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🌅 The Ascendant / Descendant🌓Reading Relationship Compatibility For Rising Signs💎& Soul Mates☯️

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Plus Interpretation Insights to Decode Your Destiny & Rising Sign Placement

by @tabootarotreader

Dearly Beloved: in an effort to deconstruct Sun Sign-based Astrology saturating Social Media, I propose why the Rising Sign is so important when reading compatibility.

If you go on any social media platforms like Instagram, there are a lot of Astrology memes these days. Some insightful, some playful, and others downright harmful. I don't intend to generalize, however I feel there are massive misconceptions inherent in Social Media Astrology. In my humble opinion if you assume something about another person's personality based off of their Sun Sign - and then weaponize this assumption to categorize humans in neat little boxes - this is harmful, Patriarchal thinking. The Ancient, Sacred Science of Astrology comes from Matriarchal, pre-colonized cultures. Back in the day it required extensive training and initiation in order to study Astrology, for this was Sacred Wisdom passed down carefully from generation to generation.

If you actually study Astrology as an applicable Science - a tool for Soul development and greater Self-understanding - you may realize that the Sun Sign placement is just the beginning of your Chart. What I feel is lacking from so much of Social Media Astrology is depth, humility, and respect of Astrology's ancient origins. Online Astrologers should be encouraging students of Astrology to dive deep into interpreting their Moon Placement, Rising Sign, Venus Sign, Mars Sign, etc. as a means of understanding their unique human expression. Everybody is a synthesis of different Zodiac Archetypes - a great tapestry.

Astrology teaches you that we are multi-layered, multi-dimensional beings beyond classification. Boxes are for cereals, and labels are for soup cans. Generalized categories reduce our beautiful human complexity as reflected in the Birth Chart. Thus when I meet a Sheeple who is repulsed by one Sign and says things like, "Oh god I can't stand Leos, I dated a Leo once named so & so ... they're horrible!" I feel it is a safe bet that this human has a Leo Rising Sign placement or strong Leo in their chart. Why? Perhaps because what repulses us in other people is generally indicative of Shadow qualities we reject in our Self. Repulsion is the Shadow of Attraction, after all.

So YAS: I have a bone to pick with Social Media Astrology content casting judgment on certain Signs all in the name of jokes, likes, & subscribes.

The Sun Sign misconception lies in the assumption that compatibility with another human is determined by your Sun Sign placement in relation to that person's Sun Sign. This could be the furthest thing from the truth, as we will dive deep into in a hot minute #staytuned This misconception saturating Social Media Astrology is a result of good old-fashioned Ignorance: nothing more, nothing less. Thus I continue to advocate depth of study to any and all people claiming to be Astrologers. It's clear that in order to sell Astrology to Sheeples afraid of the deep dive, Social Media is diluting this Sacred Science into something shallow and superficial. I do not judge the Sheeples - instead I pray to the Great Goddess every day to give me the strength to accept what I cannot change! What I do have power over though is the content I offer to the Collective Coven; hopefully planting seeds, hopefully making students of authentic Astrology curious to dive deep into their Birth Chart.

In full transparency: I also throughout my Astrology & Tarot journey had to become more mindful just like anybody else.

Integrating the Sacred Sciences into your personal development is a Journey. We all start from ground zero. We all start from zero point. All souls interested in the Occult have at one point during their journey been as ignorant as the next Fool, for we all are on the Fool's Journey. The more I See, the less I Know. I feel a lot of people are resistant to Astrology because it makes them feel inferior, like a Fool. Why? Perhaps because Astrology teaches you there is so much more we as human beings can still learn or become more conscious of.

Resistance to Astrology's depths is a shame because your Birth Chart holds the keys to decoding your Fate & Destiny!

I no longer apologize for being a Deep Diver. Nor do I believe it is necessary to "dumb down" Astrology for mass consumption. In fact I feel that is an insult to the Elevated Ancient Ancestors whom gifted us the Sacred Sciences. With that being said, I also do not intend to cast more Judgment in this world, and my jokes about Sheeples are light-hearted. I myself once had no idea what secrets my Birth Chart contained. I was once a Sheeple in need of a Shepard, too. Throughout my journey I have also used many memes in online Tarot Readings which now, looking back, I would remove since I only did so for a cheap laugh. At the end of the day: I too have had to check my biases & deconstruct my own pre-conceived notions about other people based off Sun Sign placements. Especially when deep diving into the rabbit hole of Sexual Entanglement #entangled

Let's get real: most of our preconceived notions about Zodiac Signs are based off of past, negative romantic experiences.

If you are triggered by one Zodiac Sign, just remember this walkaway message: every Zodiac Archetype exists within you! If you had what you perceive as a "negative" experience with a Scorpio, maybe perhaps you have a Lilith or Pluto placement in Scorpio? Why are you triggered by certain Zodiac Sign's qualities which you associate outside of yourself? Questions all worthy of Self-study!

