Potter, we have two very different Fantasy realms: the former empowering, and the latter disempowering in my humble opinion.

In observing how both of these book series were turned into very successful Film / Television series, we can witness how Subjective Fantasy can manifest tangible cause & effect on our Objective Reality. How? Remember everything is a matter of perception: Neptune's watery energy teaches us this core Spiritual lesson. The Water can both be perceived as the life-giving Sacred River, or it can be perceived as the destructive and dangerous Hurricane of Calypso's Chaos. There is a clear Karmic Force playing out in Entertainment attempting to control children's perceptions and direct their focal points outside of themselves versus within. I feel a good way to practice developing Discernment with Entertainment content is to intuitively ask the question, "Does this content empower / evolve me with applicable knowledge? Or does this content disempower / devolve me by misdirecting my energy onto meaningless and inapplicable information?"

E.g. I remember how crushed I was on my 11th birthday when my letter from Hogwarts never came.

I thought to myself, "But I am meant to be at Hogwarts to learn magic that way I can escape this prison they send me to called school". As an adult I now realize that the reality of a European Boarding School - which I romanticized and fantasized about for years - would have been just as horrible as an American Public School, even if we had potions class to go to instead of mathematics. Harry Potter didn't ultimately inspire me to go out and learn about Pagan history of Europe. Harry Potter didn't ultimately cure my depression. Harry Potter didn't ultimately teach me about Alchemy, Astrology, Runes, or Medicinal Plants. Harry Potter didn't ultimately save me from Heteronormative misery nor make me feel valid as a Queer kid just because JK Rowling said Dumbledore is (covertly) gay in a few interviews. I certainly didn't go out and buy a book about Alchemy because I read Harry Potter, I just was desperate for the next Harry Potter to escape into. Thus Rowling ultimately used the Pagan magical tradition as a shallow world-building plot tool to uphold Christian world views - how ironic that the Christians came for her weave because she was "promoting Witchcraft"!

Harry Potter's interpretation / perception of "Witchcraft" ultimately is disempowering, toxic, & reductive for any Modern Witch.

To believe that your power is dependent on an object - i.e. a wand - is a materialistic misdirection rooted in idol worship. The power lies within you and in the forces of the Convoluted Universe - not some material object. Magic is more like an energetic process which transcends duality - just like the Life Force is a process which transcends the Life & Death cycle: it's invisible, indestructible, undeniable, & ever present. Magic is all around you in Nature in every moment of every day. Magic is in the living Trees, the Plants, the Fungi, and the Totem Spirit Animals. Magic is in the Air, the Earth, the Water, the Fire, & the Ether. Magic is within every single Human Being's DNA, regardless of their bloodline: every human has the potential to flower and bloom. So if Rowling is claiming to be a "Feminist" & Queer ally, maybe instead of writing Anti-Trans books marketed towards children, creating more fear & bigotry, she could write about the horrible history in Christian Europe regarding the murder of millions of Pagan women, Queer folk, & herbal healers labeled as"witches" by the Church. The "reality" of what it means to practice Magic is intimately and undeniably connected with living, breathing Nature - not a dead tree i.e. a wand.

In Conclusion: Neptune's latest cycle starting in the 19th century is about to culminate in 2025/2026 as Pisces is the final Zodiac sign.

Given how Neptune rules Pisces, it's not surprising that in its latest cycle's final decade the Veil has been lifted in Narc Nation regarding the Famous Narcissists / Egomaniacs / Control Freaks whom Americans naively worship #metoo #truthhurts #discernment People love to watch the rise & fall of a "Star" they place on a pedestal - a Tower - which will eventually be struck down by the lightning bolt of Truth. Thus that platform is the Illusion of Power in the Fame Game, for it is brief and temporary: just like a shooting star flashing across the night sky. Truly long-lasting, creative power as symbolized by Neptune - meaningful Art which Spiritualizes & Transforms Human Consciousness like Alice in Wonderland - requires Time to be the true judge of its efficacy. 15 minutes of Hollyhood Fame is truly meaningless in the grand churning of the Cosmic Wheel of Fortune, the Precession of the Equinoxes.

The Ku Klux Kardashian Klan are the 21st Century American Dream ... Ohhh the never-ending Quest to Quench the Thirst #thirsttrap #narcnation #blessherheart

Neptune's latest cycle is reaching a Tipping Point - or Bubbling Point perhaps -in its final years in Pisces.

In 2022 Neptune also went through a Retrograde cycle which magnified this energy, leading to a discharging of polarity energies. What can these culmination lessons of Neptune teach us heading into its new cycle? Perhaps Neptune in Pisces can teach us valuable lessons in a Modern culture that is programming children to worship False Idols, lust after Tik Tok fame, & sell their Souls online for followers when they have little understanding about the implications of losing anonymity and the mental illness underlying Celebrity Narcissism. The "reality" of who a person really is behind the Mask they present to the public, behind their carefully crafted image, or behind our online digital identities - is a true lesson in developing Spiritual Discernment as governed by Neptune. What is Fantasy and what is Reality in an artificial, online world?

"Stars, they come and go, they come fast or slow
They go like the last light of the sun, all in a blaze
And all you see is glory
Hey but it gets lonely there when there's no one here to share
We can shake it away, if you'll hear a story"
~ Miss Nina Simone



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

P.S. For the curious to know: in 2023 Neptune will be stationing Retrograde (magnifying its energy) in Pisces from 06/30/2023~12/06/2023 according to the Gregorian calendar. This transit can be symbolized by the following Tarot cards for your own personal Divination practice: The Hanged One, The Moon, The Fool, & The King of Cups 🤲🏾

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