I am just one Human Being, one Individual, consciously participating in the great Collective Healing Journey. I do believe understanding the depths of your Birth Chart is very important for Soul Growth and healing your Psyche. With that being said ... this Journey is not for the faint of heart! What have I learned throughout this Journey? Everybody is the Mirror to your Shadow, especially Lovers. All the Zodiac Archetypes exist in every single one of us as imprints, impulses, & psychic urges reflected in other people. Furthermore each Zodiac Archetype also represents Aeons of Time in the Precession of the Equinoxes. There is so much more to Astrology than just the Sun Sign!

It is clear as day that in online Social Media Astrology culture, certain signs have gotten a bad reputation and become Scapegoat targets for easy likes & subscribes.

It is amusing to me always when I tune into certain Tarot Readings targeting individual signs and the assumptions the Reader is making about that Sign's personality type (whilst giving no Astrological information about that sign's ruling planet and its current transits lol). There is an obvious culture & lingo that one must subscribe to in order to get high numbers of subscribers for Tarot & Astrology content. "Virgos" are perceived as the cold-hearted ghosters, "Pisces" are perceived as dreamy avoidant escape artists, "Cancers" are the over-emotional basket cases, "Leos" are perceived as arrogant attention whores, "Aries" are perceived as egomaniac hot heads whom view themselves as demi-gods, "Scorpios" are perceived as intense sex addicts maybe worth the drama for the sex, maybe not, so on and so forth #theshade

There are so many people claiming to be Astrologers making social media memes "Libra be like this, Taurus be like that, oh god Scorpio run for the hills!" There is nothing "wrong or right" about these memes. Sometimes a little entertainment is healthy, other times it is toxic. However I believe the majority of Astrology & Tarot content leans very shallow and superficial when considering the great Mysteries inherent in the Sacred Sciences. Therefore we could define the majority of Social Media content as misinformation for the sake of entertainment - not applicable information for the sake of education. I feel it is important to clarify that I am a human being who does enjoy a meaningful Astrology or Tarot meme! "Good" memes can invoke the essence of a concept or message with very few words, or none at all.

The Mystery of each Zodiac Archetype, the Mystery of Attraction, & The Mystery of Compatibility is completely lost in Sun Sign-based Astrology.

To begin to deconstruct the Cognitive Dissonance: Modern Western Astrology perceives Venus & Mars as the two "Love Planets". The average person usually tunes into Horoscopes or Tarot Readings for romantic predictions &/or Love messages targeting their Sun Sign. Many Readers do say Love Messages can apply to all placements e.g. "These messages are for Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, etc". However the average viewer may only know their Sun Sign, and a Pisces Sun is very different than a Pisces Rising/Venus/Mars; there are a lot of nuances totally lost in General Readings. What does this mean? This means many General Tarot, Horoscopes, & Love Predictions often lean inaccurate for the viewer's personal story.

So let's get one thing crystal quartz clear: the interplay of the Sun Sign, Moon Sign, & Rising Sign is the foundation for interpreting personality expression.

I highly recommend that you tune into this vlog I made about how to optimally cross-watch Tarot Readings/Horoscopes given your various Birth Chart placements. E.g. if you are interested in getting romantic predictions, I highly recommend to watch first for your Rising Sign placement and then cross-watch your Venus & Mars placement for the most accurate information possible. I know Astrology's complexity may feel overwhelming at first. However the more you study your Birth Chart, the better you can develop Discernment and optimally apply more accurate information from a General Reading. If you don't know your Sun/Moon/Rising placements to begin in your own Birth Chart, you probably don't know who you are yet, let alone who somebody else truly is enough to cast Judgment based on Zodiac Sign.

Ergo the Rising Sign perhaps is more dominant when determining the Ego's expression of personality.

We will dive deep into the relationship between the Rising Sign & Ego in a hot minute. However first I must say on the theme of Ego: in all of my work I never intend to come off as judgmental, superior, or "holier than thou" whilst sharing the information. Despite this sentiment, I risk causing offense by saying: I feel there is a lot of danger inherent in watered-down Sun Sign-based Astrology, Tik Tok Tarot, Instagram Numerology, Colonized Yoga, etc. Danger may be a strong word. However when someone profits off of the Sacred Sciences, you find that the Survivalist intention of profit can quickly distort and warp the Mind. Energetic implosion usually results ...

"Call Mis Cleo today!" #blessherheart

The practitioner abusing the Sacred Sciences as their personal business venture may either consciously or subconsciously be "dumbing down" the information - i.e. not giving the "clients" all the info or too much - in order to make them dependent and keep the money coming. This is dangerous because it is not rooted in sharing the information as an act of healing the Collective, as the Elevated Ancient Ancestors intended. Sacred Sciences do not exist to make a select few individuals rich. They exist to empower Collective Humanity and expand Human Consciousness under a slow, guided process.

"Con mucho, mucho amor" Overt Narcissist Walter Mercado is the perfect case study of how not to sell Astrology #blessherheart

Social media "influence" is one of many new currencies in the Algorithm: this is now how information is quickly transmitted to people with goldfish attention spans. Furthermore "Youtube shorts" and the phenomenon of shortening video content feels like a very concerning trend ... We should be encouraging people to be able to slow down, focus, and download information for longer periods of time - not speed up & shorten everything - for this is how information can easily become diluted & distorted. How can anyone truly retain information - and then apply it - in a speed demon, "fast food" culture which profits off of Human ignorance? Ignorance is the root of all Evil, in my humble opinion. I know some people may say, "What's the big deal? It's just social media content.Why so doom & gloom? Who cares!" I care because there is no space for Judgment of human beings based on Zodiac Signs in the Sacred Science of Astrology.

Thankfully there is a growing trend amongst some online Astrologers casting horoscopes for the Rising Sign placement i.e. "Aries Rising, "Pisces Rising", "Grand Rising", etc.

I know not all Social Media Astrologers are ignorant, and that some may consciously "dumb down" their content in order to appeal to a wider audience. Again there is nothing "wrong or right" about the way someone plants seeds expanding human consciousness. Thankfully I have observed this growing trend amongst online Astrologers casting horoscopes for the Rising Sign placement in a clear effort encouraging the viewer to ask, "Hey what's my Rising Sign? I should look into this". I myself attempt to incorporate this language into my Tarot & Astrology content because the Rising Sign is so important! Why? Stay tuned Deep Divers, cause I know y'all came here for the Deep Dive! To preface: it's important to plant seeds about the Ascendant's (and by proxy the Descendant's) significance because it may determine your Ego Complex AKA Rising Sign Complex (hereafter referred to as the RSC), how you relate to others, & how others perceive you.

The Rising Sign could briefly be described as the interface point between the Higher Self & the Lower Self (i.e. the Ego) within the Human Psyche.

The Ascendant - as I understand it in very simple terms - is your core Archetypal Imprint which you start off completely ignorant of in life and are meant to discover within yourself. Your Rising Sign placement is an energy or quality you are destined to embody as your life progresses if you choose to become conscious of it. Thus these aspects of your personality are usually more obvious to others first before you become aware of them. E.g. Fire Signs like Aries Rising, Sag Rising, or Leo Rising may not feel as boisterously confident as an Aries/Leo/Sag Sun until later in life, perhaps needing more time to grow and learn the difference between confidence and arrogance. In a nutshell: your Sun Sign is your core sense of Self - what you consciously and visibly project to others - while the Moon Sign represents the more emotional, invisible aspects of Self. Thus the Rising Sign could also symbolize the interface point between the Lower Self & the Higher Self - whom you are meant to be. There is a lot of Fate & Destiny entangled with your Rising Sign placement and it - like many things in Astrology - is a Mysterious energetic process unfolding throughout your life.

The Sun-Moon-Rising trine of signs shows that personality is a synthesis: a fusion of multiple Zodiac Archetypes which is the fabric of every single Human expression of the Psyche.

I propose again a good place to start diving deep into the inner dimensions of your Birth Chart is the Sun-Moon-Rising interplay of Archetypal energies (and then the Descendant by proxy to the Ascendant). When you learn of your other sign placements, it humbles you and changes your entire sense of Self. The Ego may be attached to your Sun Sign placement, for the Ego is generally attached to only what it knows. We all have judged other people by Sun Sign placements at one point in space/time. This is Human Nature. Thus we must remember there are no "bad signs": only wounded children masquerading as adults, attempting to enter human connection to heal their pain. Healing can begin by becoming more Self-aware with knowledge of your Birth Chart. "Knowing is a very great power, just to know", in the words of Sufi Indigenous Wisdom Keeper Abdel Hakim Awyan. I will now propose why the Ascendant / Descendant placements of yourself and potential Lovers are key to know when determining personality & relationship compatibility.

The Ascendant in the Birth Chart can also represent the interface between the Conscious & Subconscious - or the 1st house (Aries' realm of Beginnings) & the 12th house (Pisces' realm of Endings). Meanwhile the Descendant is opposite the Ascendant on the 7th House (Libra's realm of Relations).

Here is a good breakdown of the relationship between the Ascendant and the Descendant:

First and foremost, the ascendant—or “rising sign”—is the exact opposite of your descendant in location and symbolic meaning. The rising sign is on the left-hand side of your birth chart, while the descendant is on the right-hand side.
Unlike your sun sign or Venus sign, the descendant is a chart point rather than an actual planet or celestial body, Ash points out. It represents one of the four angles found in birth charts: ascendant, descendant, midheaven, and imum coeli.
The difference between ascendant and descendant is all in the presentation. “While your ascendent represents your personal energy, sense of self, and self-image, the descendent sign in astrology is all about what you seek in relationships with others,” she says. “It embodies the exact opposite qualities to those that you actively project into the world.”

Thus the Descendant - as a polar opposite to your Ascendant - is usually what you desire in other people #oppositesattract

There is paradox or conundrum within the RSC because it's invoking polarity attraction. People naturally gravitate to the perceived polarity within another person, for you may feel that other person represents qualities outside of yourself (the Descendant) when really they are a reflection of what you desire to become yourself (the Ascendant). E.g. most people who perceive themselves as overtly Feminine (Water/Earth signs) are attracted to overtly Masculine people (Fire/Air signs) and vice versa. We are socialized into the Gender Binary which encodes a perception that Masculinity/Femininity are "Divine" polar opposites, somehow innately separate, yet dependent and useless without the other. This is the furthest thing from the truth if you study the Occult. The Convoluted Universe is beyond binary, androgynous, full of paradoxes and infinite expressions of consciousness #nonbinary

The aliens are androgynous, dearly beloved #nonbinary #paradox #mindfuck

Belief in the Gender Binary - a false belief not reflective of how polarity energies actually function - is how so many people end up trapped in stagnant, co-dependent relationships between the Toxic Feminine & Toxic Masculine.

Why? Perhaps because sexual connections are based off of an illusion: the perceived polarity principle of "opposites attract". So many people lie to themselves constantly by repeating the mantra of "Opposites attract!" to stay in incompatible relationships. In the reality that we label "Nature" and the greater Cosmos, there are no real opposites, only perceived polarity energies ☯️ Separation is the greatest illusion ☯️ In Nature's reciprocal processes the Feminine elements Water & Earth ultimately transform into the Masculine elements Fire & Air, and vice versa becoming One, merging in the Mysterious fifth element Ether.

The Heteronormative concepts of Masculinity & Femininity are not inherently separate. This is a false belief socially programming the average human to a) perceive either Masculinity or Femininity outside of themselves versus both within b) physically attach to the perceived polarity energy as embodied in another human being and c) compromise with incompatibility. Just look to the tale as old as time itself of the Damsel in Distress in need of a Knight in Shining Armor, coming in hot on their white horse to save the day with their sex ... #sos #blessherheart #sleepingwiththeenemy

The reality of the Power dynamics between a Damsel and Knight are anything but sexy fantasy. The disempowered Damsel in Distress subconsciously desires a strong, sexy, muscular knight to come save them and build their new castle to live happily ever after in. The Knight fulfills a gender role for the Damsel - whom wants to be taken care of - and avoids integrating their Masculine/Yang/Animus energy and standing on their own two feet as a Sovereign individual. Meanwhile the Knight avoids integrating their Feminine/Yin/Anima energy by disassociating from any and all activities & qualities labeled "Feminine", Domestic, or Passive. The more they actively work for the Damsel, the more they feel "Masculine". Consciously the Knight desires a greater purpose because deep down they know they lack the courage to follow their true Soul's desires for freedom, to break convention, and pursue their destiny. Thus the Knight submits to fulfilling the Masculine gender role in order to feel useful and in control when they subconsciously desire to be controlled.

The Knight actually likes being told what to do, where to go, how to dress, how sexy they look in their armor, etc.

The Knight only knows ways of being & thinking rooted in control, dominance, & hierarchy. They are reluctantly employed by some King or Emperor, who has Power over them, and thus wander aimlessly wherever their Lord pleases without true direction or greater purpose. Thus the frustrated Knight convinces their own Ego that the more the Damsel fulfills their "Feminine duty" and proves loyalty by being subservient and chaste, then the Knight maintains their own illusion of control over the Damsel; feeling empowered, when in reality the Knight is disempowered in the Court. The Feminine gender role of the Damsel is ultimately just as disempowered since it exists solely to feed & serve the Knight's Ego when it's hungry. At the end of the day both the Knight and Damsel sacrifice their Free Will & Soul Sovereignty to fulfill a disempowering function/occupation for the other. So whom ultimately has real Power in such a standard situation-ship?

These toxic, co-dependent Power dynamics are how so many people end up duped into believing narcissistic abuse is a Soul Mate or "Twin Flame" connection.

Perhaps a true Soul Mate connection is based off of the principle "like attracts like" and not "opposites attract"? When two (or more) Souls recognize the same Oversoul AKA Soul Group AKA Soul Family vibration in the Other, there is natural Mutual Movement towards the Beloved. Your Soul intuitively recognizes its reflection in the Other. Thus to have the freedom to explore deeper Soul connections in our lives, we must break free of archaic Gender Roles rooted in control, dominance, and polarity. When all parties have merged polarity in the Self - i.e. when each person unites their respective Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine qualities within Self before entering connection with Other - then all Souls entangled can potentially flower, co-regulate, and elevate. True Soul Mate connections are not rooted in toxic co-dependency, but healthy interdependency.

So how can you use the Ascendant/Descendant to attract meaningful Soul Mate connections with mature, balanced Souls?

This is important to consider when using Astrology as a tool to determine Soul Mate compatibility. "If you embody the traits of your Rising Sign, the sign opposite can be instantly intriguing," says astrologer and tarot card reader Maria Sofia Marmanides. "That sign may fundamentally value the same principles as you do, but goes about it completely differently. And that’s another reason the Descendant rules over the house of partnerships, committed relationships and marriage—the people we pull in or desire as partners."If you want to understand how marriage and partnerships appear on your birth chart, first pop over to a birth chart generator. Then, Marmanides recommends you look to the sign that rules your descendant, and any planets in the 7th house, as well as where the ruler of the sign of the Descendant resides in your natal chart. And with compatibility readings, you can also see if your partner has planets that are in your Descendant sign.

The Zodiac Polarity Pairs are as follows: Aries/Libra, Virgo/Pisces, Taurus/Scorpio, Capricorn/Cancer, Aquarius/Leo, & Gemini/Sagittarius. I.e. whatever sign your Ascendant falls into in the 1st house, your Descendant placement will be the Rising Sign's opposite in the 7th house.

E.g. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant may consciously value being a hot and heavy performer in bed for their partner, since many past partners could have told them they are a good Lover.

This enterprising personality type values that perception other people have of them. Why? Perhaps because this role makes them feel empowered, useful and connected to the other person. For beneath any serene sweet talk lies an impatient desire to meet the Ego's needs ASAP. Beneath the mask of abrasive confidence is a fragile Ego very concerned with social reputation. Subconsciously this person may not be aware how they obviously rely on their partner as a source of emotional equilibrium and energetic balance. This person may clearly associate fiery sex with intimacy - and ultimately avoid true emotional intimacy - since they have difficulty finding their own emotional equilibrium when alone #emotionaldumping Passionate sex is a mental reprieve, perhaps, a distraction from an overactive Mind which may constantly race with thoughts of what activities to accomplish or challenges to conquer next. A very mental, restless Ego that is never quite satisfied will generally distract themselves with lots of social activity and work ambitions. Ergo If they find self-worth in how they perform for others, this RSC Ego may attach to anyone in need of a role to be filled.

The RSC is a product of which planet was on the Horizon at your exact moment of birth.

Some Astrologers argue that the Horizon effect is an optical illusion, just like Retrograde motion. However this speaks only to our limited human perceptions of the Cosmos given the theory of relativity. It is a safe bet to say that - just like Retrograde energy - your Rising Sign placement represents an Archetypal Energy that has a magnified influence over your Life & Relationships. Therefore the ruling planet of your Rising Sign arguably has more influence over the unfolding of your Fate & Destiny versus the ruling planet of the Sun Sign. In fact, one of the "Golden Rules" of Vedic Astrology describes the Ruling Planet of the Ascendant as the "Lord" of your Life!

It is also arguable that the way the ruling planets of two people's Rising Signs (and any aspects between the Ascendant and the ruling planet of the other person) are more important determining factors in relationship compatibility than the Venus/Mars placements. Mars & Venus are certainly important when determining sexual attraction, but not always for long-term compatibility like the interaction between the two Ascendant Lord Planets. Let's deep dive into the classic Astrological works of Stephen Arroyo - one of my favorite resources - given his beautiful synthesis of Vedic & Hellenistic Astrology.

The element of the Ascendant reveals the quality of energy flow directly vitalizing the physical body and the overall approach to life. Fire or Air signs rising tend to conduct energy, encouraging active self-expression and dynamic expenditure of energy. Earth or Water signs rising tend to conserve and resist the flow of vital energies, and hence indicate self-containment (sometimes self-repression) and the tendency of living within oneself ... The Ascendant reveals the way we feel ourselves to be uniquely ourselves ... When the rest of the Chart is not particularly attuned to the qualities and energy of the Ascendant, the ASC may then appear more superficial, a relatively artificial mask that may be quite at odds with the rest of the person's nature ... but it may appear more dominant and authentic when the rest of the chart supports and harmonizes with it.
Via "Chart Interpretation Handbook", 1989, Pg. 92-93, Stephen Arroyo

For the Deep Divers: the Following Interpretation Insights from Arroyo can function as an optimal guide for interpreting your RSC.

The Ascendant shows a way in which we are acutely sensitive and aware, and this is another explanation of why a transit to the Ascendant is felt to be so powerful; for it affects us in the area of our lives and in the dimension of our energy field that is most sensitive. In fact some astrologers have said that the Ascendant shows the point where the spirt enters the body at the moment of the first breath ... the part of the body associated with the subtler bodies (or subtler energy fields) and hence where there is an inrushing of power energies. We might mention here some of the meanings of the Ascendant ...
A. The Ascendant represents the image of the personality that is seen by others. This does not mean that this image is an accurate portrayal of one’s total self, but it does show something which other people often notice as a first impression. The Ascendant image may, in fact, reveal personal qualities which are distinctly at variance with one’s more inward orientations
B. The Ascendant represents the way in which you actively merge with life in the outer world when your energy is flowing spontaneously. Hence, it reveals a general approach to life which in older astrological treatises has been called the “Temperament”
C. The Ascendant symbolizes an important aspect of your personal destiny in the sense that you simply must live and express yourself in that way in order to feel free and whole
D. The Ascendant (especially according to its element …) reveals the quality of energy flow directly vitalizing the physical body …
E. The connection between the Ascendant and the physical body is also evident in another way: the fact that the body constitutes your most immediate physical environment. When we are born, our physical body and, to some extent, that of the mother comprise our entire environment; and although we forget it in later years as we become more identified with the body, our physical vehicle always remains an essential part of our environment. Hence, we see why the Ascendant so often has been correlated with the quality of the early environment, for any contact with the outer world is filtered through the attainment of the Ascendant. The body (and thus the Ascendant) brings the environment into existence for us, and the Ascendant therefore colors how we see our total environment and our attitude toward the outer world in later life
F. The Ascendant represents a dimension of one’s nature which some correlate with the ego. Although one cannot make a direct correspondence between the Ascendant and the ego, it can be stated that the Ascendant represents an important dimension of the ego. When one is threatened, one tends either to retreat from the form of expression shown by the Ascendant to the more secure personality center symbolized by the Sun, or to further emphasize the Ascendant’s qualities in order to assert one’s individuality and ensure one’s survival. Since the Ascendant in a natural chart correlates with the sign Aries (1st House), the Ascendant is always indicative of a way of expressing one’s individuality and thus -in a sense- one’s ego. However this is not to be regarded as a negative quality unless perhaps one is overly compulsive about it
G. The “Transcendent” dimension of the Ascendant mentioned earlier can be seen in the way the Ascendant shows how we merge with life purely and spontaneously; it is a way of living and being which is beyond “understanding”. Much more than the Ascendant, the Sun sign indicates how we “understand” and assimilate experience. The Ascendant rather reveals the way we feel ourselves to be uniquely ourselves, the highest point of spontaneous conscious attunement and action
Via "Astrology, Karma, & Transformation", 1978, pg. 213-214, Arroyo

I'm sure if you're still reading - thank you so much! - you may be thinking, "Ok cool, just tell me what the Ascendant/Descendant in each Sign means already".

I could easily cast some personal Horoscopes and tell you everything I feel each Ascendant/Descendant combo could represent; but that's not going to help you understand the deeper meanings of your Rising Sign placement and its Sphere of Influence. All those types of Horoscopes already exist on the Internet for consumption. What I will consciously choose to do instead is offer Interpretation Insights to help students of Astrology decode their Birth Chart. At the end of the day: Self-study is so, so important and I will not encourage idleness or laziness by casting Subjective Horoscopes with zero basis in any Objective, applicable information. Interpreting your RSC - and your entire Birth Chart - is your own responsibility to reach greater Self-understanding. This understanding evolves throughout your entire life via experience; not via five minutes of reading. With that being said, Arroyo states there are 12 different possible manifestations of each RSC i.e. there are 12 various expressions of Aries Rising, Taurus Rising, Gemini Rising, etc. 12 is clearly a foundational number in the Convoluted Universe!

How does one begin to calculate their own RSC in their Birth Chart for deeper Interpretation Insights?

The general "formula" for calculating your RSC is as follows:

1) The Ascendant's Rising Sign

2) The Ascendant Lord's Ruling Planet

3) The Descendant 7th House and any planets that fall in it

4) Any aspects between the the Ascendant Lord Ruling Planet and other Planets. Harmonious aspects = conjunctions, trines, & sextiles. Challenging aspects = oppositions & squares

5) Any Planets that fall in the 1st House and 12th House

E.g. in full transparency, my own RSC is as follows:

1) Ascendant in 29°28' Leo AKA Leo Rising ♌️ #meow

2) Ruling Planet the Sun in 20°5' Pisces ♓️ #dreamy

3) 7th House starts at 29°Aquarius containing the Sun in Pisces ♓️ & Mercury in 12°41' Pisces (debilitated)🐟 #commitmentissues

4) Jupiter in 1°8' Cancer♋️(exalted) sextiles the Ascendant; Ascendant squares MC orb 6° in 23°5' Taurus ♉️ #loveormoney

5) Moon in 12°8' Virgo ♍️ in the 1st House at 29°Leo; 12th House starts at 1°Leo 🦁 #rawr

Now onto what they really came for ... What are the most auspicious Rising Sign Relationships between Zodiac signs?

According to classic Vedic Astrologer Bepin Behari (“Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology”, 2003, pg. 198-203), there are complex calculations for determining Rising Sign compatibility between two potential Lovers. These insights are based off of the relationships between the two Ascendant Lord Planets, under which Houses those planets fall in the respective Birth Charts, & if those Houses are cardinal/mutable/fixed. To break it down for you, the following guidelines are recommendations for optimal Soul Mate compatibility ...

  1. Aries ASC/Libra DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Leo Rising, Pisces Rising, or Sagittarius Rising; meanwhile avoid Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Gemini Rising, Virgo Rising, Libra Rising, & Taurus Rising; Aries Rising are neutral

  2. Taurus ASC/Scorpio DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Leo Rising, Capricorn Rising, or Aquarius Rising; meanwhile avoid Pisces Rising, Sagittarius Rising, Cancer Rising, Scorpio Rising, & Aries Rising; Virgo Rising, Gemini Rising, Libra Rising, & Taurus Rising are neutral

  3. Gemini ASC/Sagittarius DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with another Gemini Rising (twins!), Capricorn Rising, or Aquarius Rising; meanwhile avoid all other Rising Signs given the fact that Mercury is adversely affected under Gemini Rising

  4. Cancer ASC/Capricorn DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with an Aries Rising, Scorpio Rising, Pisces Rising, or Sagittarius Rising; meanwhile avoid Gemini Rising, Virgo Rising, Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Taurus Rising, & Libra Rising; Leo Rising & Cancer Rising are neutral

  5. Leo ASC/Aquarius DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with an Aries Rising, Scorpio Rising, Pisces Rising, or Sagittarius Rising; meanwhile avoid Gemini Rising, Virgo Rising, Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Taurus Rising, & Libra Rising; Cancer Rising & Leo rising are neutral

  6. Virgo ASC/Pisces DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Leo Rising; meanwhile avoid Aries Rising, Scorpio Rising, Pisces Rising, Sagittarius Rising, & Cancer Rising; Taurus Rising, Libra Rising, Virgo Rising & Gemini Rising are neutral

  7. Libra ASC/Aries DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Virgo Rising, Gemini Rising, or Cancer Rising; meanwhile avoid Aries Rising, Scorpio Rising, Pisces Rising, Sagittarius Rising, & Leo Rising; Taurus Rising & Libra Rising are neutral

  8. Scorpio ASC/Taurus DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Cancer Rising, Pisces Rising, or Sagittarius Rising; meanwhile avoid Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Gemini Rising, Virgo Rising, Taurus Rising, & Libra Rising; Leo Rising, Aries Rising, & Scorpio Rising are neutral

  9. Sagittarius ASC/Gemini DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Scorpio Rising, Aries Rising, Leo Rising, Virgo Rising, or Gemini Rising; meanwhile avoid Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Taurus Rising, & Libra Rising; Sagittarius Rising, Pisces Rising & Cancer Rising are neutral

  10. Capricorn ASC/Cancer DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Libra Rising, Taurus Rising, Virgo Rising, or Gemini Rising; meanwhile avoid Sagittarius Rising, Pisces Rising, Cancer Rising, Scorpio Rising, & Aries Rising; Leo Rising and Capricorn Rising are neutral

  11. Aquarius ASC/Leo DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Libra Rising or Taurus Rising; meanwhile avoid Sagittarius Rising, Pisces Rising, Cancer Rising, Scorpio Rising, & Aries Rising; Leo Rising, Virgo Rising, Gemini Rising, & Aquarius Rising are neutral

  12. Pisces ASC/Virgo DSC: most auspicious relationships could be with a Cancer Rising, Scorpio Rising, or Aries Rising; meanwhile avoid Leo Rising, Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Libra Rising, Taurus Rising, Virgo Rising, & Gemini Rising; Sagittarius Rising & Pisces Rising are neutral

For the Soul Players: when meditating on the relationship between the Ascendent & Descendant, Spirit sent me the word "Incandescence".

Common definitions of this word are:

1) Incandescence is metaphorically to be full of emotion or passion

2) Incandescence literally is the emission of electromagnetic radiation from a hot body as a result of its high temperature. The term derives from the Latin verb incandescere, to glow white. A common use of incandescence is the incandescent light bulb, now being phased out. Incandescence is due to thermal radiation.

Immediately this makes me visualize the pure, healing white light of the Angelic Realms and higher Crown Chakra Sahasrara - the dimension or Loka in which the Higher Self vibrates. This energy also has a golden hue when I tune into it. For me this was personal Confirmation as to the perception that the Ascendant/Descendant is the Interface point of the Higher Self & Ego. Arroyo also draws our conscious awareness to the work of Jungian psychologist Patrick Harding triangulating the transcendent quality of the Rising Sign:

... we find the Ascendant taking up a position exactly, if the timing is really accurate, between life in the womb and life in the world outside it. It thus shows us the exact position of the timeless zone between the two. It would seem, therefore, that the timeless point may, and almost certainly does play some part in the stamping of the qualities of the rising sign upon the psyche of the child. If we take the Ascendant as the exact mid-point between the unconscious womb world and the conscious outer world, it would then seem logical that when these are in balance or in a state of timelessness, the trinitarian principle operates and the third member of the psyche “The Collective Unconscious” comes into play.

The Secret 3rd Thing #nonbinary #holytrinity #temperance

Within the collective unconscious there exist the Great Archetypes and there is some evidence to show that these are twelve in number and that they correspond to the symbolic images allocated to the signs of the zodiac … it seems natural then, that as the child passes through the timeless zone at the moment of birth, the active archetype of that period claims it for its own and impresses its qualities upon it.
Via “Time Alone Can Tell”, Journal of Astrological Studies, Vol. 1, pg. 193

For the curious witch/warlock/unicorn, here are also the root etymology meanings behind the word Incandescence. 1650s, figurative, "state of being 'inflamed,' " from French incandescence, from incandescent (see incandescent). Literal meaning "the condition of glowing from heat" is by 1794. incandescent (adj.) "glowing with heat, rendered luminous by heat," 1794, from French incandescent (18c.) or directly from Latin incandescentem (nominative incandescens), present participle of incandescere "become warm, glow, kindle," from in- "within" (from PIE root *en "in") + candescere "begin to glow, become white," inceptive of candere "to glow, to shine" (from PIE root *kand- "to shine"). In reference to electric light, from 1881. The verb incandesce (1838), originally in science, is perhaps a back-formation. *kand- also *kend-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to shine." It forms all or part of: candela; candelabrum; candescent; candid; candidate; candle; candor; chandelier; chandler; frankincense; incandescence; incandescent; incendiary; incense (n.) "substance producing a sweet smell when burned;" incense (v.1) "to provoke, anger." It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit cand- "to give light, shine," candra- "shining, glowing, moon;" Greek kandaros "coal;" Latin candere "to shine;" Welsh cann "white," Middle Irish condud "fuel." (via

Self-Study of your own RSC & Ascendant/Descendant placements are so important when determining potential compatibility or incompatibility.

I feel another reason some people are resistant to Astrology is because it very directly shows when someone is incompatible with your Soul Growth. Trust me on this one: nobody - especially somebody paying for a Reading - wants to hear when their chosen partner or latest Entanglement is energetically incompatible #truthhurts Deflecting the information or devaluing the Reader is the first general response, followed by Denial. Most married folks - no offense - are delusional and in toxic co-dependent relationships because they did not get a Birth Chart consultation prior to making their vows of bondage.

The cold, harsh truth for most partners when you cross-compare Charts is that they are incompatible as long-term Soul Mates. In fact incompatibility is rooted in the Subconscious desire to stay attached to someone familiar due to the Conscious fear of failure; which ultimately stagnates your growth because you are afraid of letting go, getting uncomfortable, and exploring the unknown. Why choose compromise and stay with one person you are incompatible with versus going out and exploring connection with new people you could be compatible with? Usually finances & kids make people stay.

People lie to themselves all the time saying, “This is my Soul Mate”, referring to their chosen partner when a true Karmic Connection often crosses your path when you least expect it.

Our Egos and Souls have very conflicting desires, usually. No judgment, but I find it laughable how emotionally immature Souls believe they can force and rush a 5D "Soul Mate" connection on dating apps with 3D timelines and relationship "tipping points". Nowadays so many 21st century people settle for a Casual Connection with someone they met online, someone whom is probably incompatible. Their Egos generally are self-delusional, believing that they have found "their Soul Mate" in an artificial algorithm. A dating app match is a Casual Connection, not a Karmic Connection.

The pressure to conform to Heteronormative Marriage #couplegoalsculture is a cancer plaguing the Soul

Your Ego certainly wants to choose your Soul Mate and schedule the perfect wedding - but maybe a real Soul Mate is more a matter of organic, messy, inconvenient Divine Timing.

The Universe rarely brings you want, it brings you what you need in order to level up, buttercups. The Universe also does not operate according to your desired schedule or our perceptions of linear time. So perhaps your Spirt Guides choose your Soul Mate/s for you at optimal points in the stages of your life in order to propel you into the uncomfortable Soul Growth you may subconsciously avoid. Karmic Connections are not all cotton candy, roses, butterflies, and diamond rings: a real Soul Mate will probably make you cry, question your sanity, and involve a long period of Separation after your paths initially cross.

Marriage is therefore often more an incompatible Ego Arrangement AKA Spiritual Sabotage stagnating Soul Growth.

The desire for control in life and over other humans - and then the belief that we even have control as a result - is ultimately an illusion of a fragile Ego. Repeat: control is an illusion. How ridiculous and entitled to assume you get to choose your 5D Soul Mate/s on a 2D screen! In my humble opinion, it is therefore very easy to confuse artificial Casual Connections for organic Karmic Connections when the Ego is stuck in thought patterns like, "Well this person checks off most of my desired qualities in my list of traits for calling in the One. So they pass the 3rd date tipping point and we can now proceed into phases two and three of my 4 year relationship plan. I've finally found a Soul Mate!" #ctrl

Incompatibility is a harsh reality that many people would rather remain in denial of within their relationships of convenience.

It is easy to believe in a facade, to maintain appearances by "Keeping Up With the Joneses". It is difficult to embark on the Path of Soul Growth AKA Individuation as Carl Jung dubbed it. This is why it is so important to get a Birth Chart consultation before you make any major life decisions like getting married to someone! I am not intending to instill fear, but the divorce rates speak volumes as to how incompatibility is a reality in our society. In ancient Matriarchal cultures, this was part of a good match-maker's communal function: to ensure that Harmony and Consciousness could flower by cross-comparing compatibility in the respective Soul's birth charts.

In Conclusion: Perhaps again the goal of any true Soul Mate connection is to foster interdependency and release Karma.

A true Karmic Connection is maybe a Soul coming back around in this Incarnation to resolve some loose ends in the Soul Contract. An interdependent - not co-dependent - relationship creates space or "breathing room" for each Soul to grow along their own Path as Sovereign individuals. If you claim to love someone, you should be able to let them go if their Journey requires so. Sometimes not living together 24/7 and sharing mutual support from afar is healthy. Sometimes our respective Soul Journeys require not becoming too attached to other people, because attachment is the root of all suffering in the wise words of The Buddha. So how do we love another Soul whilst practicing Spiritual Detachment? How do we enter into connection in a way that is not rooted in ownership over another human being (i.e. "My spouse", "My husband", "My wife", etc.)? How do we share Self-love with the Other as a means of creating more Love? All questions worthy of a few musings with no right or wrong answers. All I know is that Mutual Movement is always the true test of Confirmation when identifying the Beloved.



Treille Bon

AKA Flower Prince

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